结果 1021-1030 的 1,558
The field germinating capacity seels of corn is dependent on a level of a mineral feed
С. П. Танчик | В. А. Мокрієнко | Г. Ю. Усатий
In the article reduced outcomes of the four-years data, concerning influencing the norms of mineral fertilizers, consistency productive stalk-standing density and miscellaneous biotypes of corn on field similarity seeds. Is established, that fullest and friendly derailings was obtained at depositing a full mineral fertilizer in calculation N120P60K60.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The estimation methods of investment attractive of the AIC of Ukraine
О. В. Захарчук | В. В. Волкодав
The problem of the creation of investment attractive enterprises in the agricultural sphere is the main burden of the essential increasing of the food- staff production on the basis of providing the agricultural workers with the appropriate material resources and working capital. The main principles of the investment attractiveness are reviewed and the indexes of investment projects’ development of agricultural enterprises are grounded in the article.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The talented scientific capable organizer
А. В. Кулик
In clause the role and development of the Ivanovo skilled - selection station, as research establishment is determined. A creative way founder of selection work on sugar beet and grain cereals of Boris Nikolayevich Lebedinskiy, outstanding scientific, large connoisseur of a technique of research work, creator of an agricultural science also is directly opened.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Economic justification for growing walnut rootstocks (Juglans regia L.) | Господарсько-економічне обґрунтування вирощування підщеп волоського горіха (Juglans regia L.)
Павлюк, Pavliuk, V. A., В. А. | Моторна, Motorna, O. V., О. В. | Коцюбинська, Kotsiubynska, L. M., Л. М. | Павлюк, Pavliuk, N. V., Н. В. | Затоковий, Zatokovyi, V. Yu., В. Ю.
Purpose. To establish economic feasibility of growing walnut rootstocks.Methods. Walnut seedlings, promising as rootstocks in Ukraine, were studied in nurseries IE Zatokovyi V. Yu. (Sloboda Komarivtsi village, Storozhynets district, Chernivtsi region) during 2018–2020. Economic efficiency of growing rootstocks was determined according to the Method of economic and energy assessment of types of fruit and berry plantations, pomological varieties and the results of technological research in horticulture (2002).Results. To determine the economic efficiency of seedling cultivation, the technological map of walnut seedling cultivation was analyzed. The largest share in the structure of costs was accounted for by labor remuneration – 86.7%. The reason was the use of manual labor, which accounted for 96.5% of the total technology of growing seedlings. The level of mechanization of cultivation was only 3.5%. The total fuel consumption per 1 hectare was 120.7 liters, or UAH 2,957.20 in monetary terms. Thus, fuel consumption accounted for a small share – 0.4% of the cost of one seedling. One hectare of land provided an output of 65 thousand pcs of walnut seedlings, which amounted to 1,625 thousand UAH at a cost of 25 UAH/piece. Material costs amounted to 46.16 thousand UAH/ha (total costs – 712.43 thousand UAH). Therefore, the cost was extremely low and the level of profitability was extremely high. Conclusions. Growing walnut seedlings of the varieties ‘Slava Ukrainy’, ‘Pamiati Zatokovoho’, ‘Lysychanskyi’ is economically feasible. This is due to the relatively low cost of one seedling (UAH 10.82) and high profitability of production of the original breeding material for grafting and planting industrial crops. | Мета. Установити господарсько-економічну доцільність вирощування підщеп волоського горіха.