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Effect of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate acid on meat performance traits and selected indicators of humoral immunity in goats
Zabek, K. (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn (Poland). Faculty of Animal Bioengineering, Department of Sheep and Goat Breeding) | Wojcik, R. | Milewski, S. | Malaczewska, J. | Tanski, Z. | Siwicki, A.K.
Интерьерные особенности утят при межлинейной гибридизации
Petrukovich, T.V. | Ryskova, I.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the possibility of increasing of meat yield productivity of ducklings of Temp cross in the conditions application of parental lines of Peking ducks of German breeding Stolle Seddin Vital (SVV) cross. In course of the study there was realized a comparative evaluation of linear and crossbred ducklings in accordance with meat qualities and blood indexes. There were presented the results of morphological composition of liner and crossbred duck carcasses; dynamics of changes of lipid exchange (total lipids; cholesterine; triglyceride) of ducklings; morphological composition of carcasses of father and mother combinations; blood indexes of ducklings; blood indexes of crossbred ducklings of final combinations. Research results showed that crossbred ducklings had high meat properties which exceeded the purebred ones. In ducklings with lower indexes of fattiness of carcasses there was noted the lowering of concentration of total lipids, cholesterine and triglyceride in blood.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Эффективность использования генов-маркеров EPOR, MUC4 и IGF-2 при повышении продуктивных качеств свиней пород белорусской селекции
Dojlidov, V.A. | Kaspirovich, D.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Loban, N.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Bykova, M.I. | Mikhajlova, T.I., Selection and Hybrid Centre Zadneprovskij, Vitebsk region (Belarus)
Use desirable alleles allows to raise the reproductive quality of the sows, in particular, amount alive piglets at birth (EPORTT), safety piglets (MUC4CC) meat quality pig (IGF-2QQ) that in turn allows to get the additional income at realization of the saplings
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ген IGF2 как маркер откормочной и мясной продуктивности свиней пород белорусской селекции
Dojlidov, V.A. | Kaspirovich, D.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Loban, N.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Kostyunina, O.V., All Russian Research Inst. of Animal Breeding, Dubrovitsy (Russian Federation) | Mikhajlova, T.I., Selection and Hybrid Centre Zadneprovski (Belarus)
As a result of the realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus research on revealing the influence of polymorphism character and the influence of presence of various allelomorphic variants of IGF-2 gene in breeding boars genotype on fattening and carcass traits of stores of Belarusian large white and Belarusian meat breeds it was established: 1. frequency of occurrence of desired QQ genotype among boars of the Belarusian meat breed was rather low and has made 10%. Among boars of the Belarus large white breed the given genotype has not been revealed. Heterozygotic genotype Qq had a rather wide range - from 26,6% at boars of the Belarusian meat breed to 43,2% at boars of the Belarusian large white breed; 2. fattening boars of both studied breeds which had been received from the boars bearing in their genome Qq genotypes of IGF-2gene showed the tendency for predominance in fattening and carcass traits over their herdmates which had been received from the boars bearing in their genome qq genotypes; 3. The posterity of boars of the Belarusian meat breed bearing in their genome the homozygous QQ genotype, authentically surpassed in fattening and carcass traits their analogues which had been obtained from fathers with a genotype qq. The following traits were higher: age of achievement of body weight; daily average weight gain in case of fattening; feed expenses per unit of live weight gain; slaughter yield; weight of a back third of half carcass. Research results showed, that IGF2gene (a gene of the insulin-like growth factor) could be a perspective candidate gene which makes it possible to predict the growing capacity and carcass trait of pigs of Belarusian breeds. Taking into consideration the influence undesired q allele, for the increasing of fattening and carcass traits of pigs it was possible to recommend the realization of estimation of replacement boar pigs using the data analysis of their genotype of IGF2 gene, as additional criterion of their selection
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Перспективы использования уток немецких линий для повышения мясной продуктивности утят отечественного кросса Темп
Petrukovich, T.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Possibility of increasing of meat productivity of ducklings of Temp cross after application of duck parental forms of German selection was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of study there was revealed the dynamics of changes of live weight and feed expenses for live weight gain of linear and hybrid ducklings; as well as their meat qualities were determined. In course of studied there were used linear and hybrid ducklings obtained after crossbreeding of parental forms of Belarusian and German crosses of Peking breeds. There were formed 8 groups of one-day old ducklings. In the father's line the first (control) group was presented by pure bred line T1 of Temp cross; in the second group – by hybrid NT1 x T1, obtained after the direct crossing of male ducks of NT1 with female ducks of T1 lines; in the third group – by hybrid T1 x NT1, obtained after the backcrossing of male ducks of T1 with female ducks of NT1 lines; in the fourth group the combination NT1 was obtained by NT1 x NT1. In fifth group the maternal line was presented by pure line of T2 Temp cross (control); the sixth group was presented by hybrid T2N x T2 obtained after direct crossing of male ducks of T2N line with maternal ducks of T2 line; in the eighth group the combination T2N was obtained by T2N x T2N. Research results showed that application of Germal ducks in schemes of crossbreeding rendered the positive influence on live weight increasing of ducklings of father's line. In the carcasses of hybrid ducklings of all studied crossbreeds there was stated the decreasing number of skin with adipose layer and increasing number muscles including the pectoralis
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