结果 1-10 的 11
Selection of winter types of wheat from its spring types sawn in winter after prior vernalization
Голик, Л. М
In the Mironivka Institute for wheat named by V.M. Remeslo UAAN new winter-hardy winter wheat variety material was obtained. The annual breeding was used for the selection df winter wheat forms from spring wheat varieties by the prevernalization, spring sowing and M2 at the beginning of optimal terms in autumn (the influence of low temperature on spring wheat seeds). On the basis of such material, winter-hardy wheat varieties were created, such as Myronivs’ka rannyostygla, Remeslivna, Vo- loshkova and such varieties as Bagira, Vdyachna and Svyankova were submitted to the State Service for Plant Variety Protection.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ecological plasticity and stability of promising lines of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in terms of yield
Кузьменко, Kuzmenko, Ye. A., Є. А. | Пірич, Pirych, A. V., А. В. | Федоренко, Fedorenko, M. V., М. В. | Близнюк, Blyzniuk, R. M., Р. М.
Purpose. To analyze lines of competitive testing of soft spring wheat in terms of ecological plasticity and stability using statistical methods of analysis and identify lines with high stability of grain yield.Methods. The studies were carried out during 2018–2020, on the basis of the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat NAAS of Ukraine. When considering the results obtained, generally accepted methods of genetic and statistical analysis were used.Results. Evaluation of breeding material in different years makes it possible to obtain information about the characteristics of the reaction of genotypes to changes in environmental conditions. As a result of the studies, it was found that the lines Lutescens 14-32 (bi = 0.59), Erythrospermum 15-32 (bi = 0.44), Lutescens 14-47 (bi = 0.22) were of high plasticity. Calculations of ecological stability indicate that lines are considered stable, the variance of stability is zero or close to zero. From a practical point of view, lines with a combined manifestation of high ecological plasticity and stability are considered valuable. This was the line Erythrospermum 15-32 (bi = 0.44; S2di = 0.01) that indicates its low reaction rate and the ability to provide a consistently high level of yield under any growing conditions. The most valuable are the genotypes that combine a low level of the coefficient of variation, high homeostaticity and breeding value, which include the lines Erythrospermum 15-32 (Hom = 206.42, Sc = 4.11), Lutescens 14-47 (Hom = 98.41, Sc = 3.91), Erythrospermum 17-08 (Hom = 78.57, Sc = 3.76), Erythrospermum 14-65 (Hom = 54.84, Sc = 3.75), Lutescens 14-32 (Hom = 54.60, Sc = 4.17), Lutescens 14-13 (Hom = 35.60, Sc = 3.78), Lutescens 14-48 (Hom = 46.66, Sc = 3.58).Conclusions. The evaluation of breeding material is of great importance when creating new high-performance varieties with adaptive potential. The method for assessing ecological plasticity and variants of its stability made it possible to differentiate wheat lines of soft spring competitive testing by their response to changes in growing conditions. For a more optimal selection of breeding material in terms of ecological plasticity and stability, breeding programs should take into account ranked estimates of genotypes. | Мета. Використовуючи статистичні методи, проаналізувати за показниками екологічної пластичності та стабільності лінії конкурсного випробування пшениці м’якої ярої і виявити серед них такі, що вирізняються високою стабільністю врожайності зерна.Методи. Дослідження проводили протягом 2018–2020 рр. на базі Миронівського інституту пшениці імені В. М. Ремесла НААН. У процесі оброблення отриманих результатів послуговувалися загальноприйнятими методами генетико-статистичного аналізу.Результати. Оцінка селекційного матеріалу в різні роки дає змогу отримати інформацію щодо особливостей реакції генотипів на зміну екологічних умов. У результаті проведених досліджень встановлено, що високопластичними є лінії Lutescens 14-32 (bi = 0,59), Erythrospermum 15-32 (bi = 0,44) і Lutescens 14-47 (bi = 0,22). За розрахунками, екологічно стабільними вважають лінії, варіанса стабільності яких дорівнює нулю (S2di = 0,00) або близька до нуля (S2di = 0,01). З погляду практичності цінними є лінії із сукупним проявом високої екологічної пластичності та стабільності, а саме: Erythrospermum 15-32 (bi = 0,44; S2di = 0,01), що має низьку норму реакції та може забезпечувати незмінно високий рівень врожайності за будь-яких умов вирощування. Найціннішими є генотипи, що поєднують у собі низький рівень коефіцієнта варіації (CV ≤ 10,0%), високу гомеостатичність і селекційну цінність. Серед них – лінії Erythrospermum 15-32 (Hom = 206,42, Sc = 4,11), Lutescens 14-47 (Hom = 98,41, Sc = 3,91), Erythrospermum 17-08 (Hom = 78,57, Sc = 3,76), Erythrospermum 14-65 (Hom = 54,84, Sc = 3,75), Lutescens 14-32 (Hom = 54,60, Sc = 4,17), Lutescens 14-13 (Hom = 35,60, Sc = 3,78) і Lutescens 14-48 (Hom = 46,66, Sc = 3,58).