结果 1-3 的 3
Administration of ethylenethiourea during organogenesis periods in pregnant rats., 1; Effects on teratogenic effects, amino acids and protein concentrations in amniotic fluids
Kim, S.H. (Korea Research Inst. of Chemical Technology, Seoul (Korea Republic)) | Huh, R.S. (Kyungpook National Univ., Taegu (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
БВМД на основе зерна высокобелковых культур в рационах телят
Gurin, V.K. | Tsaj, V.P. | Kurtina, V.N. | Yanochkin, I.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Application of protein, vitamin and mineral supplement in diets of 1-3 months old calves in rate of 5% per weight instead of a part of sunflower cake, containing rape, peas, lupin and vitamid on a basis of halites, phosphite, phosphate, sapropel and a mineral-vitamin preparation in structure of grain forage against winter rations on the basis of rich in herbs hay (5%), milk (68%), mixed fodder (20%), whole grain (7%), and also summer rations with grass and legume mixture (7%), hay (1%), milk (65%), mixed fodder (20%), integral grain (7%) makes it possible to receive daily average weight gain of calves at level 833-867 grams at expenses of forages for 1 centner of weight gain on 3,3-3,4 сentner of forage units. Introduction into rations of the protein, vitamin and mineral supplement on the basis of local protein and mineral raw materials in number of 10% per weight in structure of mixed fodder for calves at the age of 3-6 months old against the background of winter diets with haylage (28%), mixed fodder (64%), molasses (8%), as well as summer diets with grass and legume mixture (30%), mixed fodders (66%), molasses (4%) makes it possible to receive daily average weight gains of calves on 944-967grams at expenses of forages of 4,0-4,1 сentner of forage units. Feeding of 1-6 months old calves with mixed fodders with inclusion of 5-10% of protein, vitamin and mineral supplement per weight with grain high-protein crops against the background of winter and summer diets with a ratio of the deconjugate protein to the non deconjugate one - 65:35 (in control group - 71:29) instead of sunflower cake makes it possible to receive the daily average weight gain at the level of 900-927 grams at expenses of forages 3,7-3,8 сentner per forage unit. Cost of presented mixed fodders decreases on 14%, and the cost price per 1 centner gain - on 7-8%
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Продуктивность многолетних бобовых и мятликовых трав в условиях северо-восточной части Республики Беларусь
Lukashevich, N.P. | Emelin, V.A. | Yanchik, S.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Studying of the comparative productivity of various species and varieties of perennial grasses for the selection of the most productive species and increasing of production capacity of well-balanced feeds with low prime cost was realized in the conditions of sod-podzolic loamy soils of Vitebsk region of the Republic of Belarus. In course of study there were analyzed the following grasses: meadow clover (Trifolium pratense); creeping trefoil (Trifolium repens); great trefoil (Medicago sativa); timothy grass (Phleum pratense); meadow fescue grass (Festuca pratensis); chewing fescue (Festuca rubra); cock's-foot (Dactylis glomerata); common ryegrass (Lolium perenne); meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis); awnless brome (Bromus inermis Leyss), and hybrid of fescue grass and perennial ryegrass. Studying of soil and climatic conditions in the analyzed area showed that leguminous grasses had higher yielding capacity than the cereal ones. After the 4-year observation the studied leguminous grasses provided higher yielding indexes in comparison with the cereal ones per 1 gram: dry matter – on 14,9%; available energy - on 29,7%; crude protein – on 44,7%. For the production of green mass in the conditions of Vitebsk region into the basis of planning of green and raw materials conveyor system there should be taken into consideration terms of beginning of hay cutting ripening of perennial leguminous and bluegrass grasses. Cereal grasses showed higher indexes of sugar content in 1,8 times in comparison with leguminous ones. For the provision of standard content of sugars and digestible protein in energy fodder unit it was reasonable to form grass mixtures on the basis leguminous and bluegrass grasses in ratio 60% and 40% respectively
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