结果 321-330 的 513
Application of renal microangiography to normal and diseased kidneys of cattle and mice
Sugimoto, K. | Sakurai, N. | Kaneko, M. | Shirasawa, H. | Shibata, K. | Miyata, M. | Noguchi, T. | Uematsu, K. | Shimoda, K. | Sakata, J.
Use of microangiography is now essential for the study of microcirculation in various organs. Renal microangiographic studies have been reported in rats, rabbits, dogs, human beings, and mice. However, we could not find any report on use of the technique in cattle, despite high incidence of renal disease in that species. The perfusion technique used in mice was improved over that of our previous report, and was applied to normal and diseased bovine kidneys. For the microangiographic technique, composition of the contrast medium, pressure of the injection, duration of perfusion, and washing of kidneys with heparinized saline solution before perfusion are important. In cattle, 1- to 2-mm-thick sections of the kidneys were generally necessary to observe renal vasculature: arcuate and interlobular arteries, afferent arterioles, and glomerular capillaries. In normal bovine kidneys, the angiographic and microangiographic findings were easily recognized as normal, compared with those of normal mice. In affected bovine kidneys, which histologically represented glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, angiography and microangiography revealed corresponding findings.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Development of a serologic assay for cysticercosis, using an antigen isolated from Taenia spp cyst fluid
Hayunga, E.G. | Sumner, M.P. | Rhoads, M.L. | Murrell, K.D. | Isenstein, R.S.
An ammonium sulfate-soluble fraction of Taenia hydatigena cyst fluid (ThFAS) was further evaluated for use in the immunodiagnosis of cysticercosis. Analysis of ThFAS by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and protein immunoblot analysis confirmed earlier reports of a highly specific, low molecular weight antigen in this preparation; in contrast, other components of ThFAS were shown to react nonspecifically. Antibodies against the < 12-kD diagnostic antigen were detected in sera from 10 cattle and 4 swine inoculated with metacestodes of T saginata and T solium, respectively, but not in animals inoculated with Fasciola hepatica, Trichinella spiralis, Brucella abortus, or Toxoplasma gondii, or in noninoculated controls. Isolation and immobilization of the < 12-kD antigen on a hydrophobic transfer membrane resulted in development of an unambiguous dipstick assay capable of correctly identifying fully developed (10-week) experimentally induced infections in cattle and swine. In addition, the dipstick assay was highly specific for diagnosis of the disease in human beings, and offers the potential of distinguishing between human clinical cases of cysticercosis and taeniasis. A similar reactive antigen of diagnostic potential was also identified and isolated from T crassiceps and T taeniaeformis cyst fluids.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Use of flow cytometry for determination of differential leukocyte counts in bovine blood
Jain, N.C. | Paape, M.J. | Miller, R.H.
A flow cytometric method was developed to perform differential leukocyte counts on bovine blood. Blood specimens from 50 healthy Holstein cows were analyzed by use of a flow cytometer. The method entailed diluting blood with phosphate-buffered, hypotonic saline solution containing acridine orange, and performing a step-wise, 3-parameter analysis on the bases of cell size, cellular granularity, and granulocyte fluorescence. Initially, proportions of monocytes, granulocytes, and lymphocytes were determined by creating appropriate windows on dot plots of cell size (determined by forward light scatter) vs cellular granularity (determined by the logarithm of side light scatter). Eosinophils were resolved by analysis of granulocytes as dot plots of logarithms of green vs red fluorescence ascribed to acridine orange. Proportions of eosinophils and neutrophils were computed from data so generated. Microclumps of platelets spuriously affected counts of some granulocytes, particularly eosinophils. Differential leukocyte counts determined by flow cytometry generally compared favorably with those obtained by use of the conventional microscopic method, using Wright-stained blood films. Mean neutrophil and eosinophil counts determined by the 2 methods did not differ significantly, but lymphocyte counts determined by flow cytometry were significantly higher than those determined by microscopy (P < 0.01). Correlation coefficients for counts of neutrophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes determined by the 2 methods ranged from 0.519 to 0.833. Correlation between monocyte counts was low (r = 0.147), although mean monocyte counts determined by the 2 methods did not differ significantly. Total leukocyte counts determined by flow cytometry were significantly lower (P < 0.01) than counts determined by use of an automated cell counter; correlation between the 2 counts was low (r = 0.350).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Electrophysiologic studies of the cutaneous innvervation of the pelvic limb of male dogs
Haghighi, S.S. | Kitchell, R.L. | Johnson, R.D. | Bailey, C.S. | Spurgeon, T.L.
