[ 发表于: Journal of Veterinary Research ]

结果 1-6 的 6

Comparative studies on bioavailability and tissue uptake of two intraruminally or intraperitoneally administered esters of alpha-tocopherol in sheep.


Hidiroglou M. | Charmley E.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Comparison of taurine, alpha-tocopherol, retinol, selenium, and total triglycerides and cholesterol concentrations in cats with cardiac disease and in healthy cats.


Fox P.R. | Trautwein E.A. | Hayes K.C. | Bond B.R. | Sisson D.D. | Moise N.S.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Effects of vitamin E on prevention and treatment of canine babesiosis


Lee, K.K. | Kim, G.H. | Lee, Y.J. (Cheju National University, Cheju (Korea republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture)

Korea Agricultural Science Digital Library - Republic of Korea

Effects of levamisole, selenium and tocopherol on the functions of blood neutrophil and peritoneal macrophage of Korean native goats


Kim, J.M. (Rural Development Administration, Anyang (Korea Republic). Veterinary Research Institute) | Mah, J.S. | Jeon, Y.S. (Seoul National Univ., Suwon (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)

Korea Agricultural Science Digital Library - Republic of Korea

Effects of levamisole, selenium and tocopherol on the lymphocyte blastogenesis and production of antibody in Korean native goat


Kim, J.M. (Rural Development Administration, Anyang (Korea Republic). Veterinary Research Institute) | Mah, J.S. | Jeon, Y.S. (Seoul National Univ., Suwon (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)

Korea Agricultural Science Digital Library - Republic of Korea

The antioxidative effects of alpha-tocopherol on the lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation by free radicals


Chung, C.W. (Rural Development Administration, Anyang (Korea Republic). Veterinary Research Institute) | Huh, R.S. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)

Korea Agricultural Science Digital Library - Republic of Korea