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Avian mycobacteriosis in domestic chickens from selected agro-climatic regions in Ethiopia
Tadesse, S. | Woldemeskel, M. | Molla, B. | Tibbo, Markos | Kidane, D. | Medhin, G. | Britton, S.
Domestic poultry are important natural hosts of Mycobacterium avium (MAC), especially in the traditional poultry management system in the tropics. Qualitative and quantitative studies on a total of 95 chickens from three agro-climatic areas in Ethiopia were examined for avian mycobacteriosis through postmortem examinations and tissue staining (haematoxylin & eosin and acid-fast staining). The mycobacteria species were isolated and identified by using mycobacteriologic culture and experimental infection for virulence assessment. Five of the 95 examined chickens (5.3%) had gross tuberculous lesions in different visceral organs. On histopathologic examination, the lesions showed granuloma with typical Langhan’s giant cells in which acid-fast bacilli were shown by acid-fast stain. The culture on pyruvate-enriched Lowenstein-Jensen slants revealed growth of colonies on samples from 6 (6.3%) of the 95 chickens. Experimental infection with the strains from culture resulted in death of 10 (83.3%) of 12 inoculated chickens 56 to 110 days after inoculation, indicating that the isolates may be virulent strains of MAC. On postmortem examination, the experimentally infected chickens showed similar tuberculous lesions to natural infection that was confined at the site of injection, on the liver, spleen and (in two subjects) small intestine. The inoculated organisms were recovered from the respective organs. Therefore, this study showed that a virulent strain of MAC infects domestic chicken in Ethiopia.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]First report of decompression sickness (DCS) in a sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) stranded in Southern Peninsular Malaysia
Norsharina A. | Noordin M. M. | Aida M. | Fahmi | Tamimi M. A. A. | Kamaruddin I. | Nurnadiah A. H. | Nurliyana M. T. | Hassan M. D. | Nor-Yasmin A. R. | Munir M. N. | Syed Abdullah S. A. K. | Sarol K. | Norina L.
Decompression sickness, a condition in whales caused by bubble formation in certain body tissues from dissolved inert gases. It occurs during transition from a high pressure environment to one of lower pressure, resulting in a range of conditions from itching to joint pain, convulsions, and death. A carcass of a stranded Sei Whale, Balaenoptera borealis, found on the shores of southern coast of Peninsular Malaysia was presentedfor postmortem. Investigation results showed that the male Sei Whale, named Si Corner showed pathologic lesions as seen from histology with the formation of fibrosis, emphysema and edema in the lungs and hepatic atrophy which indicated chronic starvation. It believedthat he also suffering from “Barotrauma or decompression sickness” which affected the ear or lungs which lead to unbalanced movement due to changes in air pressure.This may have caused the whale to beach and consequent mortality. The pathologic lesions found give an insight into possible causes of death of beached whales inMalaysia.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Survey on mycoplasmal pneumonia of swien in Youngnam area and antimicrobial susceptibility of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae isolated from Slaughter pigs
Cho, K.H. | Choi, J.S. | Kim, B.H. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
The present study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of mycoplasmal pneumonia of slaughter pigs in Youngnam area during the period from 1995 to 1997. The prevalence and pathomorphology of gross lung lesions were studied from 682 slaughter pigs in 8 swine herds. Gross lesions of pneumonia were recorede in the lungs of 442(64.8%), from 367 out of them(83.0%) were diagnosed as mycoplasmal pneumonia. Microbiological examination was performed with 197 lungs with gross lesions of mycoplasmal pneumonia of slaughter pigs from 8 differentswine herds. M hyopneumoniae, P multocida, A pleuropneumoniae, Streptococcus spp, Corynebacterium spp, and H parasuis were detected in 24.4%, 48.2%, 2.5%, 11.2%, 3.6%, and 1.0% of the pneumonic lungs, respectively. A total of 48 strains of M hyopneumoniae was investigated for thier in vitro susceptibility to antibiotics. Among the drugs tested, lincomycin, oxytetracycline, tiamulin and tylosin showed the high activity in minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) of 0.04-5 micro gram/ml while erythromycin showed low activity in MIC values(1.25~40micro gram/ml).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Parascaris equorum in a thoroughbred horse in Perak turf club
Premaalatha B. | Kartiyayini S. | Selvi V. | Sohayati A. R.