The area of skin supplied by the afferent fibers in one cutaneous nerve is called the cutaneous area (CA) for that nerve. The CA of peripheral branches of lumbar and sacral spinal nerves responsive to the stimulation of hair follicle mechanoreceptors were mapped in 27 dogs. The amount of overlap among the CA was similar to that found for other CA of the body. The CA of peripheral branches of the sciatic nerve were restricted to the lateral, cranial, and caudal aspects of the pelvic limb distal to the stifle. The CA of the saphenous nerve was located on the medial side of the limb, except for a small area located on the lateral side of the crus. The distal part of the CA of the saphenous nerve was completely overlapped in the hind paw by branches of the superficial peroneal nerve laterally and the medial plantar branch of the tibial nerve medially. The CA for the deep peroneal nerve was located on the dorsal surface of the webbing between digits 2 and 3 and the adjacent skin of these digits. The CA of the plantar branches of the tibial nerve were small in comparison with the diameter of the nerve, suggesting that these branches contained nerve fibers supplying other, deeper structures in the hindpaw and that damage to these nerves would interfere with cutaneous sensation in only a small region on the plantar surface of the hindpaw. Knowledge of the CA of the various branches of the sciatic nerve allows more accurate localization of injury to the sciatic nerve or its branches by using areas of anesthesia.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Changes in blood and bronchoalvelor lavage fluid components in calves with experimentally induced pneumonic pasteurellosis
Weiss, D.J. | Bauer, M.C. | Whiteley, L.O. | Maheswaran, S.K. | Ames, T.R.
Pneumonic pasteurellosis was experimentally induced in calves by inoculation of 5 X 10(8) Pasteurella haemolytica organisms into the right diaphragmatic lung lobe. Blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples were obtained prior to inoculation and at postinoculation hour (PIH) 2, 4, and 6. Calves developed acute lung injury, characteristic of pneumonic pasteurellosis. Lesions were found only in the right diaphragmatic lobe. By PIH 4, significant (P < 0.01) increases were detected in lavage fluid total cell count, neutrophil count, total protein and albumin concentrations, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactic dehydrogenase (LD) activities. Myeloperoxidase and elastase activities did not increase. Neutrophil depletion ameliorated the lung lesions and prevented the increase in lavage fluid cell count, total protein, and albumin concentrations and ALP and LD activities. Treatment with the iron chelator, deferoxamine mesylatehydroxyethyl starch, attenuated the increase in total protein and albumin concentrations and ALP and LD activities at PID 4, but not PIH 6. Treatment with a neutrophil function inhibitor, pentoxifylline, prevented the increase in lavage fluid neutrophil numbers, but accentuated the increase in total protein and albumin concentrations, and ALP, LD, myeloperoxidase, and elastase activities.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Histological changes in the nasal ventral conchae of piglets infected with Bordetella bronchiseptica
Martineau-Doize, B. | Trepanier, H. | Martineau, G.P.
Piglets infected intranasally with Bordetella bronchiseptica were injected with two fluorochrome markers. Transverse sections of undecalcified nasal conchae (cut between the third incisor and the third premolar teeth) were examined by microradiography and fluorescence microscopy; surface-stained sections were evaluated by light microscopy. The fluorescent surface of the nasal ventral conchae from the infected piglets was increased as compared with the controls. This was due to an increased amount of fluorescent mineralization fronts as well as to the presence of abnormal fluorescent areas within trabeculae. Trabecular mineral content of the microradiographs was irregular and varied from hypo- to hypermineralized. When compared with the corresponding surface-stained sections, no correlation could be made between the mineral content and the type of tissue. These findings suggest that an increased number of osteoblasts which secrete prebone matrix but are modified so that mineralization does not occur normally.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effect of milbemycin oxime against Ancylostoma caninum in dogs with naturally acquired infection
Wade, C.G. | Mercer, S.H. | Hepler, D.I. | Craig, T.M.
