结果 411-420 的 513
Studies on toxic substances of Gingko leaves inducing contact dermatitis in rabbit
Baek, B.K. | Kim, B.S. (Chonbuk National Univ., Chonju (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, S.H. | Ahn, B.Z. (Chungnam National Univ., Taejon (Korea Republic). Coll. of Pharmacy)
A study on production of early pregnancy diagnostic kid in cattle, 2; Production of early pregnancy diagnostic kit.
Kang, C.B. | Lee, H.J. | Choe, S.Y. (Gyeongsang National Univ., Chinju (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
Ultrastructure of Babesia gibsoni in the erythrocyte from dogs
Han, J.C. | Lee, J.M. | Chae, J.S. (Chonbuk National Univ., Chonju (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine) | Yoon, C.M. (Iri Agricultural and Forestry High School, Iri (Korea Republic))
Pulmonary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy in a bull
Han, J.H. (Kangweon National Univ., Chuncheon (Korea Republic). Coll. of Animal Agriculture) | Han, H.R. | Park, U.B. (Seoul National Univ., Suwon (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
Source of Ca++ and effect of adenosine triphosphate on the isolated renal artery of pig
Nam, Y.J. | Kim, J.H. (Gyeongsang National Univ., Chinju (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
Histochemical study on the endochondral ossification of the native Korean cattle femur
Kim, S.M. (Taejon Univ., Taejon (Korea Republic). Coll. of Oriental Medicine) | Yang, H.H. | Paik, Y.K. (Chonbuk National Univ., Chonju (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
The effect of antioxidant on pulmonary lesions induced by bleomycin in rats
Lee, J.S. | Kim, D.J. (Seoul National Univ., Suwon (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine) | Yoon, Y.S. (Kangweon National Univ., Chuncheon (Korea Republic). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
Biological and physicochemical properties of canine parvovirus isolated from the dogs with diarrhea
Choi, H.Y. (Northern Branch of Chungbuk Animal Health Laboratory, Cheongju (Korea Republic)) | Jun, M.H. | Park, S.K. (Chungnam National Univ., Taejon (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
Administration of ethylenethiourea during organogenesis periods in pregnant rats, 2; Effects on water filled multiple T-maze test and alpha-fetoprotein, urea and free fatty acid concentrations in amniotic fluids
Kim, S.H. (Korea Research Inst. of Chemical Technology, Seoul (Korea Republic)) | Huh, R.S. (Kyungpook National Univ., Taegu (Korea Republic). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
Studies on the effects of ginseng extract for mucociliary change in mice nasal septum epithelia expose to sulfur dioxide gas
Kim, M.K. | Cho, S.W. | Ryu, S.Y. | Lee, G.J. | Han, K.O. | Lee, C.H. (Chungnam National Univ., Taejon (Korea Republic). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)