结果 401-410 的 572
Эффективность йодсодержащего препарата при стимуляции половой функции у крупного рогатого скота
Kuzmich, R.G. | Khanchina, A.R. | Eliseev, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results of studying the efficiency of iodine containing preparation Jodon which was applied to highly productive cows with hypovarianism and to servicing bulls in order to increase their reproductive function realized in the Republic of Belarus were presented. On the basis of realized studies there was proved the considerable efficiency of Jodon preparation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Технологические методы выращивания и лечения овец при респираторных заболеваниях инфекционной этиологии
Murzaliev, I.Dzh., Kyrgyz Agrarian University named after K.I.Skriabin, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) | Prudnikov, V.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Albertyan, M.P., The Y.R. Kovalenko All Russian Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, Moscow (Russian Federation)
Research results showed that in the conditions of correct organization and application of technological methods of livestock breeding and feeding it was possible to achieve high livability rate of sheep and lambs up to 90%. Also it was possible to get a substantial break of infection chain of many sheep diseases (especially those which had a respiratory nature). Research results showed that simultaneous application of convalescent-phase serum against sheep acute respiratory diseases, as well as Nitox 200 and Invamek for treatment of sheep and especially 2-3 month old lambs with respiratory infectious diseases promoted the recovery of 80-100% of animals.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Гематологические показатели крови у свиней, вакцинированых против лептоспироза
Nikitenko, I.G. | Prudnikov, V.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of immunization of swine by experimental produced at Vitebsk Biofactory in the Republic of Belarus vaccines in blood of experimental swine there stated the morphological changes which pointed to formation of immune response.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Влияние натрия тиосульфата и витамина С на показатели костного мозга у поросят, иммунизированных вaкциной СПС
Prudnikov, V.S. | Kazyuchits, M.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
After immunization of 30-35 day old piglets against a salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptococcosis (SPS) with special produced in the Republic of Belarus SPS vaccine in combination with immunostimulant sodium thyosulfate and vitamin C there was observed an activation myeloblastic hemopoiesis and lowering of erythropoeisis.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Возрастная морфологическая характеристика и топография щитовидной железы у молодняка крупного рогатого скота черно-пестрой породы в условиях скотоводческих комплексов Республики Беларусь
Fedotov, D.N. | Luppova, I.M. | Zhukov, A.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Analysis of morphological characteristic and parameters of a thyroid gland of a thyroid gland of growing cattle stock made it possible to specificate the age-specific and species-specific parameters of adaptation of cattle in concrete conditions of environment was realized in the conditions of cattle breeding complexes of the Republic of Belarus. As a result of studies there were obtained new data on form-building processes, macromorphology, topography and referential parameters of thyroid gland of cattle breeds.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Клинико-морфологическое проявление и эпизоотическая характеристика гемофилезной плевропневмонии у поросят-сосунов и отъемышей в зимний период в условиях свинокомплекса
Zhukov, A.I. | Luppova, I.M. | Kurishko, O.M. | Fedotov, D.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Lazovskaya, A.V., Agricultural Production Co-operative Uritskoe (Gomel region, Belarus)
Analysis of national studies and literary sources on problems of haemophilus pleuropneumoniae of swine was realized in the conditions of the republic of Belarus. Research was realized in the conditions of Agricultural Production Co-operative Uritskoe (Gomel region, Belarus). It was established that medical actions gave positive result only at early stages of disease.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Местнораздражающее действие препаративных форм сабельника болотного
Titovich, L.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results of studying the local of irritating properties of preparative forms of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre) which were intended for treatment of parasitic of diseases of animals, namely, strongylatosis of gastro-intestinal tract of sheep and calves realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were presented. Preparative forms of Comarum palustre (liquor, tincture, liquid extract and powder) had poorly expressed irritating properties after application into skin of animals and weak irritating action, excluding native forms of tincture and liquid extract on mucous coat eye, that confirms their low toxicity action as a whole on organism of animals.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Влияние натрия тиосульфата и витамина С на показатели костного мозга у поросят иммунизированных вакциной СПС
