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Evaluation of the genus Calendula L. diversity for forming collection of varieties with standard characters
Мельничук, Р. В | Куценко, Н. І
Purpose. Evaluation of collection samples of the genus Calendula L. available at the Experimental station of medicinal plants (ESMP) for the levels of display of morphological characters in order to identify the reference varieties and form a collection of standards. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical ones. Results. During 2012–2014 years the collection of the genus Calendula L. was evaluated, that includes 145 samples of 4 species from 18 countries, for the eight morphological characters (plant height, inflorescence number, full inflorescence number, the color of ligulate and tubular florets, number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence diameter, disk diameter) and varieties were distributed by the level of manifestation according to current technique for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS). Conclusions. Samples of marigold were identified that can be sources of standards or starting material by plant height, inflorescence number, inflorescence full number, color of ligulate and tubular florets, number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence diameter, disk diameter and by all degree of their manifestation. For the highest level of manifestation of character complex (inflorescence diameter, disk diameter, the number of rows of ligulate florets, inflorescence full number and their manifestation pattern) ‘Mandarin Twist’ variety appeared to be the best
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Selection bases of developing new varieties of willow family (Salicaceae Mirb.) to create energy plantations
Фучило, Я. Д | Афонін, О. О | Сбитна, М. В
Purpose. To develop an algorithm of creation of new highly productive clonal varieties of Salicaceae family representatives with improved agronomic characters that can be used at energy plantations Methods. Field investigations, laboratory analysis, analytical approach, selection method. Results. Flow chart of selection process with representatives of Salicaceae family included the following stages: the Ist stage – creation of primary families (F0); the IInd stage – creation of the second families, or branches; the 222rd stage – interfamily (individually-familial) selection; IVth stage – familial-group selection; the Vth stage – clonal selection (selection of ramets). Conclusions. Breeding process with the use of complex of advanced methods of selection (individual, familial, group and clonal ones) allows to get model populations with high-frequency of valuable alleles and genotypes and with the high level of genetic variety. Due to a negative multi-stage individual intrafamilial and interfamily selection, cleaning of artificial populations from undesirable forms takes place without the substantial decrease of genetic variety level.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Cis-, intra-, subgenesis, genome editing as modern technologies for modifying the crop genomes (review)
Волкова, Н. Е
Purpose. Reviewing the literature on modern technologies of genetic modification of crop genomes. Results. The current state of genetically modified plants creation is analyzed. The information on cis-, intra- and subgenic plants and their comparison with transgenic crops is given. Examples of cis- and intragenesis application for improving characteristics of crops are provided. Such state-of-the-art technology of crop genome modification as genome editing is considered. Conclusions. Technologies for producing cis-, intra-, subgenic plants are rapidly developing and resulting in crops of the 21st century that can solve the problem of food provision for a constantly growing world population with the least contrary to the public interest.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Plant DNA banks for genetic resources conservation (review)
Волкова, Н. Е
Purpose. Literature review of DNA banks creation as the current strategy of plant genetic resources conservation. Results. The current state of plant genetic resources conservation was analyzed in the context of the threat of genetic erosion. The importance of DNA banks was shown which function is to store DNA samples and associated products and disseminate them for research purposes. The main DNA banks in the world were described, including the Republican DNA Bank of Human, Animals, Plants and Microorganisms at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Stages of DNA banking were considered: tissue sampling (usually from leaves), cell destruction, DNA extraction, DNA storage. Different methods of tissue sampling, extraction and DNA storage were compared. The need for Plant DNA Bank creation in Ukraine was highlighted. Conclusions. DNA collections is an important resource in the global effort to overcome the crisis in biodiversity, for managing world genetic resources and maximizing their potential.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Adaptive capacity and potential properties of varieties bred at the Potato Research Institute of NAAS
Борівський, А. Ф