Висновки. Оцінка селекційного матеріалу має важливе значення для створення нових високопродуктивних сортів з адаптивним потенціалом. Метод оцінки екологічної пластичності та варіанси її стабільності дав змогу диференціювати лінії пшениці м’якої ярої конкурсного випробування за реакцією на зміну умов вирощування. Для оптимальнішого відбору селекційного матеріалу за показниками екологічної пластичності та стабільності у селекційних програмах слід враховувати ранжовані оцінки генотипів.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Variability of seed quality indices in soft spring wheat depending on weather conditions
Правдзіва, І. В | Василенко, Н. В | Хоменко, С. О
Purpose. To study the effect of weather conditions on grain quality in soft spring wheat lines that are undergoing competitive variety trial. To identify indices to be least affected by weather conditions. To investigate the correlation dependence between grain quality indices in the years with contrasting weather conditions and conduct the analysis of variance. Methods. Parameters of grain and flour quality of bread spring wheat lines were determined using conventional methods at the laboratory of grain quality of V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine, protein content in flour was measured with the use of the SPECTRAN 119M device. Results. Contrasting weather conditions were considered including arid ones (2013) – that had negative effect on 1000 kernel weight, but at the same time positively influenced the averaged grain quality indices; with excess humidity (2014) – they resulted in decreasing of all technological indices; optimal ones (2015) – allowed to obtain maximum indices of grain and flour quality. Paired coefficients of correlation between different parameters of grain and flour quality were calculated. The most number of strong and medium correlations was found in a dry year (33.3%), the smallest one – in a wet year (13.0%). Such indices as flour strength, dough dilution and protein content depended on the conditions of the growing year least of all. Grain-unit response was the most considerable to the humid conditions of the year. The analysis of variance showed that climatic conditions had significant effect on the quality indices of grain and flour. At the same time, an important genotypic component was revealed in indices of dough resilience (63%), bread volume and rating (61 and 53% respectively), the flour strength (42%), crude gluten quality (33%), bread porosity (30%). With climate variations, the genotypic conditionality of the content of protein and especially crude gluten was expressed insignificantly. Conclusions. When creating high quality cultivars, plant breeders should be guided by such indices as flour strength, dough resilience, gluten quality, bread volume and rating as only they are more genetically determined
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Селекційні індекси сортів пшениці ярої
С. О. Хоменко | В. С. Кочмарський | І. В. Федоренко | М. В. Федоренко | Т. М. Хоменко
Мета. Встановити найефективніші індексні показники для визначення селекційної цінності генотипів пшениці ярої. Методи. Польовий, статистичний. Визначали індекс перспективності – ІР, фіно-скандинавський індекс – FSI, мексиканський – MI, білоцерківський – БІ, полтавський – РІ, лінійної щільності колоса – ЛЩК, щільності колоса – ЩК. Результати. Протягом періоду досліджень погодні умови відрізнялись від середніх багаторічних показників за температурним режимом, кількістю атмосферних опадів та їх розподілом по місяцях. Оптимальні умови вегетаційного періоду склалися у 2016 р. (ГТК = 1,1), недостатнім рівнем вологості характеризувався 2017 р. (ГТК = 0,2). Це дало змогу встановити селекційні індекси для різних умов вирощування пшениці м’якої та твердої ярої. Аналіз отриманих даних показав, що ІР варіював як у різних сортів, так і за роками, що свідчить про різну реакцію генотипів на умови вегетації, які склались у роки вирощування. Високим показником FSI характеризувалися сорти пшениці твердої – ‘Славута’ та м’якої ярої – ‘Струна миронівська’. До сортів пшениці твердої із високим рівнем МІ віднесено: ‘МІП Магдалена’, ‘МІП Райдужна’, ‘Кучумівка’, ‘Харківська 41’, а до м’якої ярої – ‘МІП Злата’, ‘Оксамит миронівський’, ‘Струна миронівська’, ‘Елегія миронівська’. Найвищі показники ЛЩК та БІ сорти пшениці ярої сформували у 2016 р. РІ за період проведених досліджень був у межах від 2,3 до 4,5 у сортів пшениці твердої та від 2,2 до 6,4 – м’якої ярої. Важливим у селекції є використання селекційних індексів, які необхідно включати на підставі ознак, що мають достовірний кореляційний зв’язок з показниками врожайності. Найефективнішими для сортів пшениці твердої ярої в оптимальний рік зволоження (2016) виявились індекси ЩК (r = 0,53±0,08), БІ (r = 0,42±0,08), МІ (r = 0,41±0,08), для м’якої у 2016 і 2017 рр. – РІ (r = 0,39±0,07; r = 0,34±0,07 відповідно). За комплексом селекційних індексів виділено такі сорти пшениці м’якої ярої: ‘Струна миронівська’, ‘Сімкода миронівська’, ‘МІП Злата’ та твердої: ‘МІП Магдалена’, ‘МІП Райдужна’, ‘Славута’, ‘Кучумівка’. Висновки. Найбільш ефективними для сортів пшениці твердої ярої були індекси ЩК, БІ, МІ, для м’якої – РІ. Виділені сорти пшениці ярої характеризувались оптимальним співвідношенням досліджуваних ознак.