结果 341-350 的 447
Из опыта работы свиноводческого комплекса агрокомбината Восход Могилевской области
Pinchuk, V.F., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The organizational aspects of reproduction in a swine heard were featured, the productivity indices of the crossbred sows obtained through the crisscrossing of the Belarusian Large White, Belarusian Black and White and Estonian Bacon pig breeds were given. The duration of the gestation period for the sows of different origin was shown. The results of the realized experiment showed that at all stages of reproduction there was required the full-value feeding and the maintenance of animals, observance of terms of revealing of sexual hunting and timely insemination of sow. For the systematic increase of swine productivity for selection of replacement pigs for reproduction besides the standard indicators it was necessary to consider the duration of gestation period. In course of study there was stated the well-defined consistent pattern of increasing of pig average weight which were born from sows with the lengthened gestation period. Piglets with the standard and extended term of prenatal growth showed higher indices of body weight at a birth and surpassed their herd mates with the shortened duration of prenatal development on 8,6-10,5% (Р less 0,001). Heavy litter of pigs affected the intensity of their subsequent development. At the weaning stage the weight of 1 pig with the shortened prenatal development was 6,25 kg, and the weight of pigs with the standard and extended periods - 6,62 kg (Р less 0,001) and 6,89 kg (Р less 0,001), respectively and exceeded on 5,9% and 10,2%. The 3-month age pigs with the shortened prenatal development lag behind herd mates with the standard and extended period of prenatal development in the indices of growing capacity on 1,2-1,4 kg (4,0-4,6%). The same tendency was noted after fattening period
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Влияние качества ячменя и пшеницы в составе комбикормов на продуктивность свиней на откорме
Khochenkov, A.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In the process of monogastric animal feeding, including pigs, the special role is played by the quality of coarse grain crops as they compose 70-75% of swine ration structure. Determination of fodder productive effect on fattening swine was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The basis of the analyzed fodder was formed by fodder grain of extra fine grade. Research results showed the following: inclusion of extra fine grade barley (Hordeum vulgare) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) (chosen in accordance with the standard of the Republic of Belarus) into all-in-one mixed fodders SK-26 and SK-31 for fattening swine made it possible to obtain higher productive capacity of the experimental animals in comparison with the identical mixed fodders containing barley and wheat of other grades (chosen in accordance with All-Union State Standard 28672-90); in the experimental groups the average daily weight gain in course of the fattening period was on 34 grams higher, and the average selling weight of 1 head - on 4,1 kg than in the control group. Swine which were fed with the presented mixed fodders with grain extra fine grade showed fewer deviations from the rated value of metabolism (blood serum protein and its fractions, calcium, phosphorus, acid capacity) in comparison with the control groups
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Воспроизводительные качества свиноматок разных генотипов при использовании в промышленных комплексах
Yatusevich, V.P. | Pinchuk, V.F. | Shishlo, M.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Research of the reproductive qualities of sows of different genotypes depending on duration of gestation period was realized in the conditions of an industrial pig complex of the Republic of Belarus. In course of research there were analysed 500 sows and 1991 farrowings and was stated that only 61,4% sows had gestation period in the range of physiological standards (at the average -11,5 days). In 17,8% of sows the mentioned above parameter was on 1,6 days shorter and in 1/5 of all sows under investigation it was 0,6 days longer. A higher productive performance was marked in double-breed sows of a genotype (White Large x Belarusian Meaty) with the average gestation period of 114,2 days. There were no essential deviations marked in the duration of the gestation period depending on the ordinal number of farrowing, though for the third farrowing the duration of the gestation period made 114,8 days and was 0,2-0,4 days longer as compared with the first and the second farrowings
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Сапропель как компонент комбикорма
Adamovich, K.F., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Research of possibility of application of sapropel (putrid mud) of the Chervonnoe lake (the Republic of Belarus) in diets of bred and milking sows as one of the ingredients of mixed fodders, as well as the evaluation of its influence of sow development and digestibility of nutritive elements were studied. Application of dry sapropel a source of energy, protein, mineral and vitamin nutritive elements for mixed fodder production rendered the positive influence on sows productive qualities: there was stated the increased number of born piglets on o,5 heads with a higher growing capacity; there was noted the increasing of coefficients of nutritive elements metabolism (crude protein – on 2,7%, crude fat – on 2,9%, free-nitrogen extracts – on 1,3%, and dietary fibre – jn 4,7%) with the simultaneous increasing of nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorous uptake by sows. Nutritional value of the analysed sapropel was 0,23 fodder units and 3,13 MJ of exchange energy per 1 kg of dry matter. Inclusion of 3% sapropel into mixed fodders for pregnant and suckling sows promoted the increasing of quantity of pigs at a birth, body weight of one pig to 3-week age and has ensured young growth with higher energy of growth. Use of sapropel in mixed fodders for sows makes active a metabolism and promotes increase of digestibility of the basic nutrients of a rations
