结果 631-640 的 706
Hemangiosarcoma at the base of the left atrium of a dog with mitral and tricuspid valve degeneration – case report
Emiliana Andrades Fiorini | Tatiane Cristina Batista Santos | Luana Canassa Alves | Rogério Moreti | Alessandre Hataka | Camila Dias Porto | Rodrigo Prevedello Franco
Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a malignant neoplasm originating from the vascular endothelium, with high metastatic power and commonly described in the spleen, liver, and right atrium. Thus, the objective of the present study is to report the occurrence of HSA at the base of the left atrium of a male, elderly, Lhasa Apso dog, treated with cyanosis, orthopedic position, cough. In the physical examination, the presence of crackling was observed in pulmonary lobes, murmur in focus of mitral and tricuspid grade IV\VI. The recommended emergency therapy was performed until the clinical improvement of the animal. After echocardiography, mitral and tricuspid valvular degeneration was confirmed, as well as the presence of an irregular, mixed echocardiogram, extra-cardiac, immobile at the base of the left atrium, measuring 2.9 x 1.44 cm in diameter. The clinical therapy established stabilized the clinical picture for 128 days, with recurrence of pulmonary edema and severe hemorrhagic pleural effusion, with the owners opting for euthanasia of the animal and necropsy confirming the definitive diagnosis of extrahepatic SAH at the base of the left atrium.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Rural area of the Brazilian Pantanal wetlands associated with the occurrence of anti-<i>Leishmania</i> spp. antibodies in dogs
Andréia Lima Tomé Melo | Andréa Pereira da Costa | Selma Samiko Miyazaki | Matias Bassinello Stocco | Thiago Borges Fernandes Semedo | Thábata dos Anjos Pacheco | Rute Witter | Richard de Campos Pacheco | Marcelo Bahia Labruna | Arlei Marcili | Daniel Moura de Aguiar
An evaluation was made of the presence of anti-Leishmania infantum chagasi antibodies in domestic dogs from the urban and rural areas of Brazil’s Pantanal wetland region using serological techniques. A total of 429 dogs were sampled in three areas of the Pantanal biome, including the municipalities of Poconé, Santo Antônio de Leverger, and Barão de Melgaço, in the state of Mato Grosso, and in the municipality of Corumbá, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The immunofluorescence assay (IFA) was used to detect antibodies (cut-off point 40) using Leishmania infantum chagasi antigen. Because of the possibility of cross-reactivity between species of the genus Leishmania, samples that were positive in the IFA against L. infantum chagasi were also tested by IFA in the same conditions, using L. amazonensis and L. braziliensis antigens. IFA-positive samples to L. infantum chagasi were also evaluated using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The results showed the presence of antibodies against L. infantum chagasi in 23 (5.36%; 95% CI: 3.50%-8.05%) dogs and at least one seroreactive dog was found in each of the municipalities evaluated in this study. Antibody titers ranged from 40 to 5,120, and all IFA positive samples were positive in the ELISA. Among the 23 positive dogs, nine were also were seroreactive for L. amazonensis and L. braziliensis antigens. The occurrence of anti- L. infantum chagasi antibodies in dogs was higher in rural areas (7.06%) than in urban areas (2.50%) (P < 0.05). Based on this study, we concluded that dogs from rural areas of the Pantanal wetlands were in contact with Leishmania species, which is relevant information given their importance to public health.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]In vitro culture of ovine mammary gland cells expressing beta-lactoglobulin and beta-casein
Mariana Ianello Giassetti | Flávia Regina Oliveira de Barros | Camilla Mota Mendes | Marcelo Demarchi Goissis | Fernanda Sevciuc Maria | Adriano Felipe Perez Siqueira | Renata Simões | Mayra Elena Ortiz Avila Assumpção | José Antônio Visintin
The expression of milk proteins in vitro is essential to exploit the mammary gland cells as a biological model. Enzymatic tissue disaggregation has been widely used to establish mammary cell culture, but its effect in long-term ovine mammary cell culture is not completely elucidated. This study aimed at comparing mechanical/enzymatic and mechanical dissociation methods to establish ovine mammary cell culture. We compared cellular differentiation induced by lactating ewe sérum or fetal bovine serum based on the gene expression levels of milk proteins (beta-lactoglobulin, alpha s1-casein, and betacasein). Mechanically dissociated cells were positive immunostaining for cytokeratin 8.13, such as mammary epithelial cells. These cells are responsible for milk protein expression and they are low immunostaining for vimentin, mesenchymal marker. Mechanical/enzymatic dissociation cells were positive for vimentin. The fastest cell growth (cell/hour) was observed in the mechanical dissociation group cultured with 10% fetal bovine serum medium. Mechanically and mechanically/enzymatically derived cells were able to express beta-casein and beta-lactoglobulin, but not alpha s1-casein. The relative expression of beta-lactoglobulin was not affected by the tissue dissociation method or culture media, beta-casein relative expression was down regulated in mechanically dissociated cells cultured in the presence of lactating ewe serum, (P = 0.019). Beta-casein relative expression was also down regulated in mechanically/enzymatically dissociated cells cultured with fetal bovine sérum (P = 0.021). In the present conditions, we conclude that mechanical dissociation followed by culture with 10% of fetal bovine serum was the most efficient method to induce milk proteins’ mRNA expression by ovine mammary epithelial cells in vitro.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Serological survey of Toxoplamosis in South American coatis (Nasua nasua) in Tietê Ecological Park, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Jéssica França Maia | Solange Maria Gennari | Liliane Milanelo | Haroldo Ryoiti Furuya | Vanessa Apafecida Feijó Souza | Sérgio Netto Vitaliano
Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite that causes toxoplasmosis in humans, domestic animals and wild animals. Although there is serological evidence of T. gondii infection in wild animals, little is known about the role of wildlife in the epidemiological chain of this parasite. The South American coati (Nasua nasua) is an omnivorous species capable of adaptation to different environments. It can be found throughout Brazil, and in anthropized environments it can come into close contact with domestic animals. The present study found occurrences of T. gondii antibodies in South American coatis living in the Tietê Ecological Park, in the municipality of São Paulo, Brazil, through the modified agglutination test (MAT). In total, 99 samples were obtained and 70.70% (n = 70) were positive for anti-T. gondii antibodies, with titers that ranged from 50 to 3200. The data from this study indicate that South American coatis are exposed to this parasite.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Histological aspects of the mucosa of the spermaceti chamber of a dwarf sperm whale
Samira Costa-Silva | Carlos Sacristán | Kátia regina Groch | Angélica María Sánchez-Sarmiento | Laura Reisfeld | Gustavo Dutra | Cristiane Lassálvia | José Luiz Catão-Dias
The sound producing apparatus of the dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima) presents a complex anatomic structure composed of melon, spermaceti, phonic lips, vocal cap, case, papillae, spermaceti chamber and other airspaces, as well as facial muscles involved in sound production. The spermaceti chamber rests on the caudal portion of the premaxilla, with part of its mucosa covered with spherical/oval-shaped structures (approximately 1 to 2 mm in diameter), compatible with vesicles (previously referred to as “papillae”). Macroscopical examination revealed whitish, firm, widely and irregularly distributed vesicular mucosa on the premaxillary portion of the spermaceti chamber of a K. sima specimen stranded on the coast of Santos (southeastern Brazilian coast). Upon microscopic examination, walls of connective tissue with abundant type I collagen forming vesicles with an internal space or cavity filled with a small amount of eosinophilic substance compatible with mucoproteic fluid were observed. The base of such vesicles presented glands within the connective tissue, probably responsible for fluid production. This study describes the histology of the mucosa of the spermaceti chamber of a K. sima specimen and characterizes the glands associated with fluid production.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Histology of the gastrointestinal tract from Bothrops jararaca and Crotalus durissus
Izabel Carolina Vargas Pinto Gogone | Marcelo Pires Nogueira de Carvalho | Kathleen Fernandes Grego | Sávio Stefanini Sant'anna | Francisco Javier Hernandez-Blazquez | José Luiz Catão-Dias
Recent studies have discussed the importance of snakes, going beyond the context of Public Health (snakebites). Promising research demonstrates the utility of snake venom in several fields, including oncology, diagnosis, anticoagulant therapy, and pain treatment. Nevertheless, there are still gaps in the basic knowledge on these animals, specifically regarding the histological characterization of the gastrointestinal tract, which ultimately hinder comparative histology and pathology studies. In this context the present study intends to contribute with the advance of current knowledge on snake histology by describing and analyzing histological samples of the gastrointestinal tracts of Bothrops jararaca and Crotalus durissus. Samples were collected from 12 individuals (six from each species), up to 6 months of age and equally distributed between males and females. Histological slides were prepared from the organs collected and were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff and alcian blue. The slides were photographed with a high-resolution camera to create a portfolio representative of the histology of the gastrointestinal systems of these animals.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Esporotricose - gato como fonte de infecção em foco epidêmico familiar em Guarulhos, São Paulo: relato de caso
Leandro Haroutune Hassesian Galati | Jane Tomimori | Carlos Pelleschi Taborda | Nilceo Schwery Michalany | Carlos Eduardo Larsson Júnior | Carlos Eduardo Larsson
A esporotricose é uma dermatozoonose que tem como agentes etiológicos fungos do gênero Sporothrix. É responsável por quadros micóticos ditos de implantação. Essa micose, de características antropo e saprozoonóticas e cujas principais fontes de infecção são os felinos domésticos, o solo e os vegetais, tem sido responsável por surtos epizoóticos e epidêmicos no sul e sudeste brasileiro. Este relato apresenta o caso de um felino diagnosticado e tratado para esporotricose pelo Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Veterinário da FMVZ/USP, após ter sido encaminhado pelo Departamento de Dermatologia da EPM/Unifesp, onde os proprietários do animal estavam sendo tratados para esporotricose humana.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Factors that enhance repeat breeder condition in a crossbred dairy herd submitted to reproductive synchronization protocols
