结果 151-160 的 367
Partitioning of total pulmonary resistance in horses
Lavoie, J.P. | Pascoe, J.R. | Kupershoek, C.J.
The partitioning of total pulmonary resistance (RL) into upper airway resistance and lower airway resistance (Rl) was studied in 8 Thoroughbred geldings. In addition, the phase shift and amplitude distortion of 3 catheters used for pressure measurements in this study were evaluated under static and dynamic conditions. Flow rate was obtained from a heated pneumotachograph attached to a tight-fitting mask placed over the nose. Electronic integration of the flow signal gave tidal volume. Transpulmonary pressure (PL) was obtained from calculation of the difference between the esophageal balloon catheter pressure and mask pressure. Lateral tracheal pressure was measured from a polyethylene catheter placed percutaneously in the middle portion of the trachea. Lower airway pressure (Pl) was calculated as the difference between esophageal pressure and lateral tracheal pressure. Similarly, upper airway pressure was defined as the difference between lateral tracheal pressure and mask pressure. Pressures are reported as the difference between the maximal and the minimal pressures recorded during a respiratory cycle. Airway resistance was calculated, using the isovolume method, at 50% of tidal volume. There were individual and group variations in Pl and Pl/PL, although P1 accounted for more than 60% of PL in all horses. In 6 horses, Rl was more than 50% of RL whereas in 2 horses, Rl was only 30 and 34% of RL. Amplitude distortion was minimal for the 3 catheters under static conditions in the in vitro study. Under dynamic conditions, amplitude distortion varied according to the catheter studied, the frequency, and the resistance of the system. There were no phase differences under static conditions at low frequency. However, phase discrepancy, which was variable through the cycle, was observed for some catheters at high frequency under static and dynamic conditions. It was concluded that, until measuring techniques are standardized in horses, variations in the partitioning of RL are likely to be obtained between studies and between animals within studies. However, phase discrepancy, which was variable through the cycle, was observed for some catheters at high frequency under static and dynamic conditions. It was concluded that, until measuring techniques are standardized in horses, variations in the partitioning of RL are likely to be obtained between studies and between animals within studies.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Comparison of the holding power of 3.5-mm cortical versus 4.0-mm cancellous orthopedic screws in the pelvis of immature dogs (cadavers)
Sardinas, J.C. | Kraus, K.H. | Sisson, R.D.
A 3.5-mm cortical orthopedic screw was compared with a 4.0-mm cancellous screw for maximal load to failure in the pelvis of immature dogs. The pelvis from young cadavers (7 to 13 months old) was divided into hemipelves and used for testing of the 2 screw types. Two sites in each hemipelvis were used, mid-shaft of the ilium and mid-sacrum, including the wing of the ilium. The screws were extracted, and maximal load to failure and mode of failure were recorded. Maximal load to failure per millimeter of engaged thread was calculated. In either pelvic site, the 4.0-mm cancellous screw required a significantly (P < 0.05) higher pullout force per millimeter of engaged screw threads than did the 3.5-mm cortical bone screw.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effect of food deprivation on baseline iodothyronine and cortisol concentrations in healthy, adult horses
Messer, N.T. | Johnson, P.J. | Refsal, K.R. | Nachreiner, R.F. | Ganjam, V.K. | Krause, G.F.
Six healthy, adult horses, with normal (mean +/- SEM) baseline serum concentrations of total triiodothyronine (T3, 1.02 +/- 0.16 nmol/L), free T3 (FT3, 2.05 +/- 0.33 pmol/L), total thyroxine (T4, 19.87 +/- 1.74 nmol/L), free T4 (FT4, 11.55 +/- 0.70 pmol/L), total reverse T3 (rT3, 0.68 +/- 0.06 nmol/L), and cortisol (152.75 +/- 17.50 nmol/L), were judged to be euthyroid on the basis of response to a standardized thyroid-stimulating hormone response test. Serum concentrations of T3, FT3, T4, FT4, rT3, and cortisol were determined immediately before and every 24 hours during a 4-day period of food deprivation, when water was available ad libitum. Similar variables were measured 72 hours after refeeding. Decreases (to percentage of baseline, prefood deprivation value) in circulating T3 (42%), T4 (38%), FT3 (30%), and FT4 (24%) concentrations were maximal after 2, 4, 2, and 4 days of food deprivation, respectively (P < 0.05). Increases (compared with baseline, prefood deprivation value) in rT3 (31%) and cortisol (41%) concentrations were maximal after 1 and 2 days of food deprivation, respectively (P < 0.05). Refeeding resulted in increase in serum T4 and FT4, and decrease in rT3 and cortisol concentrations toward baseline values, after 72 hours (P < 0.05). Refeeding did not effect a return of T3 or FT3 concentration to baseline values after 72 hours (P < 0.05). Food deprivation appears to cause changes in serum concentrations of T3, FT3, T4, FT4, rT3, and cortisol in horses that are similar to those in human beings. This effect of food deprivation should be considered when results of serum thyroid hormone and cortisol assays are interpreted in the face of clinical disease. These results further emphasize the invalidity of making a clinical diagnosis of hypothyroidism on the basis of baseline, serum thyroid hormone concentrations in horses, especially if the horses have been anorectic or inappetent.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Laparoscopic anatomy of the equine abdomen
Galuppo, L.D. | Snyder, J.R. | Pascoe, J.R.
