结果 1-4 的 4
Prospects for the introduction of ornamental plants of the genus Sage (Salvia L.) to the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
О. П. Перебойчук | С. П. Машковська
Purpose. Analysis of species and varietal diversity of the genus Salvia L. cultivated flora of the world, including Ukraine; prognostic assessment and determination of the directions of ornamental representatives of the genus introduction to the conditions of the Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization of information data, introduction forecast. Results. The modern assortment of the genus Salvia is presented in quantitative, taxonomic, arealogical and ecological-cenotic terms. Belonging of the species of the genus to 6 main centers of origin of cultivated plants was determined, and a significant diversity of life forms (nanophanerophytes, microphanerophytes, hamephites, hemicryptophytes, theophytes), naturally formed under the influence of factors determined by different geographical and ecological-phytocenotic conditions of plant growth was reflected. Species assortment of the genus Salvia from the collection fund of the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was analyzed in comparison with the collections of other Ukrainian botanical gardens. The list of decorative species of the collection, found in the natural flora of Ukraine, was given. Three groups of species have been identified by origin, what determines the conditions for plant cultivation in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. In terms of taxonomic structure, introduced sage species belong to eight (according to Bentham, 1833) out of twelve sections, which represent biomorphological diversity and confirm the high introduction potential of these plants. The species and interspecific hybrids most fully used in breeding work and represented by a significant varietal diversity were distinguished, as well as the sage assortment of the collection of ornamental plants of the NBG was presented. Conclusions. It has been revealed that the species and varietal diversity of the genus Salvia of the world cultivated flora has a significant introduction potential for the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. It was determined that the main base for the introduction of the ornamental species of the genus Salvia in Ukraine is the collection of the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The main directions of further introduction and breeding work with representatives of the genus Salvia in the Forest-Steppe conditions of Ukraine were highlighted.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Spicy plants in the landscape compositions of the Syrets Arboretum
Шиндер, Shynder, O. I., О. І. | Михайлик, Mykhailyk, S. M., С. М. | Глухова, Glukhova, S. A., С. А.
Мета. Проаналізувати таксономічне та сортове різноманіття колекції пряних рослин Сирецького дендрологічного парку загальнодержавного значення, оцінити їхні декоративні якості та визначити напрями використання в ландшафтному дизайні. Методи. Предмет дослідження – вирощувані на території Сирецького дендропарку пряні рослини, що є частиною колекції рослин відкритого ґрунту. Види та сорти цієї групи рослин інтродуковано в дендропарк у період з 1949-го по 2021 р. У процесі досліджень використовували методи аналізу та синтезу, порівняння й узагальнення інформаційних даних. Результати. Встановлено, що колекція пряних рослин Сирецького дендропарку налічує 69 таксономічних одиниць 33 родів, які об’єднують 12 родин. Серед них 52 види та 25 культиварів. Найбільше представників мають родини Lamia€ceae – 32 таксони, Amaryllidaceae – 11 таксонів та Asteraceae – 9 таксонів. Життєві форми пряних рослин представлені деревними (19 таксонів) та трав’яними рослинами (50 таксонів, з яких 10 є однорічниками, 2 – дворічниками, 38 – багаторічниками). Традиційні сфери застосування пряних рослин – харчова, лікарська (фармакологія) та парфумерна. Також їхні декоративні сорти і культивари використовують для створення ландшафтних композицій. Зокрема на території Сирецького дендропарку пряні рослини є композиційною основою тематичного «Саду пряно-ароматичних рослин», їх використовують як елементи класичних клумб і композицій літників, тематичних композицій (національні й аптекарські сади, декоративні городи), альпійських гірок і рокаріїв тощо.Висновки. Багаторічний досвід озеленення та створення квітникових композицій у Сирецькому дендрологічному парку свідчить, що пряні рослини є важливим елементом у всіх типах апробованих декоративних композицій. Встановлено, що із 69 таксонів пряних рослин, які ростуть у колекційних насадженнях Сирецького дендропарку, 51 мають декоративні якості та використовуються як декоративно-квіткові й декоративно-листяні види. Таксономічне та сортове різноманіття пряних рослин має значний потенціал для селекційної роботи та створення високодекоративних ландшафтних композицій різного призначення. Завдяки розмаїттю життєвих форм та біоморфологічним особливостям пряні рослини доцільно використовувати в різних типах насаджень для декоративного садівництва та ландшафтного дизайну. | Purpose. To analyze the taxonomic and varietal diversity of the collection of spicy plants