结果 291-300 的 424
The Cap gene of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) evolves by positive selection in vitro | O gene Cap de circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PCV2) evolui por seleção positiva in vitro
Paulo Eduardo Brandão | Sibele Pinheiro de Souza | Alessandra Marnie Martins Gomes de Castro | Leonardo José Richtzenhain
This article reports the genetic divergence of PCV2 after passages in VERO and SK-RST cell lines. Fisher's exact test indicated a trend for positive selection on the cap gene. These results allow insights on the development of PCV2 vaccines and the evolution of the genus Circovirus. | Este artigo relata a divergência genética de PCV2 após passagens em células das linhagens VERO e SK-RST. O teste exato de Fisher indicou tendência para seleção positiva no gene cap. Estes resultados permitem inferências relativas ao desenvolvimento de vacinas contra PCV2 e sobre a evolução do gênero Circovirus.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ocorrência de leishmaniose em gatos de área endêmica para leishmaniose visceral | Occurrence of leishmaniasis in cats from endemic area for visceral leishmaniasis
Thiago André Carreo Costa | Claudio Nazaretian Rossi | Márcia Dalastra Laurenti | Ana Amélia Domingues Gomes | Juliana Peloi Vides | Ludmila Silva Vicente Sobrinho | Marcondes Mary
Apesar da descrição de vários casos de leishmaniose felina no mundo, pouco se sabe sobre a importância do gato como um reservatório da doença. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de leishmaniose em gatos provenientes de uma área endêmica para leishmaniose visceral no Brasil. Duzentos gatos foram incluídos no estudo. A presença de infecção foi determinada por meio do achado de formas amastigotas do parasita em esfregaços obtidos por punção biópsia aspirativa de linfonodos, medula óssea, baço e fígado, e pela presença de anticorpos anti-L. chagasi pelo teste de ELISA indireto. Nossos resultados demonstraram uma prevalência de infecção em 14,5% (31/200) dos gatos na população estudada, sendo 4% (8/200) por diagnóstico parasitológico e 11,5% (23/200) por sorologia. | Despite the description of several cases of feline leishmaniasis around the world, little information is available about the importance of the cat as a reservoir of the disease. The aim of the present study was to determine the occurrence of leishmaniasis in cats from an endemic area for visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. Two hundred cats were included in this study. Infection was evaluated through the presence of amastigotes in stained smears from fine-needle aspirates of lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen and liver, and by antibody reactivity against Leishmania chagasi using indirect ELISA. Our results showed a prevalence of infection in 14.5% (31/200) of the feline population studied, with 4% (8/200) of positivity by parasitological diagnosis and 11.5% (23/200) by serology.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Clinical and parasitological evaluation of dogs naturally infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi submitted to treatment with meglumine antimoniate and allopurinol | Avaliação clínica e parasitológica de cães naturalmente infectados por Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi submetidos a tratamento com antimoniato de meglumina e alopurinol
Fabiana Augusta Ikeda-Garcia | Raimundo Souza Lopes | Fábia Judice Marques | Paulo César Ciarlini | Valéria Marçal Félix de Lima | Celina Kazue Morinishi | Maurício Franco Zanette | Sílvia Helena Venturoli Perri | Mary Marcondes
Aiming to assess the efficacy of the treatment, to verify the occurrence of possible disease relapses and to search for the presence of parasites after the treatment, seven dogs naturally infected by Leishmania sp., were submitted to a treatment with meglumine antimoniate and allopurinol. For this, lymph node and bone marrow aspiration biopsies were carried out at seven moments. After the end of the six-month observation period all dogs were submitted to euthanasia. Then, spleen and liver "imprints" and in vitro cultures were carried out to search for amastigote forms of the parasite. All animals presented remission of the symptoms and during all the observation period no dog presented relapse of the disease, although amastigote forms of the parasite were observed in two of the animals at the end of the experiment. Thus, it was possible to conclude that the treatment promotes clinical healing but it does not eliminate the parasites completely. | Com objetivo de avaliar a eficácia do tratamento, verificar a ocorrência de possíveis recidivas da doença e pesquisar a presença de parasitas após a realização do tratamento, foram utilizados sete cães naturalmente infectados por