结果 391-400 的 424
Разведение по линиям как система племенной работы по совершенствованию пород лошадей
Lazovskij, A.A. | Nikolaeva-Gerasimovich, I.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The Republican Agricultural Breeding Unitary Enterprise Zarechje of the Republic of Belarus is the basic horse-breeding enterprise of Belarusian coach horse breeding. In the enterprise there are 27 mares and 2 studhorses; all animals are purebred. It is established, that unaltered male horses and mares belong to Belarus coaching breed, all pedigree animals have a high class: 15 horses belong to an elite class that makes 75% from all herd, 4 heads concern the first class (20%), and 1 head – to the second class (5%). Measurements surpass the standard that can prove the appropriate selection and breeding work in the enterprise. After studying the measurements of studhorses of the enterprise in comparison with the standard it was established, that the height at crest of stallions on the average exceeds the breed standard on 30%, slanting length of a trunk - on 5,0%, a breast grasp - on 4,0% and a metacarpus grasp - on 6%. For improvement of herd of horses it is necessary to organize correctly a coupling campaign with drawing up of the coupling plan and selection of a uterus to stallions; to use in copulation only the best elite stallion.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Создаваемый заводской тип герефордского скота
Linnik, L.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of Vitebsk region of the Republic of Belarus there was realized a programme on creation of breed type of Hereford cattle. In course of the study there were realized experiments on increasing the number of livestock of beef cattle breeding by means of accumulation cross breeding of black-and-white cattle with Hereford producer bulls as well as by means of pedigree breeding of Hereford cows and calves imported from Russia and Hungary for the production of marbled beef. Breeding background of obtained purebred calves was determined by DNA-testing method in accordance with the international standard of certification. Into the breeding group of created meat type of Hereford cattle in the analyzed cattle breeding enterprise there were selected 1183 heads, including 24,2% of purebred animals and 17,2% hybrids of the third and fourth generations. The breeding estimation thoroughbred Hereford cattle showed that all producer bulls belonged to the class elite-record. The percentage of cows and heifers of the elite-record class was 89,3% in the conditions of growing number of a thoroughbred livestock on 98 heads. Purebred young stock in number of 45 heads and their mother passed the estimation of their origin by DNA method-testing.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Особенности пищеварения у жвачных при использовании в составе рациона гречихи: in vitro исследования на симуляторе рубца КРС
Pestis, V.K. | Amelchenko, S.L., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied rumen digestion of ruminants after their feeding with green mass of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and buckwheat haylage. Special attention was given to studying of enzymatic processes taking place in rumen. The experiments were realized in vitro with application of simulator Rusinec (Rumirant Simulation Technique) for the imitation of digestion processes taking place in cattle rumen. On the Rusinec (n=4/diet) stimulator there were analyzed 5 rations on the basis of hay with buckwhear addition in dose of 0,300 or 600 g/kg on the form of green mass and haylage. None of the above mentioned forms of buckwheat in vitro experiments rendered negative influence on rumen digestion and concentration of volatile fatty acids. Application of buckwheat green mass made it possible to lower the quantity of bacterium in rumen content; while buckwheat haylage – the number of protozoon organisms. There was marked a tendency to lowering of fleshed methane.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Использование местных минеральных источников для повышения молочной продуктивности и естественной резистентности коров
Podrez,V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the efficiency of application of national mineral additives (mineral feed additive produced on the basis of dolomitic meal) in rations of milking cows. In course of the study there were analyzed physical and chemical blood indexes; hematological indexes of cows; biochemical blood indexes; mineral composition of blood; natural resistance of cows. As a result of the realized study it was established, that an optimum dose of a dolomitic meal for milking cows during the winter period was 0,3% per dry matter of a diet. There was proved the possibility of increasing of a daily average milk yield of cows on 11,7%, fat and protein content in milk - on 0,04 - 0,06%, as well as lowering of quantity of somatic cells on 13,6%. Application of a national mineral additive rendered the positive influence on blood indices to what that was proved by increasing of erythrocytes (on 10,9%), thrombocytes (on 5,4%), haemoglobin (on 6,5%), crude protein (on 10,6%), and also macro- and trace elements. Introduction of a dolomitic meal into cow diets made it possible to increase the indices of natural resistance of cows on 0,5 - 4,0%.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Трепел как минеральная добавка в рационе кур-несушек
