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Морфологія генеративних органів сортозразків Morus alba L. інтродукованих в умовах Лісостепу України | Morphology of generative organs of Morus alba L. cultivars introduced in the conditions of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine
О. I. Rudnyk-Ivashchenko | O. V. Haievskyi
Мета. Вивчити особливості цвітіння та плодоношення шовковиці плодової в умовах Правобережної частини Лісостепу України Методи. Дослідження проводили в зоні Лісостепу на експериментальній базі Інституту садівництва НААН упродовж 2021–2023 рр. Предметом слугував рослинний матеріал різних сортозразків шовковиці плодової селекційних форм від насіннєвого потомства сорту ‘Крупноплідна’; як контроль використовували рослини самоплідної шовковиці. Морфологічний опис структурних елементів генеративних органів та дослідження життєздатності пилку проводили згідно з опублікованими методиками. Плодоношення селекційних форм оцінювали за п’ятибаловою шкалою. Результати. Встановлено, що всі досліджувані рослини мають здатність до проростання пилку. Найбільше життєздатного пилку (75,1%) виявлено в селекційній чоловічій формі №5 за 12годинної експозиції та концентрації сахарози, що становила 50%. 24годинна експозиція спричиняла зниження до 63,1% енергії проростання. Остання була найменшою в пилкових зернах рослин триплоїдного сортозразка за обох використаних концентрацій сахарози. Порівняльна характеристика морфологічних ознак і насіннєвої продуктивності (в розрахунку на одне супліддя) селекційних форм M. alba показала генетичну різноманітність рослин сортозразків виду, що проявляється в різниці фенотипових ознак через мінливість діапазону їхнього вияву. Висновки. Найвищі показники проростання пилку шовковиці білої одержано для селекційної форми № 5 – 79,1 ± 0,36% (чоловічого екземпляра), за 25відсоткової концентрації сахарози в поживному середовищі. Кількість плодів, що утворилися на дворічних пагонах, – 21–91 шт. Оцінка плодоношення селекційних форм становила 4–5 балів, а їхні супліддя були 2,26–3,97 см завдовжки (великі). Загалом, вивчення морфології генеративних органів селекційних форм M. alba, кожна з яких утворює виповнене насіння з високою енергією проростання (91–98%), показало непорушність репродуктивних функцій шовковиці, що вказує на успішне проходження рослинами всіх етапів органогенезу. | Purpose. The aim was to study the features of flowering and fruiting of the mulberry under conditions of the RightBank ForestSteppe of Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted in the forest steppe zone at the experimental base of the Institute of Horticulture of the NAAS in 2021–2023. The subject was plant material of different cultivars of mulberry (Morus alba), propagated from seed progeny of the ‘Krupnoplidna’ variety; selffertile mulberry plants were used as a control. The morphological description of the structural elements of the reproductive organs and the study of pollen viability were carried out according to published methods. The fruiting of the breeding forms was evaluated on a fivepoint scale. Results. All plants tested were found to have the ability to germinate pollen. The most viable pollen (75.1%) was found in male breeding form No. 5 after 12 hours exposure and a sucrose concentration of 50%. Exposure for 24 hours caused a decrease in germination energy of up to 63.1%. The latter was lowest in the pollen grains of plants of the triploid sample at both sucrose concentrations used. The comparison of morphological characteristics and seed productivity (per fruit) of the breeding forms of M. alba showed the genetic diversity of plants of cultivars of the species, which is manifested in the difference of phenotypic characteristics due to the variability of the range of their expression. Conclusions. The highest rates of white mulberry pollen germination were obtained for breeding form No. 5 – 79.1 ± 0.36% (male specimen) with 25% concentration of sucrose in the nutrient medium. The number of fruits formed on twoyearold shoots was 21–91. The evaluation of the fruiting of the cultivars was 4–5 points, and their infructescences were 2.26–3.97 cm long (large). In general, the study of the morphology of the reproductive organs of the breeding forms of M. alba, each of which forms filled seeds with high germination energy (91–98%), showed the intactness of the reproductive functions of mulberry, which indicates the successful passage of the plants through all stages of organogenesis.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Оцінка селекційного матеріалу за морфо-цитологічними особливостями генеративних органів рослин роду Miscanthus | Evaluation of breeding material on the basis of morphological and cytological characteristics of the reproductive organs of plants of the genus Miscanthus