Leishmania sp., submetidos a tratamento com antimoniato de meglumina e alopurinol. Para tanto, foram realizadas punções biópsias aspirativas de linfonodos e de medula óssea em sete momentos. Após o término dos seis meses de observação, todos os cães foram submetidos à eutanásia e realizados "imprints" e cultivo in vitro do baço e fígado para a pesquisa de formas amastigotas. Todos os animais apresentaram remissão dos sintomas e durante todo o período de observação nenhum cão apresentou recidiva da doença apesar de ter sido observada a presença de formas amastigotas do parasita em dois animais, ao término do experimento. Desta forma, foi possível concluir que o tratamento promove a cura clínica, entretanto não elimina completamente os parasitas.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Passive transfer immunity valuation in lambs with until 30 days of life | Avaliação da transferência de imunidade passiva em cordeiros com até 30 dias de idade
Flávia Corbari Féres | Adriana Longo Lombardi | Tatiana de Sousa Barbosa | Luiz Cláudio Nogueira Mendes | Juliana Regina Peiró | Fabiano Antonio Cadioli | Sílvia Helena Ventruroli Perri | Francisco Leydson Formiga Feitosa
The aim of this study was to determine the serum concentrations of immunoglobulin G, TP and the γ globulin electrophoretic fraction, as well as the enzymatic activities of GGT and ALP. This was done in order to explore the possibility of using changes in activities of these enzymes as indirect indicators of adequate humoral immunity and/or failure of immune passive transfer in lambs. Pearson correlation was performed between variable of four groups of age during the first 30 days of life. Blood samples (191) from lambs from 21 different farms in Araçatuba region- São Paulo. The following tests were perfomed: radial immunodiffusion, spectrophotometry and electrophoresis to stain the amount of IgG, TP and γ globulin, respectively. GGT and ALP values were determinate using commercial kits. There was a statistically significant correlation between ALP and GGT. The same correlation was observed from TP, IgG and GGT. A positive γ globulin correlation was found between GGT, IgG and TP. ALP activity cannot be used as an indicator of immune passive transfer. | O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as concentrações séricas de imunoglobulina G, PT e de sua fração eletroforética γ globulina, assim como a atividade enzimática de GGT e ALP. Estabeleceu-se a possibilidade da atividade destas enzimas ser utilizada indiretamente como indicadoras de um adequado nível de proteção humoral e/ou como falha de transferência de imunidade passiva em cordeiros. Foi pesquisada a correlação entre as variáveis em quatro grupos de idade divididos em até 30 dias de vida. Para tanto, foram coletadas 191 amostras de sangue de cordeiros em 21 propriedades da região de Araçatuba - São Paulo. Realizaram-se os testes de imunodifusão radial, espectrofotometria e eletroforese para obtenção dos valores de IgG, PT e γ globulina, respectivamente. Para os valores da atividade de GGT e ALP, foram utilizados kits comerciais. Notou-se correlação significativa entre ALP e GGT, fato observado também com PT, IgG e GGT. A γ-globulina mostrou-se correlacionada com GGT, IgG e PT. A atividade de FA não deve ser utilizada como indicadora de transferência de imunidade passiva em cordeiros.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Anoxia/Reoxygenation of Equine Endothelial Cells Produce Reactive Oxygen Species: An Oxymetric and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Investigation
de la Rebière de Pouyade, Geoffroy | Mouithys-Mickalad, Ange | Salciccia, Alexandra | Ceusters, Justine | Deby-Dupont, Ginette | Serteyn, Didier | CORD - Centre de l'Oxygène, Recherche et Développement - ULiège
peer reviewed | Abstract Title: Anoxia / Reoxygenation of equine endothelial cells produce reactive oxygen species: an oxymetric and electron paramagnetic resonance investigation. G. de la Rebière de Pouyade 1,2, A. Mouithys-Mickalad 2, A. Salciccia 1,2, J. Ceusters 2, G. Deby-Dupont 2, D. Serteyn 1,2 1-Department of Clinical Sciences, Large Animal Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine B41, University of Liège, Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège, Belgium 2-Center for Oxygen Research and Development, Institute of Chemistry B6a, University of Liège, Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège, Belgium Take Home Message: Equine endothelial cells (EC) submitted to anoxia/reoxygenation (A/R) produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). Introduction: Endothelium participates to the regulation of the inflammatory response and ischemia/reperfusion-induced injuries are suspected in laminitis. Herein, we investigated the effect of anoxia/reoxygenation