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Rumen paramphistomosis in Bos indicus from a sample received by Veterinary Research Institute of Ipoh, Perak
Azima L. Erwanas A. | Premalatha B. | Sohayati A. R. | Debbra M. | Nurulaini R.
This case report describes paramphistomosis from the rumen ofan infected 3-year-old Bos indicus or also known as Zebu cattle that was sent to the Veterinary Research Institute (VRI), Ipoh,Perak for post-mortem examination with a history of a sudden death. On post-mortem, it was found that the rumen contents hada large number of pink, pear shaped flukes, which measured about 1 cm in length attached to the rumen wall. On performing the sedimentation technique on the rumen contents, operculated eggs with germ cells were observed microscopically under compound microscope with a magnification of 100×. Regular screening of cattle for flukes is an important part of parasite controlprogrammes especially in endemic areas as it can cause anaemia and deterioration in body condition.
T. Sreemannarayana | M. Mutha rao | N.R. Srikanth | S.P. Kurati
The present study was aimed to assess the efficacy of oocyte retrieval through transvaginal ovum pick-up (OPU) in Ongole (Bos indicus) cows. Cows (n=18) were divided in to two equal groups; cows in group 1 cows were subjected to two OPU sessions (OPU1 and OPU2) at 96 h interval irrespective of the stage of estrus cycle. Cows of group 2 were subjected to FSH pre-stimulation before OPU 1 followed by OPU 2, 96h later. Thus, a total of 36 OPU sessions were performed on 18 animals. The number of follicles available for aspiration (17.89 ± 1.78 vs 27.06 ± 1.75), number of medium (4 – < 8 mm; 4.11 ± 0.69 vs 16.00 ± 1.76) and large follicles (≥ 8mm; 1.06 ± 0.23 vs 6.33 ± 0.79), follicles aspirated (11.95 ± 1.42 vs 17.45 ± 2.07), COCs recovered (5.72 ± 0.78 vs 10.06 ± 1.78), and viable COCs collected (4.23 ± 0.67vs 8.34 ± 1.79) were significantly higher in group 2 than in group 1.The mean number of follicles aspirated, the mean oocyte recovery and the viable oocytes collected were significantly higher at OPU 1 in both the groups than at OPU 2. It was concluded that pre-treatment with FSH increased the OPU efficiency in terms of oocyte yield and viable oocytes collected. OPU 2 performed at shorter interval after OPU 1 is not advantageous due to limited number of follicles available for aspiration at OPU 2 and consequently, reduced oocyte recovery.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Characterization in Two Indonesian Bos indicus Cattle Breeds Based on Morphometrical Measurements
Putra, Widya Pintaka Bayu | Hilmawan, Fiqy | Arifin, Johar
The aim of this study was carried out to obtain the discriminant variables between Pasundan and Ongole bulls through morphometrical measurements. Six morphometric traits of chest girth (CG), withers height (WH), body length (BL), chest depth (CD), hip height (HH) and rump width (RW) were performed in this study. Total of 110 bulls (72 Pasundan and 38 Ongole) from West Java Province of Indonesia were used in this study.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Identification of Toxocara vitulorum eggs in a calf
Saudah S. | Norhamizah A. H. | Fazly Ann Za
The follicle characteristic and immature oocyte quality obtained from repeated transvaginal oocyte retrieval in Bos indicus beef cows
Izuan Bahtiar A. J. | Ahmad J. | Saadiah J. | Azizah A. | Ahmad Nazri A. R.
The development and availability of follicles is an indicator to predict which of the follicle sizes are suitable to recover the oocytes assisted by means of ultrasonography of transvaginal oocyte retrieval (OPU). Thus, the study was done in order to characterize the follicular recruitment and distribution in response to the repeated removal of follicles, and thus to determine the availability of follicles and immature oocytes harvested repeatedlyfor two consecutive days of OPU in beef cows. Results indicated that 24-h OPU showed significantly greater numbers of medium and large follicles than small categories (P<0.05). However the 48-hr of OPU does not showed any differences of follicles categories (P>0.05). The mean total number of follicles and immature oocytes recovered were higher (P<0.05) in 24-hr OPU (13.76±1.2 and 7.38 ± 1.7) compared to 48-hr OPU (9.08 ± 1.5 and 3.54 ± 1.00) with the oocyte retrieval rate of 51.22% and 38.17%, respectively. The morphological classification indicated the 24-hr oocyte retrieval produced 62% of suitable immature oocytes that can be used for in vitro embryo production. In conclusion, the repeated removal of two consecutive days of OPU has averted the development of dominant follicle, and thus, gave an atmosphere to the subordinate follicles to continue growth relatively to an equal proportion of small, medium and large categories of follicles. Due to the reduction of follicle and recovery rate at 48-hr it is suggested that OPU be carried out later than 48 hour so that the follicle has more time to increase the diameter size.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Genetic polymorphism of myostatin gene in Sumba Ongole (Bos indicus) cattle and its association with growth traits
Cynthia Dewi Gaina | Filphin Adolfin Amalo
Objective: As one of the most valuable genetic resources of Ongole beef cattle globally, the Sumba Ongole (SO) cattle population is being studied in this investigation of myostatin (MSTN) gene polymorphism and its association with growth traits. Materials and Methods: Blood samples from 161 SO cattle were collected and analyzed. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was isolated. The DNA was electrophoresed and extracted, and finally, the annealing temperature was optimized, followed by amplification and sequencing. Next, we used a Basic local alignment search tool to assess the sequencing data. Results: The analysis revealed 22 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the MSTN gene in this region that showed genetic variation. Two SNPs, c.424 G > A, and c.467 G > C, were found to be significantly associated with SO cattle phenotypes of wither height, heart girth, and hip height (p < 0.05) but not with body weight or body length (p > 0.05). Conclusion: As a result of our findings, the MSTN gene polymorphism and its correlation with growth traits in SO cattle may be employed as a candidate marker in SO cattle and other beef cattle breeds. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2022; 9(4.000): 565-572]
