结果 421-430 的 465
Occurrence of antibodies anti-Toxoplasma gondii and anti-Neospora caninum in dogs from Natal, RN, Brazil
Marcos Gomes Lopes | Maurício Hernandez | Júlia Tereza Ribeiro de Lima | José Henrique Hildebrand Grisi Filho | Solange Maria Gennari
The occurrence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in dogs from the municipality of Natal, RN, Brazil, was determined. Information about the presence of these coccidia in this species was not known. Blood samples were collected from 29 domiciled dogs which inhabit areas that surround two important protected areas of Atlantic Forest (Parque da Cidade and Parque das Dunas) and another 73 dogs that were sacrificed due to Leishmania spp. infection, in Center for Control of Zoonosis (CCZ) for the municipality of Natal. It was only possible to obtain information about the gender of dogs that live in the parks area. The presence of antibodies against each parasite was determined by indirect Fluorescence Antibody Test (IFAT), with a cutoff of 16 for T. gondii and 50 for N. caninum. Of the 102 dogs examined, 13 (12.7%, 95% CI 7.0-20.8%) were T. gondii positive and three (2.9%, CI 0.6-8.4%) for N. caninum. Association between: localities of obtaining samples (parks x CCZ) and sex of animals, with the occurrence of antibodies against each of the parasites, was determined by the Fisher exact test. For T. gondii association was found with males (p = 0.027) and dogs living close to parks (p = 0.008) had higher rates of infection. Associations were not observed in relation to N. caninum.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Splenic congestion associated with acepromazine administration in dogs
Denise Cláudia Tavares | Fabiana Ferreira Souza | Claudio Galvão Olivaes | Valeska Rodrigues | Thais Melo de Paula Seixas | Ewaldo de Mattos Junior | Gilson Hélio Toniollo
The aim of this study was evaluate splenic dilatation induced by acepromazine in a prospective, randomized study. Thirty-three adult mongrel dog were divided into two groups designated as AG (acepromazine 0.05 mg/kg, i.v., n = 23) and CG (0.9% sodium chloride administered at a similar volume, n = 10). In both groups underwent sonographic examinations before (T0) and fifteen minutes (T15) after drug injection. The thickness spleen and splenic vein width were measured. Higher thickness was found in the AG group at T15 (2.47 cm) when compared to that at T0 (2.06 cm, p = 0.016), while the T0 (2.33 cm) and T15 (2.39 cm) measures did not differ within the CG group. Moreover, the splenic vein width was higher (p = 0.013) at T15 than at T0 in the AG group. Based on results of this study, we concluded that acepromazine, in doses of 0.05 mg/kg, promotes splenomegaly in dogs after fifteen minutes of the injection.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Reproductive toxicity of Samanea tubulosa on rats
Maria Rafaella Luz de Araújo | Karlla de Freitas Nunes | Larissa Vieira Costa | Benta Natânia Silva Figueiredo | Domenica Palomaris Mariano-Souza | Adriano Tony Ramos | Sandro Estevan Moro | Joseilson Alves de Paiva | Helenice de Souza Spinosa | Viviane Mayumi Maruo
Samanea tubulosa is a plant used for medicinal and feeding purposes. However, ingestion of S. tubulosa pods has been associated with bovine abortion. Thus, the aim of this work was to investigate the effects of diet containing 5% of S. tubulosa pod meal on male and female Wistar rats. Diet was administered to male rats (n = 10) for 60 days before mating. Female rats (n = 10) received the treatment for 30 days, during cohabitation and from gestational day (GD) 0 to GD20. Treated animals were mated with untreated rats. In male rats, plant consumption caused decreased food consumption and 20% fertility index reduction. Litters from treated males presented lower body weight and crown–rump length. Female rats treated with the plant increased water and food intake and body weight. Decreases in fertility, fecundity and gestation indices and increase of placenta weight and mean number of corpora lutea were found. Thus, owing to the possible general and reproductive toxic effects, long-term consumption of S. tubulosa is not recommended for phytotherapic or food purposes.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in the endometrium of mares during estrus and at early diestrus
Geórgia Duna Mansour | Lio Moreira | Ana Maria Reis Ferreira
Immunohistochemical expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was evaluated in the endometrium of mares during estrus and at early diestrus. Three samples were collected by endometrial biopsy from 10 mares, on estrus/ second day, in the ovulation day and seven days after the ovulation day. PCNA expression was high in luminal epithelium and low in endometrial glands on samples taken on estrus/second day and on the ovulation day (p < 0.05). For samples collected on the seventh day following ovulation, the averaged PCNA immunostaining was higher in glandular epithelium (p < 0.05). The study revealed that luminal epithelial cells exhibit higher proliferation during estrus and glandular epithelial cells exhibited higher proliferation during diestrus.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Influence of temperature on Streptococcus agalactiae infection in Nile tilapia