S. O. Lashuk
Мета. Вивчити морфологічні й цитологічні особливості пиляків, пилку та маточок рослин роду Miscanthus, отриманих в умовах in vitro. Методи. Препарати маточок, незапліднених насіннєвих зачатків, пиляків та пилку, незабарвлені або забарвлені розчином карміну (2%) в оцтовій кислоті (45%) чи розчином метиленового синього, досліджували методом світлової мікроскопії. Вимірювання для рослин різних видів міскантусу, а також підрахунок кількості пилку різного діаметра здійснювали в десятиразовому повторенні. Результати. Вивчено морфологічні й цитологічні особливості генеративних органів китайського, цукроквіткового та гігантського видів міскантусу. Встановлено, що квітка цієї рослини однодомна, містить як тичинки, так і маточку. Забарвлення пиляків жовте або рожево-жовте, їхні тканини складаються з видовжених клітин довжиною 70–100 мкм. Маточка має зав’язь з двома стовпчиками, що несуть довгі (2,0–2,8 мм) перисті приймочки, колір яких варіюється від білого до яскраво-рожевого. Форма пір’ячок маточки помірно розгалужена; довжина – 160–300 мкм; ширина – 20–30 мкм; розташування почергове; кількість маленьких відгалужень становить 10–15 шт. Пилок різних видів міскантусу відрізняється за якісними та кількісними ознаками, зокрема у M. sinensis і M. sacchariflorus він характеризується округлою формою, вирівняністю та однорідністю (43–48 мкм у діаметрі), а в M. giganteus є більш гетерогенним за розміром (діаметр 23–45 мкм). Пилок має одну округлу орнаментовану пору діаметром 2,7–4,0 мкм. Висновки. За результатами проведених досліджень надано морфологічну та цитологічну характеристику генеративних органів рослин M. sinensis, M. sacchariflorus, M. giganteus, а саме: маточок, пиляків і пилку. Дані, що отримано, слід враховувати в подальшій селекційній роботі у процесі створення ди- та триплоїдних гібридів міскантусу. | Purpose. To study in vitro the morphological and cytological characteristics of anthers, pollen and pistils of plants of the genus Miscanthus. Methods. Preparations of pistils, unpollinated seed buds, anthers and pollen, unstained or stained with a solution of carmine (2%) in acetic acid (45%) or methylene blue solution, were examined by light microscopy. Measurements for plants of different Miscanthus species, as well as counting the number of pollen of different diameters, were made in ten replicates. Results. The morphological and cytological characteristics of the reproductive organs of M. sinensis, M. sacchariflorus and M. giganteus species were studied. It was found that the flower of this plant is monoecious, containing both stamens and a pistil. The color of the anthers is yellow or pinkish-yellow, their tissues consist of elongated cells 70–100 µm long. The pistil has a two-column ovary with long (2.0–2.8 mm) pinnate stigmas which vary in color from white to bright pink. The shape of the pistil feather is moderately branched; length – 160–300 µm; width – 20–30 µm; alternate position; the number of small branches is 10–15 pcs. The pollen of different Miscanthus species differ in qualitative and quantitative characteristics, in particular in M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus it is characterized by a rounded shape, evenness and uniformity (43–48 µm in diameter), whereas in M. giganteus it is more heterogeneous in size (23–45 µm in diameter). The pollen has a rounded, decorated pore with a diameter of 2.7–4.0 µm. Conclusions. According to the results of the conducted research, the morphological and cytological characteristics of the reproductive organs of M. sinensis, M. sacchariflorus and M. giganteus, namely: pistils, anthers and pollen, were provided. The data obtained should be taken into account in future breeding for the production of di- and triploid Miscanthus hybrids.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Morphological and cytological characters for defining Stevia ‘Honeyleaf’ tetraploids
Цвігун, Г. В
