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Influence of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on the productivity of plantations and fruit quality of strawberry varieties (Fragaria ananassa (Weston) Duсhesne ex Rozier)
Силаєва, А. М | Спірочкіна, М. М
Purpose. To study the effect of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on yield and quality of strawberry berries of five varieties (Fragaria ananassa (Weston) Duсhesne ex Rozier) with various ripening time. Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical ones. Results. It was found that there were no impact of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on the speed of phenological phases of strawberry plants development. It was experimentally determined the impact of mentioned substances on the yield of most studied varieties. Laboratory analysis has confirmed the changes in biochemical composition of strawberries. Conclusions. The use of growth regulators EpinTM end Emistym C had a positive effect on fruit yield and quality of studied strawberry varieties. Spraying with these substances increased yields by 14–51% as compared with the control. Content of sugars, dry matter and vitamin C in berries of most of varieties was increasing. At the same time the level of acidity in case of spraying with growth regulators was significantly reducing.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]In vivo adaptation of regenerant plants of Fragaria vesca L. cultivars
Чорнобров, О. Ю | Ткачова, О. Е
Purpose. The adaptation of regenerant plants to environmental conditions is the final stage of micropropagation. According to a number of authors, when in vitro plants are transferred to in vivo non-sterile conditions, a significant percentage of mortality is recorded. In a previous publication, the regenerative capacity of strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) in vitro tissues on MS culture medium (Murashige & Skoog, 1962) and a regenerants was obtained (Chornobrov O. Yu., 2019). The objective of the study is to develop an optimal protocol of acclimation of in vitro F. vesca plants to in vivo conditions. Methods. Biotechnological and statistical methods of research were applied. For the research ‘Ruiana’ and ‘Zhovte Dyvo’ cultivars were used with in vitro cultivation cycle of 30–35 days. Prepared plants were planted in 0.33 L plastic contai ners, one piece in a mixture of coconut substrate and perlite (3:1). Plants were kept under high relative humidity (85–90%) conditions for 3–5 days, 6–8 days and 10–14 days. The studies were carried out in the Plant Biotechnology Laboratory of SS of NULES of Ukraine “BFRS” during 2019–2020. Results. The duration of Fragaria vesca regenerant plants exposure in conditions of high relative humidity significantly affected adaptation efficiency. The proportion of ‘Ruiana’ and ‘Zhovte Dyvo’ plants adapted to the greenhouse conditions were 47.6 ± 2.5% and 60.0 ± 1.7%, respectively, when the plants were kept for 10–14 days. A significant efficiency of plant adaptation (more than 70%) was obtained under condition of preliminarily exposure the roots of the plants in an auxin solution for 25–30 minutes with daily application of 30% solution of glycerine as foliar spray. The plants adapted to the greenhouse conditions had pigmentation characteristic of the variety, without signs of chlorosis and vitrification. Conclusions. An optimal protocol for in vitro adaptation of F. vesca cultivars to in vivo conditions was developed and viable plants were obtained. Further research will be aimed at studying the growth and development of F. vesca regenerant plants in open ground.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Bioecological peculiarities of mid-ripening varieties of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) in the northern part of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Павлюк, В. В | Ковальчук, Н. С | Павлюк, Н. В
Purpose. Improvement of a range of strawberry varieties based on comprehensive study and introduction of new Ukrainian and West European cultivars. Methods. Cultivars and elite forms were studied using the methods of primary variety studying and state variety testing at three-year strawberry plantations of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (the city of Kyiv) and its variety testing stations. Results. It was found that more frequent spring and summer droughts as well as black frosts in winter adversely affected the strawberry productivity. The best varieties were selected among new ones for the complex of traits, they included ‘Elegance’ from the Great Britain, ‘Gercules’ from Ukraine (both are dessert grapes), ‘Elsanta’ from Holland (for universal use), ‘Alba’ from Italia (as raw material). The highly adaptive and productive ‘Istochnik’ and ‘Festyvalna romashka’ varieties (as raw material) are recommended for the north regions. Conclusions. In the context of profound climatic change, high-profitable cultivation of mid-ripening varieties and a strawberry as such in the Northern Forest-Steppe zone is expedient under controlled conditions – in high film tunnels, in hot-houses and under perennial irrigation that already has become the European tendency.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 4. Taxonomic diversity and species names for the genus Fragaria L
Меженський, В. М
Purpose. Reviewing a history of formation and current state of the national nomenclature and streamlining the Ukrainian scientific species names for the genus Fragaria L. Results. Controversial attitudes towards the use of names «sunytsi» (= garden strawberry) and «polunytsi» (= hill strawberry) are inherently present in the Ukrainian nomenclature of the genus Fragaria L. The Ukrainian scientific names of species of this group of plants should be brought into line with the generic name “Sunytsi” in plural. Nothogeneric name x Fragophora Mezhenskyj (= Dasiphora Rafin. x Fragaria L.) is proposed. Conclusions. In a professional environment it is necessary to use only scientific names of species of the genus Fragaria – Sunytsi (= garden strawberry) that is used in plural in Ukrainian. Concerning garden strawberry, in every day life and popular literature the usage of a derivative sunytsia (in Ukrainian) in singular as well as polunytsia, polunytsi (in Ukrainian) may be permissible.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]New varieties of Pine Strawberry fragaria grandiflora ehrh
Павлюк, Н. В
It is presented brief description of Wild Strawberry varieties included to State Register of Plant Varieties, which are applied for extension in Ukraine in 2006, as well as morphological and biological features of the plant and its value.
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