[ 发表于: Journal of Veterinary Research ]

结果 1-10 的 11

Descriptions of strigea cercariae from the Gauteng and North West Provinces, South Africa


Esmey B.E. Moema | Pieter H. King | Chantelle Baker

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Morphometry of the mandibular foramen applied to the local anesthetic block to inferior alveolar nerve in boars (Sus scrofa scrofa Linnaeus, 1758)


Caroline Bures de Paulo | Henrique Inhauser Riceti Magalhães | Ygor Henrique de Paula | Jeferson Borges Barcelos | Fabiano Braz Romão | Tânia Ribeiro Junqueira Borges | Frederico Ozanam Carneiro e Silva | Lucas de Assis Ribeiro

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Origin and distribution of the coronary arteries of boars


Tânia Ribeiro Junqueira Borges | Lucas de Assis Ribeiro | Fabiano Braz Romão | Henrique Inhauser Riceti Magalhães | Marcos Martins Luz | Jeferson Borges Barcelos | Lázaro Antônio dos Santos | Frederico Ozanam Carneiro e Silva

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Histology of the gastrointestinal tract from Bothrops jararaca and Crotalus durissus


Izabel Carolina Vargas Pinto Gogone | Marcelo Pires Nogueira de Carvalho | Kathleen Fernandes Grego | Sávio Stefanini Sant'anna | Francisco Javier Hernandez-Blazquez | José Luiz Catão-Dias

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Epididymal morphophysiology of adult collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu)


Anna Patrycia Martins de Oliveira | Deise de Lima Cardoso | Ana Cássia Sarmento Ferreira | Maria Auxiliadora Pantoja Ferreira | Natália Inagaki de Albuquerque | Otávio Mitio Ohashi | Diva Anelie Guimarães

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Morphological and morphometric characteristics of gastric mucosa in western grey kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus)


Mahmoud Badran Shoeib | Amin Hassanin | Mohamed Elnasharty

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Histomorphological study on the tongue of the duck in the Caribbean with relation to feeding habit


Reda Mohamed

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Anthelmintic effect of betel nut (Areca catechu) and neem (Azadirachta indica) extract against liver fluke (Fasciola spp.)


Elnalyn C. Yamson | Gabriel Alexis S. P. Tubalinal | Victoria V. Viloria | Claro N. Mingala

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Single and mixed interaction of experimental Trypanosoma brucei brucei and Trypanosoma evansi on the semen collection reaction time and spermatozoa morphology of Yankasa rams


Yunusa A. Wada | Sonnie J. Oniye | Peter I. Rekwot | Oluyinka O. Okubanjo

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Morphological Peculiarities of the Lumbosacral Region of Cattle Egret (Bublucus ibis) with Special Reference to the Glycogen Body (Corpus gelatinosum)


Enas El-Hady | Eman El-behery | Attia A.A. Moselhy

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