Методи. Сіянці волоського горіха, перспективні як підщепи в Україні, досліджували в розсадниках ФОП Затоковий В. Ю. (с. Слобода Комарівці, Сторожинецький р-н, Чернівецька обл.) упродовж 2018–2020 рр. Господарсько-економічну ефективність вирощування підщеп культури визначали за Методикою економічної та енергетичної оцінки типів плодоягідних насаджень, помологічних сортів і результатів технологічних досліджень у садівництві (2002).Результати. Для визначення економічної ефективності вирощування сіянців аналізували технологічну карту вирощування сіянців волоського горіха. Найбільша частка в структурі затрат припадала на оплату праці – 86,7%. Причиною цього було використання ручної праці, яка становила 96,5% від загальних затрат на технологію вирощування сіянців. Частка рівня механізації вирощування не перевищувала 3,5%. Загальні витрати пального на 1 га становили 120,7 л, або 2957,20 грн у грошовому еквіваленті. Таким чином, затрати на паливо займали незначну частку – 0,4% в собівартості одного сіянця. Один гектар площі забезпечував вихід 65 тис. шт. сіянців волоського горіха, що становило 1625 тис. грн за умови вартості їх реалізації 25 грн/шт. Матеріальні витрати при цьому становили 46,16 тис. грн/га (загальні витрати – 712,43 тис. грн). Тому показник собівартості був гранично низьким, а рівень рентабельності – гранично високим.Висновки. Вирощування сіянців волоського горіха сортів ‘Слава України’, ‘Пам’яті Затокового’, ‘Лисичанський’ є економічно доцільним. Це зумовлено досить низькою собівартістю одного сіянця (10,82 грн) та високою рентабельність виробництва вихідного селекційного матеріалу для щеплення та закладання промислових насаджень культури.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Морфометричні та біохімічні особливості різних генотипів рослин Bunais orientalis L. у Національному ботанічному саду імені М. М. Гришка НАН України | Morphometric and biochemical features of different Bunias orientalis L. genotypes in the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine
Шиманська, Shymanska, O. V., О. В. | Рахметова, Rakhmetova, S. O., С. О. | Вергун , Vergun, O. M., О. М. | Рахметов, Rakhmetov, D. B., Д. Б. | Бондарчук, Bondarchuk, O. P., О. П. | Фіщенко, Fishchenko, V. V., В. В.
Purpose. Determine a number of morphometric and biochemical parameters of various genotypes of Bunias orientalis L. in the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine (NBG).Methods. Plant samples of B. orientalis (6 genotypes created in the NBG) were examined during the flowering stage. Determination of dry matter, ash, calcium was carried out according to Hrytsaienko et al. (2003), phosphorus according to Pochinok (1976), sugars, ascorbic acid and lipids were determined according to Krishchenko (1983), b-carotene according to Pleshkov (1985). The energy value of plants was determined using an IKA C-200 calorimeter. The obtained results were analysed statistically.Results. The height of plants varied from 140.9 (Genotype 1) to 157.5 (Genotype 5) cm, stem diameter from 11.67 (Genotype 1) to 16.1 (Genotype 6) mm, the number of internodes from 18.7 (Genotype 1) to 25.7 (Genotype 6), the number of leaves on a stem from 14.11 (Genotype 1) to 21.8 (Genotype 5), leaf lamina length from 14.2 (Genotype 1) to 23.45 (Genotype 6) cm, leaf lamina width from 6.34 (Genotype 1) to 14.5 (Genotype 4) cm, inflorescence length from 27.4 (Genotype 1) to 45.4 (Genotype 3) cm, inflorescence width from 2.32 (Genotype 1) to 4.92 (Genotype 3) cm, and the number of stems from 2.55 (Genotype 2) to 5.33 (Genotype 1). The study of the content of structural and functional compounds and nutrients at the flowering stage showed that the dry matter content was in the range of 13.58–16.00%, sugars 5.07–8.86%, titratable acidity 3.28–4.25%, lipids 3.33–6.61%, ascorbic acid 382.83–693.82 mg%, b-carotene 0.94–3.48 mg%, ash 6.79–9.2%, calcium 1.00–2.44%, phosphorus 1.61–2.67% and energy value 3337.0–3498.0 cal/g.Conclusions. It was