Purpose. To establish adaptive capacity and reproduction time of the registered potato varieties elite bred at the Potato Research Institute of NAAS of Ukraine in various edaphic and climatic zones of Ukraine. Methods. Field and laboratory tests, statistical evaluation. Results. Potato varieties were tested in the Forest-Seppe, Polissia and Steppe zones of Ukraine. Over the years of testing (2012–2014), the highest yield of potatoes in the south-western part of the Forest-Steppe zone was produced by the early varieties: ‘Kimmeria’ – 46.9 t/ha, ‘Vedruska’ – 38.6 t/ha; middle-early varieties: ‘Partner’ – 33.2 t/ha, ‘Fantazia – 27.7 t/ha; mid-season varieties: ‘Okolytsia’ – 35.4 t/ha, ‘Mandrivnytsia’ – 25.1 t/ha. In the Central Polissia, ‘Kimmeria’ (31 t/ha) was the most productive early variety, the yield at the level of 27.6–29.2 t/ha was formed by such varieties as ‘Skarbnytsia’, ‘Serpanok’, ‘Radynka’, ‘Tyras’. Among the middle-early varieties, the yield of 33.1 t/ha was obtained from the variety ‘Partner’. In the conditions of Steppe zone, such early potato varieties as ‘Vymir’, ‘Glazurna’, ‘Strumok’, ‘Kimmeria’, ‘Svitoch’ and the middle-early variety ‘Ariya’ had the highest productivity in case of growing as bivoltine crop under irrigated conditions. It was found that in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones such varieties as ‘Kimmeria’, ‘Vedruska, ‘Serpanok’, ‘Skarbnytsia, ‘Tyras’, ‘Radynka’, ‘Partner’, ‘Slovianka’, ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Mandrivnytsia’, ‘Poliske dzherelo’ and ‘Chervona ruta’ were characterized by high resistance to degeneration (viral diseases and loss of productivity of potato elite in the process of reproduction). According to the results of evaluation of the impact of elite potato reproduction time on affection by viral diseases, optimal time for elite renovation for investigated varieties was determined. Conclusions. In the process of testing in various edaphic and climatic zones of Ukraine, stable yield with a high seed tubers number, regardless of weather conditions during the growing season in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones, was formed by some early potato varieties (‘Kimmeria’, ‘Vedruska’, ‘Radynka) and middle-early one (‘Partner’). Among mid-season varieties ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Okolytsia’, ‘Mandrivnytsia’ were identified for high productivity, and among middle-late – ‘Poliske dzherelo’ and ‘Chervona ruta’. The most common viral diseases of potatoes were rugose mosaic and mosaic leaf curling. High efficiency of the use of bivoltine crop method for potato growing to obtain seed material in the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine has been proved.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Genetic resources as initial material for developing new soft winter wheat varieties
Кір’ян, В. М | Кір’ян, М. В | Вискуб, Р. С
Purpose. To estimate genetic resources collection of soft winter wheat plants (new collection accessions) of Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production and select initial material for breeding of adaptive, productive and qualitative soft winter wheat varieties. Methods. Field experiment, laboratory testing. Results. The authors pre- sented results of study of over 1000 samples of gene pool of soft winter wheat from 25 countries during 2001–2005 in Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production of Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuriev, NAAS of Ukraine for a complex of economic traits. More than 400 new sources with high adaptive properties were selected that combine traits of high productivity and high quality of grain, early ripening, resistance to biotic and abiotic fac- tors (the assessment of samples for 16 valuable traits is given). The selected material comes from various agro-cli- matic zones, including zones of unsustainable agriculture. Conclusions. Recommended sources of traits that have breeding value will allow to enrich high-quality assortment of wheat and considerably accelerate breeding process du- ring development of new soft winter wheat varieties.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Forming and maintaining a collection of plant genetic resources of the Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Mill.) genus
Тригуб, О. В
Purpose. Providing information on the formation, composition, maintenance of the collection of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Mill.) genus at Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production (Poltava region), and areas of its use: introduction, preservation and study of the material, for the set of index, formation of special collections and providing research and education institutions of Ukraine with a valuable original material. Methods. Methodical developments dealing with formation and maintenance of crop collections, methodical literature on the study of buckwheat collection for breeding and agronomic performance. Results. The author represented results of the collection material study for the main breeding and economically valuable traits including yield, productivity, resistance to abiotic and biotic factors of the environment. The results of work are considered aimed on creating special collections of the gene pool – base, trait (for yield and large seeds; for productivity, drought and heat resistance; for suitability for mechanical cultivation), educational and core ones. Conclusions. All formed and registered collections are a valuable base material for solving a number of breeding goals to increase the quantity and improve the quality of plant production.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Breeding value of the second generation of soybean populations for «growing season» trait
