结果 1-10 的 16
Investigation on performance of different age and gender using biochemical profile of horses during 120 km endurance race
Noraniza M. A. | Lawan A. | Rasedee A. | Bashir A.
Exercise-induced changes of pro-oxidant generating substances and muscle fibre damaging enzymes are the possible causes of reduced performance in endurance horses. Therefore, this study aims to investigate on the performance of different age and gender using biochemical profile of endurance horses during 120 km endurance race. One hundred and eighty four Arabian endurance horses were physically examined and blood samples were collected post-race.
After physical examination, the MD (F, n= 44; G, n = 86) and SC (F, n = 20; G, n = 34) were identified. T-test and pairwise correlation were used for the analysis. There were significant differences in
CK, uric acid, lactate and age (P<0.0001) respectively between the gender in the MD and SC. There were significant differences in AST (P<0.0029) and GGT (P<0.0039) respectively between the gender in the
MD and SC. In conclusion age and gender significantly affect performance of endurance horses in relation to biochemical profile during 120 km endurance race. Therefore, further studies are required to determine if age, gender and biochemical profile could be used to assess performance in endurance horses.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Биохимические показатели сыворотки крови у телят на фоне применения пробиотического препарата Билавет С
Kavrus, M.A. | Kozel, L.S. | Mikhalyuk, A.N., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were studied biochemical indexes of calf blood serum against the background of application of probiotic preparations Bilavet C. Results of research showed that administration of probiotic preparations from the first day till the six day and from the fourteenth day till the nineteenth day of calf life with the preventive purpose rendered the simulative influence on indexes of natural resistance, which were accompanied with the increasing of total protein quantity in blood on 2,9-5,9%, as well as the increasing of protein fractions, in particular, globulin-rich fraction on 4,2-6,4%. Administration of probiotic preparation Bilavet С to calves rendered the positive influence on blood biochemical indexes, promoted the uptaking and better accumulation of mineral substances: content of crude calcium, inorganic phosphorus, magnesium, iron increased on 15,3%, 10,5%, 13,2% and 3,6%, respectively.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Обменные десинхронозы у телят с респираторными заболеваниями и их коррекция
Kovzov, V.V. | Labkovich, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were studied circadian rhythms of some haemotological and biochemical blood indexes of clinically healthy calves and calves with a respiratory syndrome. There was analyzed the efficiency of administration a new complex mineral preparation CMP for correction of internal desynchronoses in complex therapy of calves with respiratory pathologies. Diseases of calves with a respiratory syndrome were accompanied by infringements of circadian fluctuations rhythm (internal desynchronosis) of haemotological and biochemical blood indexes. Application of an antimicrobial preparation Ampicillin for treatment of respiratory diseases of calves promoted the recovery of calves. Introduction of CМP preparation into therapeutic regimen of calves with respiratory syndrome proved to be rather effective; it promoted the correction of metabolic desynchronoses which accompanied the basic disease. Combined application of CМP and Ampicillin made it possible to speed up the clinical recovery of calves and on 30% to prevent animal mortality.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Сравнительная эффективность различных способов профилактики стресса у телят при обезроживании
Belyavskij, V.N. | Gudz, V.P., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
The effectiveness of stress prevention with use of sedative remedy Xyla in a complex with preparations Ascorbic acid with glucose, Aesel and Katosal, which improve adaptation, was researched. Application of a complex of neurotropic and adaptogenic preparations before and after dehorning promoted softening of stressful influence, that in turn has positively affected the general condition of animals and intensity of growth. Comparative test of four schemes of preventive maintenance of negative consequences of the stress caused calf dehorning, has shown their high efficiency. However more expressed stimulating influence on intensity of metabolism, antioxidant status, natural resistance, adaptation to action of stresses-factors and rates of a body weight gain were rendered by the scheme with use of preparations Aesel, Ascorbic acid with glucose and Ksila
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Пребиотические препараты в профилактике и терапии заболеваний новорожденных телят с диарейным синдромом
Boroznov, S.P., Belptitseprom (Belarus)
The diseases of newborn calves with a diarrhea syndrome are the most often registered. Application of the prebiotic preparations Biofon and Biofon-AIL to newborn calves daily with colostrum, milk or water in a dose of 20 ml within 20 days, allows to normalize intestinal digestion of an organism of young growth of calves at the expense of activization of microbiocenosis, stimulates metabolism and nonspecific resistance. Use of prebiotics allows to lower disease of young growth at Biofon application on 20%, Biofon-AIL - on 30% and to increase daily average additional weight gain of calves accordingly on 10,4% and 15,9%. Medical and preventive efficiency of application of prebiotic and probiotic preparations at enteritises at calves reaches 80-90%. Prebiotic preparations Biofon and Biofon-AIL make active nonspecific humoral immunity and exchange processes at newborn calves and can successfully be used for preventive maintenance and therapy of diseases of newborn calves with a diarrhea syndrome | У новорожденных телят наиболее часто регистрируются заболевания с диарейным синдромом. Применение пребиотических препаратов Биофон и Биофон АИЛ новорожденным телятам ежедневно с молозивом, молоком или водой в дозе 20 мл в течение 20 дней, позволяет нормализовать кишечное пищеварение организма молодняка за счет активизации микробиоценоза, стимулируют обмен веществ и неспецифическую резистентность. Использование пребиотиков позволяет снизить заболеваемость молодняка при применении биофона -на 20%, биофона-АИЛ - на 30% и увеличить среднесуточные привесы массы телят соответственно на 10,4% и 15,9%. Лечебная и профилактическая эффективность применения пребиотических и пробиотических препаратов при энтеритах у телят достигает 80-90%. Пребиотики Биофон и Биофон АИЛ активизируют неспецифический гуморальный иммунитет и обменные процессы у новорожденных телят и могут успешно использоваться для профилактики и терапии заболеваний новорожденных телят с диарейным синдромом
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Биохимические методы в гепатологии крупного рогатого скота