revealed that samples of various genotypes of B. orientalis are a valuable source of nutrients at the flowering stage. The biochemical composition of plants depended on the genotype and stage of growth. Results of the morphometric study showed variability of investigated parameters. The obtained data can be used to predict and evaluate the results of introduction and breeding studies with B. orientalis genotypes as promising crops in Ukraine. | Мета. Визначити деякі морфометричні та біохімічні параметри генотипів Bunias orientalis L. у Національному ботанічному саду імені М. М. Гришка НАН України (НБС).Методи. Рослинну сировину B. orientalis досліджували в період квітування (6 генотипів власної селекції НБС). Визначення сухої речовини, золи, кальцію проводили згідно з Грицаєнко та ін. (2003), фосфор – згідно з Починком (1976), цукри, аскорбінову кислоту та ліпіди – згідно з Крищенком (1983), b-каротин – згідно з Плєшковим (1985). Енергетична цінність визначалась на калориметрі IKA C-200. Дані проаналізовано статистично.Результати. Висота рослин становила від 140,9 (генотип 1) до 157,5 (генотип 5) см, діаметр стебла – від 11,67 (генотип 1) до 16,1 (генотип 6) мм, кількість міжвузлів – від 18,7 (генотип 1) до 25,7 (генотип 6) шт., кількість листків на стеблі – від 14,11 (генотип 1) до 21,8 (генотип 5) шт., довжина листкової пластинки – від 14,2 (генотип 1) до 23,45 (генотип 6) см, ширина листкової пластинки – від 6,34 (генотип 1) до 14,5 (генотип 4) см, довжина суцвіття – від 27,4 (генотип 1) до 45,4 (генотип 3) см, ширина суцвіття – від 2,32 (генотип 1) до 4,92 (генотип 3) см та кількість стебел – від 2,55 (генотип 2) до 5,33 (генотип 1) шт. Дослідження поживних речовин у період квітування показало, що вміст сухої речовини становив 13,58–16,00%, цукрів – 5,07–8,86%, титрована кислотність – 3,28–4,25%, ліпідів – 3,33–6,61%, аскорбінової кислоти – 382,83–693,82 мг%, b-каротину – 0,94–3,48 мг%, золи – 6,79–9,2%, кальцію – 1,00–2,44%, фосфору – 1,61–2,67%, енергетична цінність – 3337,0–3498,0 кал/г.Висновки. Рослинна сировина генотипів B. orientalis – цінне джерело поживних речовин у період квітування. Біохімічний склад рослин залежить від генотипу та фази розвитку. У результаті морфометричних вимірювань показано варіабельність досліджуваних параметрів. Отримані дані можуть бути використані для прогнозування та оцінювання результатів інтродукційної і селекційної роботи з генотипами B. orientalis як перспективних культур в Україні.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]?????????? ??????????????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ????????????? ??-??? | Sampling for vegetative propagation: A phytosanitary status survey of grapevines collection by One Step RT-PCR method
???????, Yzeiraj, M., ?.
Purpose. Grapevines (Vitis spp.) are affected by many viral diseases which cause serious pathological problems. GLRaV-3 is among the most widespread leafroll viruses, while Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) is a destructive pathogen which reduces the lifespan of grapevine. Considering the impact and the spread of these diseases, our objective was to analyse the presence of these two viruses in several grapevine varieties in grapevine collection at ATTC Vlore. Data gathered from plant pathogens serve to better understand and prevent the spread of pathogens, as a mandatory rule for the quality control of certified plant material during vegetative propagation. Method. The presence of two common viruses were tested using virus specific primers; LC1/LC2 primer pair designed from the hHSP70 gene for detecting Grapevine Leafroll-associated Virus-3 (GLRaV3) and C3390/H2999 primer pair, designed from coat protein coding regions for detecting Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV), in six varieties; ?Merlot?, ?Kallmet?, ?Shesh i zi?, ?Shesh i bardh??, ?Debin??, and ?Pul?z?, provided