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A new species of Notodiaptomus from the Amazon basin (Crustacea, Copepoda, Calanoida, Diaptomidae)
Previattelli,Daniel | Perbiche-Neves,Gilmar | Da Rocha,Carlos
A new Diaptomidae species is presented from the Neotropical region. It was found in two Amazonian lakes, Ressaca and Arapujá, both in Pará State, Brazil. The lakes are 400 km apart and threatened by the building of reservoirs for hydropower generation and pollution by human settlements. The new species resembles N. paraensis Dussart & Robertson, 1984, but it can be distinguished from this species and other congeners in having a special process on the fifth leg basis of the male, by the place of insertion of lateral spine in the last segment of right P5 of male, the shape and relationship between length and width of segments of male and female P5 exopodite 2 with stout inner process bearing short setules and outer small spine, exopodite 3, with two terminal setae, outer smaller; endopodite 1-segmented with one subterminal seta and oblique comb of spinules, the presence of a line of dorsal spinules at the distal margin of thoracic somites in both sexes. A brief comparison with other Notodiaptomus species is presented in the discussion.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Biogeography and conservation assessment of Bactrurus groundwater amphipods (Crangonyctidae) in the central and eastern United States
Taylor,Steven | Niemiller,Matthew L.
The subterranean amphipod genus Bactrurus (Amphipoda: Crangonyctidae) is comprised of eight species that occur in groundwater habitats in karst and glacial deposits of the central and eastern United States. We reexamine the distribution, biogeography, and conservation status of Bactrurus in light of new species distribution records and divergence time estimates in the genus from a recent molecular study. In particular, we discuss hypotheses regarding the distribution and dispersal of B. mucronatus and B. brachycaudus into previously glaciated regions of the Central Lowlands. We also conducted the first IUCN Red List conservation assessments and reassessed global NatureServe conservation ranks for each species. We identified 17 threats associated with increased extinction risk that vary in source, scope, and severity among species, with groundwater pollution being the most significant threat to all species. Our conservation assessments indicate that five of the eight species are at an elevated risk of extinction under IUCN Red List or NatureServe criteria, with one species (B. cellulanus) already extinct. However, none of the eight species are considered threatened or endangered by any state or federal agency. Significant knowledge gaps regarding the life history, ecology, and demography of each species exist. Given results of our conservation assessments and available information on threats to populations, we offer recommendations for conservation, management, and future research for each species.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Biomonitoring with bryophytes in managed forested areas. Three examples from the southern Italian Apennines
Three sites in the southern Italian Apennines were selected to assess correlation between forest structure and bryophyte flora. In two of the sites, the Index of Air Purity (IAP)–based on cover data of epiphytic bryophytes–was evaluated. The results show that bryophyte populations–and consequently IAP–are affected by forest structure and development, and that studies including different sites require a precise assessment of silvicultural characteristics to allow comparisons. Indicator values of mosses and liverworts were also taken into consideration in characterizing ecologically the three sites.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of anthropogenic and environmental stressors on the current status of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L., 1758) populations inhabiting the Bulgarian Black Sea waters
The red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758) is a keynote species for the Bulgarian Black Sea ecosystem and fisheries; nevertheless, existing knowledge on population status is very scarce. The present study was intended to assess the health status and adaptive potential of M. barbatus populations inhabiting the Bulgarian waters of the Black Sea. Our findings revealed that populations of M. barbatus are exposed to a variety of anthropogenic and environmental stressors. The species’ status was assessed using representative genetic, morphological, biochemical and chemical biomarkers from specimens obtained in the research area’s northern and southern regions. Based on mtDNA markers, genetic analysis revealed low haplotype and nucleotide diversity, typically observed in overexploited or “threatened” populations. Examining the morphology of the specimens revealed no discernible pattern of differentiation. Except for aluminium and chrome, metal and PAH concentrations in fish were below the regulatory thresholds. The specimens from the southern region ingested more microplastics than those from the northern region. The majority of specimens collected from the southern region also exhibited elevated levels of oxidative stress and decreased antioxidant defence, which can be interpreted as an early indication that they had reached the limits of their adaptive potential. Further research on the composite effects of the stressogenic environment on the Black Sea biota are critically needed, as well as the introduction of new indicators and thresholds at molecular and cellular levels for adequate monitoring of both the ecological state of the marine environment and its biota.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A baseline assessment of anthropogenic macrolitter on dunes along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast using visual census and Unmanned Aerial Systems
