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Fugitive emissions of polycyclic aromatic compounds from an oil sands tailings pond based on fugacity and inverse dispersion flux calculations
Moradi, Maryam | You, Yuan | Hung, Hayley | Li, James | Park, Richard | Alexandrou, Nick | Moussa, Samar G. | Jantunen, Liisa | Robitaille, Rachelle | Staebler, Ralf
Alberta’s oil sands tailings ponds are suspected to be a source of fugitive emissions of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) to the atmosphere. Here we report, for the first time, fluxes of 6 parent and 21 alkylated PACs based on the measured co-located air and water concentrations using a two-film fugacity-based model (FUG), an inverse dispersion model (DISP) and a simple box model (BOX). Air samples were collected at the Suncor Tailings Pond 2/3 using a high volume air sampler from the “pond” and towards the pond (“non-pond”) directions separately. Mean ∑₂₇PACs in air from the “pond” direction was greater than the “non-pond” direction by a factor of 17. Water-air fugacity ratio of 20 PACs quantifiable in water indicated net volatilization from water. Dispersion and box model results also indicated upward fluxes of 22 PACs. Correlation between the estimated flux results of BOX and DISP model was statistically significant (r = 0.99 and p < 0.05), and correlation between FUG and DISP results ranged from 0.54 to 0.85. In this first-ever assessment of PAC fluxes from tailings pond, the three models confirmed volatilization fluxes of PACs indicating Suncor Tailings Pond 2/3 is a source of PAC emissions to the atmosphere. This study addressed a key data gap identified in the Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Emissions Inventory Compilation Report (Government of Alberta and Canada, 2016) which is the lack of consistent real-world tailings pond fugitive emission monitoring of organic chemicals. Our findings highlight the need for measurements from other tailings ponds to determine their overall contribution in releasing PACs to the atmosphere. This paper presents a practical method for estimating PAC emissions from other tailings ponds, which can provide a better understanding of these fugitive emissions, and thereby help to improve the overall characterization of emissions in the oil sands region.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Tracking petrogenic hydrocarbons in lakes of the Peace-Athabasca Delta in Alberta, Canada using petroleum biomarkers
Thienpont, Joshua R. | Yang, Zeyu | Hall, Roland I. | Wolfe, Brent B. | Hollebone, Bruce P. | Blais, Jules M.
The Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD) receives a mixture of hydrocarbons from biogenic, pyrogenic, and petrogenic processes. Source apportionment in the PAD has focussed on polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), which are ubiquitous in the environment and susceptible to weathering. In contrast, petroleum biomarkers of terpanes, hopanes, and steranes are degradation-resistant organic compounds found uniquely in petroleum products that can identify the input and origin of petrogenic hydrocarbons (PHCs). We provide an analysis of environmentally-relevant PHCs (including n-alkanes, PACs, and petroleum biomarkers) in surficial sediments of strategically selected lakes in the Athabasca and Peace deltas and adjacent boreal uplands. Alkanes were found to be predominately biogenic in all lakes. PAC sources were identified as wood combustion in the upland boreal lakes, a mixture of petrogenic and pyrogenic combustion in two closed-drainage lakes in the Peace Delta, and predominately petrogenic in two flood-prone Athabasca Delta lakes. Using multivariate analyses, raw Alberta oil sands were identified as a potential source of PHCs to the two flood-prone lakes in the Athabasca Delta. Biomarkers of terpanes and hopanes were identified in the Peace Delta and boreal uplands, likely from bitumen and transported atmospherically. These findings validate the use of petroleum biomarkers as tracers for bituminous sands in surficial lake sediments and their potential use in paleolimnological investigations at the PAD to improve understanding of relative roles of natural and industrial processes on far-field deposition of PHCs.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Understanding the effects of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water (FPW) to the aquatic invertebrate, Lumbriculus variegatus under various exposure regimes
Mehler, W Tyler | Nagel, Andrew | Flynn, Shannon | Zhang, Yifeng | Sun, Chenxing | Martin, Jonathan | Alessi, Daniel | Goss, Greg G.