through a randomised sampling procedure. One Step Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction assay was used to detect the viral presence. Results showed a high (100%) prevalence of GLRaV3 virus in all of analysed samples, as the most frequent among the two pathogens. Analysis for of GFLV virus showed low infection rate, being present in only one sample. Conclusions. We herein show an efficient, fast and reproducible method for detecting grapevine viruses through one step RT-PCR. Our results suggest that sampling of the infected plant material should be avoided due to the presence of viral infections. | ????. ??????? ????????? (Vitis spp.) ?????????? ???????? ????????? ??????????, ?? ??????????? ???? ???????? ????????????. ?? ?????????????? ???????? ????? ??????????? ????? ????????? (GLRaV-3) ?? ????? ???????????? ????????? (GFLV), ????????????? ???????, ???? ??????? ?????????? ????? ??????????? ????. ? ?????? ?? ?????????? ? ????????? ???????????, ?? ????????????? ????????? ????????, ????? ????? ???? ?????????????? ???? ??????????? ? ?????? ????????? ? ???????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ?????????? (ATTC Vlore). ???????? ???? ??? ???????? ???????? ???????? ??? ??????????? ??????? ????????? ? ? ????????????? ??? ????????????? ?????? ??????????????? ?????????? ????????? ??? ??? ???? ????????????? ???????????. ??????. ????????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ????????????? ??-??? ? ????????????? ?????-??????????? ?????????: ???? ????????? LC1 / LC2, ?? ?????????? ??? ???????????? ???? hHSP70 ?????? ??????????? ????? ??????????-3 (GLRaV3), ? ???? ????????? C3390 / H2999, ??? ?????????? ??????????? ?????????????? ????? ???????? ?????? ???????????? ????????? (GFLV). ?????? ????? ?????? ???????? ? ?Merlot?, ?Kallmet?, ?Shesh i zi?, ?Shesh i bardh??, ?Debin?? ? ?Pul?z? ? ??????????? ? ????????????? ????????? ?????????????? ???????. ??????????. ?????????????? ??????? ??? ??????????? ??????? ???????? GLRaV3, ???? ?????????? ? 100% ??????????????? ??????. ?????????? ?????? GFLV ???????? ??????? ?????? ???????????, ????? ??? ???? ? ?????? ??????. ????????. ???????? ?????????? ???????????? ????????????? ??-??? ?? ???????????, ???????? ? ?????????????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ??????????? ????.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]?????????? ???????????? ?? ???????????? ????? ????????? (Panicum miliaceum L.) ? ?????? ????????-??????????? ????? ??????? | Ecological plasticity and stability of common millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) productivity in different environmental conditions of Ukraine
???????, Nochvina, O. V., ?. ?. | ?????? , Hryniv, S. M. , ?. ?. | ????????, Shytikova, Yu. V., ?. ?. | ?????????, Prysiazhniuk, L. M., ?. ?. | ???????, Mizerna, N. A., ?. ?.
Purpose. To estimate the ecological plasticity of common millet yield under conditions of Steppe, Forest-Steppe and Forest of Ukraine. Methods. Mathematical and statistical: determination of stability and plasticity by Eberhart & Russell method, correlation analysis. Results. As a result of correlation analysis of millet cultivated areas during the period of 2011?2020, it was revealed that cultivated areas in Ukraine depend on the world ones (r = 0.34). It was determined that a high level of common millet yield was obtained in the forest-steppe zone, namely in Poltava, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkasy, Sumy and Kharkiv regions (2.20?2.51 t/ha). Quite high rates of yield were obtained in Vinnytsia, Kyiv (Forest-Steppe zone) and Kirovohrad (Steppe zone) regions (1.86?2.02 t/ha). Low yield over 10 years was noted in Rivne, Zhytomyr and Volyn regions, which belong to the Forrest zone (1.09?1.34 t/ha). It is shown that during 2011?2015 high variability of millet yield was observed in Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytsia and Volyn regions. The coefficient of variation was 42.0?71.3%. During 2016?2020 significant variation was noted in Donetsk, Volyn and Odesa regions. The coefficient of variation was 31.8?43.9%. In the period from 2016 to 2020, high plasticity of the yield trait was noted in Vinnitsa, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Poltava, Cherkasy, Sumy and Khmelnitsky regions. During 2016?2020 high plasticity trait of millet yield was in Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkasy and Poltava regions. Conclusions. According to the results of the studies, it was found that with a reduction in the area under millet in the world, the volume of its production in Ukraine increases. It was determined that the hig?hest yield of millet was obtained in the Forest-Steppe zone during the years of observation. According to the plasticity of millet yield, it was found that favorable conditions for realization of its biological potential were in Donetsk and Kirovohrad regions of Steppe zone, in Forest-Steppe zone of Vinnytsia, Poltava, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkasy and Sumy regions. | ????. ??????? ?????????? ???????????? ??????????? ????? ????????? ? ?????? ?????, ????????? ?? ??????? ???????. ??????. ??????????-???????????: ?????????? ???????????? ?? ???????????? ?? ????????? ?????????????????, ???????????? ??????. ??????????. ?? ???????????? ????????????? ??????? ???????? ???? ????? ????????? ?? ?????? 2011?2020 ??. ?????????, ?? ????? ??? ???????? ????? ????????? ? ??????? ???????? ??? ???????? (r = 0,34). ?????????, ?? ??????? ?????? ??????????? ????? ????????? ???????? ? ???? ?????????, ? ???? ? ???????????, ????????????, ??????????, ???????? ?? ??????????? ???????? (2,20?2,51 ?/??). ????????? ?????? ????????? ???????? ? ??????????, ????????? (???? ?????????) ?? ??????????????? (???? ?????) ???????? (1,86?2,02 ?/??). ?????? ??????????? ?? 10 ????? ?????????? ? ???????????, ???????????? ?? ?????????? ????????, ??? ???????? ?? ???? ??????? (1,09?1,34 ?/??). ????????, ?? ???????? 2011?2015 ??. ?????? ?????????????? ??????????? ????? ?????????????? ? ????????????, ?????????? ?? ?????????? ????????. ?????????? ???????? ???????? 42,0?71,3%. ? 2016?2020 ??. ????????? ???????? ?????????? ? ?????????, ?????????? ?? ???????? ????????. ?????????? ???????? ? 31,8?43,9%. ?????????, ?? ?? ?????? 2011?2015 ??. ??????? ???????????? ??????????? ????? ????????? ???????????????? ?????????, ????????, ????????, ??????????????, ???????, ??????????, ???????????, ????????? ?? ?????????? ???????. ? ???????? ?? 2016 ?? 2020 ??. ?????? ???????????? ?????? ??????????? ?????????? ? ??????????, ?????????, ???????????, ???????????, ??????????, ???????? ?? ???????????? ????????. ????????. ?? ???????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????????, ?? ??? ??? ?????????? ???????? ???? ??? ?????? ???????? ? ?????, ????? ???? ??????????? ? ??????? ????????????. ?????????, ?? ????????? ??????????? ????? ????????? ?? ???????????? ???? ???????? ? ???? ?????????. ?????????? ?? ???????????? ???????????? ??????????? ????? ????????? ?????????, ?? ??? ?????????? ???????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ???? ? ????????? ?? ??????????????? ???????? ???? ?????, ? ???????????? ???? ? ??????????, ????????, ??????????, ???????????, ????????? ?? ??????? ???????.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Influence of the substrate composition on the yield and nutritional value of the fruiting bodies of the edible mushrooms Pleurotus citrinopileatus and Cyclocybe aegerita | ????? ?????? ????????? ?? ??????????? ?? ????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?????? Pleurotus citrinopileatus ?? Cyclocybe aegerita
?????, Kulyk, A. S., ?. ?. | ???????, Bandura, I.I., ?.?. | ??????, Khareba, O. V., ?. ?. | ??????, Khareba, V. V., ?. ?. | ???????, Makohon, S. V., ?. ?.
