结果 1-4 的 4
Phytomeliorative properties of <i>Cannabis sativa</i> L. plants depending on varietal features of the culture
Кабанець, В. М | Михальська, Л. М | Швартау, В. В | Матус, В. М
Purpose. To investigate the varietal characteristics of the hemp plants for improving the quality indices of the soil they grow in, determine the amount of inorganic elements in the soil, level of their accumulation in plant stalkі and seeds. Methods. Field and spectrometric methods were basic. The results were processed using conventional methods in agriculture, crop growing and statistics. Variants of the experiment were as follows: varieties ‘Hliana’, ‘Hlesiia’: 1) soils; 2) stalks; 3) seeds. Schemes of experiments included: a) technical maturity of plants, row spacing 45 cm; b) technical maturity of plants, row spacing 15 cm; c) biological maturity of plants, row spacing 45 cm; d) biological maturity of plants, row spacing 15 cm. Results. The amount of the accumulation of alkaline earth metals and their compounds by seeds and stalks of hemp plants depending on their content in vegetation soils was determined. It was found that stalks of the ‘Hlesiia’ plant accumulated strontium (Sr) and its compounds far less than that of ‘Hliana’, whereas in the seeds of the ‘Hlesiia’ variety the content of this chemical element was higher comparing with the previous variety by 70 and 78%, respectively. The difference in the accumulation of barium (Ba) compounds in seeds of hemp plants was not significant, while the tissues of the plant stalks of the ‘Hliana’ variety accumulated its compounds significantly more as compared to the ‘Hlesiia’ variety. The degree of influence of the variety, feeding area and the maturity stage on the processes of magnesium compounds (Mg) accumulation by plants was not revealed. Plants of the ‘Hlesiia’ variety accumulated far less calcium (Ca) and its compounds in the stalk tissues as compared to the plants of the ‘Hliana’ variety: in variants of the technical maturity stage of plants with row spacing 45 cm (a) and d – plants of narrow-row sowing (15 cm) in the biological maturity stage 30,94 and 15,95 mg/kg more in the presence in soil and in variants of the technical maturity stage of plants of narrow-row sowing (15 cm) and in the biological maturity stage with broad-sowing (45 cm) 34.54 and 24.19 mg/kg less in the presence in soil. Conclusions. The indices of accumulation of alkaline earth metals by hemp plants were significantly affected by the concentration of compounds of a certain chemical element in the arable layer, the level of energy (light) obtained by plants during vegetation, the varietal features of hemp, the stages of organogenesis of hemp plants and the specificity of their aboveground parts – stalks to accumulate these chemical elements as well as cumulate them by seeds. The varietal dependence as for accumulation of heavy metals by hemp plants tissues and seeds was established. In order to obtain environmentally friendly products, it is necessary to take into account the varietal features of plants concerning the ability to absorb and accumulate the relevant chemical elements and their compounds in the process of hemp cultivation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Breeding of industrial hemp with a high content of cannabigerol by the case of ‘Vik 2020’ cultivar
Міщенко, С. В | Лайко, І. М | Кириченко, Г. І
To create an industrial hemp variety of the Central European ecological and geographical type with a high cannabigerol content and universal application. Methods. Breeding (self-pollination, creation of artificial populations, selection), field, biochemical (thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography of cannabinoid compounds), instrumental and technological assessment of fibre quality, and statistical methods. Results. Variety ‘Vik 2020’ was obtained as a result of creation of artificial populations. The plants are characterized by higher content of cannabigerol (1.034 ± 0.0323%), and almost zero of other secondary metabolites, such as cannabidivarin, cannabidiol, cannabichromene and psychotropic tetrahydrocannabinol (0.003 ± 0.0011; 0.018 ± 0.0080; 0.012 ± 0.0027, and 0.005 ± 0.0012%, respectively). The t rait of cannabigerol content is quite stable within the population and is not correlated with the trait of tetrahydrocannabinol content (r = -0.23). TLC showed that cannabigerol accumulated mainly in the form of cannabigerolic acid and to a lesser extent as a neutral compound, which is consistent with the theory that this substance is a precursor for the synthesis of other cannabinoids. According to the results of the competitive variety test, when growing to obtain fibre and seeds, the variety features short height, specifically significantly lower total (206.4 cm) and technical stem length (135.6 cm) compared to the standard variety, significantly higher inflorescence length (70.8 cm), which determine the formation of the significant yield of biomass suitable for pharmaceutical use and high seed yield (0.98 t/ha). The yield of total fibre was the same as in the standard variety (29.0%), but its quality and technological value for primary processing were higher. The variety had a homogeneous sex structure, resistance to bioltic and abiotic environmental factors. Plants reached biological maturity in 116 days (BBCH 89). This cultivar is recommended for obtaining seeds, quality fiber and potentially cannabigerol (on condition of changes in legislation). Conclusions. The efficiency of using self-pollinating lines in breeding with their subsequent combining into a synthetic population and improving selection was proved by the case of a new variety of industrial hemp ‘Vik 2020’, characterized by an increased content of cannabigerol and the absence of psychotropic properties
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Accumulation of cannabidiol during the ontogenesis of industrial hemp | Накопичення канабідіолу в онтогенезі рослин технічних (промислових) конопель | Накопление каннабидиола в онтогенезе растений технической (промышленной) конопли
Міщенко, С. В. | Лайко, І. М.
Цель. Установить особенности накопления каннабидиола и других каннабиноидных соединений в онтогенезе технической (промышленной) однодомной конопли, определить оптимальную фенологических фазу конопли, в которую целесообразно проводить уборку растений с целью получения каннабидиола для нужд фармацевтической отрасли. Методы. Полевые, лабораторные (тонкослойная хроматография), математической статистики (корреляционно-регрессионный анализ). Результаты. Приведены результаты трехлетних исследований накопления биомассы в онтогенезе растений конопли сортов ‘Гляна’, ‘ЮСО 31’ и ‘Золотоніські 15’, проявления содержания каннабидиола, тетрагидроканнабинола и канабинола в средневзвешенном образце вегетативной массы всех живых листьев и соцветия. Выводы. Наличие и интенсивность накопления определенного каннабиноидного соединения являются наследственно обусловленными признаками. Небольшое количество каннабиноидов у конопли можно идентифицировать уже на ранних стадиях развития, в частности в фазе 1–3 пар настоящих листьев. На основе теоретических расчетов и согласно проведенных исследований установлено, что оптимальным периодом для сбора биомассы конопли медицинского направления использования с последующим выделением из нее каннабидиола является период от полного цветения до фазы биологической спелости. В отдельных семей сорта ‘Гляна’, с которыми проводилась селекционная работа в направлении повышения содержания каннабидиола, можно получить около 5,808 г/м2, сорта ‘ЮСО 31’ – 1,528 г/м2, сорта ‘Золотоніські 15’ – 1,563 г/м2 данного вещества. Соцветия конопли содержат гораздо больше каннабиноидных соединений по сравнению с листьями, но ввиду их доли в общей биомассе растений можно утверждать, что и соцветия, и листья в равной степени пригодны для использования в качестве источника каннабидиола. Использование технической (промышленной) конопли в медицинской (фармацевтической) отраслях является перспективным, но при условии целенаправленной селекционной работы. | Purpose. To find out the specifics of cannabidiol and other cannabinoid compounds accumulation during the ontogenesis of industrial monoecious hemp (i); to determine the optimal phenological stage of harvesting for