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Determination of Some Minerals Concentration in The Blood of Dromedary Camels of Different Sexes and Physiological Status
Abarghani, Akbar | Chaji, Morteza | Mansori, Hormoz | Mamouei, Morteza | Mirzadeh, Khalil | Roshanfekr, Hedayat alah
BACKGROUND: Mineral elements for various activities such as biochemical, productive and reproductive functions of animals are necessary and their concentration in the body of animals, under the influence of soil and plants will be different in each region. OBJECTIVES: The aim of present experiment was determination of concentration of macro and micro minerals in blood of gazing camel in the pastures of Khuzestan. METHODS: Eighty-eight camels under 11 classes, according to age and physiological situation in Hoveyzeh, Jofeir and Abadan-Khoramshahr regions were investigated during the autumn and winter grazing seasons. RESULTS: Concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and iron in serum of all class of camels were in the optimal range, compared to the critical level. The concentrations of camels blood Zn and Cu were under critical level, so they were deficient, the P was near the deficiency threshold. Concentration of Mn was low. CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, as important roles of minerals in improvement of production and reproductive situations of camels in these regions, the mineral status of feedlot must be improved by proper mineral supplementation, the results of present experiment could be useful.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Response of cattle with clinical osteochondrosis to mineral supplementation
Gerjan van der Veen | Geoffrey T. Fosgate | Frederick K. Botha | Heinz H. Meissner | Lubbe Jacobs | Leon Prozesky
Since 1982, farmers in the North West province and other parts of South Africa have noticed an increase in the incidence of lameness in cattle. Macro- and microscopical lesions of joints resembled osteochondrosis. Pre-trial data indicated that cattle with osteochondrotic lesions recovered almost completely when fed a supplement containing bio-available micro- and macrominerals of high quality. In the present trial, 43 clinically affected cattle of varying ages (1–5 years) and sexes were randomly divided into three groups. Each group was fed the same commercial supplement base with differing micro- and macromineral concentrations to determine the effect of mineral concentrations on the recovery from osteochondrosis. Both supplements 1 and 2 contained 25% of the recommended National Research Council (NRC) mineral values. Additional phosphate was added to supplement 2. Supplement 3, containing 80% of the NRC mineral values, was used as the control. Results from all three groups indicated no recovery from osteochondrosis. Urine pH of a small sample of the test cattle showed aciduria (pH < 6). Supplement analysis revealed addition of ammonium sulphate that contributed sulphate and nitrogen to the supplement. Supplementary dietary cation anion difference (DCAD) values were negative at -411 mEq/kg, -466 mEq/kg and -467 mEq/kg for supplements 1, 2 and 3, respectively, whereas the pre-trial supplement was calculated at +19.87 mEq/kg. It was hypothesised that feeding a low (negative) DCAD diet will predispose growing cattle to the development of osteochondrosis or exacerbate subclinical or clinical osteochondrosis in cattle.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Mineral status in blood serum of newborn calves in Assiut Governorate
M. A. Mohammad
The dynamics of some serum mineral concentrations during the first weeks of life of native and crossbred newborn calves in Assiut governorate were investigated. Blood samples of 25 Balady and 25 crossbred (Friesian x native) male calves were investigated. Blood was drawn from calves at 1, 7, 14 and 21 days after parturition. Serum levels of calcium (Ca), phosphorous (P), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), potassium (K), iron (Fe), Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were monitored. Levels of Ca, P, Fe, Cu and Zn increased (P < 0.05) in relation to age of Balady and crossbred calves when compared by the day 1 of age. In contrast, decreased in concentrations of Na and Cl (P < 0.05) in relation to age of Balady and crossbred calves when compared by the day 1 of age were detected whereas Mg and K values remained unchanged. Native calves had higher (P < 0.05) Ca, P and Fe in the 7th day than crossbred calves whereas Na and Cl were higher (P < 0.05) in native calves than crossbred calves at the first day after birth. Results from this study suggested that breed and age may play an important role in mineral homeostasis during the first weeks of life in the newly borne bovine calves.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Avaliação da composição macroelementar do osso terceiro metacarpiano de equinos
Mariana Baroni Selim | Taís Mota | Jim Heiji Aburaya | Thales Anjos de Faria Vechiato | André Luis do Valle De Zoppa
O terceiro osso metacarpiano equino é uma região de particular interesse devido ao grande número de lesões a que está sujeito. Assim, justifica-se o estudo detalhado da sua estrutura anatômica, dimensões e composição elementar para o aprimoramento de técnicas de diagnóstico, tratamento e prevenção de lesões. Neste trabalho,foi estudada a composição macroelementar óssea de 30 pares de osso terceiro metacarpiano equino e sua relação com a idade, sexo, peso, raça, alimentação e atividade dos animais. As concentrações médias de cálcio e fósforo das amostras foram 205 ± 62 mg/g e 97 ± 32 mg/g, respectivamente. A relação [Ca]/[P] encontrada foi de 2,12 ± 0,13, indicando que a proporção entre o cálcio e fósforo no tecido ósseo é constante e aproximadamente igual à razão 2:1. A análise estatística dos dados mostrou normalidade para todo o conjunto de medidas. A avaliação entre os animais com atividade física intensa e os animais com atividade física leve, em que a quantidade de material mineralizado para o primeiro e segundo conjuntos são, respectivamente, [Ca] = 222 ± 57 mg/g e [Ca] = 179 ± 47 mg/g, evidenciou a existência de correlação estatística entre o depósito de material mineral e a função exercida pelos animais. Para as demais características, não foram verificadas evidências estatísticas de inter-relações. Tais achados serão subsídios para estudos posteriores acerca de possíveis correlações com enfermidades de origem fisiológica ou nutricional frente à casuística de fraturas e outras afecções comuns ao aparelho locomotor equino.
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