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Biomechanical and wearability testing of novel legwear for variably limiting extension of the metacarpophalangeal joint of horses
Pugliese, Brenna R. | Brisbois, Abby L. | Size, Kristin J. | St. George, Lindsay B. | Hobbs, Sarah J. | Kirker-Head, Carl A.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the ability of novel legwear designed to limit extension of the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPJ) to redirect loading forces from the flexor apparatus during walk, trot, and canter on a treadmill and during unrestrained and restrained activity in a stall. ANIMALS 6 adult horses without musculoskeletal disease. PROCEDURES Legwear-derived force data were recorded under 4 conditions: inactive state (unlimited legwear extension) and 3 active (restrictive) states (mild, 30° extension; moderate, 20° extension; or maximum, 10° extension). Associations between peak legwear loads and torques among legwear states and treadmill gaits and stall activities were assessed. The hair coat and skin of the forelimbs were examined for any legwear-induced adverse effects after testing. RESULTS During the treadmill exercises, moderate restriction of legwear extension resulted in significantly higher peak load and torque than mild restriction, and faster speeds (canter vs walk or trot and trot vs walk) yielded significantly higher peak load and torque. During in-stall activity, maximum restriction of legwear extension yielded significantly higher peak load and torque than moderate restriction. Unrestrained in-stall activity resulted in significantly higher peak load and torque than restrained activity. The legwear caused minimal adverse effects on the hair coat and skin of the forelimbs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Findings suggested that the legwear variably reduced peak loads on the flexor apparatus. Extension of the MCPJ may be incrementally adjusted through the legwear such that return to activity may be controlled, and controlled return to activity is crucial for rehabilitating flexor apparatus injuries.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Comparison of the efficacy and duration of desensitization of oral structures following injection of a lidocaine-bupivacaine mixture via lateral percutaneous and modified infraorbital approaches in dogs
Chohan, Amandeep S. | Pascoe, Peter J.
OBJECTIVE To compare efficacy and duration of desensitization of oral structures with a lidocaine-bupivacaine mixture administered via a lateral percutaneous or modified infraorbital approach. ANIMALS 6 healthy adult hound-type female dogs. PROCEDURESIn this crossover study, dogs were randomized for side (left or right) and maxillary nerve approach (lateral percutaneous or infraorbital), with a 2-week washout period. Dogs were anesthetized, and a 2-mL mixture of 2% lidocaine and 0.5% bupivacaine (50:50 [vol/vol]) was administered with a 22-gauge, 4.5-cm-long catheter inserted through the infraorbital canal (infraorbital approach) or with a shielded stimulating needle to the maxillary nerve (percutaneous approach). Reflex-evoked motor potentials were measured for the maxillary canine tooth, fourth premolar tooth, second molar tooth, and hard palate mucosa ipsilateral to the injected mixture and for the contralateral maxillary canine tooth (control) at three 10-minute intervals before injection (baseline) and at predetermined times after injection for up to 6.7 hours. For each oral structure, the proportion of dogs with desensitization (efficacy) and time to onset and duration of desensitization were compared between approaches. RESULTS The proportion of dogs with successful nerve blockade did not significantly differ between infraorbital and percutaneous approaches and among the 4 oral structures. Time to onset of desensitization did not differ between approaches, but duration was significantly longer with the infraorbital approach. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE A modified infraorbital approach with the lidocaine-bupivacaine mixture had similar effects to a lateral percutaneous approach but provided a longer duration of desensitization. Neither approach was universally successful at desensitizing all oral structures.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Assessment of the effect of horseshoes with and without traction adaptations on the gait kinetics of nonlame horses during a trot on a concrete runway
Wang, Pengju | Takawira, Catherine | Taguchi, Takashi | Niu, Xiao | Nazzal, Munir D. | Lopez, Mandi J.