Hydraulic fracturing of horizontal wells is a cost effective means for extracting oil and gas from low permeability formations. Hydraulic fracturing often produces considerable volumes of flowback and produced water (FPW). FPW associated with hydraulic fracturing has been shown to be a complex, often brackish mixture containing a variety of anthropogenic and geogenic compounds. In the present study, the risk of FPW releases to aquatic systems was studied using the model benthic invertebrate, Lumbriculus variegatus and field-collected FPW from a fractured well in Alberta. Acute, chronic, and pulse toxicity were evaluated to better understand the implications of accidental FPW releases to aquatic environments. Although L.variegatus is thought to have a high tolerance to many stressors, acute toxicity was significant at low concentrations (i.e. high dilutions) of FPW (48 h LC50: 4–5%). Chronic toxicity (28 d)of FPW in this species was even more pronounced with LC50s (survival/reproduction) and EC50s (total mass) at dilutions as low as 0.22% FPW. Investigations evaluating pulse toxicity (6 h and 48 h exposure) showed a significant amount of latent mortality occurring when compared to the acute results. Additionally, causality in acute and chronic bioassays differed as acute toxicity appeared to be primarily driven by salinity, which was not the case for chronic toxicity, as other stressors appear to be important as well. The findings of this study show the importance of evaluating multiple exposure regimes, the complexity of FPW, and also shows the potential aquatic risk posed by FPW releases.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Growth and physiological responses of tree seedlings to oil sands non-segregated tailings
Zhang, Wen-Qing | Fleurial, Killian | Sherr, Ira | Vassov, Robert | Zwiazek, Janusz J.
Bitumen recovery from oil sands in northeastern Alberta, Canada produces large volumes of tailings, which are deposited in mining areas that must be reclaimed upon mine closure. A new technology of non-segregated tailings (NST) developed by Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL) was designed to accelerate the process of oil sands fine tailings consolidation. However, effects of these novel tailings on plants used for the reclamation of oil sands mining areas remain to be determined. In the present study, we investigated the effects of NST on seedlings of three species of plants commonly planted in oil sands reclamation sites including paper birch (Betula papyrifera), white spruce (Picea glauca) and green alder (Alnus viridis). In the controlled-environment study, we grew seedlings directly in NST and in the two types of reclamation soils with and without added NST and we measured seedling growth, gas exchange parameters, as well as tissue concentrations of selected elements and foliar chlorophyll. White spruce seedlings suffered from severe mortality when grown directly in NST and their needles contained high concentrations of Na. The growth and physiological processes were also inhibited by NST in green alder and paper birch. However, the addition of top soil and peat mineral soil mix to NST significantly improved the growth of plants, possibly due to a more balanced nutrient uptake. It appears that NST may offer some advantages in terms of site revegetation compared with the traditional oil sands tailings that were used in the past. The results also suggest that, white spruce may be less suitable for planting at reclamation sites containing NST compared with the two studied deciduous tree species.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Athabasca oil sands region snow contains efficient micron and nano-sized ice nucleating particles
The Athabasca Oil Sands Region (AOSR) in Alberta, Canada, is an important source of atmospheric pollutants, such as aerosols, that have repercussions on both the climate and human health. We show that the mean freezing temperature of snow-borne particles from AOSR was elevated (−7.1 ± 1.8 °C), higher than mineral dust which freezes at ∼ −15 °C and is recognized as one of the most relevant ice nuclei globally. Ice nucleation of nanosized snow samples indicated an elevated freezing ability (−11.6 ± 2.0 °C), which was statistically much higher than snow-borne particles from downtown Montreal. AOSR snow had a higher concentration (∼2 orders of magnitude) of >100 nm particles than Montreal. Triple quadrupole ICP-(QQQ)-MS/MS analysis of AOSR and Montreal snow demonstrated that most concentrations of metals, including those identified as emerging nanoparticulate contaminants, were much more elevated in AOSR in contrast to Montreal: 34.1, 34.1, 16.6, 5.8, 0.3, 0.1, and 9.4 mg/m³ for Cr, Ni, Cu, As, Se, Cd, and Pb respectively, in AOSR and 1.3, 0.3, 2.0, <0.03, 0.1, 0.03, and 1.2 mg/m³ in Montreal snow. High-resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy/Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (STEM-EDS) imaging provided evidence for various anthropogenic nano-materials, including carbon nanotubes resembling structures, in AOSR snow up to 7–25 km away from major oil sands upgrading facilities. In summary, particles characterized as coming from oil sands are more efficient at ice nucleation. We discuss the potential impacts of AOSR emissions on atmospheric and microphysical processes (ice nucleation and precipitation) both locally and regionally.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Cytochrome P450 1A transcript is a suitable biomarker of both exposure and response to diluted bitumen in developing frog embryos
Lara-Jacobo, Linda R. | Willard, Brianna | Wallace, Sarah J. | Langlois, Valerie S.
