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Pre-warming following premedication limits hypothermia before and during anesthesia in Sprague-Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Rufiange, Maxime | Leung, Vivian S. Y. | Simpson, Keith | Pang, Daniel S. J.
In humans and other mammals, general anesthesia impairs thermoregulation, leading to warm core blood redistributing to the periphery. This redistribution is an important contributor to hypothermia that can be reduced with pre-warming before anesthesia. Additionally, sedation following premedication has been associated with hypothermia in dogs. In a prospective, randomized, cross-over study, 8 adult male and female rats (weighing 388 to 755 g) were sedated with intramuscular ketamine-midazolam-hydromorphone, then placed in an unwarmed cage or warmed box for 14 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of isoflurane anesthesia with active warming. Core body temperature was monitored throughout. After sedation, warmed rats gained 0.28°C ± 0.13°C and unwarmed rats lost 0.19°C ± 0.43°C, a significant difference between groups (P = 0.004). After anesthesia, warmed rats maintained higher core temperatures (P < 0.0001) with 2/8 and 6/8 of warmed and unwarmed rats becoming hypothermic, respectively. Pre-warming during sedation and active warming during general anesthesia is effective in minimizing hypothermia.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Evaluation of self-injurious behavior, thermal sensitivity, food intake, fecal output, and pica after injection of three buprenorphine formulations in rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Allen, Molly | Johnson, Rebecca A.
OBJECTIVE To assess effects of buprenorphine hydrochloride (BH), sustained-release buprenorphine (SRB), and high-concentration buprenorphine (HCB) formulations in healthy rats. ANIMALS 8 Sprague-Dawley rats. PROCEDURES In a crossover-design study, rats received BH (0.05 mg/kg), SRB (1.2 mg/kg), HCB (0.30 mg/kg), or 5% dextrose solution (0.2 mL/kg), SC, once. Self-injurious behavior and thermal sensitivity (hind limb withdrawal latencies) were assessed prior to injection (time 0) and 1, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours after injection. Food intake, kaolin intake, and fecal output were measured over 12-hour light and dark periods before and after each treatment. Values were compared among treatments and time points. RESULTS Self-injurious behavior was detected with all buprenorphine treatments; scores were greater at all time points during the 12 hours after HCB and 24 hours after SRB administration than at time 0. Percentage change in hind limb withdrawal latencies from time 0 was higher with BH and HCB 1 hour after injection than at other time points. Postinjection light-period food intake was higher (BH and HCB) and dark-period food intake was lower (BH, HCB, and SRB), compared with preinjection values for the same treatments. For SRB, postinjection light-period kaolin intake was greater than the preinjection value, and postinjection light- and dark-period kaolin intake was greater than that for other treatments. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Hypoalgesic effects were briefly observed after administration of BH or HCB in healthy rats; adverse effects were detected in some rats with all buprenorphine formulations. Studies comparing effects of BH, SRB, and HCB in rats undergoing surgery or other noxious stimuli are indicated to determine clinical benefits in this species.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Abdominal anatomic features and reference values determined by use of ultrasonography in healthy common rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Banzato, Tommaso | Bellini, Luca | Contiero, Barbara | Martin, Andrea | Balikçi, Sema | Zotti, Alessandro
Objective-To determine ultrasonographic features and reference values of the anatomy of the abdomen of common rats (Rattus norvegicus). Animals-20 adult male and 20 adult female rats. Procedures-A complete abdominal ultrasonographic examination was performed with the rats sedated. The cadavers of 4 rats were used for anatomic comparisons. Two cadavers were dissected and 2 cadavers were frozen and then cross-sectioned by use of an electric bandsaw. Slices were cleaned with water and photographed on each side. Correlations between variables were determined. Results-The ultrasonographic anatomy of the abdomen was determined, including measurements of the kidneys and adrenal glands and thickness of the walls of the stomach (saccus caecus, fundus, and pylorus), duodenum, and cecum. A significant positive correlation between kidney size and body weight was detected. The dorsoventral measurements of the left and right adrenal gland were significantly different, regardless of sex. Dorsoventral measurements of the right adrenal gland were significantly different between males and females. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-The ultrasonographic images and data provided an atlas of the ultrasonographic anatomy of common rats that may be useful to veterinary radiologists, clinicians, and researchers.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Evaluation of self-injurious behavior, food intake, fecal output, and thermal withdrawal latencies after injection of a high-concentration buprenorphine formulation in rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Allen, Molly | Nietlishbach, Nicole | Johnson, Rebecca A.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate effects of high-concentration buprenorphine (HCB) on self-injurious behavior, food intake, fecal output, and thermal withdrawal latencies in healthy rats. ANIMALS 8 Sprague-Dawley rats. PROCEDURES Rats received 4 SC treatments (HCB at 0.075, 0.15, or 0.30 mg/kg [HCB0.075, HCB0.15, and HCB0.30, respectively] or 5% dextrose solution [0.20 mL/kg]) in a randomized, crossover-design study. Self-injurious behavior was assessed for 8 hours after injection. Food intake and fecal output were assessed for predetermined periods before and after treatment and separated into 12-hour light and dark periods for further analysis. Withdrawal latencies were assessed before (time 0) and at predetermined times after injection. Data were compared among treatments and time points. RESULTS Self-injurious behavior was observed up to 8 hours after injection for all HCB, but not dextrose, treatments. Preinjection food intake and fecal output amounts were similar among groups and higher during the dark period than during the light period. Food intake after all HCB treatments was higher during the light period and lower during the dark period, compared with preinjection results for the same treatments and with postinjection results for dextrose administration. Light-period fecal output was lower after HCB0.15 and HCB0.30 administration, compared with preinjection values for the same treatments and postinjection values for dextrose administration. Percentage change in withdrawal latency was significantly higher than that at time 0 (ie, 0%) for only 1 treatment (HCB0.30) at 1 time point (1 hour after injection). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Although HCB0.30 produced a degree of thermal hypoalgesia in healthy rats, self-injurious behavior and alterations in food intake and fecal output were detected, potentially affecting clinical utility of the treatment.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile in wild Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from Ontario swine farms