Bolshakova, L.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the influence of various doses of kizelgur on metabolic processes and natural resistance of poultry by an example of lying hens. Use of the mineral additive rendered the positive influence on protein, carbohydrate, lipidic and mineral metabolism in hens. It was marked that in blood the content there was an increasing of crude protein on 11,5-11,7% (Р less than 0,05), crude lipids - on 1,9-5,3%, glucose - on 25,1-54,6% (Р less than 0,01), calcium - on 0,8-12,4%, phosphorus - on 8,9-15,9%, iron - on 9,2-24,6% (Р less than 0,01) and magnesium - on 9,3-21,6%. The laying hens which were fed with the mineral kizelgur additive were characterized by better resistance reactions. Bactericidal activity of blood serum of the experimental hens was higher on 2,7-15,3% (Р less than 0,01), lysozymic activity - on 1,3 22,5% (Р less than 0,05).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ветеринарно-санитарные показатели мяса птицы при включении в рацион нанобиокорректора Витолад
Glaskovich, M.A. | Pakhomov, P.I. | Kapitonova, E.A. | Bondar, T.V. | Babakhina, N.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the veterinary and sanitary quality and safety of poultry slaughter products after application of a natural biological corrector VitoLAD produced in Belarus on the basis of cultivation of nonpathogenic strain of fungi Fusarium sambuninum MKF-2001-3 used for restoration of dysfunction disorders. As a result of the realized bacteriological research there were marked no pathogenic and opportunistic organisms in all experimental samples of meat and internal organs. Indices of biological value of meat of three experimental and control group had no authentic differences. Displays of toxicity for infusorians were not marked. Poultry meat of investigated samples in control, and all three experimental groups (doses of 0,25 ml/head - the second experimental group, a dose of 0,5 ml/head - the third experimental group and a dose of 1 ml/head - the fourth experimental group) in diets of which there was added the natural biological corrector VitoLAD, proved to be good-quality and harmless. In accordance with organoleptic, physical and chemical, bacteriological indexes, as well as biological value and harmlessness did not concede to meat of the control group. The complex veterinary and sanitary estimation of bird carcasses of three experimental and control groups did not show any deviations from existing standards that made it possible to organize production realization without restriction.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Сушеная барда в рационах бычков
Gurin, V.K. | Radchikov, V.F. | Pilyuk, N.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Vozmitel, L.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Yanochkin, I.V., Institute of Radiology, Gomel (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were studied the productive and interior indexes of bull calves which were fed with dried distiller's grains. Inclusion into bull calves diets of the mixed fodder containing 33% of dried distiller's grains made it possible to increase the concentration of volatile fatty acids on 16-18%, albuminous nitrogen - on 4-7%, quantity of infusorians - on 16-17%, as well as to reduce the ammonia level in a ruminal liquid from 23,4 up to 17 mg%. Inclusion of 33% of dried distiller's grains into structure of mixed fodder and feeding the same quantity of fresh distiller's grains promoted increasing of nutrient digestibility on respectively 4,0-5,9% and 3,5-4,5%, nitrogen retention - on 13%. Increasing of level of dried distiller's grains in structure of grain forage up to 67% increased the digestibility of nutrients on 1,5-2% and nitrogen retention - on 4%. Substitution in mixed fodder for bull-calves of 33 and 67% of fodder grain by dried distiller's grains made it possible to increase daily average live weight gain of animals respectively on 10 and 4%. Feeding of dried and fresh distiller's grains at simultaneous introduction in rations of complex mineral additive promoted the activation of metabolic processes that was proved by increasing of crude protein of blood at 6-7% and 5-8%, as well as decreasing of concentration of urea - on 25 and 22% respectively. Use of 33% of dried distiller's grains as a part of mixed fodder for cattle young stock proved to be economically effective and allowed to lower the cost price of a live weight gain on 10-11%. Feeding with fresh distiller's grains allowed to lower the prime cost price on 7% and to receive additional profit.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Мясная продуктивность помесных герефорд х черно-пестрых телок в зависимости от содержания концентратов в рационе
