结果 1-10 的 11
Effect of reproductive disorders and parity on repeat breeder status and culling of dairy cows in Quebec
Bonneville-Hébert, Ariane | Bouchard, Emile | Du Tremblay, Denis | Lefebvre, Réjean
This study quantified the effect of peripartum reproductive disorders and parity on repeat breeder status and involuntary culling of dairy cows. Reproductive data of 418 383 lactations were taken from a computerized databank of health records for dairy cows. A logistic regression model was used with dystocia, retained placenta (RP), metritis complex, and parity as fixed effect risk factors and herd entered as the random effect. Of the peripartum problems studied, dystocia had the greatest effect on future fertility. Dystocia increased the odds of a cow being a repeat breeder by 44% [odds ratio (OR): 1.44; confidence interval (CI): 1.37 to 1.51]. Compared to first-parity cows, cows in second, third, and fourth parities had significantly higher odds of being a repeat breeder: 18% (OR: 1.18; CI: 1.16 to 1.20); 24% (OR: 1.24; CI: 1.21 to 1.26); and 42% (OR: 1.42; CI: 1.39 to 1.45), respectively. The odds for second-, third-, or fourth-parity repeat breeders being culled were 24% (OR: 1.24; CI: 1.20 to 1.28); 39% (OR: 1.39; CI: 1.35 to 1.43); and 67% (OR: 1.67; CI: 1.62 to 1.71) respectively, while peripartum reproductive problems had less of an effect.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Intussusception of the uterine horn associated with dystocia in a Thoroughbred broodmare
Yang, J.H.;Yang, Y.J.(Korea Racing Association, Jeju, Republic of Korea) | Kim, H.S.;Kang, T.Y.;Lim, Y.K.(Cheju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea)E-mail:yklim@cheju.ac.kr | Chuong, Pham Duc(Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry)
Horses that have been retired from racing or imported from abroad are retired as broodmares. Whether at private farms or government institutes they are bred to stallions with the aim of improving fertility and enhancing the breed. Accidental deaths as a result of surgical or obstetrical complications lead to decreased productivity and economic losses to the horse breeding industry. Intussusception of the uterine horn is a frequent complication of the equine and bovine species, but rarely seen in other species. The most common causes are thought to be tearing of the placenta which is suspended from the uterus and ovaries and the weight of the placenta.
S. Rangasamy | S. Sathishkumar | J. Umamageswari | R. Sureshkumar | D. Reena | S. Alagar
This case report details the episiotomy approach employed in managing vulval hypoplasia in a two year old Miniature Pomeranian bitch. The animal was presented to the Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrical Unit, Madras Veterinary College, displaying a history of greenish black discharge and continuous straining for two hours. The animal was bred before 64 days. Physical examination revealed a small vaginal opening, measuring approximately 1.5 cm in length. Digital examination indicated fetal hind limbs and tail extending into the vaginal passage, while all other vital parameters were within the normal range. Attempts to induce uterine contractions using Inj. Oxytocin and 10 % Calcium gluconate in 5 % DNS proved unsuccessful. Therefore, under local anesthesia (2 % Lignocaine injection), median episiotomy was made and a single live male puppy was successfully delivered with mild traction. Closure of the incision site was accomplished using PGA 1/0 with a simple interrupted suture pattern. The patient had uneventful recovery after 5 day treatment regimen, involving a single dose of subcutaneous Inj. Cefovecin (antibiotic) and anti-inflammatory drugs, along with meticulous wound management.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The effect of dystocia on physiological and behavioral characteristics related to vitality and passive transfer of immunoglobulins in newborn Holstein calves
Murray, Christine F. | Veira, Doug M. | Nadalin, Audrey L. | Haines, Deborah M. | Jackson, Marion L. | Pearl, David L. | Leslie, Ken E.
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of calving difficulty or dystocia on the vitality of newborn calves and its association with blood pH, the apparent efficiency of immunoglobulin G (IgG) absorption (AEA), and weight gain. A total of 45 calving events (N = 48 calves) were monitored from the first sight of fetal membranes. All calves were assessed at the time of first attaining sternal recumbency (SR), at 2 and 24 h, and at 7 and 14 d of age. Measurements included time to SR, rectal temperature, respiration and heart rate, analysis of blood gases and other blood measures, suckling response, time to standing, passive transfer of IgG, and weight gain. Calves were separated from their dam 2 h after birth and fed a commercial colostrum replacer containing 180 g of IgG by esophageal tube feeder. Calves born following dystocia had lower venous blood pH and took longer to attain SR and attempt to stand than those born unassisted. Duration of calving interacted with the number of people required to extract the calf by pulling as a significant predictor of pH at SR. No association was found between pH at SR and AEA. However, reduced AEA was found in calves that were female and in calves that did not achieve SR within 15 min of birth. A longer calving duration, being born in July or August rather than June, and a shorter time spent standing in the first 2 d of life were significantly associated with reduced weight gain to 14 d. It was concluded that factors at calving impact the physiology, vitality, and subsequent weight gain of newborn calves.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of the fungal endophyte Acremonium coenophialum in fescue on pregnant mares and foal viability
Putnam, M.R. | Bransby, I. | Schumacher, J. | Boosinger, T.R. | Bush, L. | Shelby, R.A. | Vaughan, J.T. | Ball, D. | Brendemuehl, J.P.