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Low versus high antral follicle count on the fertility of timed AI Nelore heifers
Jair Sábio de Oliveira Junior | George Moreira da Silva | Elizângela Mirian Moreira | Vanessa Rachele Ribeiro Nunes | Fábio Morotti | Evelyn Rabelo Andrade | Marcelo Marcondes Seneda | Luiz Francisco Machado Pfeifer
This study aimed to determine the effect of antral follicle count (AFC), and pubertal status on the fertility of beef heifers. In this study, 230 Nelore heifers, 20±2 months of age, were subjected to an estradiol progesterone-based timed artificial insemination (TAI) program. On Day 0 of the TAI protocol, the heifers were examined by transrectal ultrasound to record videos of the ovaries. Later, in the darkroom of the laboratory of images, the videos were analyzed for AFC (≥ 3 mm) of each ovary. Females who failed the first TAI were resynchronized with the same hormonal protocol. The pregnancy status was evaluated by ultrasonography 30 days after each FTAI. The general mean of the AFC was 22.0 follicles. Thus, the heifers were divided into 2 groups according to AFC: Low AFC (˂ 22 follicles, n = 114), and High AFC (≥ 22 follicles, n = 116). No differences (P > 0.05) in the pregnancy per AI (P/AI) were observed between the Low and High AFC groups, and between pubertal and prepubertal categories. The P/AI was not different between heifers that displayed or did not estrus (P = 0.2). However, considering the estrus response of each AFC group, High AFC heifers that displayed estrus had greater P/AI (P = 0.01) than High AFC heifers that did not display estrus. In summary, AFC and pubertal status did not affect the fertility of Nelore heifers. In contrast, the P/AI of heifers that did not display estrus was lower than heifers observed in estrus only in the High AFC group.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Concentração de testosterona em um bovino Bos Indicus com varicocele bilateral: relato de caso
Marion Burkhardt Koivisto | Maria Cristina Rui Luvizotto | Guilherme Padua Nogueira | Wilter Ricardo Russiano Vicente | Marcelo Tadeu Alvarenga Costa
Um reprodutor bovino, Bos indicus, com varicocele bilateral detectado por palpação e ultra-sonografia foi acompanhado por um período de 24 meses quanto à biometria testicular, valores espermáticos e concentração de testosterona comparados entre as estações do ano e outros animais da mesma espécie. As alterações morfológicas dos defeitos maiores e menores não variaram entre o touro com a patologia e os demais touros, no entanto, durante o verão o touro com varicocele apresentou maior percentual de defeitos totais se comparado aos demais touros da mesma espécie (49,86%±6,9 e 27,91%±2,9). O animal apresentou maior percentual de defeitos maiores no verão se comparado às outras estações do ano. Os achados de necrópsia confirmaram o diagnóstico clínico. Pode-se concluir que esta patologia, caracterizada por trombose nos vasos do cordão espermático, comprometeu a termoregulação determinando degeneração testicular severa. O aumento das concentrações de testosterona sérica sugerem a diminuição da retenção de esteroides nos testículos pelo plexo pampiniforme, a produção espermática estava anormal.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Testosterone concentration in a bovine Bos indicus with bilateral varicocele: case report | Concentração de testosterona em um bovino Bos Indicus com varicocele bilateral: relato de caso
Marion Burkhardt Koivisto | Maria Cristina Rui Luvizotto | Guilherme Padua Nogueira | Wilter Ricardo Russiano Vicente | Marcelo Tadeu Alvarenga Costa
A bovine, Bos indicus, with bilateral varicocele diagnosticed by palpation and ultrasound observation was observed during 24 months measuring scrotal circumference, semen quality, testosterone concentrations comparing with seasonal variation and other animals of the same species. The abnormal morphology of major defects and minor defects didn't change between the bull and the other animals, however, the total defects were higher during the summer in the bull with varicocele (49,9%±6,9) when compared with the other bulls (27,9%±2,9). The animal showed higher percentage of major defects during the summer, comparing with the other seasons of the year. For the animal with varicocele testosterone levels were significantly higher during the different season's of the year, whereas decreasing levels in the summer were seen in all Bos indicus. The clinical diagnostic was confirmed by necropsy. This pathology, characterized by a bilateral varicocele with thrombosis of the spermatic cord vessels, showed that the thermoregulation suffered establishing severe testicular degeneration. As seric testosterone increased suggesting lack of steroid retention at the testicle by the pampiniform plexus, the sperm production was abnormal. | Um reprodutor bovino, Bos indicus, com varicocele bilateral detectado por palpação e ultra-sonografia foi acompanhado por um período de 24 meses quanto à biometria testicular, valores espermáticos e concentração de testosterona comparados entre as estações do ano e outros animais da mesma espécie. As alterações morfológicas dos defeitos maiores e menores não variaram entre o touro com a patologia e os demais touros, no entanto, durante o verão o touro com varicocele apresentou maior percentual de defeitos totais se comparado aos demais touros da mesma espécie (49,86%±6,9 e 27,91%±2,9). O animal apresentou maior percentual de defeitos maiores no verão se comparado às outras estações do ano. Os achados de necrópsia confirmaram o diagnóstico clínico. Pode-se concluir que esta patologia, caracterizada por trombose nos vasos do cordão espermático, comprometeu a termoregulação determinando degeneração testicular severa. O aumento das concentrações de testosterona sérica sugerem a diminuição da retenção de esteroides nos testículos pelo plexo pampiniforme, a produção espermática estava anormal.
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