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Pathogens isolated from Batagur affinis (tuntung sungai) from conservation centre for river terrapins in 2014
Santhi M. | Azemi H. | Rahmat T. | Sivanathan E. | Hartini I. | Nuraini Simaa A. | Siti Aminah Y. | Misliah M. | Shahaza O. | Donny Y.
In 2014, a total of 16 riverterrapins (Batagur affinis), locally calledtuntung sungai, died due to variouscauses and a post mortem was carriedout. Complete diagnostic evaluationof parasitological and bacteriologicalfindings were recorded. Significantparasitological findings consisted of seventerrapins showing presence of Ascarid(Sulcascaris sulcata) and Strongyle(Oesophagostomum sp.) worms in the gutcontents. Strongyle and strongyloides eggswere detected using McMaster’s method onfaeces of 12 terrapins. Bacterial culturesfrom organs indicated the presence ofE. Coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis,Staphylococcus chromogenes, Aeromonashydrophila (4+) dan E.Coli (4+). Thisindicates that common parasites andbacteria are important in the conservationprogrammes for river terrapins andmeasures to curb the infection is highlyrecommended. Continuous data collectionwill enable its management and assessmentin control programmes for a more effectiveconservation programmes.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Parascaris equorum in a thoroughbred horse in Perak turf club
Premaalatha B. | Kartiyayini S. | Selvi V. | Sohayati A. R.
In the Malaysian environment horses are primarily used in sports activities such as racing, endurance, dressage and show jumping as well as in recreational pursuits and police work. Recently, the Perak Turf Club witnessed the death of a four-yearold thoroughbred mare which was given enrofloxacin injection as treatment and was regularly dewormed and vaccinated againstequine influenza, Japanese encephalitis and tetanus. Post-mortem examination of intestinal contents revealed presence of worms. The sample was then sent to the Veterinary Research Institute (VRI), Perak for morphological identification of the worm. The worm was identified as Parascaris equorum. Thus, awareness ongastrointestinal parasites should be raised especially by recommending improved management practices such as proper manure disposal and deworming procedures to control parasite infestations as well as good management and nutrition.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A survey of parasitic infections in wild rats from urban areas in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Premaalatha, B. | Tharshini, J. | Norhafiza H. | Ramlan M. | Tan, P. S. | Jamnah O. | Chandrawathani, P. | Khadijah S. | Nor Ikhmal S. | Farah Haziqah M. T. | Mariappan, C.
Wild rats are known as a major reservoir and intermediate host for several pathogenic microbial species. Thus, theVeterinary Research Institute (VRI) conducted a survey to determine the presence of parasitic pathogens in local rats, such as blood protozoans, gastrointestinal parasites, as well as ectoparasites such as mites and lice. The study was conducted with the collaboration of Kuala Lumpur City Council Pest Control Unit, whereby a total of 105 wild rats were trapped at two urban areas of Kuala Lumpur; namely PasarPudu and Chow Kit. Autopsy was done on the rats to acquire the skin, organ and blood samples..The skin scrapping was performed on skin samples to identify the common species of mites and lice, while the floatationtechnique was conducted on faecal samples to identify helminth eggs. Results showed thatspecies of Tritrichomonas, Strongyloides, Nippostrongylus, Blastocystis, Rodentolepis, Coccidia, Trichuris, Capillaria and Ascarid were found in the faeces while Trypanosoma sp.was found in the blood samples taken from the animals. Taeniataeniformis was obtained from liver samples while theectoparasites found on skin were identified as Radfordia,Polyplax,Linognathus and Hoploplurasp. Control and eradication of rodent pests is crucial in combating emerging and re-emerging diseases which may be zoonotic as rodents are reservoirs to various pathogens.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]First report of Madurella mycetomi isolate that induced systemic pulmonary and myocardium mycosis with verminious enteritis in Dugong dugon, of Mersing, Johore
Hanafi H. | Noordin M. M. | Mazlina M. | Tamimi M. A. A. | Syed Abdullah S. A. K. | Aida M. | Norina L. | Zaidin A. | Sarol K.
The major causes of the decline of the Dugong population along the urban coast of Mersing, Johor includes gill netting, subsistence hunting, habitat loss from extreme weather events that are likely to be exacerbated by climate change, humansettlement, breach of the bots and sea water pollution. In March 2017, a male Dugong dugon, estimated age of 10 to 20 years, wasincidentally found dead near Pulau Tinggi, Mersing, Johor by a fisherman. The entire body was found to have old and new scarsat the anterior part of the abdomen. The right eye was protruded out and bleeding which indicated that the eye was piercedby a sharp object. Necropsy revealed the upper small intestine and the stomach compartments were semi-impacted with a massive helminth burden (more than 1,000 nematodes). Paradujardinia halicoris worms were identified based on morphological characteristics. Zoonotic fungus named Madurella mycetomi were isolated from heart and lung after incubation for 14 days.Histologically, the lung was confirmed to have the presence of big mast cells which formed capsules, indicating presence offungal spores causing systemic mycoses where the macrophages invade and engulf the spores. The shrinkage of myocardium myocyte and myocardium necrosis with mild vasculitis indicates heart failure. Groucott’s stain confirmed Madurella mycetomi infection that induced systemic pulmonary and myocardium mycosis in Dugong dugon.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ignorance as a factor influencing the prevalence of onchocerciasis in some villages in Oyo State, Nigeria
Akinboade, O. A. | Anong, C. I. N. | Uwalaka, E. C.