Beach-dune systems are among the most dynamic and sensitive elements of coastal ecosystems in the world. They represent an intersection between human activities, flora, fauna and economic interests in tourism. The Bulgarian Black Sea shoreline spans 518.7 km and comprises 131 km (25%) of the depositional coast, including beaches and 46 dune systems. Over the past three decades, heavy anthropogenic impacts have been observed, significantly altering the cleanliness of the beach-dune systems along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast (BBSC). The research initially began as an initial assessment of macrolitter on dunes (MLD) using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). However, due to concerning data obtained in the first year, it transitioned into a mid-term monitoring program conducted between 2018 and 2022. The baseline assessment is based on a visual census, UAS mapping and manual image screening procedure in a GIS environment for litter mapping in 40 areas of litter monitoring (ALMs) along the Bulgarian Coast. Throughout the five-year monitoring period, the most abundant type of MLD was “Artificial polymer materials,” accounting for 83.4% of the total number, followed by “Paper/Cardboard” (6.2%), “Glass/Ceramics” (2.8%), “Metal” (2.8%), “Processed/Worked wood” (1.83%), “Rubber” (1.29%), and “Cloth/Textile” (1.17%). Generally, 95% of the total litter amount was assessed from Land-based sources and 5% from Sea-based sources. The COVID-19 pandemic indirectly affected the cleanliness of the Bulgarian dunes due to restrictions on foreign travel, which increased the domestic tourist pressure on the Bulgarian beaches, resulting in a more significant amount of waste accumulating on the beaches and dunes. The abundance experienced an increase of 39% between 2018 and 2021. A similar upward trend (+41%) was observed in the density of macrolitter on the dunes. Based on visual census data, the average density was estimated to be 0.54 ± 0.35 items/m2. The spatial distribution of MLD is a complex combination of anthropogenic impact and wind processes that affect various eco-geomorphological elements of the beach-dune system. The embryonic dunes retained only 16% of the total items (Dav: 0.32 ± 0.12 items/m2). The highest litter density was registered on the foredunes (Dav: 0.71 ± 0.21 items/m2; 28% of total items). The backdunes contained the highest litter abundance, accounting for 55% in larger areas (Dav:0.59 items/m2). Density litter maps established that dune vegetation acted as a natural trap, retaining 40% more macrolitter compared to areas without dune plants. A Clean Dune Index (CDI) was developed to evaluate the cleanliness of Bulgarian dunes. Based on aggregated CDI data for 2018–2022, the cleanliness of the dunes along the Bulgarian Coast was categorised as “moderate” (CDIav:10.89). Dune systems near the most visited resorts were classified as “extremely dirty”, with the highest CDI values recorded at Kavatsite (27.22), Nessebar – South (25.01), Bolata (24.69), Asparuhovo - Varna (24.33) and Slanchev bryag (24.09). On the other hand, the dune systems at Ropotamo and Lipite were rated with the lowest CDI – 0.95 and 1.2. Dunes are sensitive habitats and require minimal anthropogenic impact, which requires the intensification of the use of high-resolution remote sensing methods for litter mapping. The quality of the presented data and the results obtained outline drones as a future primary tool for beach and dune surveys.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees: resilience to pollution caused by stone quarries
This study aimed to analyze the effect of pollution caused by stone quarries on the morpho-anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology of a medicinal wild bramble Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees. Samples were collected from two natural protected areas: Iron Gates Natural Park and Jiu Gorge National Park, both located in the southwestern part of Romania, and two unpolluted areas from these parks as background sites. We carried out the following analyses on the collected leaves of this taxon: morphology, micromorphology, anatomy, assimilating pigments, heavy metals (Pb, Ni, Cr, Fe), dry mass, bioactive compounds (total phenols and flavonoids), and antioxidant capacity. The results showed more stomata, higher amounts of assimilating pigments, higher amounts of heavy metals (especially lead), less dry mass, less phenols, and more flavonoids in Rubus plicatus leaves from polluted areas compared to areas without sources of pollution. The increased number of stomata and the amounts of assimilator pigments revealed the mechanisms developed by this species in order to survive in polluted conditions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ecosystem service research in the dry subtropics: Current state, temporal changes and drivers of regional variability