on ROS production by EC. Materials and Methods: EC cultures were obtained from equine carotid. Detached cells (107) were submitted either to 3 cycles of 20min anoxia followed by reoxygenation in presence of POBN (50mM)/ethanol (2%) mixture as spin trap or to 1h of anoxia followed by reoxygenation and immediate addition of 100mM DMPO. Normoxic cells were used as control (n=3). Anoxia and reoxygenation were monitored by high-resolution respirometry and ROS production was evidenced by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Results: After A/R cycles, high intensity EPR spectra, assigned to the POBN/•CH(OH)CH3 adducts were observed, but not in normoxic cells (control). After 1h of anoxia followed by reoxygenation, an enhanced production of DMPO-OH adducts was observed compared to control. Discussion: The EPR spectra were consistent with the trapping of superoxide anion produced by EC. Such a production could derive from either xanthine oxidase activity or mitochondria dysfunction. Production of ROS by EC could be involved in the disruption of the endothelial barrier, the recruitment of neutrophils and participate to the development of laminitis. Clinical relevance: Drugs (fractionated heparin or pentoxifylline) able to protect endothelium may have therapeutic relevance in preventing laminitis. Conclusion: ROS from EC submitted to A/R might play a crucial role in the oxidative aspect of laminitis.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Equine neutrophil elastase in plasma, laminar tissue, and skin of horses administered black walnut heartwood extract (BWHE)
de la Rebière de Pouyade, Geoffroy | Riggs, Laura | Moore, James | Franck, Thierry | Deby-Dupont, Ginette | Hurley, David | Serteyn, Didier | CORD - Centre de l'Oxygène, Recherche et Développement - ULiège
peer reviewed | Abstract Title: Equine neutrophil elastase in plasma, laminar tissue, and skin of horses administered black walnut heartwood extract (BWHE) Author(s) Name(s) & Institutional Affiliation(s): Geoffroy de la Rebière de Pouyade1, 2, Laura. M. Riggs3, J. N. Moore4, Thierry Franck1, 2, Ginette Deby-Dupont2, David J. Hurley4,5, and Didier Serteyn1, 2 1-Department of Clinical Sciences, Large Animal Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine B41, University of Liège, Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège, Belgium 2-Center for Oxygen Research and Development, Institute of Chemistry B6a, University of Liège, Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège, Belgium 3-Department of Equine Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 4-Department of Large Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 5-Department of Population Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 Take Home Message: Elastase concentrations are increased in the integument of horses during the developmental phase of BWHE-induced laminitis. Introduction: Current evidence suggests the involvement of neutrophils and myeloperoxidase (MPO), a strong oxidative enzyme in the development of laminitis. Elastase is a protease recognized as a component of inflammatory disorders. Neutrophil elastase concentrations were measured in plasma, skin and laminar tissues from control horses and horses given BWHE Materials & Methods (including Statistical Analyses): The study included 4 groups, a control group (water) and 3 experimental groups (BWHE). Plasma was obtained hourly until euthanasia of BWHE-treated horses at 1.5 (n=5), 3 (n=6), and 12 hours (n=10 plasma/n=6 tissue) and control horses at 12 hours (n=7 plasma/n=5 tissue). Elastase concentrations were determined via ELISA. Log-transformed data were analyzed with 1-way ANOVA (tissues) and unpaired t-test (plasma); significance was set at P<0.05. Results: Plasma elastase concentrations in the BWHE group were significantly higher at 6, 8 and 10h compared to the control group. Concentrations in skin and laminar tissue were significantly higher at 3 and 12h in the BWHE group. Elastase concentrations were significantly higher in skin than in lamina at 12h in BWHE group. Discussion: Increased elastase concentrations are consistent with dynamic changes in circulating leukocytes in horses given BWHE. Collectively, MPO and elastase have the potential to cause significant tissue damage during the development of laminitis. Clinical Relevance: Elastase may become an important target as new treatments for laminitis are developed. Conclusion: Elastase concentrations increase in the integumentary system during the development of laminitis and may participate in the disintegration of the hoof basal membrane.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Molecular genealogy tools for white-tailed deer with chronic wasting disease
Ernest, Holly B. | Hoar, Bruce R. | Well, Jay A. | O'Rourke, Katherine I.
