结果 51-60 的 87
To 80 anniversary of Victor Danylenko
Б. В. Даниленко | Є. П. Шоферістов
The brief biographical information and the results of industrial and biological study of fruit crops varieties in steppe zone of the Crimea have been given. Widely spread varieties for industrial, collective and private orchards in Ukraine studied by V.V. Danylenko have been given. The main published workes of V.V. Danylenko have been given.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Gnom 3 as a Donor for Ultra Short- Stem Trait of Winter Rye
В. В. Скорик
The article reflects the progress of genetic decrease of Rye F 3k- 10029/ Saratovske (Саратовське) 4 height by means of the shortest stem plants selection during the period from 1974 to 2010. 37 years selection of the shortest- stern genotypes decreased the plants height from 119.33 cm to 22.57cm. Targeted selection into minus direction decreased the plants height in 5,29 times on the background of the dominant HI expression. In average, the height of plants in the course of 27 breeding cycles were decreasing by 2.69 cm, but that was not going gradually. A new donor Gnom 3 had been created for ultra short-stem trait of the Winter Rye, with the marking of alleles HI-3HI-3. Relative influence on the minus selection efficiency has been established by height of plants for the selection differential (38%) and coefficient of inheritance in narrow sense (14,56%). Realized efficiency of selection in decrease of winter rye height in 72,08% of cases corresponded to predicted hit ration of the breeding. Analyzes of genetic and statistical parameters and correlation clusters of 11 utilitarian average characteristics of ultra short- stem rye Gnom 3 for the period of 1974 to 2010 has been performed.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Bioenergetic Value of Durra (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Mocnch) in Ukraine
Г. М. Каражбей
The article highlights economical value pf durra as important energetic crop, as well as the dynamics of sown areas and replenishment ofvarietal resource market with hybrids of durra. Also, it shows timeliness of the crop sowing under conditions of warming climate and increase of aridity of plant production.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Morphologic Characteristics of Sunflower (Hilianthus annuus L.), Their Importance and Utilization in DUS Examination of Varieties and Hybrids.
В. М. Матус
The article provides results of examination of individual morphologic characteristics and biological properties of hybrids and varieties of sunflower, their agronomical and economical value, inheritance, stability and variability under the influence of agro-ecologic conditions, stressful factors of environment, as well as the option of using these to perceive, describe and identify genotypes in the course of official scientific and technical DUS examination.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Gnome 2 as a Donor of Short Stem Characteristic for Winter Rye (Secale cereale L.).
В. В. Скорик
Stabilizing (centripetal) breeding produced donor of short stem characteristic for winter rye (Secale cereale L.) with height of plants ranging from cm 50 to 60. Distribution curve of plant's height remained symmetric with cummulation of frequencies at central classes (leptokurtic). For the first time, designation for new allele of short-stem gene HI-2HI-2 and donor name Gnome 2 was suggested. Gnome 2 was found to have direct genetic correlation of plant height with number of flowers in the ear, length of the ear, weight of 100 seeds from the plant, as well as reverse correlation with ear density and weight of kernels from the ear.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Morphology of a crone, flowering and fructification of trees grades of an column apple-tree of the Ukrainian selection.
М. В. Захаров
Results of studying of biometric parametres of trees grades of an column apple-tree of the Ukrainian selection and feature of placing of fruit formations on a trunk are presented. It is proved that flowering column passes apple-trees in a zone of the Right bank of the Western Forest-steppe in the same terms, as at an apple-tree ordinary and is intensive, amicable, simultaneous. Grouping of grades on weight of fruits is presented. The characteristic organoleptic qualities of fruits is given. The grade with the best flavouring and commodity qualities is allocated.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Proper Selection of corn Hybrids (Zea mays L.) - Efficacy Method in the Provision Stable Yields.
Я. Д. Заплітний | М. І. Лінська | Т. Я. Карп | В. О. Гордійчук
The results of studies on the major agronomic traits of the best com hybrids of different maturity groups on their suitability to grow in south-western part of the forest- steppe. Use in production practice the proper Selection of hybrids of maize provides an opportunity not only to predict the volume of its production, but also significantly save energy at the post-harvest handling of grains of this crop.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ukrainian Institute for Plant (Brassika napus L.) Varieties examination
В. І. Сорока
The prospect of rapeseed production in Ukraine Discussed competition of rapeseed oil on the world market, its use for the production of alternative fuels. An assessment of the capacity of rape variety, which is listed in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in the Ukraine.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Rating of resistance of varieties of spring rape (Brassica napus L.) to Alternaria and efficacy of fungicides use to limit the development of the disease.
О. В. Колесніченко
The testing of resistances of some varieties of spring oilseed rape to Alternaria has done. The article also shows the results of spread and progression of disease in conditions of different disinfectants and fungicides use. According to the research has identified the best varieties and preparations, which limit the spread and progression of the disease.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Improvement of Diagnostics of Winter Wheat Varieties Resistance to Abiotic Environment Factors
Л. І. Улич | Л. П. Бочкарьова
Expediency explanation is provided for foundation in the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination of Winter Wheat Varieties Resistance to Abiotic Environment Factors Diagnostics Laboratory, as well as for examination of varieties on their suitability for dissemination to provide new approaches and techniques of plant varieties resistance diagnostics; for systematic, indepth and comprehensive studying of the most important adaptive features of plant varieties, which to take into account when registering varieties, national varietal resources formation and seed production organization.
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