Twenty-six mixed-breed (14 males, 12 females) dogswere used in a double-blind study to evaluate the effect of milbemycin oxime against naturally acquired infection with Ancylostoma caninum. Dogs were ranked and paired, on the basis of number of hookworm eggs/g of feces, and treatment was randomly assigned. Each dog was given either the study drug or placebo (1 tablet/11.4 kg [0.5 mg/kg] of body weight). Eggs per gram of feces enumeration was done on days 3 and 7 after treatment, and dogs were euthanatized on day 7. On day 3, 5 of the 13 dogs in the milbemycin-treated group had hookworm eggs in the feces (results of the McMaster test). In these dogs, mean number of eggs per gram of feces had decreased markedly (from 5,289 to 452) and, by day 7, was 114. At necropsy, 16 A caninum adults were recovered from 2 of the milbemycin-treated dogs. On day 3, 12 of the 13 dogs in the placebo-treated group had hookworm eggs in the feces. Mean number of eggs per gram of feces in these dogs decreased slightly (from 5,243 to 2,646), but did not decrease further by day 7. A mean number of 54.4 A caninum adults was recovered from 12 of the 13 placebo-treated dogs at necropsy. Milbemycin oxime had 97.8% efficacy against A caninum. Results also indicated that milbemycin oxime may be effective against Trichuris vulpis, but not against Dipylidium caninum.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Electroretinogram and visual-evoked potential measurements in sheep
Strain, G.M. | Claxton, M.S. | Prescott-Mathews, J.S. | LaPhand, D.J.
Electroretinogram (ERG) and visual-evoked potential (VEP) recordings were taken from ten Suffolk-cross sheep. Stimuli for VEP were 1.5 flashes of white light/s; ERG stimuli were single flashes. The ERG measurements of the a and b wave latencies and a-to-b amplitude were measured between the lower eyelid and the vertex, with ground on the nuchal crest. The VEP after monocular stimulation were measured between the nuchal crest and the interorbital line, with ground on the vertex. Measurements consisted of the latencies to seven alternating positive and negative peaks P1, N1 P2, N2, P3, N3 and P4, and six amplitudes, P1-N1, N1-P2, P2-N2, N2-P3, P3-N3 and N3-P4. Average latencies for the a and b waves were 13.6 and 28.2 ms; the mean ab amplitude was 131.68 micromole. Average latencies for the seven VEP peaks were 35.0, 43.1, 52.8, 64.1, 74.5, 90.4 and 112.2 ms. Mean amplitudes ranged from 3.90 to 8.29 microV.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ultrasonographic examination of the right kidney in cows
Braun, U.
To determine the position, dimensions, and structure of the right kidney in cattle by use of ultrasonography, the right kidney of 11 healthy Brown Swiss cows was examined 10 times within 2 weeks. A 3.5- and 5.0-Mhz linear and convex transducer was placed on the right side of the cow in the lumbar region, in the paralumbar fossa, and in the last intercostal space. The echogenicity of various renal structures differed. The lobulation of the kidney in cattle could be visualized ultrasonographically; however, the cortex and medulla could not be differentiated. The distance between body surface and the right kidney was almost 3 times larger (5.3 +/- 1.71 cm, mean +/- SD) in the lumbar region than in the paralumbar fossa (1.8 +/- 0.52 cm). The vertical diameter of the kidney was remarkably smaller (5.1 +/- 0.47 cm) than the horizontal diameter (9.4 +/- 0.98 cm). In 7 cows, the thickness of the renal cortex and medulla was between 1.9 and 2.1 cm. The medullary pyramids could be visualized when the transducer was placed in the paralumbar fossa. Fourteen of 19 variables measured had a coefficient of variation between 8 and 14%. It was concluded that the ultrasonographic values determined in this study can be used as references for the diagnosis of morphologic changes in the right kidney of domestic dairy cattle.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Measurement of estrogen receptors in normal and neoplastic lymph node tissue from dogs
Vicini, D.S. | Ogilvie, G.K. | Katzenellenbogen, J. | Carlson, K.
Estrogen receptors were measured in normal canine lymph nodes and neoplastic tissue from dogs with lymphoma, using a commercially available [3H]estradiol dextran-coated charcoal assay. Using the same assay, estrogen receptors were detected in the positive-control tissues--dog uterus, rat uterus, and lyophilized bovine uterus. Specific binding of [3H]estradiol was not detected in rat skeletal muscle or in any of the canine lymphoid tissues, indicating that the specimens did not contain estrogen receptors.
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