结果 1431-1440 的 1,558
В. А. Хаджиматов | С. В. Гаценко | В. В. Шелепов
New varieties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) for complex utilization in grain production.
А. П. Орлюк | К. В. Гончарова | Г. Г. Базалій | І. М. Біляєва | Л. О. Усик
Such varieties of winter wheat as Ovidium, Kokhana, Blago, Maria, Andromeda possess high adaptive potential, there are possible to use on irrigated and unirrigated lands. New genotypes are able to guarantee yield on level accordingly 9,0-9,5 and 5,5-6,0 t/ha. They are form the grain of strong and valuable wh eats.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Genetic Characteristic of Dominant Ultra Short Stem and Wax Coating Absence for Winter Rye (Secale cereale L.)
В. В. Скорик | Волод. В. Скорик | Н. В. Симоненко | О. П. Скорик
By means of directed hybridization and selection, a new donor of Winter Rye with combination of ultra short stem and absence of wax coating has been synthesized. Markings was offered for the first time for dominant genes of ultra short stem characteristic – HI-3HI-3, and for recessive genes of absence of wax coating characteristic – wcwc. Determination is made of genetic variability, coefficients of inheritance, phenotype and genotype correlation coefficients, on the basis of which a selection strategy by ten quantitative characteristics is proposed. Polypheny and cohesion effects were established. Under certain conception, strategy and tactic of improvement by breeding of Winter Rye characteristics, determination of genetic and statistic parameters between traits of parents and the offspring is required.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Plant Production Institute named after V. Iuryev as a Fonuder of Guidenes for Winter Wheat Varieties Breeding on arti Ficial Backgkounds in Ukraine (20s-80s of XX century)
В. В. Шелепов
The article highlights Kharkiv Breeding Facility, later referred to as Plant Production Institute named after V. Iuryev in 20s-80s concerning breeding the Winter Wheat in Ukraine and impact of the varieties obtained on th productivity increase. It is established that thanks to the efforts of V. Iuryev, V. Didus, M. Ielnikov, A. Shulyndina and others for the period of 1920s-1980s a number of economically valuable varieties have been created – Multrum 120, Iuryivka, Lutetsnes 266, Zenitka, Salut, Kharkivska 1, Kharkivska 32, Khar-kivska 81 and others. Thanks to efforts in breeding the yield index was growing gradually and reached the average level of 4,3 tons per hectare. In particular, in 1921–1930 – 2,33 ton/hectare, 1931–1940 – 2,42, 1941– 1950 – 3,01, 1951–1960 – 26,5, 1961 – 1970 – 4,3, 1971–1980 – 5,05, 1981–1990 – 4,47 t/hectare. In recompense for significant achievements in agricultural crops varieties breeding a breeding center was founded at the facilities of Plant Production Institute named after V Iuryev was founded in 1976.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Inheritance and Variability of Winter Wheat (Triticum) Morphologic Characteristics and Their Expression in DUS- test
Л. І. Улич | М. М. Таганцова | Л. В. Камінська | В. М. Матус
The article provides summary of the research on inheritance, stability and variability of the Wheat morphologic characteristics, genotypes identification and examination of distinctness, uniformity and stability. Proposal is made to use alter characteristics for identification of biotypes and new candidate varieties for reference collections.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]System estimate of breeding material of winter wheat for freezing tolerance
Г. В. Мазільніков | В. В. Сорокін | О. М. Кучеренко | В. А. Фоманюк
Proposed system approach for freezing tolerance estimate of breeding material of winter wheat allows to differentiate the samples by physiological properties of resistance to low temperatures and based on to carry out selecting parents for hybridization in changeable environments of global warming.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Conveyer Production Composition of Cutting Lettuce Commercial Yield (Lactuca sativa L.) in the Conditions of Ukrainian Woodlands
Н. В. Лещук
The composition developed for conveyer production of commercial yield of Cutting Lettuce in the Ukrainian Woodland Conditions. Terms of the open ground conveyer commercial yield delivery to the customer depending on agrotechnologic growth actions are scientifically founded.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Establishment of control system for coordinated feeding with liquid pesticide and planting material into the operational section of agricultural crops protectant, is grounded
Колесник, І. В
Investigational development of modern treater seed of agricultural cultures status. The analysis of efficiency of work control the system modem treater seed is conducted. The ground of creation of cont rol the system by the concerted serve working liquid (liquid poison) and seed is conducted in the working area of treate.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]New Winter Wheat Varieties Productivity Subject to the Terms of Sowing
Уліч, Л. І | Корхова, М. М | Котиніна, О. А
Sowing dates and response to them of newly registered and perspective varieties of winter wheat were studied. Reasons provided for changing sowing dates to the later.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Physiological and Biological Changes in the Underground Shoots of White Cinquefoil and Potentilla alba L. and Snowdrop Galanthus nivalis L. during Wintering at Introduction
Kondratʹeva, V. V. | Семенова, М. В | Воронкова, Т. В | Шелепова, О. В | Данилина, Н. Н
Water-soluble carbohydrates, cytokinins, ABA, salicylic acid and microelements content's dynamics in wintering underground organs of P.alba and G.nivalis were studied. Correlation between substance's level and air temperature, ground freezing depth, snow layer thickness fluctuations was determined. The role of phytohormons and free sugars in adaptive potential realization are discussed.
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