Dry subtropical (DST) regions that share similar climatic and topographic conditions exhibit today significant disparities in population density, agricultural intensity, wealth and cultural values. In addition, they are also facing increasing pressures on their natural resources. These attributes collectively shape individuals' varying dependence on natural resources and may influence their perception of ecosystem services (ES). In this study, we conducted a systematic literature review, focusing on the DST regions, to address two main questions: 1) What is the current state, temporal trends and regional variability in scientific research on ES and 2) What are the potential drivers of the variability in ES research? Amongst the 471 publications found in our review, 53% focused on provisioning services, followed nearly equally by cultural (33%) and regulating (30%) services. Only 13% addressed more than one ES category and approximately 33% mentioned economic valuation. Our study reveals that research on ES in the dry subtropics experienced a significant increase from 2005 onwards. Approximately 45% of the publications included the term 'ecosystem service' and its frequency has risen substantially over time. Most publications primarily focus on African dry subtropics (over 60%), followed by South and North American ones. Publications from southern Asia and NE Australia were more scarce. Importantly, we found no clear relationship between the number of publications, publication density or representativeness and the variables used as indicators of human pressure (e.g. population density). Consequently, research efforts in the DST regions appear to be influenced by a diverse range of financial and institutional constraints, international research agendas, as well as the personal interests of researchers, contributing to the idiosyncratic nature of this field.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Karyotypic differentiation of populations of the common shrew Sorex araneus L. (Mammalia) in Belarus
The common shrews, Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758, inhabiting the territory of Belarus, are characterized by a significant variation in the frequency of Robertsonian (Rb) translocations. The frequency clines for translocations specific of three chromosome races: the West Dvina (gm, hk, ip, no, qr), Kiev (g/m, hi, k/o, n, p, q, r), and Białowieża (g/r, hn, ik, m/p, o, q) have already been studied in this territory. In this communication we report new data on polymorphic populations with Rb metacentrics specific of the Neroosa race (go, hi, kr, mn, p/q) in south-eastern Belarus, analyse the distribution of karyotypes in southern and central Belarus and draw particular attention to the fixation of the acrocentric variants of chromosomes in this area. The results show that certain Rb metacentrics specific of the Neroosa, West Dvina, Kiev, and Białowieża races (namely, go and pq; ip; ko; hn and ik, respectively) are absent in many polymorphic populations. Thus, the karyotypic differentiation of S. araneus in the studied area is determined by unequal spread of different Rb translocations and by fixation of acrocentric variants of specific chromosomes.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Economic mapping and assessment of Cymodocea nodosa meadows as nursery grounds for commercially important fish species. A case study in the Canary Islands
Cymodocea nodosa seagrass meadows provide several socio-economically ecosystem services, including nurseries for numerous species of commercial interest. These seagrasses are experiencing a worldwide decline, with global loss rates approaching 5% per year, mainly related to coastal human activities. Cymodocea nodosa, the predominant seagrass in the Canary Archipelago (Spain), is also exposed to these threats, which could lead to habitat loss or even local disappearance. In this case study, we estimated the potential economic value of Cymodocea nodosa seagrass meadows for local fisheries at an archipelago scale. Habitat suitability maps were constructed using MAXENT 3.4.1, a software for modelling species distributions by applying a maximum entropy machine-learning method, from a set of environmental variables and presence and background records extracted from historical cartographies. This model allows characterising and assessing the C. nodosa habitat suitability, overcoming the implicit complexity derived from seasonal changes in this species highly dynamic meadows and using it as a first step for the mapping and assessment of ecosystem services. In a second step, value transfer methodologies were used, along with published economic valuations of commercially-interesting fish species related to C. nodosa meadows. We estimate that the potential monetary value of these species can add up to more than 3 million euros per year for the entire Archipelago. The simplicity of the proposed methodology facilitates its repeatability in other similar regions, using freely available data and hence, being suitable for data-scarce scenarios.
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