of the Syrets Arboretum, evaluate their decorative qualities and determine the directions of use in landscape design. Methods. The subject of the study is spicy plants grown on the territory of the Syrets Arboretum, which are a part of the collection of open ground plants. The species and varieties of this group of plants were introduced in the arboretum from 1949 to 2021. In the process of research, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization of information were used. Results. It has been established that the collection of spicy plants of the Syrets Arboretum includes 69 taxa belonging to 33 genera, 12 families. There are 52 species and 25 cultivars among them. The largest number of representatives are in the families Lamiaˆceae – 32 taxa, Amaryllidaceae – 11 taxa and Asteraceae – 9 taxa. The life forms of spicy plants are represented by woody (19 taxa) and herbal plants (50 taxa, of which 10 annual, 2 biennial, and 38 perennial forms). The traditional fields of application of spicy plants are food, medicine (pharmacology) and perfumery. In addition, their decorative varieties and cultivars are used to create landscape compositions. In particular, on the territory of the Syrets Arboretum, spicy plants are the compositional basis of the thematic “garden of spicy aromatic plants”, they are used as elements of classic flower beds and summer compositions, thematic compositions (national and pharmacy gardens, vegetable flower beds), alpine slides and rocky gardens, etc. Conclusions. Many years of experience in landscape design and creation of floral arrangements in the Syrets Arboretum showes that spicy plants are an important element in all types of tested decorative compositions. It is revealed that out of 69 spicy plants that grow on collectible plantings of the Sirets Arboretum, 51 have decorative qualities and are used as decorative-floral and decorative-deciduous species. The taxonomic and varietal variety of spicy plants has considerable potential for breeding work and creation of highly decorative landscape compositions of various purposes. Due to the availability of different life forms and biomorphological features, it is advisable to use spicy plants in different types of plantations for decorative gardening and landscape design.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Prospects for the introduction of ornamental plants of the genus Sage (Salvia L.) to the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Перебойчук, О. П | Машковська, С. П
Purpose. Analysis of species and varietal diversity of the genus Salvia L. cultivated flora of the world, including Ukraine; prognostic assessment and determination of the directions of ornamental representatives of the genus introduction to the conditions of the Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization of information data, introduction forecast. Results. The modern assortment of the genus Salvia is presented in quantitative, taxonomic, arealogical and ecological-cenotic terms. Belonging of the species of the genus to 6 main centers of origin of cultivated plants was determined, and a significant diversity of life forms (nanophanerophytes, microphanerophytes, hamephites, hemicryptophytes, theophytes), naturally formed under the influence of factors determined by different geographical and ecological-phytocenotic conditions of plant growth was reflected. Species assortment of the genus Salvia from the collection fund of the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was analyzed in comparison with the collections of other Ukrainian botanical gardens. The list of decorative species of the collection, found in the natural flora of Ukraine, was given. Three groups of species have been identified by origin, what determines the conditions for plant cultivation in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. In terms of taxonomic structure, introduced sage species belong to eight (according to Bentham, 1833) out of twelve sections, which represent biomorphological diversity and confirm the high introduction potential of these plants. The species and interspecific hybrids most fully used in breeding work and represented by a significant varietal diversity were distinguished, as well as the sage assortment of the collection of ornamental plants of the NBG was presented. Conclusions. It has been revealed that the species and varietal diversity of the genus Salvia of the world cultivated flora has a significant introduction potential for the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. It was determined that the main base for the introduction of the ornamental species of the genus Salvia in Ukraine is the collection of the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The main directions of further introduction and breeding work with representatives of the genus Salvia in the Forest-Steppe conditions of Ukraine were highlighted.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Prospects for the introduction of ornamental plants of the genus Sage (Salvia L.) to the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine | ??????????? ??????????? ???????????? ?????? ???? ?????? (Salvia L.) ? ???????? ???????