OBJECTIVE To assess the effect of horseshoes with and without traction adaptations on the gait kinetics of nonlame horses during a trot on a concrete runway. ANIMALS 5 nonlame adult light-breed horses. PROCEDURES Kinetic data were obtained for each horse when it was trotted across a force platform within a concrete runway unshod (control) and shod with standard horseshoes; standard horseshoes with high profile–low surface area calks, with low profile–high surface area calks, and coated with a thin layer of tungsten carbide (TLTC); and plastic-steel composite (PSC) horseshoes. Kinetic data were obtained for the control treatment first, then for each of the 5 shoe types, which were applied to each horse in a random order. Kinetic variables were compared among the 6 treatments. RESULTS Body weight distribution did not differ among the 6 treatments. Compared with the control, the greatest increase in forelimb peak vertical force was observed when horses were shod with PSC shoes. In the hind limbs, the greatest increase in peak braking force was observed when horses were shod with PSC shoes, followed by the TLTC and low profile–high surface area calked shoes. The PSC shoes yielded the greatest coefficient of friction in both the forelimbs and hind limbs. Stance time was longest when horses were shod with standard shoes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that PSC and TLTC shoes provided the best hoof protection and traction and might be good options for horses that spend a large amount of time traversing paved surfaces.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Long-term in-vitro glucocorticoid treatment induces glucocorticoid resistance in canine mast cell tumors
Matsuda, Akira
Although glucocorticoid administration has produced impressive results in treating canine mast cell tumors (MCTs), in some cases, glucocorticoids fail to reduce the tumor volume, leading to tumor relapse even after treatment. To date, mechanisms involved in glucocorticoid resistance in canine MCTs remain poorly defined. The objective of this study was to establish glucocorticoid-resistant canine MCT cell lines derived from glucocorticoid-sensitive cell lines after prolonged treatment with dexamethasone (Dex). Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) revealed that elevation of glucocorticoid receptor (GR)-regulated gene expression was suppressed in Dex-resistant cell lines after Dex stimulation compared with parent Dex-sensitive cell lines. This indicated that GR-regulated transcription was suppressed in Dex-resistant cell lines. Insufficient expression of GRs was not detected in Dex-resistant cell lines. Possible inhibitors of GR-regulated transcription were increased in mRNA expression in Dex-resistant cell lines. In addition, it was determined that mRNA expression of drug efflux pumps and anti-apoptosis factors was higher in Dex-resistant cell lines. In conclusion, glucocorticoid-resistant canine MCT cell lines have been established that are derived from glucocorticoid-sensitive cell lines. These cell lines suggest that multiple mechanisms contribute to glucocorticoid resistance in canine MCT cells. The mechanisms of glucocorticoid resistance after long-term treatment can be further investigated using these cell lines and a novel therapeutic strategy for glucocorticoid-resistant canine MCT cells can be developed.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Investigation of the effects of orally administered trazodone on intraocular pressure, pupil diameter, physical examination variables, and sedation level in healthy equids
Moss, Alexandra L. | Hritz, Rachel L. | Hector, Rachel C. | Wotman, Kathryn L.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effects of orally administered trazodone on intraocular pressure (IOP), pupil diameter measured in the vertical plane (ie, vertical pupil diameter [VPD]), selected physical examination variables, and sedation level in healthy equids. ANIMALS 7 horses and 1 pony. PROCEDURES Food was withheld for 12 hours prior to drug administration. After baseline (time 0) sedation scoring, physical examination, and measurement of IOP and VPD, equids received 1 dose (approx 6 mg/kg) of trazodone orally. Examination and measurement procedures were repeated 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours after drug administration. Blood samples were collected at each time point for analysis of plasma trazodone concentrations. Repeated-measures analysis was used to compare examination results between downstream time points and baseline. RESULTS 7 of 8 equids had mild sedation from 0.5 to 8 hours after treatment; compared with baseline values, mean IOP was significantly lower from 0.5 hours to 8 hours, mean VPD was significantly smaller at 0.5 hours, and mean rectal temperature was significantly lower from 1 to 8 hours after drug administration. Adverse effects (signs of excitement in 1 equid and sweating in 4) were self-limiting and considered minor. Mean maximum plasma concentration of trazodone was 1,493 ng/mL 0.75 hours after administration, and terminal half-life of the drug was 9.96 hours. