结果 111-120 的 259
Isolation of serovar C-3 Haemophilus paragallinarum from Zimbabwe: A further indication of the need for the production of vaccines against infectious coryza containing local isolates of H. paragallinarum
Bragg, R.R. (Free State Univ., Bloemfontein (South Africa). Microbiology and Biochemistry Dept.)
Non-immune control of trypanosomosis: In vitro oxidative burst of PMA- and trypanosome-stimulated neutrophils of Boran and N'Dama cattle
Taiwo, V.O. (Ibadan Univ. (Nigeria). Veterinary Pathology Dept.) | Adejinmi, J.O. | Oluwaniyi, J.O.
Acaricide resistance profiles of single- and multi-host ticks from communal and commercial farming areas in the Eastern Cape and North-West Provinces of South Africa
Mekonnen, S. | Bryson, N.R. (Pretoria Univ., Onderstepoort (South Africa). Veterinary Tropical Diseases Dept.) | Fourie, L.J. | Peter, R.J. | Spickett, A.M. | Taylor, R.J. | Strydom, T. | Horak, I.G.
An overview of the eradication of Brucella melitensis from KwaZulu-Natal [South Africa]
Emslie, F.R. | Nel, J.R.
Water absorption in relation to fermentation in the colon of the ostrich (Struthio camelus)
Musara, C. | Chamunorwa, J.P. (Zimbabwe Univ., Harare (Zimbabwe). Veterinary Science Faculty) | Holtug, K. | Skadhauge, E.
Validation of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibody against Brucella abortus in cattle sera using an automated ELISA workstation
Paweska, J.T. (Agricultural Research Council, Onderstepoort (South Africa). Onderstepoort Veterinary Inst.) | Potts, A.D. | Harris, H.J. | Smith, S.J. | Viljoen, G.J. | Dungu, B. | Brett, O.L. | Bubb, M. | Prozesky, L.
Redescription of some Spauligodon spp. and Parapharyngodon spp., and of Skrjabinodon mabuyae (Sandground, 1936) Inglis, 1968 (Pharyngodonidae: Oxyuroidea) from insectivorous South African lizards
Hering-Hagenbeck, S.F.B.N. (Pretoria Univ., Onderstepoort (South Africa). Veterinary Tropical Diseases Dept.) | Petter, A.J. | Boomker, J.
Description of Pelonia africana n.g., n. sp. (Pentastomida: Sebekidae) from the lungs of Pelomedusa subrufa and Pelusios sinuatus (Chelonia) in South Africa
Junker, K. (Karlsruhe Univ. (Germany). Zoology Inst.) | Boomker, J.
Strategic control of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep in the highlands of central Kenya
Maingi, N. (Nairobi Univ. (Kenya). Veterinary Pathology, Microbiology and Parasitology Dept.) | Otieno, R.O. | Gichohi, V.M. | Weda, E.H.
Hepatic and renal concentrations of copper and other trace elements in hippopotami (Hippopotamus amphibius L.) living in and adjacent to the Kafue and Luangwa rivers in Zambia
Mwase, M. (Zambian Univ., Lusaka (Zambia). Samora Machel Veterinary Medicine School of Medicine) | Almli, B. | Sivertsen, T. | Musonda, M.M. | Flaoyen, A.