Molecular genetic data provide powerful tools for genealogy reconstruction to reveal mechanisms underlying disease ecology. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) congregate in matriarchal groups; kin-related close social spacing may be a factor in the spread of infectious diseases. Spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD), a prion disorder of deer and their cervid relatives, is presumed to be associated with direct contact between individuals and by exposure to shared food and water sources contaminated with prions shed by infected deer. Key aspects of disease ecology are yet unknown. DNA tools for pedigree reconstruction were developed to fill knowledge gaps in disease dynamics in prion-infected wild animals. Kinship indices using data from microsatellite loci and sequence haplotypes of mitochondrial DNA were employed to assemble genealogies. Molecular genealogy tools will be useful for landscape-level population genetic research and monitoring, in addition to epidemiologic studies examining transmission of CWD in captive and free-ranging cervids.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Морфологические и иммунологические показатели у крыс и кроликов, вакцинированных против лептоспироза с применением иммуностимуляторов
Nikitenko, I.G. | Prudnikov, V.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There were presented data of morphological analysis of blood and tissues from a place of vaccine administration and organs of immune system (thymus and lien) of rats vaccinated against a canicola fever of pigs by a produced in the Republic of Belarus vaccine containing in its structure various adjuvants. The vaccination was realized in combination with immunostimulative drugs. Level of specific antibodies of rats and rabbits after immunization with the analyzed preparations as well as with and without immunostimulative drugs were analysed.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Макроморфологические характеристики фабрициевой бурсы индеек в период постнатального онтогенеза
Yakimenko, L.L. | Matsinovich, A.A. | Yakimchik, A.F. | Yakimenko, V.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were analyzed the peculiar features of morphology of bursa of Fabricius of turkeys broad-breasted white turkeys at the stage of postnatal ontogenesis. Research results showed that postnatal ontogenesis of bursa of Fabricius of turkeys developed irregularly with preservation of organ up to 220 days. At turkeys in 300-day old age the organ preserved only in 45% of bird units. Form, colour and consistency of bursa of Fabricius depended on bird age. The absolute weight of the organ increased up to 220 days. The relative weight was maximum at 20-day old age. The sexual peculiar features of the organ morphology were insignificant; they revealed after the beginning of sexual maturity and expressed by some difference in weight and linear dimensions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Влияние состава питательной среды на патогенные свойства лептоспирозных бактерий
Zajtsev, V.V., Vitebsk Biofactory (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was determined the influence of nutritional medium composition on pathogenic properties of leptospirosis bacteria, by an example of 6 pathogenic strains: Leptospira pomona; Leptospira tarassovi; Leptospira grippothyphosa; Leptospira icterrohaemorragia; Leptospira conicola; Leptospira hardjo. During the study there were used the following media: serum-supplemented vitaminized medium on the basis of buck serum; serum-supplemented medium with a growth factor; serum-supplemented vitaminized medium with antlbody biosynthesis growth factor; semisynthetic Russel's medium. According to the results of realized studies there was developed a correlation between terms of leptospirosis bacteria survivability in laboratory animals depending on cultivation medium. In course of the study there were analyzed terms of Leptospira persistence in guinea pigs.
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