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE The described oral dose of trazadone elicited sedation with a few self-limiting adverse effects in the study sample. Drug effects on IOP and VPD may alter ocular examination findings. Further investigation is warranted prior to use of trazodone for sedation in equids, particularly those with ophthalmic conditions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Conventional versus high-flow oxygen therapy in dogs with lower airway injury
Ramesh, Meera | Thomovsky, Elizabeth | Johnson, Paula
Dogs with lower airway pathology that present in respiratory distress often receive oxygen therapy as the first line of treatment regardless of the underlying cause. Conventional "low-flow" systems deliver oxygen with a maximum flow rate of 15 L/minute. Traditionally, when an animal's respiratory status does not improve with conventional oxygen therapy and treatments for underlying disease, options might be limited to either intubation and mechanical ventilation or humane euthanasia. High-flow oxygen therapy (HFOT) has been gaining popularity in veterinary medicine as an alternative route of oxygen supplementation for animals that require support beyond conventional therapy. High-flow oxygen therapy can supply a mixture of air and oxygen via a heated and humidified circuit. It is user friendly and can be used in an environment in which mechanical ventilation is unavailable. This review article is written for emergency doctors and general practitioners who lack access to mechanical ventilation. This article briefly reviews pertinent respiratory physiology, traditional oxygen supplementation techniques, the physiology of HFOT, and the limited evidence available in veterinary medicine regarding the use of HFOT, its applications, and limitations. Guidelines for the use of HFOT are suggested and HFOT is compared to conventional therapy.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Antimicrobial resistance and recovery of Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Escherichia coli from chicken egg layer flocks in Canadian sentinel surveillance sites using 2 types of sample matrices
Agunos, Agnes | Gow, Sheryl P. | Leger, David F. | Flockhart, Logan | Daignault, Danielle | Desruisseau, Andrea | Zabek, Erin | Pollari, Frank | Reid-Smith, Richard J.
Eggs are important to the diet of Canadians. This product is one of the supply-managed commodities in Canada, but unlike other commodities, where food safety risks are extensively explored and reported, information on the prevalence of enteric organisms (e.g., Salmonella, Campylobacter) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in layers in Canada are limited. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of select bacteria and the associated AMR patterns in layer flocks using 2 sample matrices. Farms were located within FoodNet Canada and the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance sentinel sites (SS). Fecal samples (Ontario: ONSS1a, ONSS1b) and environmental sponge swabs (British Columbia: BC(SS2a)) were collected. Salmonella prevalence was 29% and 8% in ONSS1a and ONSS1b, respectively, and 7% in BC(SS2a). S. Kentucky and S. Livingstone were the most frequently isolated serovars and no S. Enteritidis was detected. Campylobacter was not detected in the BC sponge swabs but was isolated from 89% and 53% of Ontario fecal samples (ON(SS1a) and ON(SS1b), respectively). Seven C. jejuni from Ontario were ciprofloxacin-resistant. Escherichia coli prevalence was high in both sample types (98%). Overall, tetracycline resistance among E. coli ranged from 26% to 69%. Resistance to ceftiofur (n = 2 isolates) and gentamicin (n = 2) was relatively low. There were diverse resistance patterns (excludes susceptible isolates) observed among E. coli in Ontario (10 patterns) and British Columbia (14 patterns). This study revealed that fecal samples are more informative for farm-level monitoring of pathogen and AMR prevalence. Without further validation, sponge swabs are limited in their utility for Campylobacter detection and thus, for public health surveillance.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Description of the bacterial microbiota of anal sacs in healthy dogs
Bergeron, Camylle C. | Costa, Marcio C. | Souza, Lucilene B de | Sauve, Frederic
