结果 81-90 的 252
Morphological studies on the development of the prenatal and postnatal rat stomach 1. Light and scanning electron microscopical observations
Chung, H.S. | Kim, C.S. (Kyongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). Institute of Animal Medicine) | Lee, J.H. (Ulsan University, Ulsan (Korea Republic). College of Medicine)
Reversion of Theileria sergenti merozoit to schizont
Kang, S.W. | Choi, E.J. (National Veterinary Research Institute, RDA, Anyang (Korea Republic))
Toxicity of ivermectin in Jindo-dogs 1.Clinical and hematological observation
Lee, C.Y. | Oh, S.I. | Lee, C.G. (Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Transvaginal ultrasound-guided ovum pick-up incattle 1. Effects of estrus cycle, season and bST treatment on ovum pick-up in cattle
Lee, B.C. | Yoon, K.Y. | Roh, S.H. | Lee, K.N. | Hwang, W.S. (Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea Republic). College of veterinary Medicine) | Kim, H.I. (Cheil Chem. Company, Ansan (Korea Republic))
Effect of electrical stimulation and vitamin AD3E on fracture healing in a rat model
Bae, C.S. | Cho, Y.S. | Chang, K.J. (Konkuk University, Seoul (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine)
Effects of bovine antisperm antibodies on fertilizing capacity of bovine spermatozoa
Kim, K.S. (University of Pennsylvania Medical center, Pennsylvania (USA). Division of Reproductive biology) | Roh, S.H. | Lee, K.N. | Lee, B.C. | Hwang, W.S. (Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary medicine)
Congenital transmission of Teileria sergenti in cattle verified by immunohistochemistry
Baek, B.K. | Kim, J.H. (Chonbuk National University, Chonju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Onuma, M. (Hokkaido University, Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)
Appearance of globule leukocytes in tracheal and broncheal mucosa in Korean native cattle with pneumonia and rats experimentally infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae
Park, S.J. | Jeong, K.S. (Korea Rearch Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, KIST, Taejon (Korea Republic)) | Lee, C.S. (Kyongpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Schistosoma mattheei infection in cattle: The course of the intestinal syndrome, and an estimate of the lethal dose of cercariae
Van Wyk, J.A. | Van Rensburg, L.J. | Heitmann, L.P. (Agricultural Research Council, Onderstepoort (South Africa). Onderstepoort Veterinary Inst.)
Some factors governing the entry of Culicoides spp. (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) into stables
Barnard, B.J.H. (Agricultural Research Council, Onderstepoort (South Africa). Onderstepoort Veterinary Inst.)