Kholod, V.M. | Soboleva, Yu.G., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was made a hepatospecific metabolic profile of cattle blood serum for complex appraisal of liver functional condition. Age-specific peculiarities of biochemical indices including the composition of hepatospecific metabolic profile of cattle blood serum were revealed. On the basis of obtained results there were calculated the appropriate correction coefficients which must be taken into consideration in objective interpretation of laboratory research.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Использование экологически безопасных препаратов для дезинфекции птичников и повышения сохранности цыплят-бройлеров
Gotovskij, D.G., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The modern technology applied on poultry enterprises of the Republic of Belarus made provision for high concentration of poultry population density at the comparatively small housing areas of integrated poultry farms which caused the deterioration of sanitary conditions in poultry houses, especially by the end of the growing period. Broiler chickens grown under such conditions were constantly experiencing the microbe stress which eventually caused the heightened culling and poultry losses caused by different diseases caused both by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. For the current disinfection in presence of poultry it was proposed to use sprayings with malic and succinic acids, which made it possible to realize not only the air sanation in poultry houses, but also increase broiler chicken viability. The highest bactericidal activity of apple acid aerosol against air microflora was stated within 3 hours after carrying out indoors treatment. After disinfection the general microbic air contamination decreased in 2-10 times, quantity of microorganisms of colimorphic groups and staphilococcus in 1,4-1,75 and 2-10 times, respectively, in comparison with the original air values realized before air treatment in poultry houses. In the following, there was stated the gradual increase of a level of microbic air contamination within 24 hours. The best effect of the preparation was stated against Staphylococcus. Thus, the quantity of Staphylococcus in air decreased in 10 times in comparison with initial data
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Проявление хламидиозного эндометрита у крупного рогатого скота
Fomchenko, I.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The increasing number of diseases with urogenital chlamydiosis became a serious problem for the modern veterinary science. The importance of urogenital clamidiosis in the infectious pathology of animals was presented by the direct multifocal affect of urogenital system and after-effects of a disease influencing the reproductive function, as well as the potential hazard of its transformation into a source of chlamydia infections of other localization. In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus the chlamydial endometritis of cattle in the majority of cases was associated with Staphylococcus aureus in 25,7% of cows. Chlamydial endometritis of cows was usually preceded by: embryotocia (9,9%), pathological calving (4,4%), retention of placenta (14,8%), subinvolution of uterus (27,1%). The biochemical tests in trial group showed the 23% decrease of carotin on twofold decrease vitamin A. In course of the immunologic studies it was established, that dilution of A class immunoglobulins was on 31% higher in animals of a trial group in comparison with the control group. The level of IgG immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M slightly differed between groups
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Биохимические показатели плазмы крови цыплят, вакцинированных против ИББ, на фоне применения препаратов лития
Alisejko, E.A. | Gromov, I.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Orlova, O.V., Republic Scientific-Practical Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics (Belarus)
Influence of inorganic and organic salts of lithium on activity of amplifiers and concentration of metabolites in plasma of chicken blood in the process of vaccination against infectious bursal disease was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. After administration of lithium of citrate, sulfate and succinate there were noted the metabolic disorders. Research results testified that a dry live-viral vaccine on the basis of a strain KMIEhV-61 did not render essential influence on biochemical indicators of blood plasma. At the same time, immunization of chickens against application of salts of lithium (carbonate, sulphate, citrate, succinate) caused to authentic decrease in activity of alanine aminotransferase that testified to function oppression of hepatocytes. Application of lithium of citrate, sulfate and succinate made it possible to considerably increase the concentration of uric acid that was connected, apparently, with infringement of secretory function of kidneys. Metabolic disorders were observed in various terms of research - at 3, 7 and 14 days after vaccine administration. | Изучено влияние неорганических и органических солей лития на активность индикаторных ферментов и концентрацию метаболитов в плазме крови цыплят при вакцинации против инфекционной бурсальной болезни (ИББ). Выявлены метаболические нарушения при использовании лития цитрата, сульфата и сукцината. Полученные результаты исследований свидетельствуют о том, что сухая живая вирус-вакцина из штамма КМИЭВ-61 не оказывает существенного влияния на биохимические показатели плазмы крови. В то же время иммунизация цыплят на фоне применения солей лития (карбонат, сульфат, цитрат, сукцинат) приводит к достоверному снижению активности АлТ, что свидетельствует об угнетении функции гепатоцитов. Применение лития цитрата, сульфата и сукцината способствует также достоверному повышению концентрации мочевой кислоты, что связано, по-видимому, с нарушением выделительной функции почек. Метаболические нарушения наблюдаются в различные сроки исследований - на 3, 7 и 14 дни после введения вакцины.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Активность гепатоспецифических ферментов сыворотки крови бычков на откорме при применении цинксодержащих препаратов
Kovalenok, Yu.K. | Kotovich, I.V. | Golub, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the activity of hepatic specific enzymes of blood serum of bull calves of black-and-white breed in course of application of various doses of zinc-containing preparations. Application of zinc-containing preparations led to multidirectional change of activity of hepatic specific serum enzymes. Application of Zinkovet preparation in dose of 1,8 g/100 kg of live weight made it possible to essentially grade the indexes of hepatic tissue affect. In the experimental group at animals there was marked the lowering in activity alanine-aminotransferase, serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. At the same time, there was noted the increasing of zinc-containing enzymes activity (sorbitol dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase). All these processes were caused by zinc inclusion into the metabolic process.
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