Effects of the endophyte Acremonium coenophialum in tall fescue on pregnant mares and foal viability were evaluated. Twenty-two mature pregnant mares were randomly chosen to graze either Kentucky-31 tall fescue that was free from A coenophialum (endophyte-free, EF) or tall fescue infected with A coenophialum (endophyte-present, EP) after the first 90 days of pregnancy through parturition. Concentrations of pyrrolizidine and ergopeptine alkaloids were significantly greater in EP grass, compared with EF pasture. Ten of 11 mares grazing EP pasture had obvious dystocia. Mean duration of gestation was significantly greater for the EP group, compared with the EF group. Foal survivability was severely reduced among mares grazing Ep fescue with only 1 foal surviving the natal period. Udder development and lactation were low in mares grazing EP grass. The absence of clinical problems in mares grazing EF grass implicated the endophyte as the causative agent of reproductive problems and perinatal foal mortality in pregnant mares grazing endophyte-infected fescue grass. Caution should be exercised in allowing pregnant mares to graze pastures infected with the endophyte A coenophialum.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effect of twin vs. single births on gestation length, reproductive performance, dystocia, calf survival rate and culling in Holstein cows
A. S. Mostafa
Data of Holstein dairy cows in a private farm (TEC-DAP) in Al-Fayum Governorate comprising 5815 calving events (80 for twins and 5735 for singles) in the period from January 1997 to April 2008 were used to determine if there was any significant difference between twin and single calving cows in gestation length, reproductive performance, incidence of dystocia, perinatal calf survival and mortality rates and culling rate. Cows giving twins had shorter (p < 0.0001) gestation and more (p < 0.005) days to first heat, first service and days open than cows giving singles. Incidence of dystocia was higher in cows with twins (22.5%) than those with singletons (7.22%). Survival rate of singles was 12.9% greater than that of twins at birth, whereas perinatal mortality rate was 16.25 % (9.37% stillborn & 6.88% dead after birth) for twins and 3.33% (2.06% stillborn & 1.27% dead after birth) for singles. Culling rate was greater in cows producing twins (61.53%) than those with singles (30.73%). Twinning in cattle shortens the length of gestation, impairs subsequent reproductive performance by prolonging postpartum breeding intervals, increases the incidence of dystocia and perinatal calf mortality and increases number of cows to be culled during subsequent lactation. Thus, twinning in dairy cattle is undesirable due to its detrimental effect on cow fertility and health and calf survival. However, these adverse effects can be minimized by preparturient diagnosis of twin pregnancy and timely administration of obstetrical assistance which aids in management of dystocia to facilitate delivery of twin calves and to increase their neonatal survival.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Distribution pattern of reproductive disorders in bovines- Clinical report.
Singh, Gyan | Chander; Suresh | Pandey, A.K. | Dutt, Ravi
The present report was based on analysis of 410 cases (300 buffaloes and 110cattle) of reproductive disorders. Buffaloes (300 cases) constituted the major number of the total cases followed by cows (110 cases). Dystocia cases were the major obstetrical problem in buffaloes and cattle constituted 77 and 40 per cent, respectively.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Cranial Duplication in Jersy Cow _ A Cause of Dystocia.
Sharma, A.K. | Kumar, Shivendra | Kumar, Vinod | Dass, L.L.
A dead calf with cranial duplication removed by cesarean section under local infiltration anaesthesia. The cow made uneventful recovery after surgery without complication.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Transperineal ultrasonographic characteristics of the birth canal of bitches during pregnancy and dystocia
Brandula Kumara, W.R. (University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, (Sri Lanka). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences) | De Silva, D.D.N.
Management of fetal dystocia caused by carpal flexion in ewe: A case report
Faez Firdaus Jesse Abdullah | Eric Lim Teik Chung | Muhammad Abubakar Sadiq | Yusuf Abba | Abdulnasir Tijjani | Konto Mohammed | Abdinasir Yusuf Osman | Mohd Azmi Mohd Laila
Dystocia or difficulty in parturition in a ewe may need veterinary assistance for the successful parturition. An adult ewe weighing 30 kg was presented to the Hospital of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Putra Malaysia with the history of difficulty in giving birth. Physical examination of the ewe revealed that the animal was weak and in recumbent position. Head of a dead fetus was observed as protruding out from the vulva region. Through physical evaluation of the ewe by per vaginal examination, the condition was diagnosed as fetal dystocia. Treatment and management plans given to the ewe were episiotomy and manipulative delivery of the dead fetus via mutation and traction method. Post-operative treatment was given with Flunixin meglumine (dosed at 2.2 mg/kg bwt) for 3 days, and Norodine (dosed at 1 mL/16-kg bwt) once intramuscularly. The case was completely cured after 2 weeks. The risk of losing the lamb as well as the ewe increases with delay in treatment of dystocia.
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