Laparoscopy was performed on 6 horses (2 mares, 2 geldings, 2 stallions) to determine the normal laparoscopic anatomy of the equine abdomen. After withholding feed for 36 hours, horses were examined from the left and right paralumbar fossae, and the visceral anatomic structures were recorded by videotape and photography. One mare developed emphysema located subcutaneously at the primary laparoscopic portal; otherwise, there were no complications. The anatomic structures of diagnostic importance that were observed in the left half of the abdomen were the hepatic duct; left lateral and quadrate lobes of the liver; stomach; spleen; left kidney with the associated nephrosplenic ligament; segments of jejunum, descending colon, and ascending colon; left side of the male and female reproductive tracts; urinary bladder; vaginal ring; and mesorchium. Important structures observed in the right side of the abdomen were portions of the common hepatic duct; left lateral, quadrate, and right lobes of the liver; caudate process of the liver; stomach; duodenum; right dorsal colon, epiploic foramen; omental bursa; right kidney; base of the cecum; segments of jejunum, descending colon, and ascending colon; urinary bladder; right half of the male and female reproductive tracts; and rectum.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]High-performance liquid chromatography method for determination of flunixin in bovine plasma and pharmacokinetics after single and repeated doses of the drug
Odensvik, K. | Johansson, I.M.
A high-performance liquid chromatography method was developed for determination of flunixin in bovine plasma. The extraction procedure was easily performed and made it possible to detect low concentrations of flunixin with high accuracy. The limit of quantitation was 7 ng/ml (relative standard deviation = 18%, n = 10). The analytic method permits processing of 60 samples/d. Flunixin, as well as the internal standard (diclofenac sodium), belong to the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are known to have a high degree of binding to plasma proteins. Therefore, an evaluation of several buffer systems was undertaken to optimize analytic conditions. Cattle were given 2.2 mg of flunixin meglumine/kg of body weight. In experiment 1, single injections were administered IV to q cow and IM to 1 heifer (7 days apart), and pharmacokinetic variables were calculated. The IV data were best described by a two-compartment model. The half-life after single IV or IM administration was around 4.0 hours. In experiment 2, the decreasing flunixin concentration was determined after the last of either 4 IM injections daily (n = 3 cows) or 2 IM injections daily (n = 3 cows) administered during a 14-day postpartum period. The half-life, determined between 48 and 96 hours after the last dose, was approximately 26 hours in both groups, and flunixin could be detected in plasma up to 8 days, on average. The protein binding of flunixin was studied, using the method of equilibrium dialysis. Flunixin was found to have a high degree of protein binding (ie, 99.4 +/- 0.2%) at a flunixin concentration in plasma of 3 to micrograms/ml. Differences in protein binding between cattle were not found.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Comparison of N-acetylcysteine and methylene blue, alone or in combination, for treatment of acetaminophen toxicosis in cats
Rumbeiha, W.K. | Lin, Y.S. | Oehme, F.W.