the purpose of obtaining cannabidiol for pharmaceutical purposes (ii); to find out the prospects of using hemp for the needs of pharmaceutical industry (iii).Methods. Field, laboratory (thin-layer chromatography), statistics (correlation and regression analysis).Results. The results of three-year research on the dynamics of biomass accumulation in the ontogenesis of hemp plants of the ‘Hliana’, ‘USO 31’ and ‘Zolotoniski 15’ varieties are presented. The manifestation of the content of cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabinol is given not in terms of their maximum content (using the analysis of apical parts of plants or female flowers) but using a weighted average sample of the vegetative mass from all live leaves and inflorescences.Conclusions. The presence and intensity of certain cannabinoid compound accumulation are the hereditary signs. A small number of cannabinoids in hemp can be identified already at early stages of development, in particular at the 1–3 true leaf pairs stage. On the basis of theoretical calculations and in accordance with the described research methodology, it was found that the optimal period for harvesting biomass of pharmaceutical hemp with subsequent release of cannabidiol is the period from full flowering to the stage of biological maturity. Certain families of the ‘Hliana’ variety involved into selection for increasing cannabidiol content can produce about 5.808 g/m2 of the active substance. The families of variety ‘USO 31’ can produce 1.528 g/m2 and the ‘Zolotoniski 15’ 1.563 g/m2 of the active substance. Inflorescences of hemp contain much more cannabinoid compounds compared to leaves; however, taken into account their shares in the total biomass of plants, it can be argued that inflorescences and leaves are equally suitable for use as a source of cannabidiol. The use of industrial hemp in the pharmaceutical industry is promising but on the assumption of the target breeding | Мета. Встановити особливості накопичення канабідіолу та інших канабіноїдних сполук під час онтогенезу технічних (промислових) однодомних конопель, визначити оптимальну фенологічну фазу конопель, у яку доцільно проводити збирання рослин з метою отримання канабідіолу для потреб фармацевтичної галузі.Методи. Польові, лабораторні (тонкошарова хроматографія), математичної статистики (кореляційно-регресійний аналіз).Результати. Наведено результати трирічних досліджень із вивчення накопичення біомаси в онтогенезі рослин конопель сортів ‘Гляна’, ‘ЮСО 31’ і ‘Золотоніські 15’, вмісту канабідіолу, тетрагідроканабінолу і канабінолу в середньозваженому зразку вегетативної маси усіх живих листків і суцвіття.Висновки. Наявність та інтенсивність накопичення певної канабіноїдної сполуки є спадково обумовленими ознаками. Невелику кількість канабіноїдів у конопель можна ідентифікувати вже на ранніх стадіях розвитку, зокрема у фазі 1–3 пар справжніх листків. На основі теоретичних розрахунків і згідно проведених досліджень установлено, що оптимальним періодом для збирання біомаси конопель медичного напряму використання та подальшого виділення канабідіолу є період від повного цвітіння до фази біологічної стиглості. У окремих сімей сорту ‘Гляна’, з якими проводилась селекційна робота у напрямі підвищення вмісту канабідіолу, можна отримати близько 5,808 г/м2, сорту ‘ЮСО 31’ – 1,528 г/м2, сорту ‘Золотоніські 15’ – 1,563 г/м2 даної речовини. Суцвіття конопель містять набагато більше канабіноїдних сполук, порівняно з листками, але зважаючи на їх частку в загальній біомасі рослин, можна стверджувати, що і суцвіття, і листки однаковою мірою придатні для використання як джерела канабідіолу. Використання технічних (промислових) конопель у медичній (фармацевтичній) галузях є перспективним, але за умови цілеспрямованої селекційної роботи.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]???????? ??????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ??????? ???????????? ?? ???????? ????? ???? 2020 | Breeding of industrial hemp with a high content of cannabigerol by the case of ?Vik 2020? cultivar
???????, Mishchenko, Serhii, ?. ?. | ?????, Laiko, Iryna, ?. ?. | ?????????, Kyrychenko, Hanna, ?. ?.