In order for Alberta's thick bitumen to be transported through pipelines, condensates are added creating a diluted bitumen (dilbit) mixture. Recent pipeline expansion projects have generated concern about potential dilbit spills on aquatic wildlife health. Studies have suggested that polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) are toxic to aquatic vertebrates and could potentially also interfere with their endocrine system. The research objectives of this study were to investigate the toxicity of dilbit to developing frog embryos and to identify the molecular mechanisms of action involved. Fertilized embryos of Western clawed frog (Silurana tropicalis) were exposed for 72 h to water accommodated fractions (WAF; 0.7–8.9 μg/L TPACs) and chemically-enhanced WAFs (CEWAF; 0.09–56.7 μg/L TPACs) of Access Western Blend (AWB) and Cold Lake Blend (CLB) dilbits. Both dilbit's CEWAFs significantly increased embryonic mortality and malformation incidence in the highest treatments tested, while WAF treatments led to no visible toxic effects. Increases of the cytochrome P450 1A (cyp1a) mRNA levels were observed for all WAF and CEWAF dilbit treatments suggesting that phase I detoxification is activated in the dilbit-exposed larvae. When exposed to PAC concentrations ranging from 0.09 to 8.9 μg/L, the frogs displayed no observable malformations, but expressed significant increases of cyp1a mRNA levels (2- to 25-fold; indicating a suitable biomarker of exposure); however, when concentrations were of 46.6 μg/L or higher, both malformed frog phenotype and induction of cyp1a mRNA level (>250-fold) were measured (indicating a suitable biomarker of response). The expression of several genes related to cellular detoxification and endocrine disruption were also measured, but were not significantly altered by the treatments. In sum, cyp1a mRNA level is a highly sensitive endpoint to measure subtle molecular changes induced by PAC exposure in the frog embryos and larvae, and data suggest that PAC concentration higher than 46 μg/L would be toxic to the developing S. tropicalis.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Selenium in surface waters of the lower Athabasca River watershed: Chemical speciation and implications for aquatic life
Donner, Mark W. | Cuss, Chad W. | Poesch, Mark | Sinnatamby, R Nilo | Shotyk, William | Siddique, Tariq
Selenium in the lower Athabasca River (Alberta, Canada) is of concern due to potential inputs from the weathering of shallow bitumen deposits and emissions from nearby surface mines and upgraders. Understanding the source of this Se, however, is complicated by contributions from naturally saline groundwater and organic matter-rich tributaries. As part of a two-year multi-disciplinary study to assess natural and anthropogenic inputs, Se and its chemical speciation were determined in water samples collected along a ∼125 km transect of the Athabasca River and associated tributaries. Selenium was also determined in the muscle of Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus), a non-migratory fish species, that were sampled from selected locations. Dissolved (<0.45 μm) Se in the Athabasca River was consistently low in 2014 (0.11 ± 0.02 μg L⁻¹; n = 14) and 2015 (0.16 ± 0.02 μg L⁻¹; n = 21), with no observable increase from upstream to downstream. Selenate was the predominant inorganic form (∼60 ng L⁻¹) and selenite was below detection limits at most locations. The average concentration of Se in Trout-perch muscle was 2.2 ± 0.4 mg kg⁻¹ (n = 34), and no significant difference (p > 0.05) was observed between upstream and midstream (industrial) or downstream reaches. Tributary waters contained very low concentrations of Se (typically < 0.1 μg L⁻¹), which was most likely present in the form of dissolved organic colloids.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Bioconcentration of polycyclic musks in fathead minnows caged in a wastewater effluent plume
Lefebvre, Claudine | Kimpe, Linda E. | Metcalfe, Christopher D. | Trudeau, Vance L. | Blais, Jules M.