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]БВМД на основе зерна высокобелковых культур в рационах телят
Gurin, V.K. | Tsaj, V.P. | Kurtina, V.N. | Yanochkin, I.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Application of protein, vitamin and mineral supplement in diets of 1-3 months old calves in rate of 5% per weight instead of a part of sunflower cake, containing rape, peas, lupin and vitamid on a basis of halites, phosphite, phosphate, sapropel and a mineral-vitamin preparation in structure of grain forage against winter rations on the basis of rich in herbs hay (5%), milk (68%), mixed fodder (20%), whole grain (7%), and also summer rations with grass and legume mixture (7%), hay (1%), milk (65%), mixed fodder (20%), integral grain (7%) makes it possible to receive daily average weight gain of calves at level 833-867 grams at expenses of forages for 1 centner of weight gain on 3,3-3,4 сentner of forage units. Introduction into rations of the protein, vitamin and mineral supplement on the basis of local protein and mineral raw materials in number of 10% per weight in structure of mixed fodder for calves at the age of 3-6 months old against the background of winter diets with haylage (28%), mixed fodder (64%), molasses (8%), as well as summer diets with grass and legume mixture (30%), mixed fodders (66%), molasses (4%) makes it possible to receive daily average weight gains of calves on 944-967grams at expenses of forages of 4,0-4,1 сentner of forage units. Feeding of 1-6 months old calves with mixed fodders with inclusion of 5-10% of protein, vitamin and mineral supplement per weight with grain high-protein crops against the background of winter and summer diets with a ratio of the deconjugate protein to the non deconjugate one - 65:35 (in control group - 71:29) instead of sunflower cake makes it possible to receive the daily average weight gain at the level of 900-927 grams at expenses of forages 3,7-3,8 сentner per forage unit. Cost of presented mixed fodders decreases on 14%, and the cost price per 1 centner gain - on 7-8%
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Активность пищеварительных ферментов, концентрация кальция и фосфора в содержимом желудочно-кишечного тракта у кур при использовании минеральных добавок
Gusakov, V.K. | Kudryavtseva, E.N. | Sinkovets, A.V. | Ostrovskij, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Activity of amylolytic, proteolytic, and lipolytic enzymes in the content and mucosa of intestinal tract, alkaline phosphatase in mucosa of intestinal tract, as well as the determination of calcium and phosphorous concentration in gastro-intestinal tract of hens were analyzed in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Results of analysis of the obtained experiment results of laying hens of parental stock by influence of various vitamin-mineral additives were presented. The highest activity of amylolytic, proteolytic, and lipolytic enzymes in 170-330 days old laying hens of Belarus-9 cross was marked in small intestine. There was stated the decreasing of enzymatic activity in proportion to removal from a stomach. At the same time, activity of alkaline phosphatase decreasds. Activity of alkaline phosphatase, proteolytic and starch-reducing enzymes in a mucous membrane of a duodenal gut was a bit higher than in mucosae of jejunal. Lipolytic enzymes showed high degree activity in mucosae of jejunal. Enzymic activity in large bowel was low. Addition of iodine-containing preparation Kajod into hen layer diets increased the activity of alkaline phosphatase, of amylolytic, proteolytic, and lipolytic enzymes in intestines. Enzymic activity of mucous intestines at hens of breed Plimutrok in process of removal from stomach decreased. In course of the period from 240 to 330-days old age the activity of studied enzymes in hen intestines decreased. Replacement of mineral additive Cockleshell by Pikumin did not render negative influences on changes in digestive enzyme activity. In 170-days old laying hens of Belarus-9 crossbreed the calcium content increased from the stomach to the small intestine, and then decreased in thick department. In the 200-days old hens the calcium concentration in a stomach increased in both groups and gradually decreased in the department of small intestine, but in rectum its quantity increased in both groups. In the period of intensive egg-laying (280 days) the general calcium content in thin department of intestines was less than in the stomach, later it increased in cecum and decreased in rectum. By the end of the experiment (330 days) the concentration of calcium in control group decreased from the stomach to the beginning of thick department of intestines, but in rectum its quantity increased. In experimental group the calcium content increased from a stomach to cecums and then decreased in rectum. In distribution of inorganic phosphorus in gastrointestinal tract departments at hens of various age groups the tendency to increase in its quantity in small intestine and the beginning of thick department of intestines, and then to reduction in rectum was observed. And at hens receiving premix Ajdeko, the phosphorus content, since 200-day age, was higher, than at hens receiving the basic ration
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Получение регенерантов рапса из гипокотилей через первичный органогенез