Purpose. To reveal the influence of the substrate compositions on technical indicators and the chemical composition of the fruiting bodies of the golden oyster mushroom and poplar mushroom.Methods. The experimental design included cultivation of two species of wood-decay fungi Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer (strain 2161 IVK) and Cyclocybe aegerita (V.Brig.) Vizzini (strain 2230 IVK) on three variants of substrate composition. Laboratory, laboratory-production methods for evaluating the effectiveness of growing technology, chemical composition of the obtained raw materials, statistical methods of analysis were applied.Results. The structure and composition of substrates affect the technological characteristics of the culture, physical and chemical properties of fruiting bodies. The shortest fruiting cycle of 35.2 ? 1.7 days was determined for C. aegerita under growing conditions on SC1 substrate which formula included ?straw, husks, pellet, rapeseed, corn, and CaCO3? in the ratio of 30: 40: 70: 20: 20: 1. The highest yield (170.5 ? 15.2 g per 1 kg of substrate) in the experiment was determined for P. citrinopileatus on the SC1 substrate composed of ?straw / pellets? / rapeseed / corn /?CaCO3? in the ratio 40: 90: 20: 25: 1. Fruiting bodies of P. citrinopileatus obtained from the SC3 substrate composed of? ?pellets / rapeseed / corn / CaCO3? in the ratio 60: 110: 20: 30: 1 had the highest protein content ? 22.47 ? 0.19%, and fruiting bodies from the SC1 substrate had the least amount of proteins ? 17.38 ? 2.60%. Fruiting bodies of C.?aegerita contained more lipids than those of P. citrinopileatus, but the factor of the influence of the substrate composition on the total amount of lipids for some cultivars was insignificant. The largest amount of endopolysaccharides was isolated from the fruiting bodies of C. aegerita (6.81 ? 0.41%) cultivated on SC3 substrate, and the smallest in the SC1 variant (1.38 ? 0.25%). The content of endopolysaccharides in the fruiting bodies of P. citrinopileatus had less variability from 2.54 ? 0.54 (SC3) to 4.72 ? 0.61% (SC1).Conclusion. Substrate compositions significantly affect the biological efficiency of cultivars and the content of nutrients in fruiting bodies of the studied species. The obtained results enable producers of mushrooms to predict the production efficiency and quality of grown mushrooms in accordance with the use of available raw materials. | ????. ?????????? ????? ?????? ??????????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ????????? ?? ???????? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??????????. ??????. ????? ???????????? ???????? ??????????? ???? ????? ???????????????? ?????? Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer (???? 2161????) ?? Cyclocybe aegerita (V.Brig.) Vizzini (???? 2230????) ?? ????? ????????? ??????????? ??????????. ??????????? ???????????, ???????????-????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????? ???????????, ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????, ??????????? ?????? ???????. ??????????. ????????? ?? ????? ?????????? ????????? ?? ???????????? ?????????????? ????????, ??????? ?? ??????? ??????????? ???????? ???. ??????????? ???? ???????????? ? 35,2???1,7 ???? ????????? ??? ???????? C.?aegerita ?? ???? ??????????? ?? ????????? ??1 ? ???????? ????????/ ?????????/ ????????/ ??????/ ??????????/ ??????? ? ?????????????? 30?:?40?:?70?:?20?:?20?:?1. ??????? ??????????? (170,5???15,2 ? ?? 1??? ?????????) ? ??????? ????????? ??? P.?citrinopileatus ?? ????????? ??2 ? ???????? ????????/ ????????/ ??????/ ??????????/ ??????? ? ?????????????? 40?:?90?:?20?:?25?:?1. ??????? ???? P.?citrinopileatus, ???????? ?? ????????? ??3 ? ???????? ?????????/ ??????/ ??????????/ ??????? ? ?????????????? 60?:?110?:?20?:?30?:?1, ???? ???????? ? ??????? ????? ?????? ? 22,47???0,19%, ? ???????? ????????? ?????? ? 17,38???2,60% ? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ????????? ??1. ??????? ???? C.?aegerita ??????? ?????? ??????? ????????? ? ????????? ?????? P.?citrinopileatus, ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ?? ???????? ????????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??????????? ???????? ??????????. ??????? ????????? ?????????????????? ???????? ? ???????? ??? C.?aegerita (6,81 ??0,41%), ????????? ?? ????????? ??3, ? ???????? ? ? ???????? ??1 (1,38 ??0,25%). ????? ????????????????? ? ???????? ????? P.?citrinopileatus ??? ????? ?????????????: ??? 2,54 ??0,54 (??3) ?? 4,72 ??0,61% (??1). ????????. ????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ???????????? ??????????? ?? ????? ?????????? ? ???????? ????? ??????????? ?????. ???????? ?????????? ????? ????? ??????????? ????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ?? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ???????????? ????????? ????????.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]????? ????????????? ???????????? ???????? ?? ??????????? ?? ?????????? ?? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????? ??? ? Bradyrhizobium japonicum | The effect of biopreparations of nodules bacteria with carmoisine on the formation and functioning of the soybean ? Bradyrhizobium japonicum symbiotic systems
?????????, Pukhtaievych, Petro, ?. ?. | ?????, Kukol, Ekaterina, ?. ?. | ????, Kots, Sergii, ?. ?. | ???????, Vorobey, Nadiya, ?. ?.