Paulo Fernandes Marcusso | Jefferson Yunis Aguinaga | Gustavo da Silva Claudiano | Silas Fernandes Eto | Dayanne Carla Fernandes | Hurzana Mello | Fausto de Almeida Marinho Neto | Rogério Salvador | Julieta Rodini Engrárcia de Moraes | Flávio Ruas de Moraes
Environmental changes affect fish homeostasis, turning them more susceptible to diseases. In Brazil, outbreaks of Streptococcus agalactiae infection have been reported in Nile tilapia when they are outside of their thermal comfort zone. This investigation evaluated mortality rate and which were the most infected organs at temperatures that naturally occurred in southern of Brazil. Forty Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) were infected with S. agalactiae and distributed in four groups (n=10) and each group was exposed to a different temperature: G1: 24°C, G2: 26°C, G3: 28°C, and G4: 32°C. Fish were monitored for 10 days. In this period, fish that presented irreversible clinical signs were sacrificed and samples of brain, liver, and kidney were collected for bacteriological and molecular analysis. Signs compatible with a streptococcal infection were observed in all groups. Highest mortality rates occurred at 24°C and 32°C. The brain was the most affected organ with the highest percentage of isolation of S. agalactiae by both methods of diagnosis. The results suggest that, as in mammals, temperatures that are further away from the comfort zone influence fish homeostasis, increasing susceptibility to bacterial infections.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Estudo da frequência dos antígenos eritrocitários caninos 1, 1.1 e 7 e risco de transfusão incompatível em cães de diferentes raças e mestiços da região metropolitana da cidade de São Paulo-SP, Brasil
Samantha Leite de Souza | Angelo João Stopiglia | Simone Gonçalves Rodrigues Gomes | Silvia Kana Ulata | Ludmila Rodrigues Moroz | Denise Tabacchi Fantoni
O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a frequência dos grupos sanguíneos identificados como antígenos eritrocitários caninos (AEC) 1, 1.1 e 7 em cães da região metropolitana da cidade de São Paulo-SP, Brasil, e calcular o risco de administração de sangue incompatível tanto em uma primeira quanto em uma segunda transfusão. Para tanto, 300 cães não aparentados foram divididos igualmente em seis grupos de acordo com as raças: Pastor Alemão (PA); Rottweiler (R); Poodle (P); Cocker Spaniel Inglês (CS); raças definidas diversas (RDD) e mestiços (M). Avaliou-se a relação entre a frequência dos AEC e os grupos raciais. A frequência geral de AEC 1 na população foi de 71% (AEC 1.1 – 53,35%) e houve variações de acordo com as raças: PA- 32% (AEC 1.1 – 20%), R- 98% (1.1 – 80%), P- 76% (1.1 – 54%), CS- 84% (1.1 – 50%), RDD- 62% (1.1 – 56%) e M- 74% (1.1 – 60%). A frequência geral de AEC 7 foi de 39,33% e não houve diferenças significativas entre as raças. O risco de um cão negativo para o AEC 1 receber sangue positivo foi de 0,6 a 66,6% em uma primeira transfusão e de 0,21 a 65,3% do mesmo cão receber sangue incompatível em uma segunda transfusão. O risco quanto ao AEC 7 foi de 23,86% na primeira transfusão e 9,4% numa segunda transfusão. Este estudo concluiu que houve variação na frequência de AEC1 e AEC 1.1, mas não quanto ao AEC 7 entre raças. Esta variação na porcentagem de animais positivos quanto ao AEC 1 se refletiu na grande variação no risco de uso de sangue incompatível. Portanto, conhecer a frequência dos AEC na população tem impacto direto no manejo entre cães doadores e receptores, mas a utilização conjunta de teste de tipagem sanguínea e reação cruzada reduz a possibilidade de transfusão de sangue incompatível.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Avaliação da glutamina, amônia e cortisol em cavalos de enduro durante corridas de diferentes distâncias
Renata Farinelli de Siqueira | Wilson Roberto Fernandes
A glutamina e o aminoácido livre mais abundante no organismo de mamíferos, muito importante para a proliferação celular, metabolismo da amônia e para produção de energia na musculatura esquelética, principalmente durante o exercício aeróbico. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar se os níveis séricos de glutamina, amônia e cortisol, em cavalos de enduro, podem ser modelos de estudo da dinâmica deste importante aminoácido durante o exercício, pois estes animais são submetidos a esforço aeróbico prolongado e intenso. Foram utilizados 33 cavalos de enduro que competiram nas categorias de 80 km (n = 13), 120 km (n = 14) e 160 km (n = 5) em quatro provas. Não houve diferença estatística nos níveis de glutamina entre os momentos de coleta (P > 0,05). Houve aumento significativo dos níveis plasmáticos de amônia apos o termino das provas (P < 0,05). Esse aumento foi mais marcado nos cavalos de 80 km, seguido pelos de 120 e por ultimo os de 160 km. Houve correlação positiva entre os níveis de amônia e glutamina nas categorias de 160, 120 e 80 km (r = 0,209, r = 0,151 e r = 0,176, respectivamente; P < 0,05). Oscilações séricas dos níveis de glutamina são difíceis de se detectar em cavalos de enduro, já que as fibras musculares oxidativas são importantes reservatórios desse aminoácido. Ainda, e difícil saber sobre consumo de glutamina dadas as reservas orgânicas e a facilidade de metabolização. A concentração sérica de amônia pode servir como indicador indireto do consumo de glutamina. Assim, concluiu-se que as dosagens de amônia e cortisol podem servir como medidas indiretas da utilização da glutamina durante o exercício aeróbico e ambas como marcadores de esforço.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Detection, quantification and genetic variability of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae from apparently healthy and pneumonic swine
Yaima Burgher Pulgarón | Lucas Miranda Marques | Angélica Cristine de Almeida Campos | Joan Peña Rodriguez | Odaylin Plasencia Márquez | Arianna Duque Ortiz | Evelyn Lobo Rivero | Jorge Timenetsky
Molecular differences among Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae strains present in pneumonic lungs of swine have been largely studied. However, no comparative studies concerning the strains present in apparently healthy pigs have been carried out. This study aimed to detect, quantify and perform molecular analysis of M. hyopneumoniae strains in pig lungs with and without pneumonic lesions. The detection of M. hyopneumoniae was performed using multiplex PCR (YAMAGUTI, 2008), real-time PCR (STRAIT et al., 2008) and multiple VNTR amplification (VRANCKX et al., 2011). Molecular characterization of the strains was achieved by analysis of the VNTR copy number in P97R1, P146R3, H2R1 and H4. M. hyopneumoniae was detected in samples from healthy and pneumonic pigs and the amount of M. hyopneumoniae positive samples detected varied with the type of assay. The greater number of positive samples was identified by the multiple VNTR amplification combined with capillary electrophoresis. Using real-time PCR, 4.9*104 M. hyopneumoniae genome copies/mL was detected in apparently healthy lungs. A mean quantity of 3.9*106 M. hyopneumoniae genome copies/mL was detected in pneumonic lungs. The analysis of VNTR copy number demonstrated a high genetic variability of the M. hyopneumoniae strains present in apparently healthy and pneumonic lungs. Strains having 3 VNTR copy number in P97R1, were detected only in pneumonic lungs and strains having 40 and 43 VNTR copy number in P146R3 were detected only in apparently healthy lungs. Despite the genetic variability of M. hyopneumoniae, predominant strains in the swine farms could be identified.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ultrasound diagnosis and monitoring of canine scleritis
Michelle Barbosa Pereira Braga Sá | Eduardo Perlmann | Ana Carolina Almeida de Góes | Renata Squarzoni | Angélica Mendonça Vaz Safatle | Paulo Sergio de Moraes Barros | Aline Adriana Bolzan
Scleritis is a severe painful inflammatory and vision-threatening disease. The purpose of this paper is to describe two cases of scleritis in dogs treated with immunosuppressors and monitored by ocular ultrasound. In both cases the ocular wall presented marked thickening and the ultrasonic exams were repeated for weeks showing progressive improvement allowing adjusting the dosage of the medications. In conclusion, ocular ultrasound is a useful tool in the diagnosis and management of scleritis in dogs.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Avaliação fitoquímica e potencial cicatrizante do extrato etanólico dos frutos de Jucá (Libidibia ferrea) em ratos Wistar
Yuri Teiichi da Silva Kobayashi | Vívian Tavares de Almeida | Talita Bandeira | Bianca Nascimento de Alcântara | Andressa Santa Brígida da Silva | Wagner Luiz Ramos Barbosa | Paula Barbosa da Silva | Maria Vivina Barros Monteiro | Milton Begeres de Almeida
Libidibia ferrea é uma planta muito utilizada popularmente para fins terapêuticos, inclusive para acelerar processos de cicatrização de feridas cutâneas. O presente trabalho pesquisou a composição química e avaliou o potencial cicatrizante do extrato etanólico dos frutos de L. ferrea (Mart. ex Tul.) em ratos. Foram utilizados 24 ratos Wistar divididos em quatro grupos. De todos os animais, foi retirado um fragmento de pele do dorso e cada grupo recebeu um tratamento diferente: solução de NaCl 0,9%, digliconato de clorexidina 1%, extrato etanólico dos frutos de Libidibia ferrea 12,5% e 50%. O processo de cicatrização foi avaliado macro e microscopicamente. Para a cicatrização de pele em ratos o extrato etanólico dos frutos de L. ferrea a 12,5% é significativamente mais eficiente do que a 50%. Saponinas, ácidos orgânicos, açúcares redutores, fenóis e taninos, sesquiterpenolactonas e outras lactonas, e antraquinonas foram encontrados no extrato.
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