结果 1-10 的 25
Lymphoscintigraphy in healthy dogs and dogs with experimentally created thoracic duct abnormalities.
Hodges C.C. | Fossum T.W. | Komkov A. | Hightower D.
Lymphoscintigraphic evaluation of the thoracic duct (TD) was performed in 10 healthy and 12 dogs with experimentally created TD abnormalities (6 dogs with TD lacerations and 6 dogs with cranial vena ligations). Complete imaging took 4 hours and caused no adverse effects or complications. Lymphoscintigraphy of healthy dogs failed to image the TD; however, background activity in the abdomen and thorax, and radioactivity in the kidneys, bladder, liver, and heart were noticed. Lacerations and transections of the TD were experimentally created, in 6 dogs to ascertain whether TD rupture could be detected with lymphoscintigraphy. Lymphoscintigraphy was performed within 48 hours of creating the TD defect. There was no significant difference in the scintigraphic pattern of healthy dogs and those with experimentally created TD defects. Ligation of the cranial vena cava was performed in 6 dogs; 3 dogs developed chylothorax. In those 3 dogs, diffuse radioactivity was imaged in the thorax and was compatible with thoracic lymphangiectasia. In one of these dogs, linear activity consistent with the TD and localized regions of radioactivity cranial to the heart (compatible with the mediastina lymph nodes) were noticed. Lymphoscintigraphic findings in these dogs correlated with lymphangiographic findings.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Biochemical analysis of normal articular cartilage in horses.
Vachon A.M. | Keeley F.W. | McIlwraith C.W. | Chapman P.
Articular cartilage specimens from the distal articular surface of 32 radiocarpal bones from 24 2- to 5-year-old horses were analyzed. The total collagen content was determined on the basis of the 4-hydroxyproline content, using a colorimetric method. A method for estimating the proportions of types-I and -II collagen by measuringspectrophotometric densities of specific cyanogen bromide peptide bands from mixtures of types-I and -II collagen on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels was used. The cyanogen bromide peptides representative of each collagen types-I and -II were identified. The peptide ratios were then computed for each of several standards of type-I and -II mixtures. A standard curve was derived from the correlation between these ratios and the corresponding proportions of type-II collagen in standard mixtures. Galactosamine and glucosamine content (hexosamines) were measured by ion chromatography. Thegalactosamine-to-glucosamine ratio, chondroitin sulfate and keratan sulfate values, and total glycosaminoglycan content were derived from the measured hexosamine content. The total collagen content averaged 556 mg/g (55.6 mg/100 mg) of tissue (dry weight, [dw]). Type-II collagen was the major collagen type in normal articular cartilage specimens. The ratio of the area under the alpha 1 (II)CB10 peak to the area under the alpha 1 (I)CB 7,8 + alpha 1 (II)CB11 peak was a second-order polynomial function of the proportion of type-II collagen in the specimens. The mean galactosamine and glucosamine content were 20.6 mg/g and 7.9 mg/g (dw), respectively. The meangalactosamine-to-glucosamine ratio was 3.74 +/- 0.62. Chondroitin sulfate values, keratan sulfate values, and total glycosaminoglycan content were 53.3 +/- 4.9 mg/g, 19.9 +/- 3.6 mg/g, and 73.2 +/- 7.9 mg/g (dw), respectively. There was no significant correlation between the age of the horses and any of the chemical values (P>0.1). The biochemical composition of articular cartilage in the horse is similar to that of other species.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Investigation of a listeriosis epizootic in sheep in New York state.
Wiedmann M. | Arvik T. | Bruce J.L. | Neubauer J. | Piero F. del | Smith M.C. | Hurley J. | Mohammed H.O. | Batt C.A.
Quantification of phenylbutazone in equine sera by use of high-performance liquid chromatography with a nonevaporative extraction technique.
Peck K.E. | Ray A.C. | Manuel G. | Rao M.M. | Foos J.
