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Some anatomical studies on the arterial supply and venous drainage of the tail of the buffalo "Bos Bubalis L."
M. R. A. Gad | Z. A. Adam | M. G. Tawfiek
Twenty tails of buffaloes were used in this study from apparently healthy adult animals. They are dissected to reveal their arteries and veins. Fourteen photographs illustrated the results in the study. The study revealed that the arterial supply of the tail comes from the median caudal, superficial caudal, deep caudal, dorsolateral caudal arteries and the tail is drained by five caudal veins; median caudal, two ventrolateral caudal and two lateral caudal veins.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Traditional remedies used for the treatment of cattle wounds and myiasis in Amatola Basin, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
O.T. Soyelu | P.J. Masika
A questionnaire survey was carried out to document traditional remedies used in the treatment of cattle wounds and myiasis in Amatola Basin. Eighty-three cattle farmers from nine villages were interviewed. The majority of respondents (67.9 %) use traditional remedies for treatment of these conditions. However, 25.9 % of them use a combination of traditional remedies with conventional medicines. The survey revealed that 13 medicinal plants belonging to 11 families were used. Aloe ferox, Prunus persica and Phytolacca heptandra were, however, the most commonly used. Leaves are the most frequently used plant part, often prepared as an infusion. Other non-plant remedies used include disinfectants, antiseptics as well as diesel and petrol. Manual removal of maggots from wounds was also practise and treatment is usually continued until the wound heals.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Studies on Edwardsiella tarda infection in catfish and Tilapia nilotica
Heidy Abo El-Yazeed | Mai D. Ibrahem
Edwardsiella tarda was recovered from cultured freshwater catfish (Claries gariepinus) with a prevalence rate of 0.42% in summer season. Experimental infectivity studies of E. tarda in Catfish and Tilapia nilotica were done using the intraperitoneal (I/P) and intramuscular (I/M) routes. Experimentally infected Catfish with a dose of 0.3 ml from E. tarda bacterial suspension of 108 CFU/ml manifested pathognomonic clinical signs and postmortem lesions than the experimentally infected Tilapia nilotica. Application of PCR technique for rapid detection of E. tarda infection in the experimentally infected fishes gave positive reaction in 4th day post infection in catfish and the 7th day post infection in Tilapia nilotica.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Supplementation of antioxidants for in Vitro embryo production of buffaloes
S. S. Ibrahim | A. Aboul-Ela | E.A. Mabrouk | K.M. Ali | A. A. Ahmed
Biological hazards associated with oxidative stress resulted in defective in vitro embryo production “IVEP”. Reactive oxygen species “ROS” may originate from embryo metabolism and/or embryo surroundings. In an attempt to overcome such challenge, the present study correlates between the influence of 3 antioxidants and buffalo oocyte development up to morula and blastocyst stages. It was found that taurine addition (either alone or concomitant with ascorbic acid “AA” or mannitol) to media during in vitro maturation “IVM” has the potency to enhance IVEP in buffaloes. On the other side, AA and mannitol either alone or in combination are invalid to improve developmental rate of mature buffalo oocytes to reach morula and blastocyst stages. In a second experiment, the best treatment (taurine and AA) was added to both in vitro fertilization “IVF” and culture “IVC” media. This treatment resulted in significant elevation of the cleavage rate and morula development without influencing blastocyst rate as compared with their corresponding values following the addition to IVM medium alone. Thus, it could be concluded that addition of taurine with AA into both IVM and IVF media enhances maturation of buffalo oocytes and activates the cells to undergo cleavage and morula development.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Comparison between urethrostomy and penile resection for treatment of congenital penile urethral dilatation in calves
A. M. Sedeek | H. A. Bakr
A clinical study was conducted under field condition during the period from January 2005 to December 2008 in Beni-Suef province on a total number of 15 calves suffered from congenital penile urethral dilatation at the perineal region. The affection was diagnosed and treated surgically under field condition and treatment included perineal urethrostomy (8 calves) and partial resection of penis including the dilated urethra (7 calves). Results revealed that duration of surgery for urethrostomy was shorter (mean 36.25 minutes) than penile resection (mean 85.71 minutes), bleeding was so extensive in penile resection group than urethrostomy one and cost of surgery was lower for urethrostomy than penile resection but aftercare cost was twice that of penile resection. Complications were higher in urethrostomy group, recovery period was nearly the same in both groups (14.37 and 14.28 days), mean body gain was higher in penile resection group (82 kg) than urethrostomy group (77.14 kg), and both groups considered of low quality animals at market as a result of loss of breeding capability and presence of urine scald. It could be concluded that both techniques are satisfactory but partial penile resection including the dilated urethra is superior to urethrostomy despite the higher cost and invasive surgical procedure.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Some pharmacodynamic interactions between salinomycin and vitamin E or selenium in chickens
S.E. El-Sadek | M. A. Tohamy | Abeer A. El-Badry | Noha A. M. Fouad | A. A. M. El-Gendy
