结果 71-80 的 201
The distribution, diagnoses and estimated economic impact of plant poisonings and mycotoxicoses in South Africa
Kellerman, T.S. | Naude, T.W. | Fourie, N. (Agricultural Research Council, Onderstepoort (South Africa). Onderstepoort Veterinary Inst.)
The osteology of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana): vertebral column, ribs and sternum
Bezuidenhout, A.J. | Seegers, C.D. (Pretoria Univ., Onderstepoort (South Africa). Department of Anatomy)
Improving the specificity of indirect immunofluorescence for the serological diagnosis of bovine anaplasmosis
Lawrence, J.A. | Whiteland, A.P. | Kafuwa, P.T. | Njuguna, L.M. (Tick-borne Diseases Vaccine Production Centre, Lilongwe (Malawi))
Field observations on the duration of immunity in cattle after vaccination against Anaplasma and Babesia species
Tjornehoj, K. | Lawrence, J.A. | Whiteland, A.P. (Project GCP/RAF/259/DEN, Lilongwe (Malawi)) | Kafuwa, P.T.
Immunophenotypic classification of canine malignant lymphoma on formalin-fixed paraffin wax-embedded tissue by means of CD3 and CD79a cell markers
Milner, R.J. (Pretoria Univ., Onderstepoort (South Africa). Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital) | Pearson, J. | Nesbit, J.W. | Close, P.
Seasonal dynamics of the Karoo paralysis tick (Ixodes rubicundus): a comparative study on Merino and Dorper sheep
Fourie, L.J. | Kok, D.J. (Orange Free State Univ., Bloemfontein (South Africa). Dept. of Zoology and Entomology)
The intestine and endocrine pancreas of the African elephant: a histological, immunocytochemical and immunofluorescence study
Van Aswegen, G. (Potchefstroom Univ. for Christian Higher Education (South Africa). Dept. of Anatomy) | Van Noorden, S. | Kotze, S.H. | De Vos, V. | Schoeman, J.H.
Experimentally induced chronic copper toxicity in cattle
Gummow, B. (Pretoria Univ., Onderstepoort (South Africa). Faculty of Veterinary Science)
Tuberculosis in buffaloes (Syncerus caffer) in the Kruger National Park [South Africa] : Spread of the disease to other species
Keet, D.F. (Kruger National Park, Skukuza (South Africa). State Veterinarian) | Kriek, N.P.J. | Penrith, M.-L. | Michel, A. | Huchzermeyer, H.
Solid-phase extraction and HPLC determination of levamisole hydrochloride in sheep plasma
Du Preez, J.L. | Lotter, A.P. (Potchefstroom Univ. for Higher Christian Education (South Africa). Research Inst. for Industrial Pharmacy)