Purpose. Determination of peculiarities of anatomical and morphological characters of stevia plants to accelerate the identification of tetraploid forms. Methods. Field, laboratory and analysis-of-variance methods. Results. It was established that larger leaf area index (19–38%), fewer stomata per unit area (by 39–48%), larger diameter of pollen grains (by 42–92%) is a characteristic feature of anatomical and morphological characters of stevia tetraploid forms as compared to diploid ones. Conclusions. The parameters of leaf plate, the size of stomata and diameter of pollen grains are auxiliary selection criteria (rapid test). For tetraploid forms of stevia, leaf area index (the ratio of leaf blade length to width), size of stomata and diameter of pollen grains is truly larger as compared to diploid forms. Chromosomes number determination based on cytological analysis is the major and the most accurate criterion for selection of tetraploid forms, that seems advisable to use it at later stages of selection.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Peculiaritis of Apomictic plants development Pyrus communis х Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. in vitro conditions
Джафарова, В. Є | Голишкін, Л. В | Долматов, Є. О | Ташматова, Л. В
The development features of four samples of apomictic plants during micropropagation are presented. These plants have been derived from embryos after pear pollination with the pollen of Chaenomeles japanica at 55 and 70 days of their development. Different responses of samples on the tested concentration of cytokinin (6BAP) and its combination with gibberell acid are shown. Tendency of increasing of the coefficient of the reproduction of separate numbers of apomictic plants has been noted under changing of BAP concentration from 1 mg/l to 2 mg/l or BAP combination with GA3. For the purpose of optimization of the stage of conglomeration forming (buds and shoots) BAP concentration 1 and 2 mg/l should be alternated in a passage on the background of GA3 1,5 mg/l. For the first time the origin of apomictic plant roots during rhizogenesis has been retraced and the anatomical structure of roots in conditions in vitro has been studied. Root formation in vitro occurs in internal tissues of a shoot. Roots of apomictic plants formed in vitro are primary as in plants developed in vivo.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Adaptability of F1 sunflower hybrids, created according to an integrated system of line selection for economically valuable traits in various agroclimatic zones
Бабич, В. О | Боровська, І. Ю | Шарипіна, Я. Ю | Парій, Я. Ф | Симоненко, Ю. В
Purpose. Determine the ecological plasticity and productivity of F1 sunflower hybrids created on the basis of maternal and parental lines, selected according to an accelerated selection system of lines resistant to herbicides (imidazoline and sulfonylurea groups) and broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.). Methods. Statistical analysis of F1 sunflower hybrids was carried out using the methods of variation statistics, regression and analysis of variance using the Microsoft Office Excel 2016 application package. Molecular biological, biotechnological and classical selection methods were used for the accelerated system of line selection. Thus, for the purpose of targeted selection of sunflower sterility fixers, we used HRG01 molecular SCAR marker to identify the gene for the restoration of pollen fertility (Rf1). To accelerate the creation of parental lines resistant to tribenuron-methyl, we used a culture of immature embryos in vitro. Results. The results of testing of F1 sunflower hybrids at Kyiv, Chernihiv, Cherkasy (Uman and Shpolianskyi districts), Khmelnytskyi, Kharkiv, Kherson and Odesa regions. The hybrids were created on the basis of selected lines, chosen according to an accelerated selection system for herbicide-resistant lines (imidazoline (IMI-hybrids) and sulfonylurea (SU-hybrids) groups) and broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wall). The standards for comparison with hybrids were: for IMI hybrids – hybrids ‘NK Neoma’ (Syngenta) and ‘ES Genesis’ (Euralis), and for SU-hybrids – ‘SY Sumiko’ (Syngenta) and ‘P64LE25’ (Pioneer). As a result, it was found that among SU-hybrids, UA 2/106 had a 3.9% higher yield when compared to the standards (‘SY Sumiko’ and ‘P64LE25’). And for IMI-hybrids it was found that hybrids UA 1/67, UA 1/66, UA 1/84 have the same yield of 2.76 t/ha as the ‘NK Neoma’ standard. IMI hybrids UA 1/92, UA 1/102 have the same yield of 2.91 t/ha as ‘ES Genesis’. Conclusions. F1 hybrids were created on the basis of the original breeding material selected due to the accelerated system of sunflower lines selection. The hybrids were analyzed according to the yield indicator. The most productive among the tested SU-hybrids was UA 2/106 hybrid, among the IMI hybrids – UA 1/67, UA 1/66, UA 1/84, UA 1/92 and UA 1/102.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Role of scab-resistant apple varieties in forming assortment of new industrial apple plantings (Malus domestica Borkh.)