In the Malaysian environment horses are primarily used in sports activities such as racing, endurance, dressage and show jumping as well as in recreational pursuits and police work. Recently, the Perak Turf Club witnessed the death of a four-yearold thoroughbred mare which was given enrofloxacin injection as treatment and was regularly dewormed and vaccinated againstequine influenza, Japanese encephalitis and tetanus. Post-mortem examination of intestinal contents revealed presence of worms. The sample was then sent to the Veterinary Research Institute (VRI), Perak for morphological identification of the worm. The worm was identified as Parascaris equorum. Thus, awareness ongastrointestinal parasites should be raised especially by recommending improved management practices such as proper manure disposal and deworming procedures to control parasite infestations as well as good management and nutrition.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A case of septicaemic pasteurellosis in captive sambar deer, cervus unicolor
Wan Norulhuda W. A. W. | Norhartini I. | Tariq J.
Septicaemic pasteurellosis is a fatal, sometimes epidemic, bacterial disease of domestic and wild animals including deer, bison, elk, and pronghorn antelope caused by Pasteurella multocida. This is the case report of septicaemic pasteurellosisin a captive sambar deer. The carcass was sent from Royal Endurance Stable, Bachok, Kelantan to the Kota Bharu RegionalVeterinary Laboratory for post-mortem. Gross examination of organs was followed by collection of specimens from lung, kidney,liver, spleen and heart for histopathology and bacterial examination. Pooled organ samples with rumen content were collected and sent to the nearest Chemistry Department for investigation. For histology, the liver, lung, spleen, kidney, and heart specimens were fixed in 10% neutral formalin, and routinely embedded in paraffin. Fivemicrometer sections were stained with H&E. Other tests such as worm and ectoparasiteidentification were conducted to identify the parasites. Post-mortem lesions revealed generalised haemorrhage in the organs.Pasteurella multocida serogroup B and E. coli were isolated from multiple tissues of the animal. Histological examination alsorevealed severe congestion and haemorhage of multiple tissues with infiltration of the inflammatory cells. The most likely mode of transmission of these bacteria is through an infected wound and into the bloodstream, thereby causing severe septicemia and death to the animal.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]First report of Madurella mycetomi isolate that induced systemic pulmonary and myocardium mycosis with verminious enteritis in Dugong dugon, of Mersing, Johore
Hanafi H. | Noordin M. M. | Mazlina M. | Tamimi M. A. A. | Syed Abdullah S. A. K. | Aida M. | Norina L. | Zaidin A. | Sarol K.
The major causes of the decline of the Dugong population along the urban coast of Mersing, Johor includes gill netting, subsistence hunting, habitat loss from extreme weather events that are likely to be exacerbated by climate change, humansettlement, breach of the bots and sea water pollution. In March 2017, a male Dugong dugon, estimated age of 10 to 20 years, wasincidentally found dead near Pulau Tinggi, Mersing, Johor by a fisherman. The entire body was found to have old and new scarsat the anterior part of the abdomen. The right eye was protruded out and bleeding which indicated that the eye was piercedby a sharp object. Necropsy revealed the upper small intestine and the stomach compartments were semi-impacted with a massive helminth burden (more than 1,000 nematodes). Paradujardinia halicoris worms were identified based on morphological characteristics. Zoonotic fungus named Madurella mycetomi were isolated from heart and lung after incubation for 14 days.Histologically, the lung was confirmed to have the presence of big mast cells which formed capsules, indicating presence offungal spores causing systemic mycoses where the macrophages invade and engulf the spores. The shrinkage of myocardium myocyte and myocardium necrosis with mild vasculitis indicates heart failure. Groucott’s stain confirmed Madurella mycetomi infection that induced systemic pulmonary and myocardium mycosis in Dugong dugon.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Rumen paramphistomosis in Bos indicus from a sample received by Veterinary Research Institute of Ipoh, Perak
Azima L. Erwanas A. | Premalatha B. | Sohayati A. R. | Debbra M. | Nurulaini R.
