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Analysis of spring rapeseed varieties (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera) presented in the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine
Димитров, С. Г | Topchiĭ, O. V. | Києнко, З. Б
Purpose. Determine the main indicators of productivity and quality of seeds of spring rapeseed new varieties during their cultivation in different argoclimatic zones of Ukraine. Methods. Field, laboratory. Field studies were carried out on the basis of the Branches of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination in the zones of Polissia, Forest-Steppe and Steppe in 2015–2016. Results. The State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine (the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine) as at 22 August 2019 contains 60 varieties of spring rapeseed, of which 42 (70.0%) are of foreign origin and 18 (30.0%) are Ukrainian cultivars. The maximum sown area in Ukraine occupied by spring rapeseed was about 68.3 thousand ha in 2018, which is twice as much as the area of 2013. In 2019, a dramatic decrease in sown area was observed. The productivity of the studied rapeseed varieties in 2015–2016 in the Steppe zone was on average 0.94–1.17 t/ha; Forest-steppe – 2.16–2.29; Polissia – 1.33–1.62. The yields of individual varieties exceeded 2.0 t/ha; they had a high content of oil and crude protein and a low content of erucic acid and glucosinolates in the seeds. The content of erucic acid did not exceed 0.1%, glucosinolates – 0.8%. Conclusions. The highest yield in the zones of Forest-Steppe and Polissia was observed from ‘DK 7160 KL’ variety – 2.28 t/ha and 1.62 t/ha, respectively. The maximum crude protein content in the steppe zone was found in ‘Aksana’ variety (26.6%), in the Forest-steppe zone – in ‘Bilder’ (25.4%,) in the Polissia zone – in ‘Sander’ (24.9%). High oil content in seeds in the Steppe zone was in varieties ‘Bilder’ (45.0%) and ‘DK 7155 KL’ (45.2%), in the Forest-Steppe – in ‘Sander’ (46.5%) and ‘DK 7155 KL’ (46.6%); in Polissia – in ‘DK 7160 KL’ (47.1%) and ‘DK 7155 KL’ (46.8%). The minimum content of erucic acid in the seeds of spring rapeseed in the Steppe was in the varieties ‘Aksana’ and ‘DK 7150 KL’, in the Forest-Steppe – ‘GK 7160 KL’, ‘CLICK KL’, ‘DK 7155 KL’ and in the Polissia zone – ‘DK 7160 KL’ and ‘DK 7150 KL’.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Features of forming a conveyor of commodity products of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Лещук, Н. В | Дидів, О. Й | Хареба, О. В
Purpose. To reveal the scientific bases of forming the conveyor production of commercial products of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field research was conducted during 2015–2017 at the research field of the Department of Horticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Lviv National Agrarian University in accordance with the Methodology on Experimental Techniques in Vegetable and Melon Growing (2001) and Methods of Expertise of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., varieties. Results. It is revealed that the soil and climatic conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine contribute to the optimal growth and development of all lettuce varieties of the corresponding types, as evidenced by the structure of conveyor receipt of fresh commodity products to the consumer (first decade of April – first decade of November). The shortest growing season was provided by lettuce varieties var. secalina ‘Zorepad, ‘Malakhit, ‘Dublianskyi’, which have the shortest period from seedlings to technical ripeness (21–42 days). Therefore, varieties of this variation occupy the largest share in the conveyor production of commercial products, which, with early spring sowing in open ground (April 14–20), comes to the consumer in the first decade of May. Winter sowing (21.11) ensured the receipt of fresh produce in the first decade of April. Commercial products by mass of edible organs, shape of the rosette of leaves (heads, stems), color, consistency and taste qualities corresponds to the technical requirements for Lactuca sativa L. Conclusions. The selection of varieties of lettuce for the conveyor production of commercial products should be carried out taking into account the variety of the corresponding type, ripeness group, and timing of sowing. The receipt of fresh lettuce to the consumer is directly dependent on the timing of seeds sowing (early spring, late spring, summer-autumn and winter).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Formation of spring rape yield depending on fractional composition of seed material
Вишнівський, П. С | Катеринчук, І. М
Purpose. To study the influence of fractional composition of seed material on productive properties of spring rape seeds of the ‘Magnat’ variety and ‘MVM’ (‘Gladiator’) variety sample. Methods. Field investigations, laboratory tests, statistical analysis. Results. During 2013–2014, the influence of sown seeds of different size fractions (up to 2,5 g; 2,6–3,5 g; 3,6 g and more) on the indices of productivity of spring rape varieties was studied. It was found that over the years of study field germination of sown fractions of seeds in ‘Magnat’ variety averaged 83.5%, in ‘MSM’ variety sample – 86.7%. During the periods of seedling emergence and harvesting, the density of spring rape crops varied depending on relevant fraction of sown seeds. In the ‘Magnat’ variety, photosynthetic potential of crops ranged from 1.1 to 1.3 million m2/ha, in ‘MSM’ variety sample – from 1.2 to 1.6 million m2/ha. Depending on the seed fractions applied, ‘Magnat’ variety crops during the growing season accumulated organic biomass from 2.05 to 2.36 g/m2 per day, ‘MSM’ sample variety – from 1.83 to 2.10 g/m2 per day. Conclusions. It was established that different fractions of spring rape seeds sown in the Northern Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine affected the indices of germinating energy and laboratory germination, crop density formation, leaf surface area and intensity of photosynthesis process (crop photosynthetic potential, net photosynthesis performance). The highest indices of productivity and yield in the ‘Magnat’ variety was ensured by large-seeded fraction (3,6 g and more), in the ‘MVM’ (‘Gladiator’) sample variety – by small-seeded fraction (up to 2,5 g).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Myronivs’ka 808 to celebrate triumphal y jubilee in production and selection
