[ 发表于: Pollution ]

结果 1-5 的 5

Spatial characterization of surface water vulnerability to diffuse pollution related to pesticide contamination: case of the Gimone watershed in France


Grimene, Chaima | Mghirbi, Oussama | Louvet, Samuel | Bord, Jean-Paul | Le Grusse, Philippe

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Climate change impacts and adaptations for fine, coarse, and hybrid rice using CERES-Rice


Nasir, Irfan Rasool | Rasul, Fahd | Ashfaq, Ahmad | Asghar, Hafiz Naeem | Hoogenboom, Gerrit

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Spatio-temporal variability of water pollution by chlordecone at the watershed scale: what insights for the management of polluted territories?


Mottes, Charles | Deffontaines, Landry | Charlier, Jean Baptiste | Comte, Irina | Della Rossa, Pauline | Lesueur Jannoyer, Magalie | Woignier, Thierry | Adele, Georges | Tailame, Anne-Lise | Arnaud, Luc | Plet, Joanne | Rangon, Luc | Bricquet, Jean-Pierre | Cattan, Philippe

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Managing the drinking water catchment areas: the French agricultural cooperatives feed back


Charrière, Séverine | Aumond, Claire

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Potential impacts of climate change and adaptation strategies for sunflower in Pakistan


Awais, Muhammad | Wajid, Aftab | Saleem, MuhammadFarrukh | Nasim, Wajid | Ashfaq, Ahmad | Raza, MuhammadAown Sammar | Bashir, MuhammadUsman | Mubeen, Muhammad | Hammad, HafizMohkum | Habib ur Rahman, Muhammad | Saeed, Umer | Arshad, MuhammadNaveed | Hussain, Jamshad

National Agricultural Library - United States of America