Dobrovolskij, S.A. | Kubarev, V.S. | Shishlov, M.P., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Kurdeko, A.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Study of the regeneration processes and raising the efficiency of rape (Brassica napus) organs and tissues cultivation in vitro methods, as well as the achievement of a stable yield of proper regenerants were realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The obtained data specified the possibility of generation of rape finished regenerants in vitro culture without additional passages and transfers by means of effectively selected concentrations of phytohormones and biologically active substances, which made it possible to realize principles of totipotency and polarity of crop vegetative organs. On the explant part which was submerged into culture medium there was formed a root, and on opposite one - the morphogen structures. The possibility of obtaining rape regenerants from hypocotyls segments by straight regeneration was studied. Application of the analyzed substances considerably simplified and reduced the price of process of full regenerants formation, and made it possible to receive a wide spectrum of various forms that was important for selection process due to the opportunity to select valuable (in protein content) samples for the further studies and their inclusion into production process
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Консервирование злаково-бобовой массы с биопрепаратами из сапропеля
Dobruk, E.A. | Pestis, V.K. | Sarnatskaya, P.P. | Frolova, L.M., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus) | Yakovchik, N.S., Breeding Farm Zakozelskij, Drogichin dist. (Belarus)
Results of studies of the influence of two biological products produced on the basis of sapropel (putrid mud) of the Ganarata lake (Mostovski district, the Republic of Belarus) on quality of legume-grass silage were presented. It was established, that analyzed preparations could be used as the preserving agents for preparation of herbal forages. The preserving action of the preparations was caused by the intensification of lactic bacteria development in silaging mass for the account of humic acids, as well as by the fungicidal action of phenolic and carboxylic fractions of the preparation. Silage preparation in combinations with putrid mud preparations made it possible to lower the losses of a crude protein on 11,3-15,6%, sugar - on 33,3%, carotin - on 20% and to obtain forage with concentration of exchange energy 9,20-9,38 mJ per 1 kg of dry matter. Silage application in combination with biological products rendered positive impact on milking efficiency of cows, the average daily milk yields in the experimental cow groups were on 1,3-1,4 kg or 6,8-7,3% higher. Application of higher quality feeds made it possible to lower the expenses of forages on 0,04 fodder units. Research results proved that the analysed preparations from sapropel could be used as an efficient conservants for silage preparations. They made it possible to raise forage quality at the minimum expenses
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Засухоустойчивые культуры в условиях Беларуси
Istranin, Yu.V. | Zinovenko, A.L. | Gurinovich, Zh.A. | Shibko, D.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Results of determination of yielding capacity, chemical composition of initial weight and silage quality of forages prepared from the binary mixtures of Japanese millet (Panicum curs-galli var. frumentaceum), millet (Panicum) and saccharine sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum) realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were presented. Research results showed that the binary mixture of saccharine sorghum with blue lupine (Lupinus angustifolius) in ratio of 70% + 30%, respectively made it possible to obtain the highest efficiency (62,4 t/ha of green material, 15,1 t/ha of dry matter, 13,1 t/ha of fodder units). Mixed sowing of millet, Japanese millet and saccharine sorghum with blue lupine surpassed in productivity the single-crop sowing on 15,5-32,6%. It was established, that the silage produced from the mixture of sorghum and Japanese millet with lupine had higher energy and protein nutritive value: 0,86 and 0,98 fodder unit, respectively; 9,77 and 9,92 mJ of exchange energy per 1 kg of dry matter, respectively; 103, 3 and 108,4 grams of digestible protein per 1 fodder unit. High nutritive value and the best palatability of trial silos promoted the increasing of milk yield on 4,4-5,4% in comparison with the control tests. Haylage which was produced from drought resistant crops had high energy nutritive value: per 1 kg of dry matter there was noted 9,40-9,48 mJ of available energy, 0,89-0,94 fodder units with fodder unit provision with 102-114 grams of digestible protein
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Влияние уровня обменной энергии в рационе на продуктивность молодняка крупного рогатого скота
Lemeshevskij, V.O., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Improvement of the standards of energy and protein diets of young stock cattle of 1-6 month old and determination of its influence on animal productivity was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The studied made it possible to determine that at the age of 1 month the calf diet should contain 1,02 kg of dry matter and 21,2 MJ of metabolic energy; at the age of 2 months - 1,26 kg and 23,5 MJ; at the age of 3 months - 2,2 kg and 25,6 MJ; at the age of 4 months - 2,9 kg and 31 MJ; at the age of 5 months - 3,28 kg and 34,2 MJ; at the age of 6 months - 3,76 kg and 37,6 MJ, respectively. Metabolic energy concentration per 1 kg of dry matter should not be lower than 20,7 MJ at the first month, 19 MJ - at the second month, after the third month it should lower up to 10 MJ. In course of 6 months the presented diet scheme made it possible get 832 g of average weight gain in the conditions of forage expenses of 3,52 forage units per 1 kg
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