Acetaminophen is widely used in human beings for analgesic purposes, but is one of the most frequent causes of poisoning in cats. Acetaminophen-poisoned cats develop methemoglobinemia and sometimes hepatic failure. To determine the benefit of using methylene blue, a treatment for methemoglobinemia, along with N-acetylcysteine (NAC), the recommended treatment for acetaminophen-poisoned cats, groups of 3 male and 3 female cats each were given methylene blue NAC, or both after administration of acetaminophen (120 mg/kg of body weight, PO). Male cats seemed more susceptible than female cats to acetaminophen toxicosis, because 3 males died of hepatic failure (2 cats given acetaminophen/methylene blue and 1 given acetaminophen/NAC/methylene blue). Although NAC alone seemed to elicit the best overall response, methylene blue, alone or in combination with NAC, may be useful in female cats.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Comparison of methods for estimation of Toxoplasma gondii-specific antibody production in the aqueous humor of cats
Hill, S.L. | Lappin, M.R. | Carman, J.
Intraocular production of Toxoplasma gondii-specific antibody in cats has been estimated by comparing the ratio of T gondii-specific antibody in aqueous humor and serum with the ratio of total immunoglobulins in serum and aqueous humor (Goldmann-Witmer coefficient; aqueous antibody coefficient; C value). It has been proposed that in human beings, comparison of the ratio of T gondii-specific antibody in aqueous humor and serum with the ratio of antibodies against a nonocular pathogen in serum and aqueous humor is more accurate than methods using total immunoglobulin quantification. We developed an ELISA for detection of calicivirus-specific antibodies in the serum and aqueous humor of cats. By evaluating calicivirus-specific antibody concentrations in the aqueous humor of healthy and diseased cats, calicivirus was assessed as a nonintraocular pathogen. The ratio of T gondii-specific antibodies in the aqueous humor and serum and the ratio of calicivirus-specific antibodies in serum and aqueous humor were evaluated as a means of estimating intraocular T gondii-specific antibody production. A field strain of feline calicivirus was isolated, cultured, and purified. A calicivirus-specific IgG ELISA was developed for detection of feline calicivirus-specific IgG in serum and aqueous humor. Calicivirus-specific IgG was measured in the serum and aqueous humor from 3 groups of control cats. Results suggested that calicivirus is a nonintraocular pathogen in cats and that calicivirus IgG detected in aqueous humor is attributable to leakage across a damaged blood-ocular barrier. Intraocular production of T gondii-specific antibodies was estimated, using 2 formulas. The C value was calculated by multiplying the ratio of T gondii-specific IgM or IgG in aqueous humor and serum by the ratio of total immunoglobulins (using the corresponding IgM or IgG class) in serum and aqueous humor. The Ctc value (Toxoplasma-calicivirus Goldmann-Witmer coefficient) was calculated by multiplying the ratio of T gondii-specific IgM or IgG in aqueous humor and serum by the ratio of calicivirus-specific IgG in serum and aqueous humor. Serum and aqueous humor samples were obtained from 41 client-owned cats with uveitis, and T gondii-specific C values and Ctc values were calculated. Toxoplasma gondii-specific IgM or IgG C values of 10 or greater or T gondii-specific IgM or IgG Ctc values of 1 or greater were considered to be suggestive of intraocular T gondii-specific antibody production. Of the 41 cats, 20 (48.7%) had evidence of intraocular production of T gondii-specific antibody on the basis of either an IgM or IgG C value of 10 or greater. A Ctc value could not be calculated in 3 cats because calicivirus-specific IgG was not present in aqueous humor. Of the 38 cats for which Ctc values could be calculated, 25 (65.8%) had evidence of intraocular production of T gondii-specific antibody on the basis of either an IgM or IgG Ctc value of 1 or greater. The C values and Ctc values were in agreement for 75.9% of IgM containing samples and 75% of IgG containing samples. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive value of a positive test result, and predictive value of a negative test result for an IgM or IgG C value, when compared with the corresponding IgM or IgG Ctc value were determined. The results indicate that use of the C value for estimation of intraocular T gondii-specific antibody production will result in 28.6 (IgM) to 50% IgG) false-negative results and 12.5% (IgM and IgG) false-positive results, when compared with the Ctc value.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Demonstration of tank effect on growth indices of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during an ad libitum feeding trial
Speare, D.J. | MacNair, N. | Hammell, K.L.