Коломієць, Л. А | Власенко, В. А | Кочмарський, В. С | Кириленко, В. В
Unique features of Myronivs’ka 808 variety have provided its triumph in agricultural production in the former Soviet Union and other countries. Myronivs’ka 808 has become one of the most popular varieties in terms of sown areas (in 1971 over 9.5 million hectares) in the world production. Up to now the variety has been cultivated in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Myronivs’ka 808 variety gained leadership in the global selection process as a source of high grain quality, high productivity, general adaptability and plasticity. Using germplasm of this variety enabled to develop over 400 wheat varieties including 350 winter varieties and 60 spring varieties.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Summary of quince (Суdonіа oblonga Mill.) development in nursery
Сіленко, В. О | Трохимчук, В. А | Яремко, Н. О
The authors present the results of the study of pears clonal rootstocks, namely the following quince forms: IC 2-10, IC 4-6, S1 and Cydo in the nursery during 2010-2012. Experimental nursery was founded in the spring of 2010, with bushes planting designs of the following dimensions: 1,4*0,3 m. Diameter of the reference root collar of all forms of rootstocks in average over the years of the tests, ranged from 6,7 mm to 7,9 mm and satisfied the requirements of standard (6-12 mm). Among the quince forms under review the best biometric indicators for two years of examination have been registered for IC 2-10, IC 4-6 and S1quince. The IC 4-6 and S1 display better quality of the root system of vertical layers; highest standard layers yield is registered for ІC 2-10, 4-6 and S1forms. IC 2-10 rootstock and S1quince have proved to be the best varieties for the West Steppe of Ukraine by the complex of economic and biological characteristics.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Frost-Resistant Plants Selection Peculiarities at Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties Breeding
Чебаков, М. П
Giving regard to the main elements of Winter Wheat varieties assessment when selecting frost resistant plants and taking into account genetic potential of the parents, date of hybrids sowing and their assessment by the speed of spring vegetation, it is possible in the sense of successful breeding to derive the most steady genotypes by the specified characteristics starting from F1. hybrids.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Selection of winter types of wheat from its spring types sawn in winter after prior vernalization
Голик, Л. М
In the Mironivka Institute for wheat named by V.M. Remeslo UAAN new winter-hardy winter wheat variety material was obtained. The annual breeding was used for the selection df winter wheat forms from spring wheat varieties by the prevernalization, spring sowing and M2 at the beginning of optimal terms in autumn (the influence of low temperature on spring wheat seeds). On the basis of such material, winter-hardy wheat varieties were created, such as Myronivs’ka rannyostygla, Remeslivna, Vo- loshkova and such varieties as Bagira, Vdyachna and Svyankova were submitted to the State Service for Plant Variety Protection.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Productivity and quality of a grain wheat durum spring (Triticum durum Dest.) in depending on fertilizers
Бараболя, О. В
It was studied the impact of mineral fertilizers on productivity and grain quality of wheat durum spring. Glassiness of grain, protein and gluten contain increase along with increase of doses of nitrogenous fertilizer. Maximum grain productivity was achieved by mineral fertilizers in combination on autumn fallow N60P60K60. after pea - N90P60K60
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Peculiarities of rape plant identification features manifestation and their use during formation of national variety sources
Лещук, Н. В | Таганцова, М. М | Мельничук, С. Л
Scientific approaches to formation of national variety sources of spring and winter barley by State Registration of new varieties and their right protection.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The results of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness
Щипак, Г. В | Матвієць, В. Г | Рябчун, Н. І | Щипак, В. Г
Purpose. Analysis of the process of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness by intraspecific hybridization method using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions. Methods. Dialectical investigation, field experiments, laboratory testing and statistical evaluation. Results. The results of breeding winter and alternate triticale varieties possessing a complex of valuable traits by the method of intraspecific hybridization of forms of different types of development using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions (Forest-Steppe – extremely arid Steppe) and at low temperatures were presented. During the years of research (1980–2005), 18 varieties were developed and transferred to the state testing, 17 of them were registered. Conclusions. Thus, the effective selection of highly productive genotypes with increased and high winter hardiness is possible from populations obtained by crossing hexaploid triticale of different types of development (winter triticale with spring and alternate ones) and contrasting level of frost and winter hardiness. During the period of 1980–2015, medium-tall and dwarf varieties of winter (‘Amfidyploid 256’, ‘Garne’, ‘Kharroza’, ‘Rarytet’, ‘Timofey’, etc.) and alternate (‘Nikanor’, ‘Yaroslava’, ‘Plastun Volynskyi’) triticales were developed. They are superior to the standard varieties of soft winter wheat for the critical temperature of freezing by -0.5...- 2.0 °C, characterized by increased (up to 9–12 t/ha) grain yield of various quality depending on the purpose of use.
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