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Biometric study of the head region of the Darehshori horse
Shojaei, Bahador | Sajjadian, Seyed Mohsen | Soleiman Poor Moghadam, Morteza
BACKGROUND: Considering differences in head size and shape of different Equine breeds, biometric parameters can be an attribute to a particular race. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present paper is to give a numerical definition of morphological characteristics of head region of the Darehshori horse. METHODS: Twenty mature Darehshori horses were studied biometrically. The ear length, ears distance, eyes distance, head length, lateral head length, head width, rostrum length, distance between two mandibles and lateral face length were measured and the averages were calculated. RESULTS: The average of the related characters were as follow; ear length 16.89, ears distance 12.12, eyes distance 15.79, head length 55.26, lateral head length 49.33, head width 20.42, rostrum length 23.68, distance between two mandibles 10.82 and lateral face length 39.88 centimeter. CONLUSIONS: The coefficient of variation of these characters showed that the head length, lateral face length and lateral head length are more reliable characters than the other indices in characterizing the Darehshori horse.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A simple nonlinear model for estimating obturator foramen area in young bovines
Pares-Casanova, P.M., University of Lleida, 25198 Lleida, Spain
The aim of this study was to produce a simple and inexpensive technique for estimating the obturator foramen area (OFA) from young calves based on the hypothesis that OFA can be extrapolated from simple linear measurements. Three linear measurements - dorsoventral height, craneocaudal width and total perimeter of obturator foramen - were obtained from 55 bovine hemicoxae. Different algorithms for determining OFA were then produced with a regression analysis (curve fitting) and statistical analysis software. The most simple equation was OFA (mm2) = [3,150.538 + (36.111*CW)] − [147,856.033/DH] (where CW = craneocaudal width and DH = dorsoventral height, both in mm), representing a good nonlinear model with a standard deviation of error for the estimate of 232.44 and a coefficient of multiple determination of 0.846. This formula may be helpful as a repeatable and easily performed estimation of the obturator foramen area in young bovines. The area of the obturator foramen magnum can thus be estimated using this regression formula.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Comparative ovarian biometry and oocyte retrieval methods in pig
Biswajit saikia | Soumen Naskar | Yoya vashi | Santanu Banik | Rajendran Thomas | Ajay Kumar Singh | Dilip Kumar Sarma | Sujoy Kumar Dhara
Biometry and follicular parameters of porcine ovaries sourced from organized and unorganized-slaughterhouses and relative comparison of oocyte retrieval methods, namely aspiration and slicing, are reported in the present study. Average length and width of the ovaries, and numbers of surface and cystic follicles were higher in ovaries sourced from organized slaughterhouses. Average number of oocytes recovered per ovary by slicing (12.93±1.49) was significantly higher (P<0.01) than aspiration (6.36±1.02). However, aspiration yielded higher percentage (65.21±5.71) of good quality oocytes (A) (P<0.01) suitable for upstream applications of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Further, our study reveals that ovaries sourced from unorganized slaughterhouses can also be used for ART, and use of aspiration method may yield better quality oocytes.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Use of biometry and keratometry for determining optimal power of intraocular lens implants in dogs
Gaiddon, J. | Rosolen, S.G. | Steru, L. | Cook, C.S. | Peiffer, R. Jr
Axial length and corneal curvature were determined by use of A-scan ultrasonography and keratometry on both eyes of dogs of various breeds, sizes, and ages. Mean axial length was 20.43 +/- 1.48 mm; axial length was not related to age or sex, but was significantly greater (P = 0.047) in dogs of larger breeds. Mean corneal curvature was 39.94 +/- 2.61 diopters. Dogs of large breeds had significantly (P < 0.001) flatter corneas. Mild, roughly symmetric astigmatism was detected in a majority of dogs. Use of mean values in a theoretic artificial intraocular lens power equation suggests that aphakic dogs require an implant of approximately 40 diopters to achieve emmetropia.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ultrasonographic and biometric evaluation of the eye and orbit of dogs
Cottrill, N.B. | Banks, W.J. | Pechman, R.D.