Purpose. Investigate the formation and functioning of symbiotic systems of soybeans with nodule bacteria by ino?culation of seeds with biological products based on fungicide-resistant strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum PC07 and B78 with different rates of synthetic carmoisine colorant.Methods. Physiological, microbiological, gas chromatography, statistical.Results. It was found that as a result of inoculation of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] variety ?Almaz? with microbial preparations based on B. japonicum PC07 and B78, with the addition of carmoisine (0.25 and 0.5 g per 200 g of the preparation), the amount and the weight of nodules formed on the roots during the growing season were at the level of the control plants or exceeded them. The greatest difference in indicators of quantity and weight of root nodules between plants of control and experimental variants is noted in a phase of full flowering at inoculation by both strains of rhizobia and addition to biological products of various norms of dye. Analysis of nitrogen-fixing activity (NFA) of the formed symbiotic systems showed the absence of a negative effect of the synthetic colorant on its level. When inoculated with soybean seeds B. japonicum PC07 in the phase of three true leaves, NFA was higher by 15.6?25.9% and in the budding-beginning of flowering stage by 7.4?29.5% compared with control plants with the addition of 0.25 and 0.5 g of carmoisine, respectively. Against the background of bacterization of soybean seeds by strain B78 before the phase of full flowering of plants the level of N2 assimilation by adding 0.25?g of carmoisine to the vermiculite preparation was at the level of the control plants. During the period of full flowering, this figure exceeded the indicators of control plants by 7.6 and 18.8% with the introduction of 0.25 and 0.5?g of the colorant.Conclusions. Carmoisine can be applied in the further study of the effectiveness of its use as a dye identifier for controlling the uniformity of marking of loose bacterial preparations on seeds by adding 0.25 and 0.5 g per 200 g of a biopreparation, since this did not show a negative impact on the formation and functioning of the soybean ? Bradyrhizobium japonicum symbiotic systems. | ????. ?????????? ??????????? ?????????? ?? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????? ??? ?? ?????????? ??????? ?????????????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ?????? Bradyrhizobium japonicum ??07 ?? ?78 ? ??????? ??????? ???????????? ???????? ??????????.??????. ????????????, ???????????????, ?????? ?????????????, ???????????.??????????. ???????????, ?? ????????? ?????????? ??? [Glycine max (L.) Merr] ????? ??????? ?????????? ???????????, ????????????? ?? ?????? B. japonicum ??07 ?? ?78 ? ?????????? ?????????? (0,25 ?? 0,5?? ?? 200?? ?????????), ????????? ?? ???? ??????????? ?? ??????? ????????? ???????? ????????? ???? ?? ????? ?????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????????? ??. ?? ?????????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????????? ?? ????????????? ?????? ???? ???????? ????????? ??????? ?? ??????????? ????????? ? ???? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????? ??????????? ? ????????? ????????? ?????????? ? ???? ??????? ????????. ? ?????????? ??????? ???????????????? ?????????? (???) ??????????? ???????????? ?????? ?????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ?? ?? ??????. ?? ???????????? ??????? ??? B.?japonicum ??07 ? ???? ????? ????????? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ?? 15,6?25,9%; ? ???? ??????????????????? ???????? ? ?? 7,4?29,5% ????????? ? ???????????? ????????? ?? ????????? 0,25 ?? 0,5?? ?????????? ??????????. ?? ???? ???????????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?78 ?? ???? ??????? ???????? ????????????? ?????????? N2 ?? ????????? ?? ???????????? 0,25?? ?????????? ???? ?? ????? ??????????? ??????. ? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???????? ??????????? ???????? ?? 7,6 ?? 18,8% ?? ???????? 0,25 ?? 0,5?? ???????? ??????????.????????. ????????? ????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ???????? ???????????? ???? ???????????? ?? ????????-?????????????? ???????? ????????????? ????????? ??????? ????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????, ??????? 0,25 ? 0,5?? ?? 200?? ????????????, ???????? ??? ????? ?? ???????? ??????????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ?? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????? ??? ? B. japonicum.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The results of the assessment of self-pollinated precocious lines of maize (Zea mays L.) on the main economically valuable traits at two sowing dates | ?????????? ?????????? ????????????? ???????????? ????? ????????? ????????? (Zea mays L.) ?? ????????? ????????????-??????? ???????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????