Comparative study of leptospiral strains ictero No. 1 and RGA by restriction endonuclease DNA analysis.
Hata K. | Yamaguchi T. | Ono E. | Yanagawa R.
Identification of Staphylococcus hyicus subsp hyicus of swine and poultry origin by API STAPH-IDENT system.
Park C.K.
Development of an enzyme immunoassay for determination of steroid hormones to improve the reproductive efficiency of domestic animals.
Choi H.S. | Kang B.K.
Acacia angustissima intoxication of Menz lambs requires two components
Brown, D.L. | Yimegnuhal, A. | McCrabb, G.J.
This study sought to determine if sheep suffer neurological symptoms when fed Acacia angustissima leaves, and whether an equivalent amount of 70% acetone extract would have the same effect. In addition, the study tried to determine if treatment of leaves with 70% acetone would destroy the activity of A. angustissima toxins, and whether extraction with 70% aqueous acetone extract would separate two components of a toxic system. Twenty-five Menz lambs were randomly assigned to one of five treatments (1) A angustissima leaves as half the diet, 2) dried extract (70% aqueous acetone) of the same quantity of leaves, 3) a corresponding amount of residues, 4) a recombination of the dried extract and dried residue, or (5) a control diet containing no A angustissima leaves or extract fractions. All animals fed the leaves and the recombined fractions died or were euthanized when they were observed to be dying of severe neurological derangement. None of the other animals showed any neurological signs of impairement. The results of this study indicate that healthy, well-fed sheep can be poisoned by A angustissima, that the toxins are not destroyed by acetone or oven drying, and that severe neurological intoxication requires two components, which can be separated by acetone extraction.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Restriction endonuclease analysis of a porcine isolate of bovine herpesvirus type I.
Varady E. | Tuboly T. | Derbyshire J.B.
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry of canine femurs with and without fracture fixation devices
Markel, M.D. | Bogdanske, J.J.
The effect of 5 fracture fixation methods on bone mineral density (BMD) measurement of femurs, using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was determined in a canine model. Six regions of interest were measured, including the entire femur, the diaphysis of the femur, and small regions centered over the middiaphysis of the bone (lateral middiaphyseal cortex, medial middiaphyseal cortex, middiaphyseal medullary canal, and total middiaphysis). Eight unpaired femurs were collected and scanned by use of DXA before (5 separate scans/femur) and after (5 separate scans/femur) fixation by use of 1 of 5 fixation methods. These fixation methods included: intramedullary (IM) nail: IM nail and cerclage wires; IM nail and external skeletal fixation.; locked IM nail; and a dynamic compression plate (DCP). All implants were made of stainless steel. The IM nail fixation devices caused significant decreases in the DXA measurement of BMD in the small regions of interest, compared with femurs without fixation devices (mean decrease, 37.3%; P < 0.05). The locked nail caused similar, but larger, decreases in the DXA measurement of BMD, compared with the IM nail fixation methods (P < 0.05). Plate fixation caused a small, but significant (P < 0.05), decrease (2.8%) in the DXA measurement of BMD in the large regions of interest, but when all regions were averaged, it did not cause significant change in this measurement, compared with femurs without fixation devices. Plate fixation caused a large change in the DXA measurement of BMD in 1 region only in the lateral cortical bone under the plate where the DXA measurement of BMD was increased 13.3% over that in femurs without fixation devices (P < 0.05). In femurs without fixation devices, the precision error ranged from 0.5% for large regions of interest to 2.4% for small regions of interest. None of the fixation methods altered the precision error of large regions of interest (P > 0.05). In contrast, the precision errors of the small regions of interest were increased by the IM fixation methods and the locked IM nail, When all regions were combined, IM fixation methods caused significant (P < 0.05) increase in the precision error, compared with femurs without fixation devices (mean increase, 157%; range, 121 to 193%). Plate fixation did not change the precision error of any region of interest, compared with femurs without fixation devices (P > 0.05; power = 0.8 at delta = 64%).
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