Most studies on Simulum damnosum in Nigeria has focused mainly on the problem of onchocerciasis from the ecological standpoint. However, this study is aimed at viewing it from the human angle, with focus placed on the ignorance of the rural dwellers about the influences of their environment on the increasing incidences of onchocerciasis in their population. The premise is that, as the government and the scientists are working towards finding a lasting solution to the epidemic, the rural dwellers need to wake up to the realities of their own destiny. They need to come out and collaborate with other good efforts to form a strong united force that will rid their society of this menace. A study on the level of ignorance was carried out. It is assumed that their ignorance has kept the villagers relatively inactive and passive about freeing themselves. A descriptive method was used for this research and about 450 villagers were randomly selected and verbally interviewed. A questionnaire was designed and used as the instrument of the research. The research was carried out in two different villages of Asejire and Asepari. Findings were encouraging. Some of the villagers did not know about the existence of the disease even when some of their close relatives showed the symptoms. This high level of ignorance shows that it will be difficult to attain any cooperation from them in any attempt to make their environment unfavourable for the vector.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Taenia taeniaeformis in wild rats
Premaalatha B. | Chandrawathani P. | Tan P. S. | Tharshini J. | Jamnah O. | Ramlan M. | Nor Ikhmal S.
Post mortem findings in a stranded Bryde’s whale on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Azman S. | Fatiah M. A. | Inirah C. I. | Ishak S. | Azizul M. O. | Wan S. | Zainal A. | Noorulhayatunofuz Y. | Kamaliah G. | Gunalan S. | Chandrawathani P. | Minah O.
A detailed post mortem was carried out on a male Bryde’s whale
Balaenoptera brydei, a cetacean of suborder Mysticetes, with a wide geographical distribution. The stranded whale, weighing approximately 3.5 metric tons was found beached along the Pekan Nenasi River, Pahang in East Coast of Malaysia facing South China Sea. Gross pathology showed severe hemorrhagic gastritis, probably
due to foreign material found compacted in the multichamber stomach, severe congestion in the various vital organs due to toxemia, and severe endoparasite burden in the intestine. Thousands of Digeneans
were found in both the caecum and colon. Morphological identification was carried out on these parasites which were identified as Ogmogaster species. As co parasites, the acathocephalan worms Falsifilicollis species was also detected in the large intestine. Histological examination indicated severe bronchointerstitial embolic pneumonia, chronic interstitial
hemorrhages, intra alveolar septa thickening in lung tissue; chronic hepatic interstitial hemorrhage, hepatocellular and centrilobular degeneration on the liver tissue; renal tubular and glomerular
necrosis in kidney tissue; splenic necrosis and hemorrhages; intestinal mucosal layer necrosis and severe intestinal villi necrosis. The continuing survival of Bryde’s species whale is precarious, because of disregard for appropriate measures for their
conservation and to conduct appropriate study for the cause of death.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Evaluation of neem leaf (Azadirachta indica) product for worm control on goats
Premaalatha B. | Zary Shariman Y. | Norhafiza N. H. | Nurulaini R. | Chandrawathani P. | Nor Andilla I. | Rahimah H. | Wahab A. R.
This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the
effectiveness of Neem leaf extracts, Azaridachta indica, an indigenous medicinal plant, against helminths of goats. Two extracts were prepared with distilled water using two different techniques; that is, the Neem leaves Water Extract (NLWE) and decoction of Neem
leaves(NLD). This study was carried out using 20 goats from a government farm in Perak. The two extracts showed variable degrees of efficacy in naturally infected goats, as measured by faecal egg count. Further evaluation is required to establish the efficacy.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Mcmaster method of worm egg count from faecal samples of goats: a comparison of single and double chamber enumeration of worm eggs
Chandrawathani P. | Premaalatha B. | Jamnah O. | Priscilla F. X. | Erwanas A. I. | Lily Rozita M. H. | Jackie P. | Josephin S. J. A. L.
Many parasitology laboratories practiced the McMaster technique as a method in obtaining the quantitative diagnosis of Strongyle eggs burden in farm animals especially ruminants. The McMaster technique also play a crucial role in faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) for anthelmintic resistance identification. Some laboratoriesrecommend two-chamber counting method while some recommend single chamber counting method. This study focuses on the comparison between single and double counting in McMaster technique fordetection of Strongyle egg count. In this study, it is shown that there is no significant difference between both methods basedon the p-value obtained which is p>0.05 from 127 fresh goat faecal samples. The techniques practised during the study follow the standard established technique. Single chamber counting is suitable for a large number of faecal samples from big herds because it is faster, less laborious and produces sensitive and reliable results in Strongyle egg count. As more commercial farms are set up, there is a need to conduct a fast and efficient test to help farmers evaluate their livestock worm burden.
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