[ 发表于: Journal of Veterinary Research ]

结果 61-70 的 504

Spectrum analysis of diaphragmatic global electromyograms in cattle, with special regard to appropriate strategy for detection of fatigue.


Desmecht, Daniel | Linden, Annick | Close, R. P. | Michaux, C. L. | Lekeux, Pierre

University of Liège - Belgium

Airway occlusion pressure and diaphragm global electromyograph analysis for evaluation of inspiratory muscle drive and neuromechanical coupling in cattle


Desmecht, Daniel | Linden, Annick | Rollin, Frédéric | Lekeux, Pierre

University of Liège - Belgium

Approche directe pour la mise en évidence des phénomènes radicalaires lors de myopathie postanesthésique équine: étude préliminaire | Direct Approach for Demonstrating Free Radical Phenomena During Equine Postanesthetic Myopathy: Preliminary Study


Serteyn, Didier | Pincemail, Joël | Mottart, E. | Caudron, I. | Deby, Christiane | Deby-Dupont, G. | Philippart, C. | Lamy, Maurice

University of Liège - Belgium

Age-related changes in skin color and histologic features of hairless descendants of Mexican Hairless dogs


Kimura, T. | Doi, K.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Antibody binding of circulating ergot alkaloids in cattle grazing tall fescue


Hill, N.S. | Thompson, F.N. | Dawe, D.L. | Stuedemann, J.A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effects of acetylpromazine, xylazine, and vertical load on digital arterial blood flow in horses


Hunt, R.J. | Brandon, C.I. | McCann, M.E.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Plasma concentrations of immunoreactive proopiomelanocortin peptides and cortisol in clinically normal cats


Peterson, M.E. | Kemppainen, R.J. | Orth, D.N.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Acute effect of hydralazine administration on pulmonary artery hemodynamics in dogs with chronic heartworm disease


Atkins, C.E. | Keene, B.W. | McGuirk, S.M. | Satō, Tōru

National Agricultural Library - United States of America