Growth indices were examined in 24 identically managed tanks, each containing 120 diploid juvenile rainbow trout (initial mean body weight, 9.3 g), during a 12-week study to examine tank effects associated with tank location in a multi-user research facility. Growth indices included mean body weight, feed intake, feed conversion index, and specific growth rate. The null hypothesis that tank effect had no effect on growth over the 12-week period was rejected (P = 0.038), and mean weight in individual tanks differed by as much as 18.7%. During the study, it was determined that the proximity of tanks to common-use walkways in the facility could affect growth indices. This was indicated by significant differences in the mean fish weights among blocks of tanks served by different header tanks after 4 (P = 0.001) and 8 (P = 0.024) weeks. The block containing tanks of fish with the highest mean weight was nearest to the 2 common-use walkways in the facility. Fish in this block of tanks, compared with those in other blocks, had significantly greater feed intake but no significant differences in conversion efficiency. Compensatory growth, a well known growth attribute in fishes, diminished the difference in mean weight between these blocks of tanks by the end of the study. Comparison of paired tanks within header tank blocks indicated that fish in those located nearest to walkways had higher feeding rates over the 12-week period (P = 0.048), but less efficient teed conversion (P = 0.040) than did fish in matched tanks located farthest from walkways. However, there were no differences in mean weight of fish. Results of this trial document the risks involved in identifying fish in a tank as the experimental unit when treatments are administered to the tank of fish, the latter being the true experimental unit.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Passive protection of calves with Pasteurella haemolytica antiserum
Mosier, D.A. | Simons, K.R. | Vestweber, J.G.
Four colostrum-deprived calves each were immunized passively with antisera to whole Pasteurella haemolytica, leukotoxin-containing supernatants of P haemolytica, P haemolytica lipopolysaccharide, or newborn calf serum. Calves were challenge exposed intrabronchially with 5 X 10(9) P haemolytica, and 24 hours later, the resulting lesions were evaluated. The greatest protection against challenge exposure was provided by the antiserum to whole P haemolytica (lesion score = 6.3), whereas newborn calf serum provided the least protection (lesion score = 28.3). Calves that received antiserum to P haemolytica supernatants were moderately protected (lesion score = 16.3), and the antiserum to lipopolysaccharide provided minimal protection (lesion score = 21.8). Antibodies that were unique to whole P haemolytica antiserum and produced dense bands on immunoblots were detected to antigens at 66, 50, and 30 kd. Antibodies in the supernatant preparation that produced prominent bands reacted to antigens between 100 and 90 kd. Collectively, antibodies to these antigens may be responsible for enhancing resistance to experimentally induced pneumonic pasteurellosis. Antibodies to antigens in P haemolytica lipopolysaccharide provided little to no protection.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Safety, efficacy, and duaration of immunity induced in swine by use of an avirulent live Salmonella choleraesuis-containing vaccine
Roof, M.B. | Doitchinoff, D.D.
An avirulent live Salmonella choleraesuis culture (SC-54) was evaluated for use as an effective vaccine in preventing salmonellosis caused by S choleraesuis in pigs. Eighty-two pigs, 3 to 4 weeks old, were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups, which were designated as either vaccinates or controls. After vaccination, all pigs were examined for fecal shedding of S choleraesuis, rectal temperature, and 10 clinical variables. Significant difference was not detected between vaccinated and nonvaccinated pigs for 14 days (phase I) after intranasal administration of the vaccine. Efficacy and duration of immunity were examined by intranasally challenge exposing respective pigs from either treatment group with a virulent field isolate of S choleraesuis at 2, 8, or 20 weeks after vaccination (phases II-IV). Pigs were again evaluated for 14 days after challenge exposure, and 10 clinical variables and rectal temperature were monitored. Surviving pigs were euthanatized and evaluated for gross lesions, and samples of 7 organs were collected. These organ samples were homogenized, and level of S choleraesuis infection was determined. After virulent challenge exposure during phases II-IV, the clinical status of the SC-54 vaccinates was significantly (P < 0.05) superior to that of nonvaccinates for rectal temperature, feces consistency, behavior, appetite, body condition, and mean score for the 10 clinical variables. Quantitative bacteriologic culture of the tonsil, lung, liver, spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes, ileum, and colon samples indicated consistent reduction of organ colonization in vaccinates; bacteria numbers in the mesenteric lymph nodes, lungs, and ileum were significantly (P < 0.05) reduced. Gross lesions in pigs indicated reduction of pneumonia in vaccinates. Pigs also had consistent weight gain throughout all phases of the study after challenge exposure, although the differences were not significant. In conclusion, a single intranasally administered dose of SC-54 given to 3- to 4-week-old pigs proved to be safe and efficacious and to provide protection to pigs at least 20 weeks after initial vaccination.
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