The synthetic polycyclic musks HHCB (Galaxolide®) and AHTN (Tonalide®) were monitored in fathead minnows (FHMs) caged for a month at various locations in the North Saskatchewan River (NSR), upstream and downstream of the Gold Bar wastewater treatment plant that serves the city of Edmonton, AB, Canada. In addition, the distribution of these musk compounds in the river was predicted using the fugacity-based Quantitative Water Air Sediment Interface (QWASI) model. In FHMs caged 0.15 km downstream of the wastewater outfall, mean concentrations of HHCB and AHTN were 7.4 and 0.4 μg g−1 wet weight, respectively. These are among the highest reported concentrations of these musk compounds in fish exposed to treated wastewater. The musk concentrations in FHMs were significantly lower further downstream of the outfall. High bioconcentration factors (BCFs) in FHMs that exceeded 104 higher than estimated concentrations in water indicated that there were low rates of biotransformation of the musks in the fish. In the FHMs caged at the site closest to the wastewater outfall, HHCB concentrations in FHMs were comparable to the body burdens that have been reported to moderate expression of vitellogenin in female rainbow trout, indicating that fish in the NSR downstream of the wastewater outfall may be at risk of anti-estrogenic effects. The QWASI model applied to six individual river sections of the NSR predicted that the largest fluxes of HHCB and AHTN would be for downstream transport in water, which explains why FHMs accumulated elevated concentrations of the musks at the furthest downstream site, 9.9 km from the wastewater discharge.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Comparative histories of polycyclic aromatic compound accumulation in lake sediments near petroleum operations in western Canada
Thienpont, Joshua R. | Desjardins, Cyndy M. | Kimpe, Linda E. | Korosi, Jennifer B. | Kokelj, Steven V. | Palmer, Michael J. | Muir, Derek C.G. | Kirk, Jane L. | Smol, J. P. (John P.) | Blais, Jules M.
We examined the historical deposition of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) recorded in radiometrically-dated lake sediment cores from a small, conventional oil and gas operation in the southern Northwest Territories (Cameron Hills), and placed these results in the context of previously published work from three other important regions of western Canada: (1) the Athabasca oil sands region in Alberta; (2) Cold Lake, Alberta; and (3) the Mackenzie Delta, NT. Sediment PAC records from the Cameron Hills showed no clear changes in either source or concentrations coincident with the timing of development in these regions. Changes were small in comparison to the clear increases in both parent and alkyl-substituted PACs in response to industrial development from the Athabasca region surface mining of oil sands, where parent PAC diagnostic ratios indicated a shift from pyrogenic sources (primarily wood and coal burning) in pre-development sediments to more petrogenically-sourced PACs in modern sediments. Cores near in-situ oil sand extraction operations showed only modest increases in PAC deposition. This work directly compares the history and trajectory of contamination in lake ecosystems in areas of western Canada impacted by the most common types of hydrocarbon extraction activities, and provides a context for assessing the environmental impacts of oil and gas development in the future.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Total and methyl mercury concentrations in sediment and water of a constructed wetland in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
Oswald, Claire J. | Carey, Sean K.
In the Athabasca Oil Sands Region in northeastern Alberta, Canada, oil sands operators are testing the feasibility of peatland construction on the post-mining landscape. In 2009, Syncrude Canada Ltd. began construction of the 52 ha Sandhill Fen pilot watershed, including a 15 ha, hydrologically managed fen peatland built on sand-capped soft oil sands tailings. An integral component of fen reclamation is post-construction monitoring of water quality, including salinity, fluvial carbon, and priority pollutant elements. In this study, the effects of fen reclamation and elevated sulfate levels on mercury (Hg) fate and transport in the constructed system were assessed. Total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in the fen sediment were lower than in two nearby natural fens, which may be due to the higher mineral content of the Sandhill Fen peat mix and/or a loss of Hg through evasion during the peat harvesting, stockpiling and placement processes. Porewater MeHg concentrations in the Sandhill Fen typically did not exceed 1.0 ng L−1. The low MeHg concentrations may be a result of elevated porewater sulfate concentrations (mean 346 mg L−1) and an increase in sulphide concentrations with depth in the peat, which are known to suppress MeHg production. Total Hg and MeHg concentrations increased during a controlled mid-summer flooding event where the water table rose above the ground surface in most of the fen. The Hg dynamics during this event showed that hydrologic fluctuations in this system exacerbate the release of THg and MeHg downstream. In addition, the elevated SO42− concentrations in the peat porewaters may become a problem with respect to downstream MeHg production once the fen is hydrologically connected to a larger wetland network that is currently being constructed.
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