结果 41-50 的 94
Agroecological Peculiarities of Winter Triticale Variety Vivate Nosivskyi
Л. В. Дем'яненко | Москалець, В. В | Москалець, Т. З | Буняк, Н. М | Москалець, В. І
The article describes Agro-ecological features of winter triticale variety Vivate Nosivskyi developed by means of individual selection based on hybrid combination ([Avgusto x NE 312] x К 9844) at the Examination Facility of Nosivska Breeding and Testing Station ofChernigivIAPPIAAN and selected by quantitative (grain productivity, quantity and weight of grains per ear, cup weight of grain, 1000 kernels weight), qualitative (protein contain, «raw» gluten) parameters of grain yield, by adaptability to a range of causative agents, abnormal events in winter-spring and summer, lodging. It shows that bio-agents of microbe preparations Azospirillum brasilense и Achromobacter album 1122 on initial stages of development of winter triticale variety Vivate Nosivskyi plants enhance nitrogen and phosphor nutrition as reflected in raw and dry weight of plants increased by 1,5 to 2,5 times, area of leaf surface - 2 to 2,4 times, grain yield -1,1-1,3 times.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The need of Liversity of gaeden plants genotypes enrichment in Ukraine
Опалко, А. І
The main reasons hindering expansion of assortment of horticultural crops and negatively affecting the provision of Ukraine’s population with horticultural production were discussed. The trend towards global unification of genotypes with parallel reduction of potential to andropoadaptability of chief horticultural crops is recognized as one of the main causes for instability in domestic horticulture crops production. Appropriate measures are proposed, including intensification of zonal specialization and intensification of the state protectionism over both domestic fruit farming and research developments, first of all in breeding and genetics, aimed at the ability to meet various requirements of producers, processors and consumers of fruits and berries to new cultivars.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Considering the issue of separating antho cyanin pigments in table grape
Модонкаєва, А. Е | Сластья, Е. А | Бойко, В. А | Аппазова, Н. Н
The article provides new approach to complex assessment of phenolic compounds composition in table grape involving high-performance liquid chromatography. It also offers results of optimizing methods for analyzing and sample preparing of a grape berry in order to scrutinize the composition of phenol compounds.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Level of economically valuable characteristics of tetraploid pollinators and triploid hybrids of sugar beet
Мацук, М. Б | Чемерис, Л. М | Корнєєва, М. О
The paper studies level of economically valuable characteristics of tetraploid lines of sugar beet developed at Bila Tserkva research and breeding station. Collection is established on that basis of highyield and high-sugar lines, hybridization with which has produced triploid MS hybrids displaying veracious excess of group standard for yielded sugar by 15...28%.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Efficiency of selection by embryological characteristics of stress resistant to abiotic factors sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants
Корнєєва, М. О | Чередничок, О. І
The article provides results of efficiency of double screening by quantity of normally developed germs affected of unfavorable abiotic factors, namely decreased temperatures of seeds sprouting and embryogenesis at extremes (heat, shortage of water).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Level of economically valuable characteristics of tetraploid pollinators and triploid hybrids of sugar beet
М. Б. Мацук | Л. М. Чемерис | М. О. Корнєєва
The paper studies level of economically valuable characteristics of tetraploid lines of sugar beet developed at Bila Tserkva research and breeding station. Collection is established on that basis of highyield and high-sugar lines, hybridization with which has produced triploid MS hybrids displaying veracious excess of group standard for yielded sugar by 15...28%.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Гринів Світлані Миколаївні – 45 років від Дня народження
Г. М. Каражбей
Studying economically valuable and morphological characteristics in storage root of parental lines and hybrids of forage beet (Beta vulgaris l. subsp. vulgaris var. crassa)
М. В. Мілієнко
Assessment has been carried out for parental lines and hybrid combinations of forage beet by individual indices of productivity and morphological characteristics of root storages. Best combinations have been selected for further crossing and breeding.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Productivity, morphological, agrobiological, adaptive properties of winter rape (Brassica napus L.) varieties
В. І. Сорока
The article highlights economical value of rape, an important bioenergy crop. It offers statistical data on rape hybrids release into the market.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Apple drought – and resistance (Malus Domestica Borkh.)
А. І. Трохимчук | Д. Г. Макарова
Assessment is made for heat-resistance of 10 promising domestic and foreign apple varieties, as well as for their drought- resistance (leaf tissue water content, water holding capacity and turgorescence); also, impact of weather conditions on implementation of its drought and heat resistance by the research subject is determined. The article highlights the best in Ukraine’s Forest-Steppe environment by the above economical and biological properties apple varieties.
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