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Evaluation of hemorheologic variables as implications for exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage in racing Thoroughbreds.
McClay C.B. | Weiss D.J. | Smith C.M. II | Gordon B.
Hematologic and rheologic changes were examined in 49 Thoroughbreds before and after competitive racing. Mean postrace values for RBC count, hemoglobin concentration, and PCV increased by 58 to 61%, whereas blood viscosity increased 2 to 3 times. Postrace echinocyte numbers were 162% greater than prerace values. Smaller, but statistically significant, changes were found for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, red cell distribution width, plasma total protein concentration, total WBC count, neutrophil count, and lymphocyte count. Variables measured did not predict whether a horse was a bleeder not treated with furosemide, a bleeder treated with furosemide, or a nonbleeder.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]In vitro assay of nuclear uptake of doxorubicin hydrochloride in osteosarcoma cells of dogs.
Weinstein M.J. | Berg J. | Kusuzaki K. | Springfield D.S. | Gebhardt M.C. | Mankin H.J.
A rapid, simple chemosensitivity assay, assessing tumor cell nuclear uptake of doxorubicin hydrochloride, was evaluated in 16 dogs with appendicular osteosarcoma. Doxorubicin was administered to dogs in 5 biweekly treatments, and surgical resection was performed after the second or third treatment, The chemosensitivity assay was performed on biopsy specimens from all dogs before chemotherapy. It was repeated on tissue from resected tumors, and tumors were evaluated histologically to determine the degree of necrosis resulting from chemotherapy. Disease-free and total survival time correlated significantly (P < 0.05 in both cases) with the degree of postchemotherapy necrosis of the primary tumors. Significant correlation was not apparent between the percentage of tumor cells with nuclear uptake of doxorubicin (in either biopsy or resection samples) and disease-free or total survival time. The percentage of cells with nuclear uptake of doxorubicin in surgically resected tumors correlated significantly (P < 0.05) with percentage of necrosis,.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Spatial and temporal epidemiology of pseudorabies virus infection.
Norman H.S. | Sischo W.M. | Pitcher P. | Nesselrodt A. | Day R.L.
Transcutaneous oxygen monitoring for predicting skin viability in dogs.
Rochat M.C. | Pope E.R. | Payne J.T. | Pace L.W. | Wagner Mann C.C.
Transcutaneous oxygen (PO2.TC) monitoring is commonly used in human medicine for evaluating skin viability. The application of transcutaneous monitoring for evaluating skin viability in dogs was investigated. The changes in PO2-TC values were measured from 16 avascular skin flaps created along the lateral hemithoraces of 4 dogs. Transcutaneous oxygen values were serially recorded from the vascular base and avascular apex of each flap for 12 hours after surgery. A single transcutaneous measurement was obtained from each flap base and apex 24 hours after surgery. Serial arterial blood gas analyses were obtained to compare central oxygen values with PO2-TC values. Full-thickness skin biopsy specimens were harvested from the base and apex of each flap 24 hours after surgery. The flaps were observed for 4 days and then excised for histologic examination. A subjective grading scale was used to assess histologic changes. Throughout the 12-hour period and at 24 hours, a statistically significant difference was found between the PO2-TC values for apices and bases of the flaps. The mean PO2-TC for all bases was 90.9 mm of Hg +/- 3.3 SEM, and the mean PO2-TC for all apices was 21.2 mm of Hg +/- 1.8 SEM. The mean regional perfusion index (apex PO2.TC/base PO2-TC) was 0.23 +/- 0.02. The subjective numbers assigned to the biopsy specimens were statistically evaluated by using a paired Student's t test and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. A significant difference was found between the numbers for the collective bases and apices with both tests. A statistically significant difference was found between the numbers for the apex biopsy specimens taken 24 hours after creation of the skin flap and those taken when the flap was excised, whereas no difference was found between the numbers for the base biopsy specimens. On the basis of our findings, PO2-TC monitoring is a useful technique for assessing skin viability in dogs.
S. Gokulakrishnan | G. Senthil Kumar | A. Serma Saravana Pandian | J. Ramesh | P. Thilakar | L. Radhakrishnan | A. Ruba Nanthini
The quantum of inclusion of concentrates in cattle feeding depends solely on availability and its price. An attempt was made to model and forecast the feed prices of dairy cattle feed in Tamil Nadu using time series data collected from Central Feed Technology Unit, Kattupakkam for the period from January 2012 to December 2022. Various time series models viz., Mean, Naïve, Random drift, Seasonal naive, Simple Exponential Smoothing, Holt linear, Holt-winter, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average - ARIMA and Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average models were fitted. The error measures, parameter estimates, forecast estimates and plots were assessed to ascertain the best fit model. Random drift model and ARIMA (0,1,0) model were found to be the best fit models for dairy cattle feed. Further, Holt-winter multiplicative model and SARIMA (1,1,0)(1,0,1) model were identified as the best fit models for the dry cattle feed price forecasting. Thus, these models could be utilized by the various stakeholders to predict the short term price forecasts of cattle feed for efficient planning and making right decisions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Particle-induced X-ray emission analysis of serum trace and major elements in cattle with acute coliform mastitis
Shimamori, T. ((Rakuno Gakuen University, Ebetsu, Hokkaido (Japan). School of Veterinary Medicine), (Ishikari District Agricultural Mutual Relief Association, Ebetsu, Hokkaido (Japan). Hokubu Livestock Clinical Center)) | Noda, J. | Tsukano, K. | Sera, K. | Yokota, H. | Koiwa, M. | Suzuki, T. | Suzuki, K.
Predicting conception in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) by monitoring vaginal electrical resistance with coital-lock time
Yatu, M. (Zao Fox Village Inc., Shiroishi, Miyagi (Japan)) | Sato, M. | Kobayashi, J. | Satoh, H. | Takahashi, T. | Izaike, Y. | Sato, S.
Discriminant analysis for the prediction and classification of tick-borne infections in some dairy cattle herds at Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt
Abo El Fadl, E.A. (Mansoura University, Mansoura (Egypt). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of animal husbandry and development of animal wealth (biostatistics)) | El-Ashker, M. | Suganuma, K. | Kayano, M.
The predictive value of pelvimetry in beef cattle
Van Donkersgoed, J. | Ribble, C.S. | Booker, C.W. | McCartney, D. | Janzen, E.D.
Мониторинг инфекционных болезней охотничьих животных в Беларуси и его значение
Lyakh, Yu.G., National Academy of Sciences (Belarus). The Scientific and Practical Center for Bioresources
The information on necessity of carrying out of monitoring and purposeful scientific research on studying of infectious diseases of wild animals in hunting farms of the Republic of Belarus was presented in order to lower their negative influence on state of a population of resource species of wild animals. On the territory of Belarus in the studied wild animals there were stated 42 infectious diseases, including 36 ones which were the reasons of death of valuable hunting and fur-bearing animals. The greatest threat from infectious diseases was represented by rinderpest, pasteurilosis, salmonellosis, furiousness, necrobacillosis, listeriosis, botulism, tuberculosis, pseudorabies, the Siberian ulcer and hoof-and-mouth disease. Many diseases represent danger to human beings, the other lead to a various degree losses for the hunting economy of the country
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