The normal B-scan ultrasonographic anatomic features of the eye and orbit of mesocephalic and dolichocephalic dogs were described. The B-scan appearance of ocular and orbital structures correlated well with the visual morphologic features of the specimens. The eyes of mesocephalic and dolichocephalic dogs were measured by use of ultrasonographic methods; those measurements were compared with direct measurements of the specimens. The 2-tailed Student t-test was used for all statistical analyses (P = 0.05). Measurements made included mid-cornea to anterior lens surface, lens thickness, vitreous body (posterior lens surface to retina), and axial globe length. The A-scan measurements of all 4 ocular distances were significantly different, compared with direct measurements. The B-scan measurements of mid-cornea to anterior lens surface, lens thickness, and vitreous body were significantly different from direct measurements; however, there was no significant difference between B-scan and direct measurements of axial globe length. There was no significant difference between A- and B-scan measurements. These findings suggest that A- and B-scan measurements are similar and that B-scan measurements are reasonably accurate for axial globe determination. Several variables were compared by B-scan and direct measurement methods. The axial globe length of dolichocephalic dogs was significantly longer than that of mesocephalic dogs. The axial globe length of male and female dogs was not significantly different in mescephalic or dolichocephalic dogs. There was no difference in the axial globe length of right and left eyes in mesocephalic or dolichocephalic dogs.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Evaluation of hindlimb mechanical axis by using single-plane fluoroscopy in beagle dogs
Kim, B. (Chungnam National University, Daejeon (Korea). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Yoon, J. | Lee, H.
Biometrical and histomorphometrical changes of testis in the dynamics of postnatal ontogenesis from birth to puberty of Black Bengal goat
Md. Royhan Gofur | Md. Sheikh Sadi | Shabnaz Aktar | Afia Khatun | Md. Abdul Awal | Md. Emtiaj Alam | Shah Md. Abdur Rauf | Koiochi Matsuo
Objectives: The study aimed to account for baseline biometrical and histomorphometric testicu¬lar changes in Black Bengal goats during postnatal development. Materials and Methods: Black Bengal goats, divided into group I of VII; day 0; 1, 2 weeks; 1, 2, 4, and 6 months of age, respectively, were used in this study. Results: The biometrical and histomorphometric values of the testis varied significantly (p < 0.05) from postnatal 1–2 months. From day 0 to 2 months, seminiferous tubules, called sex cords, contained simply peripherally placed Sertoli cells and centrally placed gonocytes. Gonocytes, posi¬tioned in the center, moved centrifugally in the direction of the basement membrane of sex cords with the advancement of age, transformed into prespermatogonia, and were distributed among the Sertoli cells at the edge of sex cords that make up the basal cell layer in nearly all of the sem¬iniferous tubules by 2 months after birth. Initiation of spermatogenesis, i.e., stratification and lumination of seminiferous epithelium, took place in the 4th months. At 6 months, all types of spermatogenic cells had been identified. The onset of puberty, i.e., the establishment of sper¬matogenesis, was noticed to have been established at 6 months of postnatal age in Black Bengal goats, as shown by the spermatozoa that were adhered to the ad luminal border of the Sertoli cells and also in the tubular lumen. Conclusion: This research is the first to document the varying biometrical and histomorphometric measurements of the testis in Black Bengal goats from birth to puberty. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2023; 10(2.000): 237-243]
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Testicular features of semi-confined Nellore bulls subjected to immunocastration
Luciana da Silva Leal Karolewski | Valmir Fernandes | Leonardo Acácio Ferreira de Souza | Gustavo de Freitas Baise | Ranulfo Piau Júnior | Rita de Cássia Lima Ribeiro
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of immunocastration on the scrotal circumference, as well as in the macroscopic and microscopic testicular features in Nellore bulls bred under a semi-confining system for 91 days. Sixty animals were divided into two groups: 30 intact animals (non-vaccinated) and 30 immunocastrated animals. The immunocastrated animals were treated with two anti-GnRH vaccine doses (BoprivaTM - Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd). The scrotal circumference (SC) was measured on days 0 and 56. Testicular parameters: biometry traits (length, width, and height – cm; volume – cm3 ) and weight (g) was measured on day 91. Three testicles from each group were histologically processed to find the seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness (µm). Data were analyzed in the Minitab® 19 statistical software. The macroscopic features (SC, and testes weight, volume, length, width, and height) and the microscopic features (seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness) were compared between the two groups through Student’s t-test and Mann-Whitney test. All the values were lower (p<0.05) in animals immunized against GnRH, except for the right testis width and seminiferous tubule diameter. Results indicate that immunization against GnRH affected testicular development.
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