???????? , Olkhovyk, Maksym, ?. ?. | ?????, Kupar, Yulyia, ?. ?. | ?????????, Tahantsova, Mayna, ?. ?. | ??????, Haidash, Oleksandr, ?. ?.
Purpose. Comprehensive study, selection, evaluation and systematization of self-pollinated lines of maize (Zea mays L.) obtained on the basis of material of diffe?rent genetic structure from endosperm of flint and dent maize were implemented according to the main economically valuable traits and precocity in order to select the best genotypes for selection.Methods. Hybridization, inbreeding were used in the process of creating the initial material; visual method ? for phenological observations; laboratory and field ? to determine the morphobiological characteristics of self-pollinated lines of maize; measuring and weighing ? to account the harvest and determine the metric characteristics of plants; mathematical and statistical ? to determine the validity of the results, indicators of trait variability, correlation dependence of traits; analysis of variance; comprehensive assessment of morphobiological and economically valuable traits of self-pollinated maize lines of the most common germplasms.Results. As a result of assessment of self-pollinated lines of the most common germplasms, it was revealed that the highest level of grain yield was obtained under both sowing periods ? Iodent germplasm; the minimum grain moisture content ? Flint and Mix germplasms; the shortest average duration of the emergence ? flowering of 50% of male and female inflorescences stage ? Flint germplasm; steadily high va?lues ??of plant height for germplasm Mix ? under the optimal sowing date, and Iodent plasma ? under the late sowing date. Steadily high values ??of the ear insertion height at both sowing dates were obtained for lines based on Iodent germplasm. The number of the most precocious and the best by the economically valuable traits germplasms of self-pollinated lines were identified.Conclusions. The DK239 lines ? Flint germplasm, DK7174, DK2285, DK305, DK2613, DK5568 ? Iodent germplasm, DK2332 and DK2659 ? Mix germplasm were the most precocious and the best by the economically valuable traits. They are promising for the selection of ultra-early hybrids of maize adapted to the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine. | ????. ?????????? ????????, ?????, ?????????? ? ?????????????? ????????????? ????? ????????? ????????? (Zea mays?L.), ????????? ?? ???? ????????? ?????? ?????????? ????????? ? ??????????? ?? ???????????? ????? ??????????, ?? ????????? ????????????-??????? ??????????? ? ???????? ?????????????? ? ????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ???????? ?????????????????? ????????.??????. ????????????, ?????? ? ? ??????? ????????? ????????? ?????????; ?????????? ? ??????????? ?????????????; ???????????-???????? ? ?????????? ?????-??????????? ????? ????????????? ????? ?????????; ????????????-??????? ? ?????????? ??????????? ?? ????????? ????? ??????; ???????????-??????????? ? ?????????? ????????????? ???????????, ?????????? ?????????????? ?????, ???????????? ?????????? ?????; ???????????? ??????; ?????????? ?????????? ?????-??????????? ?? ????????????-?????? ????????????? ????????????? ????? ????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ?????.??????????. ? ?????????? ?????????? ????????????? ????? ?????????, ????????? ?? ???? ?????? ?????????? ?????, ???????????, ?? ??????? ??????????? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ?????????? ?????? Iodent; ?????????? ????????? ????????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ????? Flint ?? Mix; ???????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ?????????????? (50% ????????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????) ???????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? Flint; ????????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ?? ???????????? ?????? ????? ?????????? ??? ????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? Mix, ?? ???????? ?????? ? ??? ????? ?????? Iodent. ????????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ???????????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ?????????? ? ?????, ??? ???????? ?? ?????? ?????? Iodent.????????. ????? ??239 (?????? Flint), ??7174, ??2285, ??305, ??2613 ? ??5568 (?????? Iodent), ??2332 ?? ??2659 (?????? Mix) ???? ???????? ????????????? ?? ?????????? ?? ?????????? ????????????-?????? ?????. ???? ? ?????????????? ??? ???????????? ? ???????? ?????????????????? ???????? ?????????, ??????????? ?? ???? ????? ???????
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]