[ 发表于: Journal of Veterinary Research ]

结果 1-5 的 5

Vaccination of chickens with live Newcastle disease virus vaccines adjuvanated with Nigella sativa oil


A. S. Hussien | H. M. Madbouly

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Determination of formalin in animal and poultry inactivated vaccines using different methods


N. A.Y. Sherif

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The efficacy of live infectious bursal disease vaccines in commercial 10 days old chicks.


M. M. Amer | K. M. El-Bayomi | Wafaa A. Abdel-Ghany | M. A. Kotkat | Sherein S. Abdel –Gaied | M. A. Shakal

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Comparative immunological studies on some single and combined live attenuated vaccines in poultry


Hanan M. El-Zahed | Susan S. El-Mahdy | N. A. Sherif | Amal A. Sayed | Anhar Abdel Moety

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Studies on the cumulative effect of sodium thiomersal on broilers vaccinated with inactivated poultry vaccines


Zeinab M. Sror | Anhar Abd El-Moety | Hanan, M. Ibrahim | M. L. Sayed, A. R. Mahmoud | A. R. Mahmoud | S. M. Shafei | M. H. Khodeir

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