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]New spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’
Демидов, О. А | Хоменко, С. О | Федоренко, І. В | Федоренко, М. В | Близнюк, Р. М
Purpose. To create new competitive spring wheat varieties. Methods. Field study, laboratory test. Results. Based on the competitive variety trial, bread spring wheat line ‘Lutescens 07-26’ has been selected due to high values of such traits as resistance to fungal diseases, grain quality(protein content accounted for 15.0%), 1000 kernel weight (44.6 g) productivity (3.92 t/ha) and lodging resistance (9 points). In 2011, it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Panianka’ variety. Durum spring wheat line ‘Leukurum 08-11’ was characterized by a number of positive traits: quite a high productivity (3.05 t/ha), short stem (79 cm), resistance to fungal diseases and lodging(9 points), and in 2011 it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Diana’ variety. According to the results of the State variety testing in 2012–2014, spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’ in 2015 were put on the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. Conclusions. For farms in Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones of Ukraine, bread and durum spring wheat varieties were bred by V. M.Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine that demonstrated rather high potential of productivity and adaptability to stress conditions. This goes to prove that cultivation of domestic spring wheat varieties will promote formation of high and quality grain yields.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Traditional and modern breeding methods of Triticum aestivum L. in the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat
Кириленко, В. В
When creating Triticum aestivum L. varieties in V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, intervarietal crossing was used as the basis for classical method of hybridization. Parental pairs were selected according to environmental and geographical principles. Crossing of lines selected by certain adaptive characteristics among themselves and with the local breeding varieties are widely used. The method of induced mutagenesis is one of the main factor of the evolutionary process which increases hundreds of times the frequency of altered forms occurrence. Thermal mutagenesis – selection of winter forms from spring varieties – is based on low temperature effect on spring wheat varieties (it was developed by V. M. Remeslo, the member of the Academy of Sciences). Method of intervarietal selection in winter wheat breeding provides creation of new varieties of this crop through mass selection of the best plants from local populations. At present, 10 varieties of winter wheat are included into the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine, one variety – into the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation, seven varieties are passing state quality testing in these countries.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Breeding value of spring durum wheat accessions for performance traits under environment of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe
Хоменко, С. О | Кочмарський, В. С | Федоренко, І. В | Федоренко, М. В
Purpose. To identify spring durum wheat accessions with high yield level and by yield components for their involvement in breeding programs as a source material. Methods. Field, statistical. Results. The results of the study of 65 collection samples of spring durum wheat of various ecological and geographical origin in terms of productivity in 2016–2018 are presented. The research results indicate that the samples of spring durum wheat had different yield level depending on the conditions of the year of cultivation. According to the calculations of the degree of yield stability parameters, the samples were found that ensure its level under fluctuations in weather conditions with regression coefficient close to one as follows ‘Omskiy izumrud’ (RUS), ‘Korona’, ‘Toma’, ‘Nauryz 6’ (KAZ), ‘Dura king’, ‘Candura’ (CAN), ‘Tera’, ‘Novatsiia’ (UKR), thus indicating their semi-intensive type. Collection samples of spring durum wheat that under optimal weather conditions are capable of producing significant yield increase are distinguished by wide ecological reaction. These are samples with regression coefficient more than one ‘MIP Raiduzhna’, ‘Hordeiforme 13-07’ (UKR), ‘Lan’, ‘Salaut’, ‘Ertol’ (KAZ), ‘Bezenchukskaya 205’, ‘Lilek’ (RUS). These samples can be characterized by their adaptive properties as intense ones, with a pronounced response to the environment. Over the years of the research, grain number per spike varied from 35.9 to 38.8 pcs. Year conditions in 2016 were the most favorable for plant growth and development, while index of conditions was 4.1, and the average grain number per spike was 41.4 pcs. Year conditions in 2017 and 2018 were less favorable for growth and development of durum spring wheat, and therefore there was a negative value of index of year conditions (lj = -5.1 and lj = 0.5, respectively) with less grain number per spike (32.2 and 38.2 pcs., respectively). According to the trait «1000 kernel weight», the samples were identified with regression coefficient close to one under fluctuations of weather conditions, i.e ‘Korona’, ‘Raya’ (KAZ), ‘Lilek’, ‘Bezenchukskaya 205’ (RUS), ‘MIP Raiduzhna’ (UKR). The grain weight per spike in the collection samples varied from 1.27 to 1.77 g. The stable samples ‘Ertol’, ‘Salaut’, ‘Damsinskaya yantarnaya’ (KAZ), ‘Lilek’ (RUS), ‘Novatsiia’ (UKR), ‘Duraking’, ‘Candura’ (CAN) promising in spring wheat breeding were identified and can be involved in hybridization. Conclusions. Stable and plastic samples were identified among collection material of spring durum wheat in terms of productivity for involvement in scientific programs as source material.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]New spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’
О. А. Демидов | С. О. Хоменко | І. В. Федоренко | М. В. Федоренко | Р. М. Близнюк
Purpose. To create new competitive spring wheat varieties. Methods. Field study, laboratory test. Results. Based on the competitive variety trial, bread spring wheat line ‘Lutescens 07-26’ has been selected due to high values of such traits as resistance to fungal diseases, grain quality(protein content accounted for 15.0%), 1000 kernel weight (44.6 g) productivity (3.92 t/ha) and lodging resistance (9 points). In 2011, it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Panianka’ variety. Durum spring wheat line ‘Leukurum 08-11’ was characterized by a number of positive traits: quite a high productivity (3.05 t/ha), short stem (79 cm), resistance to fungal diseases and lodging(9 points), and in 2011 it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Diana’ variety. According to the results of the State variety testing in 2012–2014, spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’ in 2015 were put on the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. Conclusions. For farms in Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones of Ukraine, bread and durum spring wheat varieties were bred by V. M.Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine that demonstrated rather high potential of productivity and adaptability to stress conditions. This goes to prove that cultivation of domestic spring wheat varieties will promote formation of high and quality grain yields.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Bread winter wheat breeding (Triticum aestivum L.) using spring varieties genepool in forest-steppe Environments of Ukraine
Кочмарський, В. С | Коломієць, Л. А | Кириленко, В. В | Кавунець, В. П | Маринка, С. М
It is concluded by investigations that wheat crossing of various development types between themselves cause increase of formbuilding process in hybrid progeny, promoting the selection of practically valuable recombinats. The genotypes which present the practical valuable by complex of adaptive traits and properties have been selected by phenotype stability in the breeding process. The new bread winter wheat variety Pamyati Remesla developed with participation of spring wheat variety Hja 22139 (Finland) has been proposed for including it into the Register of Plant varieties of Ukraine adapted for use in Steppe, Forest- Steppe and Woodland of Ukraine since 2010.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Economical and Biological Characteristic of the Variety Samples of Spring Wheat with Different Geographical Provenance
Голик, Л. М
Results of the spring wheat of different ecotype variety samples research by economical and biological feature have been reflected, and more valuable samples, which we have used during the breeding with the aim of new varieties creation, have been selected
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