[ 发表于: Pollution ]

结果 1-10 的 40

Decontamination and energetic supply in rural installations


Carbonell, V. (Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros Agronomos, Madrid (Spain). Dept. de Fisica) | Bigeriego, M. | Delgado, M.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy

Biogas stations in agriculture


Romaniuk, W. (Institute for Building, Mechanization and Electrification in Agriculture, Warsaw (Poland). Dept. of Stock Breeding Mechanization)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy

Combined anaerobic digestion of animal slurries and food industry liquid by-products


Georgacakis, D. | Tsavdaris, A. (Agricultural Univ. of Athens (Greece). Dept. of Agricultural Engineering)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy