结果 1-10 的 222
Multiple isotopic tracing for sulfate and base cation sources of precipitation in Hangzhou city, Southeast China: Insights for rainwater acidification mechanism
Wu, Yao | Liu, Wenjing | Xu, Yifu | Xu, Zhifang | Zhou, Xiaode | Zhou, Lian
Acid deposition has been regarded as a serious factor in the deteriorative water environment and ecosystems. Despite the powerful acid emission control measures have been implemented by the Chinese government, many areas (especially Southeast China) are still suffering from acid deposition. The chemical and isotopic (δ³⁴S and ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr) compositions of rainwater in Hangzhou, a typical megacity in Southeast China with serious acid rain problem, for one year were studied with the aim to better constrain potential sources and explore the causes of rainwater acidification. Most rainwater samples were acidic, with a VWM pH value of 4.65. SO₄²⁻ was the dominant anion and the main acid ion in rainwater. Sulfur isotope and the quantity equilibrium model revealed that sea salt, crustal, biogenic, and anthropogenic sulfur represented 2.3%, 0.1%, 16.7%, and 80.8% of the SO₄²⁻ source in rainwater, respectively. The back trajectory and strontium isotopes indicated that the base cations (BCs) in rainwater originated mainly from anthropogenic sources. The relatively low neutralizing capacity caused by limited BCs input and emission control measures undermines some efforts to reduce rainwater acidity. This case study demonstrated that a valuable tool to probe the source of acid rain and unravel the mechanism of rainwater acidification can be provided by multiple lines of evidence, including rainwater chemical compositions, stable sulfur isotopes, and stable strontium isotopes.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Source tagging modeling study of regional contributions to acid rain in summer over Liaoning Province, Northeastern China
Gbaguidi, Alex E. | Wang, Zifa | Wang, Wei | Yang, Ting | Chen, Huan-Sheng
Strong acid rain was recently observed over Northeastern China, particularly in summer in Liaoning Province where alkaline dust largely neutralized acids in the past. This seems to be related to the regional transboundary pollution and poses new challenges in acid rain control scheme in China. In order to delve into the regional transport impact, and quantify its potential contributions to such an “eruption” of acid rain over Liaoning, this paper employs an online source tagging model in coupling with the Nested Air Quality Prediction Modeling System (NAQPMS). Validation of predictions shows the model capability in reproducing key meteorological and chemical features. Acid concentration over Liaoning is more pronounced in August (average of 0.087 mg/m³) with strong pollutant import from regional sources against significant depletion of basic species. Seasonal mean contributions from regional sources are assessed at both lower and upper boundary layers to elucidate the main pathways of the impact of regional sources on acid concentration over Liaoning. At the upper layer (1.2 km), regional sources contribute to acid concentration over Liaoning by 67%, mainly from Shandong (16%), Hebei (13%), Tianjin (11%) and Korean Peninsula (9%). Identified main city-receptors in Liaoning are Dandong, Dalian, Chaohu, Yingkou, Liaoyang, Jinfu, Shengyang, Panjin, Tieling, Benxi, Anshan and Fushun. At lower layer (120 m) where Liaoning local contribution is dominant (58%), regional sources account for 39% in acid concentration. However, inter-municipal acid exchanges are prominent at this layer and many cities in Liaoning are revealed as important sources of local acid production. Seasonal acid contribution average within 1.2 km-120 m attains 55%, suggesting dominance of vertical pollutant transport from regional sources towards lower boundary layer in Liaoning. As direct environmental implication, this study provides policy makers with a perspective of regulating the regional transboundary environmental impact assessment in China with application to acid rain control.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Temporal dynamics of SO2 and NOX pollution and contributions of driving forces in urban areas in China
Zhao, Shuang | Liu, Shiliang | Hou, Xiaoyun | Cheng, Fangyan | Wu, Xue | Dong, Shikui | Beazley, Robert
SO₂ and NOX pollution have significantly reduced the air quality in China in past decades. Haze and acid rain have negatively affected the health of animals, plants, and human beings. Documented studies have shown that air pollution is influenced by multiple socioeconomic driving forces. However, the relative contributions of these driving forces are not well understood. In this study, using the structural equation model (SEM), we quantified the contributing effects of various forces driving air pollution in 2015 in prefecture-level cities of China. Our results showed that there has been significant control of SO₂ pollution in the past 20 years. The annual average SO₂ concentration has dropped from 83 μg/m³ in 1996 to 21 μg/m³ in 2015, while the annual average NOX concentration has increased from 47 μg/m³ in 1996 to 58 μg/m³ in 2015. We evaluated data on the annual average concentrations of SO₂, which in some cities may mask the differences of SO₂ concentrations between different months. Hence, SO₂ pollution should continue to be controlled in accordance with existing policies and regulations. However, we suggest that NOX should become the new focus of air pollution prevention and treatment. The SEM results showed that industrial scale, city size, and residents’ activities have a significant impact on NOX pollution. Among these, industrial scale had the highest contribution. The findings from our study can provide a theoretical basis for the formulation of NOX pollution control policy in China.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Development of atmospheric acid deposition in China from the 1990s to the 2010s
Yu, Haili | He, Nianpeng | Wang, Qiufeng | Zhu, Jianxing | Gao, Yang | Zhang, Yunhai | Jia, Yanlong | Yu, Guirui
Atmospheric acid deposition is a global environmental issue. China has been experiencing serious acid deposition, which is anticipated to become more severe with the country's economic development and increasing consumption of fossil fuels in recent decades. We explored the spatiotemporal variations of acid deposition (wet acid deposition) and its influencing factors by collecting nationwide data on pH and concentrations of sulfate (SO4²⁻) and nitrate (NO3⁻) in precipitation between 1980 and 2014 in China. Our results showed that average precipitation pH values were 4.59 and 4.70 in the 1990s and 2010s, respectively, suggesting that precipitation acid deposition in China has not seriously worsened. Average SO4²⁻ deposition declined from 40.54 to 34.87 kg S ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ but average NO3⁻ deposition increased from 4.44 to 7.73 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹. Specifically, the area of severe precipitation acid deposition in southern China has shrunk to some extent as a result of controlling the pollutant emissions; but the area of moderate precipitation acid deposition has expanded in northern China, associated with rapid industrial and transportation development. Furthermore, we found significant positive correlations between precipitation acid deposition, energy consumption, and rainfall. Our findings provide a relatively comprehensive evaluation of the spatiotemporal dynamics of precipitation acid deposition in China over past three decades, and confirm the idea that strategies implemented to save energy and control pollutant emissions in China have been effective in alleviating precipitation acid deposition. These findings might be used to demonstrate how developing countries could achieve economic development and environmental protection through the implementation of advanced technologies to reduce pollutant emissions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of canopy–deposition interaction on H⁺ supply to soils in Pinus banksiana and Populus tremuloides ecosystems in the Athabasca oil sands region in Alberta, Canada
Jung, Kangho | Chang, Scott X. | Arshad, M.A (Charlie)
Soil acidification has been of concern in the oil sands region in Alberta due to increased acid deposition. Using the canopy budget model, and accounting for H⁺ canopy leaching by organic acids, we determined sources and sinks of H⁺ in throughfall in jack pine (Pinus banksiana) and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) stands in two watersheds from 2006 to 2009. In pine stands, H⁺ deposition was greater in throughfall than in bulk precipitation while the opposite was true in aspen stands. The annual H⁺ interception deposition was 148.8–193.8 and 49.7–70.0molcha⁻¹ in pine and aspen stands, respectively; while the annual H⁺ canopy leaching was 127.1–128.7 and 0.0–6.0molcha⁻¹, respectively. The greater H⁺ supply in pine stands was caused by greater interception deposition of SO₄ ²⁻ and organic acids released from the pine canopy. Such findings have significant implications for establishing critical loads for various ecosystems in the oil sands region.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]A conceptual framework: Redefining forest soil's critical acid loads under a changing climate
McNulty, Steven G. | Boggs, Johnny L.