Щербина, О. З | Михайлов, В. Г | Тимошенко, О. О | Ткачик, С. О
Purpose. Studying the inheritance of such trait of soybean (Glucine max (L.) Merrill) as growing season length in F2 and assessing hybrid combinations to identify more quick-ripening phenotypes as compared to parents. Methods. Laboratory test, mathematico-statistical evaluation. Results. In most crossbreeding combinations, when parents differed by growing season length, late ripeness was dominated in F2, in one combination – early ripeness, in two combinations, when parents scarcely differed by growing season length, complementary effect was observed for this index. It was found that ‘Anzhelika’/‘Mageva’ combination generated the highest number of more quick-ripening forms than any of the parents (13.1%), a smaller number was identified in ‘Legenda’/‘Vizhion’ (6.4%) and ‘Anzhelika’/‘Gentleman’ (4.0%), and barely noticeable number was observed in ‘Legenda’/‘Yelena’ combination (1.3%). Conclusions. In the following crossbreeding combinations as ‘Legenda’/‘Vizhion’, Legenda’/‘Korado’, ‘Legenda’/‘Ustia’, ‘Legenda’/‘Yelena’, ‘Yug-30’/‘Gentleman’, ‘No. 894’/‘Vizhion’, ‘Anzhelika’/‘Annushka’, ‘No. 894’/‘Annushka’, ‘Legenda’/‘Annushka’, ‘No. 441’/‘Gentleman’, ‘No. 441’/‘Vizhion’, ‘No. 441’/‘Annushka’, ‘Anzhelika’/‘Gentleman’ and ‘Anzhelika’/‘Prypiat’ when parents considerably and insignificantly differ by growing season length, late ripeness was dominated in F2. ‘Ustia’/‘Vizhion’ and ‘Yug-30’/‘ Vizhion’ crossbreeding combinations in which parents hardly differ by growing season, complementary effect was observed in F2 for this index.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Functional features of photosynthetic apparatus of modern high-yielding winter wheat varieties
Моргун, В. В | Стасик, О. О | Кірізій, Д. А | Прядкіна, Г. О
Purpose. Comparative studies of the photosynthetic apparatus of winter wheat varieties of modern and earlier breeding in the relation to their productivity. Methods. Field, pot experiment, biometrical, gas analysis, analytical and statistical ones. Results. It is found that the modern high-yielding winter wheat varieties have a higher rate of flag leaf photosynthesis during generative period of development, particularly at grain filling period, improved ability to store assimilates in stem and effectively use them later for grain growth. The modern varieties form crop canopy with greater leaf area and chlorophyll indexes and larger photosynthetic capacity and maintain functional activity of photosynthetic apparatus longer at the end of the growing season. Conclusions. The superiority for grain productivity of modern high-yielding wheat varieties, originated from the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, over varieties released before the “green revolution”, results from increased capacity and durability of functioning the crop photosynthetic apparatus, higher CO2 assimilation rate and optimization of source-sink relations in whole plant.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Impact of weather conditions during the growing season on winter barley yield in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Демидов, О. А | Гудзенко, В. М | Васильківський, С. П
Purpose. To establish the level of formation of winter barley yield depending on weather conditions during the growing season in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Field investigations, ANOVA, variance and correlation analysis. Results. Positive correlation was revealed between yield and the duration of the vegetation (r = 0.54) and especially “heading–maturation” period (r = 0.76). Moderate positive correlation was established between yield and mean daily air temperature during the period from termination to resumption of vegetation (r = 0.44), and strong negative one – between yield and mean daily air temperature during heading to maturation period (r = -0.77). Positive correlation was observed between yield and rainfall amount during the period from vegetation resumption to heading (r = 0.30). In general, during the growing season the correlation was weak (r = 0.16). For the period of “heading–maturation” low negative value (r = -0.11) was fixed. This was due to heavy precipitations, especially torrential rains, which in some years have caused lodging of plantings resulted in yield decrease. Conclusions. Under the conditions of Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, fluctuations in temperature and water regimes are responsible for significant variability in growing season duration and yield of winter barley. Optimal amount of precipitation (close to long-time annual average) and their uniform distribution throughout growing season is the most favorable for obtaining high yield. “Heading–maturation» period is responsible for the formation of winter barley yield level.
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