Prudnikov, V.S. | Kazyuchits, M.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Morphological and structural changes in bone marrow of piglets which were immunized with produced in the Republic of Belarus SPS vaccine (against salmonellosis (Salmonella), pasteurellosis (Pasteurella) and streptococcus) in combination with immunostimulants and without them were analyzed in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Piglets of the first group were vaccinated against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptoccocusis by SPS vaccine. Piglets of the second group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine with vitamin C. Piglets of the third group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine with immunotstimulant sodium thiosulphate. The fourth (control) group of animals was administrated with normal saline. Animals were immunized twice, intramuscularly with 7 day interval in dose of 4 ml (primary), and 5 ml (secondary). Vitamin С was administrated in dose of 0,05g per head. Sodium thiosulfate was administrated in combination with the vaccine in 30% concentration. Alongside with myelogram there were derived formulas of different cell groups of bone marrow: leucoerythroblastic index; intramedullary index of neutrophil maturity; intramedullary index of eosinophile maturity. Detailed myelogram of piglets on the 14-th day after the second immunization was presented. Research results showed that in all groups of vaccinated animals there was noted the activation of myeloblastic hematogenesis and decreasing of erythropoeisis. Piglet immunization was accompanied by strengthening of myeloblastic hematogenesis, increased number of lymphocytes and plasma cells in bone marrow
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Динамика живой массы и массы осевого скелета цыплят-бройлеров кроссв Кобб-500 и Росс-308 в постнатальном онтогенезе
Selmanovich, L.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Development of axial skeleton bones of meat type broiler chickens of Kobb-500 and Ross-308 crosses at the postnatal ontogenesis period was investigated in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of studies there were used broilers of 5 age groups (1 day old, 20 days old, 30 days old and 40 days old) which were selected in accordance with analogous principle with 10 heads per each group. Research results showed that live weight gain as well as axial skeleton weight gain of both crosses chickens increased wavily. The highest growth intensity of body weight and axial skeleton weight was stated at broiler chickens of Kobb-500 cross at the last age period. The opposite way, there was noted the increasing of axial skeleton growth for broiler chickens of Ross-308 cross at the age of 20 days. At the further age periods till the end of fattening-off there was stated the slowing of axial skeleton and body weight. In the period of 1 to 10 days there was stated an intensive growth of cervical spine of spinal column of broiler chickens of both crosses. High intensity of absolute weight growth of cervical spine of spinal column for Kobb-500 cross chickens was stated at the age period 30-40 days; for Ross-308 cross chickens - at the age 10-20 days
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Особенности морфологических изменений в плаценте при нормальной супоросности и осложненной острой асфиксией в опоросе с мертворождением поросят
Fedotov, D.N. | Luppova, I.M. | Yatusevich, V.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Comparison of morphological changes in placenta in the conditions of physiological pregnancy and pregnancy complicated acute asphyxia in farrow with deadborn piglets was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. There were realized complex clinical and morphological studies of placenta of pregnant sows. The experimental group was formed by pegnant sows with intranatally dead fetus because of acute asphyxia in course of farrowing caused by abnormality in placental circulation(prolapse of funis or loop of cord). The second (control) group consisted of healthy bred sows with physiological farrowing and alive newborn piglets. The groups were comparable to age, number of farrowings (no more two) and housing conditions. Detailed macrographic examinations of placenta (form, size, square, weight, volume, fetus-plecentary coefficient, amnion status and so on) and cord were realized. The research result showed that in the conditions of a complicated pregnancy in the thickness index placenta there were visualized a lot of connective tissue changed locus, infarcts as well as areas, and changes in morphometric indexes. All mentioned above factors proved to be a morphological substrate of fetoplacental insufficiency, which subsequently caused asphyxia, hypoxia, small-for-gestational-age fetus, and dead birth
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