Federal agencies of several nations have or are currently developing guidelines for critical forest soil acid loads. These guidelines are used to establish regulations designed to maintain atmospheric acid inputs below levels shown to damage forests and streams. Traditionally, when the critical soil acid load exceeds the amount of acid that the ecosystem can absorb, it is believed to potentially impair forest health. The excess over the critical soil acid load is termed the exceedance, and the larger the exceedance, the greater the risk of ecosystem damage. This definition of critical soil acid load applies to exposure of the soil to a single, long-term pollutant (i.e., acidic deposition). However, ecosystems can be simultaneously under multiple ecosystem stresses and a single critical soil acid load level may not accurately reflect ecosystem health risk when subjected to multiple, episodic environmental stress. For example, the Appalachian Mountains of western North Carolina receive some of the highest rates of acidic deposition in the eastern United States, but these levels are considered to be below the critical acid load (CAL) that would cause forest damage. However, the area experienced a moderate three-year drought from 1999 to 2002, and in 2001 red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) trees in the area began to die in large numbers. The initial survey indicated that the affected trees were killed by the southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm.). This insect is not normally successful at colonizing these tree species because the trees produce large amounts of oleoresin that exclude the boring beetles. Subsequent investigations revealed that long-term acid deposition may have altered red spruce forest structure and function. There is some evidence that elevated acid deposition (particularly nitrogen) reduced tree water uptake potential, oleoresin production, and caused the trees to become more susceptible to insect colonization during the drought period. While the ecosystem was not in exceedance of the CAL, long-term nitrogen deposition pre-disposed the forest to other ecological stress. In combination, insects, drought, and nitrogen ultimately combined to cause the observed forest mortality. If any one of these factors were not present, the trees would likely not have died. This paper presents a conceptual framework of the ecosystem consequences of these interactions as well as limited plot level data to support this concept. Future assessments of the use of CAL studies need to account for multiple stress impacts to better understand ecosystem response.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Rising trends of dissolved organic matter in drinking-water reservoirs as a result of recovery from acidification in the Ore Mts., Czech Republic
Oulehle, Filip | Hruška, Jakub
The concentration of chemical oxygen demand (COD), a common proxy for dissolved organic matter (DOM), was measured at seven drinking-water reservoirs and four streams between 1969 and 2006. Nine of them showed significant DOM increases (median COD change +0.08 mg L−1 yr−1). Several potential drivers of these trends were considered, including air temperature, rainfall, land-use and water sulfate concentration. Temperature and precipitation influenced inter-annual variations, but not long-term trends. The long-term DOM increase was significantly associated with declines of acidic deposition, especially sulfur deposition. Surface water sulfate concentrations decreased from a median of 62 mg L−1–27 mg L−1 since 1980. The magnitude of DOM increase was positively correlated with average DOM concentration (R2 = 0.79, p < 0.001). Simultaneously, DOM concentration was positively correlated with the proportion of Histosols within the catchments (R2 = 0.79, p < 0.001). A focus on the direct removal of DOM by water treatment procedures rather than catchment remediation is needed. Rising DOM levels in surface waters are due to changes in soil chemistry caused by a reduction of acidic deposition.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Regional trends in soil acidification and exchangeable metal concentrations in relation to acid deposition rates
Stevens, Carly J. | Dise, Nancy B. | Gowing, David J.
The deposition of high levels of reactive nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S), or the legacy of that deposition, remain among the world's most important environmental problems. Although regional impacts of acid deposition in aquatic ecosystems have been well documented, quantitative evidence of wide-scale impacts on terrestrial ecosystems is not common. In this study we analysed surface and subsoil chemistry of 68 acid grassland sites across the UK along a gradient of acid deposition, and statistically related the concentrations of exchangeable soil metals (1 M KCl extraction) to a range of potential drivers. The deposition of N, S or acid deposition was the primary correlate for 8 of 13 exchangeable metals measured in the topsoil and 5 of 14 exchangeable metals in the subsoil. In particular, exchangeable aluminium and lead both show increased levels above a soil pH threshold of about 4.5, strongly related to the deposition flux of acid compounds. S and N deposition contribute to regional-scale soil acidification and metal mobilisation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Estimates of critical acid loads and exceedances for forest soils across the conterminous United States
McNulty, S.G. | Cohen, E.C. | Myers, J.A.M. | Sullivan, T.J. | Li, H.B.
Concern regarding the impacts of continued nitrogen and sulfur deposition on ecosystem health has prompted the development of critical acid load assessments for forest soils. A critical acid load is a quantitative estimate of exposure to one or more pollutants at or above which harmful acidification-related effects on sensitive elements of the environment occur. A pollutant load in excess of a critical acid load is termed exceedance. This study combined a simple mass balance equation with national-scale databases to estimate critical acid load and exceedance for forest soils at a 1-km2 spatial resolution across the conterminous US. This study estimated that about 15% of US forest soils are in exceedance of their critical acid load by more than 250 eq ha-1 yr-1, including much of New England and West Virginia. Very few areas of exceedance were predicted in the western US. This simple mass balance equation estimated that 17% of US forest soils exceed their critical acid load by more than 250 eq ha-1 yr-1, and these areas are predominantly located in the northeastern US.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Air pollution | Improved atmospheric model should help focus acid rain debate | RADM helps focus acid rain debate