To create an industrial hemp variety of the Central European ecological and geographical type with a high cannabigerol content and universal application.Methods. Breeding (self-pollination, creation of artificial populations, selection), field, biochemical (thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography of cannabinoid compounds), instrumental and technological assessment of fibre quality, and statistical methods.Results. Variety ?Vik 2020? was obtained as a result of creation of artificial populations. The plants are characterized by higher content of cannabigerol (1.034 ? 0.0323%), and almost zero of other secondary metabolites, such as cannabidivarin, cannabidiol, cannabichromene and psychotropic tetrahydrocannabinol (0.003 ? 0.0011; 0.018 ? 0.0080; 0.012 ? 0.0027, and 0.005 ? 0.0012%, respectively). The t rait of cannabigerol content is quite stable within the population and is not correlated with the trait of tetrahydrocannabinol content (r = -0.23). TLC showed that cannabigerol accumulated mainly in the form of cannabigerolic acid and to a lesser extent as a neutral compound, which is consistent with the theory that this substance is a precursor for the synthesis of other cannabinoids. According to the results of the competitive variety test, when growing to obtain fibre and seeds, the variety features short height, specifically significantly lower total (206.4 cm) and technical stem length (135.6 cm) compared to the standard variety, significantly higher inflorescence length (70.8 cm), which determine the formation of the significant yield of biomass suitable for pharmaceutical use and high seed yield (0.98 t/ha). The yield of total fibre was the same as in the standard variety (29.0%), but its quality and technological value for primary processing were higher. The variety had a homogeneous sex structure, resistance to bioltic and abiotic environmental factors. Plants reached biological maturity in 116 days (BBCH 89). This cultivar is recommended for obtaining seeds, quality fiber and potentially cannabigerol (on condition of changes in legislation).Conclusions. The efficiency of using self-pollinating lines in breeding with their subsequent combining into a synthetic population and improving selection was proved by the case of a new variety of industrial hemp ?Vik 2020?, characterized by an increased content of cannabigerol and the absence of psychotropic properties | ???????? ???? ??????????? ???????? ????????????????????? ???????-????????????? ???? ??????????????? ??????? ?????????????? ???????????? ? ??????????? ??????? ????????????.??????. ?????????? (?????????????, ????????? ??????????? ?????????, ?????), ???????, ?????????? (??????????? ?? ??????????? ????????????? ????????????? ??????), ???????????????-???????????? ?????????? ?????? ???????, ???????????.??????????. ? ?????????? ??????????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????2020?, ??????? ????? ???????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????????? (1,034???0,0323%), ?? ??? ????? ??????????? ????????????, ? ????? ?????? ??????????? ????? ????????? ??????????? ? ??????????????, ???????????, ????????????? ? ????????????? ???????????????????? (0,003???0,0011; 0,018???0,0080; 0,012???0,0027 ? 0,005???0,0012% ??????????). ?????? ?????? ???????????? ? ?????? ?????????? ? ????? ????????? ? ?? ??????????????? ? ??????? ?????? ???????????????????? (r =?-0,23). ?????????? ???????????? ????????????? ????????, ?? ??????????? ????????????? ????????? ? ????? ??????????????? ??????? ? ?????? ????? ?? ?????????? ???????, ?? ?????? ???????????? ? ???????, ?????? ? ???? ?? ???????? ? ???????????? ??? ??????? ????? ????????????. ?? ???????????? ??????????? ????????????????? ? ???? ??????????? ??? ????????? ??????? ? ??????? ???? ??????? ??????????????, ? ???? ??????? ????? ????????? ?? ??????-?????????? ????????? ????????? (206,4???) ? ????????? ??????? ??????? (135,6 ??), ? ??????? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ???????? (70,8 ??), ??? ???????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????, ????????? ??? ???????????? ?? ????????????? ????, ?? ??????????? ??????? (0,98??/??). ????? ?????????? ??????? ????????, ?? ? ? ?????-?????????, 29,0%, ??? ???? ????????????????? ????? ?????? ? ????????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ????????????. ???? ??? ????????? ??????? ?????????, ????????? ?? ???- ?? ?????????? ???????? ??????????. ???????????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????????? (BBCH 89) ??116 ???. ?????????????? ??? ??????????? ? ????? ????????? ???????, ???????? ??????? ? ?????????? ? ???????????? (?? ????? ????? ?????????????).????????. ???????? ???????????? ????????? ?? ???????????? ??????? ????????????? ????? ?? ????????? ?? ??????????? ? ?????????? ????????? ? ?????????????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????????? ???????? ???? 2020?, ?? ???????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????????? ? ??????????? ???????????? ????????????.
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