Rothenburger, J. L. | Rousseau, J. D. | Weese, J. S. | Jardine, C. M.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium difficile are important human pathogens that are also carried by animals. The role of wild mammals on farms in their maintenance and transmission, however, is poorly understood. To determine if Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) are potential carriers of these bacteria on Canadian farms, we tested 21 rats from swine farms in Ontario. The MRSA spa type t034 was isolated from 1 (4.8%) rat. This livestock-associated strain often colonizes pigs and pig farmers, suggesting that transmission among rats and pigs or environmental transmission is possible on pig farms. Clostridium difficile ribotype 078 was isolated from 1 rat from a different farm. This strain is associated with infection in piglets, calves, and humans. The identification of MRSA and C. difficile in Norway rats on farms in Canada adds to the growing knowledge about the role of rats in the ecology of these pathogens. Further studies are required to determine if rats play a part in the epidemiology of these pathogens on farms.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Contraceptive effect and potential side-effects of deslorelin acetate implants in rats (Rattus norvegicus): Preliminary observations
Grosset, Claire | Peters, Stijn | Peron, Franck | Figuera, Joelle | Navarro, Christelle
During the last ten years, numerous species have been treated with deslorelin implants to induce contraception. The aims of the study were 1) to assess contraceptive efficacy of 4.7 mg subcutaneous deslorelin implants in rats, 2) to determine the latency of contraceptive effect, and 3) to determine potential side effects. Three experimental females were implanted and their estrous cycle was studied by vaginal smear. Two weeks after implantation, a male whose fertility was previously assessed with a control female, was introduced into their cage. No female conceived during the 4 mo following implantation. Additionally, 38 pet rats were recruited from clients in practice to test for potential side effects, including 6 males and 32 females with a mean age of 14 mo. Local reaction and transient weight gain during the first 2 wk, as well as behavioral changes were recorded. According to this pilot study, deslorelin implant could be used as a contraceptive method in female rats. The latency period is about 2 wk. Nevertheless, it might be possible to refine the treatment further using hormonal measurements. The duration of contraceptive effect is to be determined in an upcoming study.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Grahamella legeri sp. n. (Rickettsiales: Bartonellaceae) haemoparasite of Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769) | Grahamella legeri sp. n. (Rickettsiales: Bartonellaceae) hemoparasito de Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769)
Nicolau Haués da Serra Freire | John Furlong
<p>It was observed that 25.47% of the Rattus norvegicus examined from the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, were infected by Grahamella legeri sp. n. being 53.84% in the rural and 16.25% in the urban zone. The rickettsia found in the blood smears and organ imprints stained by the method of Giemsa was studied morphologically and biologically. The experimental transmission with infected blood was obtained only between individuals of the same species and the enhancement of its virulence by the stress of the host was obtained with Dexa-metazone or by splenectomy. The cultivation of the parasite was attempted in an artificial medium, specific for Grahamella spp. The pathogenicity of the organism was demonstrated. Its systematic position was discussed and it was concluded that it represents a new species of Rickettsiales, Bartonellaceae, so for improperly denominated Grahamella muris Leger, 1913, for which it is proposed the name Grahamella legeri in honor of André Leger.</p> | De 106 Rattus norvegicus capturados no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, observou-se que 25,47% estavam parasitados por Grahamella legeri sp. n. na zona rural a prevalência foi de 53,84% e na zona urbana de 16,25%. A riquetsia foi identificada em esfregaços de sangue periférico, corados pelo método Giemsa, sendo analisada morfológica e biologicamente. As tentativas de transmissão do parasito para diferentes espécies de mamíferos, por inoculaçâo de sangue infectado, só tiveram êxito para R. norvegicus; nestes se provocou aumento da parasitemia conseqüente à esplenectomia ou a injeções de dexametasona. Registrou-se a evolução de quadro clínico de anemia induzida pela infecção com G. legeri. Não houve êxito no cultivo da riquetsia em meio de cultura tido como específico para o gênero. Discutiu-se a posição sistemática, concluíndo-se pela impropriedade da denominação de Grahamella muris Leger, 1913, pelo que se propôs o nome Grahamella legeri, em homenagem a André Legér.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Grahamella legeri sp. n. (Rickettsiales: Bartonellaceae) hemoparasito de Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769)
Nicolau Haués da Serra Freire | John Furlong
De 106 Rattus norvegicus capturados no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, observou-se que 25,47% estavam parasitados por Grahamella legeri sp. n. na zona rural a prevalência foi de 53,84% e na zona urbana de 16,25%. A riquetsia foi identificada em esfregaços de sangue periférico, corados pelo método Giemsa, sendo analisada morfológica e biologicamente. As tentativas de transmissão do parasito para diferentes espécies de mamíferos, por inoculaçâo de sangue infectado, só tiveram êxito para R. norvegicus; nestes se provocou aumento da parasitemia conseqüente à esplenectomia ou a injeções de dexametasona. Registrou-se a evolução de quadro clínico de anemia induzida pela infecção com G. legeri. Não houve êxito no cultivo da riquetsia em meio de cultura tido como específico para o gênero. Discutiu-se a posição sistemática, concluíndo-se pela impropriedade da denominação de Grahamella muris Leger, 1913, pelo que se propôs o nome Grahamella legeri, em homenagem a André Legér.
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