This case report describes paramphistomosis from the rumen ofan infected 3-year-old Bos indicus or also known as Zebu cattle that was sent to the Veterinary Research Institute (VRI), Ipoh,Perak for post-mortem examination with a history of a sudden death. On post-mortem, it was found that the rumen contents hada large number of pink, pear shaped flukes, which measured about 1 cm in length attached to the rumen wall. On performing the sedimentation technique on the rumen contents, operculated eggs with germ cells were observed microscopically under compound microscope with a magnification of 100×. Regular screening of cattle for flukes is an important part of parasite controlprogrammes especially in endemic areas as it can cause anaemia and deterioration in body condition.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Stress factor causing death in Sambar deer (Cervus unicolor)
Donny, Y. | E. Sivananthan T. | Santhi, M. | Hanis Iryani I. | Siti Aminah A. | Rozza Nadiah R. | Khairil Azman Z. A.
An adult female Sambar Deer (Cervus unicolor) at Wildlife Conservation Centre, Sungkai, Perak was found dead in the paddock after abortion. The dead foetus was found on the paddock the day before this incident. The workers at the conservation centre also reported that the doe was attacked few times prior to death by a bull of the same group. The paddock in the Sungkai Conservation Centre was under construction and it was suspected that the noise from heavy machiner y and animals being transferred into different paddocks caused further stress to the affected doe which led to abortion and death. Post-mortem lesions showed generalised congestion and haemorrhage of all vital organs including liver, heart, lungs, kidneys and spleen. Histopathology revealed all organs have evidence of generalised congestion. Cause of death in this case is failure of the body system due to generalised congestion of the vital organs due to stress factor.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Helminths in local river terrapins (Batagur affinis) in the Wildlife Conservation Centre, Perak
Premaalatha B. | Jamnah, O. | Tang, W. W. | Chandrawathani P.
The local river terrapins (Batagur affinis) are an important aspect of the river ecosystem. The Turtle Conservation Centre in Bota Kanan noted morbidity and mortality in its terrapin population and some were sent for full laboratory investigationto diagnose cause of death. The faecal samples were subjected to faecal floatation technique whereby ascarid eggs were observed indicating that the turtles had helminth infection. Ascarid eggs had thick walls and measured at 140.6 μm to 149.7 μm in diameter. Apart from this, post-mortem examination of intestinal contents also showed presence of nematodes identified as Oesophagostomum sp. Treatment and control have to be instituted to prevent further morbidity and losses.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Chromobacterium violaceum infection in two blackhanded Gibbons: a veterinary case report
Azman Shah A. M. | Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse | Tuba Thabitah A. T. | Mariani R. | Donny, Y | M. Firdaus Ariff A. R. | Simaa N. A. | Rahmat T.
Chromobacterium violaceum is a facultative anaerobic, gram-negative rodshaped bacteria normally found in soil and stagnant water of tropical and subtropical countries. Infections of Chromobacterium violaceum are rare among mammals, but the first human infection were reported in Malaysia in 1927. This clinical case reports two separate cases of Chromobacterium violaceum infection in two sub-adult male Black-handed Gibbon (Hylobates agilis). Both animals were presented with the history of diarrhea, pyrexia and inappetance. From the physical examination, the findings were high body temperature, dull, inactive, soft fecal stained at the rectum and small open wound at lower limb of one of the case. The treatment given was antipyretic and multivitamin. Unfortunately, due to poor prognosis both patients died within 48 hours after presentation and treatment. Autopsy examinations wereperformed to find out the cause of death. Post mortem examination findings revealed hepatomegaly with multiple size whitish-yellow spots on the liver surface, congestion and enlargement of spleen and lymph node, congestion of lung and loss of demarcation between renal cortex and medulla of the kidney. The cellular changes via histopathological findings of kidney, spleen, lung and liver were suggestive of septicaemia. The gross and histopathologicalfindings were supported by the isolation of Chromobacterium violaceum via bacterial isolation and identification from lung, liver, spleen and kidney. Thus, the cause of death of the two sub-adult male Black-handed gibbon in this case are due to septicaemiadue to Chromobacterium violaceum infection.
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