Fransergio Souza | João Cesar | Luisa Cunha Carneiro | Ricarda Maria dos Santos
The objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence of repeat breeder (RB) in crossbred dairy cows submitted to a timed artificial insemination (TAI) and estrous synchronization protocols. Data from 371 heifers and 997 lactating crossbred dairy cows were analyzed. Cows with more than 30 DPP with good uterine condition, no lameness or clinical mastitis, and body condition score ≥ 2.5 were used. The cows were divided between two groups, as: group 1: TAI – those cows with no CL at ultrasound exam that were enrolled in a TAI protocol and group 2: estrous synchronization – all those cows that had CL. The incidences of RB and factors relative to it were analyzed by logistic regression in SAS. The incidence of RB condition was higher in lactating cows than non-lactating heifers (P < 0.001). There was a tendency of RB condition to higher in cows that calved during spring/summer than those calved at autumn/winter season. The parturition condition had no effect on RB incidence (P > 0.001); however, lactation degree influenced the incidence of RB (P <0.001). Repeat breeder condition was greater in lactating crossbred dairy cows than in heifers. Moreover, the presence of RB cows was higher in those from second parity group when compared to those from first, third and four parity groups; on the other hand, parturition condition did not influence the appearance of RB cows in the herd.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Causes of death of domestic cats in a veterinary hospital of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais state: a retrospective study
Solangge Cristina Rodrigues | Thaís de Almeida Moreira | Fernanda Gatti Oliveira Nascimento | Willian Torres Blanca | Rafael Rocha de Souza | Alessandra Aparecida Medeiros-Ronchi
Cats play an important role as pets in the present society. Thus, the knowledge about their main diseases and causes of death is fundamental to prevent various pathologies. However, when dealing with domestic cats there are very few researches in Veterinary Medicine. The aim of this study is to identify the causes of death of cats through a retrospective study of necropsies in the Animal Pathology Laboratory in the Federal University of Uberlândia (Brazil), in a period of 36 years, in which 350 cat necropsies were conducted. The most frequent causes of death of these animals were digestive system diseases (48 cats – 13.71%), and among them, feline hepatic lipidosis was the most frequent etiology (18.75%). The second most affected system was the respiratory (10.86%) and acute pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and diaphragmatic hernia were the main diseases to cause death of cats with some kind of disorder in this system. Other decease causes were rabies, squamous cell carcinoma, fibrous osteodystrophy, fractures and traumatism, hypovolemic shock, and feline lower urinary tract disease. This type of analysis can provide basic information about the most common diseases in felines, contributing with veterinarians as they adopt control and prevention actions against diseases.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Recognition and behavioral assessment of acute pain in cats: literature review
Marco Aurélio Amador Pereira | Karina D'Angelo Campos | Marina Caetano Evangelista | Lucas Alaião Gonçalves | Rosana Souza Thurler | Júlio Ken Nagashima | Sérgio Grandisoli Garcia Filho | Clarissa Muniz Ribeiro | Denise Tabacchi Fantoni
Although pain is considered the 4th vital sign and one of the most frequently observed clinical signs in domestic animals’ clinical practice, its treatment is still inadequate despite significant improvement in the last few years. Acute post-operative pain has aroused great interest due to its potential risk of developing into chronic pain, and if not treated properly, it might worsen the recovery and the patient’s quality of life. Cats are one of the least studied species of domestic animals regarding pain recognition and control. Some of the difficulties lie in pain assessment and perception. The consensus published in February 2016 about behavioral signs of pain in cats considered some signs to be reliable and sensitive for the assessment of pain in this species in many different clinical conditions, however it still states that more studies will be necessary in order to evaluate its clinical validity and applicability, especially considering the various pain intensities. As an attempt to quantify pain intensity in cats, several types of traditional subjective scales and others that facilitate pain assessment by combining the observation of spontaneous behavioral signals of pain and qualitative response to palpation of surgical wound are used as tools. It is necessary to use specific scales for each type of pain and for each specific animal species so to minimize the subjectivity and the partiality of the observers, reducing bias and improving efficacy, thus leading to a better patient care.
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