Zhdanova, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized a comparative study of meat productivity of mongrel Gereford х black-and-white heifers ad purebred black-and-white heifers in the conditions of different levels of concentrated feedstuff in cattle diets; and determine the most efficient and long-term method of animal breeding for meat. Research results showed that breeding of meaty of hybrids of Gereford х black-and-white heifers of the second generation without using the feeding concentrates in their diets or on using rations with a low rate of feeding concentrates (10-20%) proved to be more effective, than breeding of purebred black-and-white herdmates (for which specific density of the concentrated forages in diets made up 20% through pregnancy). Hybrids on Gereford breed in accordance with meat productivity level surpassed the purebred black-and-white animals. The most considerable results were marked at hybrid heifers with relative density of concentrates in a ration of 20% which in accordance with slaughter weight indexes surpassed the herdmates of black-and-white breed on 39,1 kg or on 23,68%, in accordance with slaughter yield - on 8,2%, in accordance with fresh carcass weight - on 37,9 kg or on 23,8%, in accordance with weight of inner porc - on 1,19 kg or on 20,62%.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Продуктивность и кормовые достоинства просо-сорговых культур
Zenkova, N.N. | Shloma, T.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the yielding capacity and quality composition of nontraditional high-energy crops (sorghum and Sudan grass hybrid; millet (Panicum); white panicum (Japanese millet)) as well as there was developed a technology fodder conservation. In course of the study there was analyzed accumulation of nutrients in accordance with crop development phases and their quality composition; also there was determined a method of application of grass stands of the studied crops for their production use. It is established, that the most suitable for conditions of Vitebsk region from high-quality cultures is sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid which reaches phases of seed formation and provides productivity of dry matter more than 9 t/ha with humidity of green mass of 69% that is optimum for preparation of tinned forage. Sugar sorgho and grain is reached by phases of ear formation and have provided productivity of green mass of 25,9-25,7 t/ha, dry matter - 3,5 t/ha. To use double-cut sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid on a silo less effectively as the received green mass has high humidity (92%), and the general gathering of dry matter twice more low, than at single-cut use. At single-cut use the culture reaches phases of grain formation in which contains about 31% of dry matter that is favorable for conservation. Double-cut use of sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid is comprehensible at its cultivation in the green conveyor to use as green top dressing during the pasturable period. Japanese millet is better to use double-cut as it has provided the maximum productivity of green mass of high quality (63,9 t/ha) and dry matter (9,1 t/ha), it is in 2,3 and 1,6% of time above, than at single-cut use. Single-cut crops of sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid are expedient for using as a component at siloing of galega orientalis. In an early phase of development (7-8 leaves) the new-mown green mass of sorgho-sudan-grass hybrid possesses toxicity on the bottom border of average degree, but in 2 hours after mowing the forage becomes not toxic. In later phase of development there is an accumulation of sugars, and new-mown mass of sorgho is nontoxical. Sorghum cultures contain high percent of non-decomposed protein - 58,3-84,6% that is very important in feeding of highly productive cows.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Оценка профилактической и терапевтической эффективности комплексного препарата Феровитал в условиях клиники и производства
Kurdeko, A.P., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus) | Zajtsev, V.V., Vitebsk Biofactory (Belarus) | Dremach, G.Eh., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Zajteseva, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus clinic and production conditions there was analyzed the prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of a new national complex iron dextrane preparation Ferovital against deficiency (nutritional) anemia of new-born cattle and swine. In course of the study there were analyzed results of hematological and biochemical tests of blood of piglets which were administrated with Ferovital preparation. There were also marked the general economic index: live weight gain, disease incidence, piglet death rate, etc. Research results showed that the Ferovital preparation had an expressed prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy both in clinic and production conditions.
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