Гончарук, Ю. Д
Purpose. Identifying new scab-resistant apple varieties with high biological potential by the set of agronomic characters and the ability to realize it effectively in various soil and climatic conditions. Methods. Field, laboratory, comparison, generalization, statistical ones. Results. The author presents the results of study of 17 scab-resistant non-irrigated apple varieties on a semi-dwarf rootstock as to their adaptability to biotic and abiotic stressors as well as their economic productivity. The studied varieties appeared to be winter-hardy, frost- and heat-resistant, but medium drought-tolerant ones. They are characterized by weak and moderate susceptibility to powdery mildew, high resistance to fruit rot and very low amounts of brown spot, except for Gold Rush variety. Such 10 year old varieties as ‘Edera’, Florina’, ‘Amulet’ and ‘Perlyna Kyieva’ and 8 year old ‘Afrodita’, ‘Vitos’, ‘Orlovskoie Polesie’ and ‘Topaz’ formed the highest productivity during the years of study. Due to the pollen quality and high interfertility, ‘Revena’ and ‘Gold Rush’ varieties were identified as universal pollinators for winter scab-resistant apple varieties. Conclusions. Such ecologically resistant winter varieties as ‘Topaz’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Edera’ and autumnal ‘Remo’, ‘Afrodita’, ‘Vitos’, ‘Amulet’ were recognized as promising for new intensive non-irrigated plantations in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. They can be the basis of new gardens occupying 25–30% of the area where ecologically safe fruits for various target purposes will be grown supplying demands of the population and processing industry.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Combining ability of tetraploid pollinator lines of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Doell) by the elements of productivity
Корнєєва, М. О | Чемерис, Л. М | Мацук, М. Б
Evaluation of the genetic component values considered to be the important part of the selection process on creating hybrids of sugar beet and The aim of the study is to determine tetraploid pollinators combining ability Bilotserkovskoy breeding on yield and sugar content and the genetic determination of the productivity elements and their phenotypic manifestations in first generation hybrids of sugar beet. The methods of test crossing on the type top cross of pollen sterile lines of Uuladivsky and Ivanovsky origin and stabilized ployidnistyu tetraploid pollinators of beet sugar Belotserkovskoy selection on yielding of sugar beet tetraploid pollinators of Bilotserkovskoy breeding have been applied. A key role belongs to non additive gene effects in gene structure of characteristics variability yielding has been determined.The part of additive gene action pollinators is predominant in genetic control of top cross hybrids sugar content. The 16 hybrid combinations are differentiated by their parental components combining ability. Pollinators of 1007 (the yield) and 1013 (for the sugar content) have been characterized by their valuable additive gene complexes. Perspective hybrid combinations for their further breeding study are revealed, genetic determination of productivity elements and sugar yield is defined Analysis of gene interactions in sugar beet hybrids confirms the theory of genetic balance MV Turbine
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