结果 1-1 的 1
Turbinate perimeter ratio as an indicator of conchal atrophy for diagnosis of atrophic rhinitis in pigs
Collins, M.T. | Backstrom, L.R. | Brim, T.A.
Transverse sections of snouts from 171 cross-bred (principally Yorkshire X American Landrace) pigs were evaluated for evidence of turbinate atrophy by use of conventional (atrophic rhinitis [AR] score) and morphometric methods. Of the 171 pigs, 35 were clinically normal (AR score, 0), 65 had mild AR (AR score, 1), 41 had moderate AR (AR score, 2), and 30 had severe AR (AR score, 3). Turbinate cross-sectional area (TA) and the ratio of TA to nostril cross-sectional area, called turbinate area ratio (TAR), had the lowest correlations (r = 0.24 to 0.55) with conventional AR score. Among clinically normal pigs, TA was greater in older pigs as expected, but the TAR values also were significantly (P less than 0.0001) different betwee n 15-week-old pigs (55 kg) and 22-week-old pigs (100 kg). Turbinate perimeter and turbinate perimeter ratio (TPR) were not influenced by pig age or source. The TPR values were closely correlated with subjective visual AR scores (r = 0.73), with AR scores derived by measuring the space between the ventral portion of the scroll and the floor of the nasal cavity (r = 0.72), and the actual size of this space in millimeters (r = 0.71). Mean TPR values for pigs assigned visual AR scores of 0, 1, 2, or 3 were 1.54, 1.25, 0.97, and 0.73, respectively. The 95% confidence intervals around these mean TRP values were discreet and did not overlap. Turbinate perimeter ratio, therefore, may be a more reliable morphometric measure of atrophic rhinitis and also provides parametric data suitable for quantitative analysis.
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