The aim of the present study was to characterize the bacterial microbiota of anal sacs in healthy dogs using NGS. Swabs were used to sample the rectum and secretions from each anal sac in 15 healthy dogs. DNA was extracted from swabs and the V4 hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified and sequenced with Illumina MiSeq. Overall, 14 different bacterial phyla were identified in the rectum and in both anal sacs, the 5 main ones being Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Fusobacteria. The rectum had higher microbial diversity and richness than the left and right anal sacs. Community membership and structure significantly differed between the rectum and both anal sacs, but not between the right and the left anal sacs. This study showed that the diversity and richness of the bacterial microbiota of the anal sacs in dogs is greater than what has been reported in previous studies with culture-based methods. In conclusion, the bacterial microbiota of the anal sacs in dogs varies between individuals and differs from the rectal bacterial microbiota.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Evaluation of metallothionein and Ki-67 expression in chronic cholangiohepatitis in cats
Jose, Divya | Allen, Andrew L. | Blakley, Barry | Al-Dissi, Ahmad
Chronic cholangiohepatitis (CCH) is a common pathological condition in cats with a guarded prognosis and unknown etiology. Recently, in human medicine, there has been increased interest in enhancing liver defense mechanisms as an effective treatment strategy to control liver diseases that have a poor prognosis. Metallothionein (MT) is a ubiquitous protein, which has been widely researched for its role in liver defense through heavy metal detoxification, neutralization of reactive oxygen species, and liver regeneration. In this study, immunohistochemistry was used to evaluate the role of MT in CCH and hepatocellular regeneration in 34 cats histologically diagnosed with this condition by assessing the correlation between hepatocellular MT and Ki-67 (marker for cellular proliferation) expression with histological parameters of CCH, such as inflammation, fibrosis, and bile duct proliferation. Statistical analysis was performed using the Spearman-rank correlation test. A significant positive correlation was observed between inflammation and the number of MT-positive hepatocytes (r = 0.36, P = 0.03) and MT labelling intensity (r = 0.37, P = 0.03). In 16 of 34 cases (47%) MT labelling intensity was noted to be pronounced towards the centrilobular zone and very weak or absent towards the portal zone. The results suggest that MT is induced in the liver during chronic inflammatory conditions, which could be speculated as a host defensive mechanism to protect the liver from inflammation-mediated liver injury. Therapeutic interventions utilizing MT, therefore, may have a positive effect on cats with chronic cholangiohepatitis.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Time required to achieve maximum amikacin concentration in the synovial fluid of the tarsocrural joint following administration of the drug by intravenous regional limb perfusion in horses
OBJECTIVE To determine the median time to maximum concentration (tmax) of amikacin in the synovial fluid of the tarsocrural joint following IV regional limb perfusion (IVRLP) of the drug in a saphenous vein of horses. ANIMALS 7 healthy adult horses. PROCEDURES With each horse sedated and restrained in a standing position, a 10-cm-wide Esmarch tourniquet was applied to a randomly selected hind limb 10 cm proximal to the point of the tarsus. Amikacin sulfate (2 g diluted with saline [0.9% NaCl] solution to a volume of 60 mL) was instilled in the saphenous vein over 3 minutes with a peristaltic pump. Tarsocrural synovial fluid samples were collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes after completion of IVRLP. The tourniquet was removed after collection of the last sample. Amikacin concentration was quantified by a fluorescence polarization immunoassay. Median maximum amikacin concentration and tmax were determined. RESULTS 1 horse was excluded from analysis because an insufficient volume of synovial fluid for evaluation was obtained at multiple times. The median maximum synovial fluid amikacin concentration was 450.5 μg/mL (range, 304.7 to 930.7 μg/mL), and median tmax was 25 minutes (range, 20 to 30 minutes). All horses had synovial fluid amikacin concentrations ≥ 160 μg/mL (therapeutic concentration for common equine pathogens) at 20 minutes after IVRLP. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that, in healthy horses, maintaining the tourniquet for 20 minutes after IVRLP of amikacin in a saphenous vein was sufficient to achieve therapeutic concentrations of amikacin in the tarsocrural joint.
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