??????????, Pereboichuk, Oxana, ?. ?. | ??????????, Mashkovska, Svitlana, ?. ?.
Purpose. Analysis of species and varietal diversity of the genus Salvia L. cultivated flora of the world, including Ukraine; prognostic assessment and determination of the directions of ornamental representatives of the genus introduction to the conditions of the Forest-steppe of Ukraine.Methods. Analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization of information data, introduction forecast.Results. The modern assortment of the genus Salvia is presented in quantitative, taxonomic, arealogical and ecological-cenotic terms. Belonging of the species of the genus to 6 main centers of origin of cultivated plants was determined, and a significant diversity of life forms (nanophanerophytes, microphanerophytes, hamephites, hemicryptophytes, theophytes), naturally formed under the influence of factors determined by different geographical and ecological-phytocenotic conditions of plant growth was reflected. Species assortment of the genus Salvia from the collection fund of the M.?M.?Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was analyzed in comparison with the collections of other Ukrainian botanical gardens. The list of decorative species of the collection, found in the natural flora of Ukraine, was given. Three groups of species have been identified by origin, what determines the conditions for plant cultivation in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. In terms of taxonomic structure, introduced sage species belong to eight (according to Bentham, 1833) out of twelve sections, which represent biomorphological diversity and confirm the high introduction potential of these plants.? The species and interspecific hybrids most fully used in breeding work and represented by a significant varietal diversity were distinguished, as well as the sage assortment of the collection of ornamental plants of the NBG was presented.Conclusions. It has been revealed that the species and varietal diversity of the genus Salvia of the world cultivated flora has a significant introduction potential for the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. It was determined that the main base for the introduction of the ornamental species of the genus Salvia in Ukraine is the collection of the M.?M.?Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The main directions of further introduction and breeding work with representatives of the genus Salvia in the Forest-Steppe conditions of Ukraine were highlighted. | ????. ?????? ???????? ?? ????????? ???????????? ???? Salvia L. ????????????? ????? ?????, ??????? ? ???????; ???????????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ???????? ??????????? ???????????? ????????????? ???? ? ????? ????????? ???????.??????. ?????? ? ??????, ?????????? ?? ???????????? ????????????? ?????, ?????????????? ???????. ???????????????????????????????????. ???????????? ???????? ?????????? ???? Salvia ? ???????????, ??????????????, ????????????? ?? ???????-??????????? ??????????. ????????? ????????????? ????? ???? ?? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????, ? ????? ??????????? ?????? ????????? ???????? ???? (??????????????, ???????????????, ????????, ??????????????, ????????), ??? ??????????? ???????????? ??? ??????? ????????, ?? ??????????? ??????? ????????????? ?? ???????-??????????????? ??????? ????????? ??????. ?????????????? ??????? ?????????? ???? Salvia ???????????? ????? ????????????? ??????????? ???? ????? ?. ?. ?????? ??? ??????? (???) ????????? ? ?????????? ????? ?????????? ????? ???????. ???????? ??????? ???????????? ????? ????????, ?? ???????????? ? ????????? ????? ???????. ???????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ???????????, ??? ? ?????????? ????? ????????????? ?????? ? ????????? ???????. ?? ????????????? ?????????? ????????????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? (?????? ? Bentham, 1833) ? ?????????? ??????, ??? ????????????? ??????????????? ???????????? ?? ????????????? ??????? ?????????????? ????????? ??? ??????. ???????? ???? ? ????????? ???????, ??? ???????? ??????? ? ??????????? ?????? ?? ?????????????? ??????? ???????? ??????????, ? ????? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ???????? ??????????-???????????? ?????? ???.????????. ???????????, ?? ?????? ?? ??????? ???????????? ???? Salvia ????????????? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ?????????????? ????????? ??? ???????????? ???? ???????. ?????????, ?? ???????? ????? ??? ??????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????? ???? Sal?via ? ??????? ? ???????? ????????????? ??????????? ????? ????? ?.??.??????? ??? ???????. ??????????? ??????? ??????? ???? ????????? ?????????????? ?? ????????????? ?????? ? ?????????????? ???? Salvia ? ?????? ????????? ???????.
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