The present study was conducted to determine the effect of salinomycin at a concentration 60 and 120 ppm alone and with vitamin E or selenium on haematological and biochemical parameters and histopathological changes of the treated chicken. Salinomycin (120 ppm) induced decrease in body weight, feed consumption and feed conversion efficiency. In addition, when salinomycin (120 ppm) given with vitamin E, the body performance improved significantly, but when sodium selenite used, body performance significantly decreased. Salinomycin at concentration 120 ppm induced decrease in blood parameters (RBCs count, TLC count, Hb content and PCV %). Concurrent use of vitamin E with salinomycin leads to improvement of these parameters. Salinomycin at 120 ppm induced significant increase in enzymes activities (ALT and AST). The uses of vitamin E with slinomycin (120 ppm) caused significant decrease in these activities. In contrast to selenium, which reduce the activity of AST enzyme only. Salinomycin at 120 ppm decreased the total protein concentration and increased the level of creatinine and uric acid. Concurrent administrations of vitamin E or selenium with salinomycin have no effect on these parameters. At 120 ppm salinomycin, selenium increased the creatinine concentration in blood serum. The drug at 60 or 120 ppm induced various pathological changes in certain tissues (liver, heart, kidney and skeletal muscle) ranged from degeneration to necrosis of these tissues. Concurrent administration of salinomycin with vitamin E or selenium revealed that vitamin E decreased the pathological changes of studied tissues.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Mineral status in blood serum of newborn calves in Assiut Governorate
M. A. Mohammad
The dynamics of some serum mineral concentrations during the first weeks of life of native and crossbred newborn calves in Assiut governorate were investigated. Blood samples of 25 Balady and 25 crossbred (Friesian x native) male calves were investigated. Blood was drawn from calves at 1, 7, 14 and 21 days after parturition. Serum levels of calcium (Ca), phosphorous (P), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), potassium (K), iron (Fe), Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were monitored. Levels of Ca, P, Fe, Cu and Zn increased (P < 0.05) in relation to age of Balady and crossbred calves when compared by the day 1 of age. In contrast, decreased in concentrations of Na and Cl (P < 0.05) in relation to age of Balady and crossbred calves when compared by the day 1 of age were detected whereas Mg and K values remained unchanged. Native calves had higher (P < 0.05) Ca, P and Fe in the 7th day than crossbred calves whereas Na and Cl were higher (P < 0.05) in native calves than crossbred calves at the first day after birth. Results from this study suggested that breed and age may play an important role in mineral homeostasis during the first weeks of life in the newly borne bovine calves.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Improved management of drugs, hormones and pesticides in Africa : policy and trade issues
E.S. Mitema
Drugs, hormones and pesticides are chemical compounds used for alleviation of various diseases in animals. There are many classes of drugs which have been used and in the case of natural steroid hormones these have been used to increase mass gain by stimulating protein anabolism. Pesticides have been used for many years in the control of ectoparasites which transmit important human and livestock diseases. The purpose of the present article is to review procedures for management of veterinary products to facilitate national and international trade.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (lungsickness) in Africa : historical overview : Onderstepoort and veterinary research in Africa
W. Amanfu
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) or lung sickness, is an insidious pneumonic disease of cattle caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides small colony variant (MmmSC) and it is one of the major diseases affecting cattle in Africa. With the imminent eradication of rinderpest from Africa (Somali ecosystem) CBPP has become the disease of prime concern in terms of epizootics that affect cattle on the continent. The control and/or eradication of the disease have suffered from unsustained control actions due to lack of operational funds to support such actions and deterioration in the quality of veterinary services in many countries affected by the disease. Stamping out procedures which were adopted by Botswana to control the disease (1995-1997) cannot be carried out by many countries currently affected by CBPP due to the high financial cost, the widespread nature of disease, animal welfare considerations and the potential loss of a valuable genetic resource base. The current scenario of CBPP disease epidemiology in sub-Saharan Africa requires that proactive measures are taken to safeguard countries in southern Africa which are currently free from CBPP from being contaminated by the disease thus affecting the beef industry and people's livelihoods ; and to progressively control the disease in endemic zones of Western and Central Africa.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Assessing the economics of animal trypanosomosis in Africa-history and current perspectives
Shaw, A.P.M.(A P Consultants)
Finding appropriate ways of dealing with the problem of tsetse and trypanosomosis will be an important component of efforts to alleviate poverty in Africa. This article reviews the history of economic analyses of the problem, starting with the use of cost to guide choice of technique for tsetse control in the 1950s, followed by work in the 1970s and 1980s linking these to the impact of the disease on livestock productivity, and in the 1990s to its wider impact. In the current situation, with limited resources and a range of techniques for controlling or eliminating tsetse, the cost implications of choosing one technique or another are important and a recent study reviewed these costs. A novel approach to assessing the potential benefits from removing trypanosomosis by creating 'money maps' showed that high losses from animal trypanosomosis currently occur in areas with high cattle population densities on the margins of the tsetse distribution and where animal traction is an important component of farming systems. Given the importance of the decisions to be made in the next decade, when prioritising and choosing techniques for dealing with tsetse and trypanosomosis, more work needs to be done underpinning such mapping exercises and estimating the true cost and likely impact of planned interventions.
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