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Bioaccumulation of some trace elements in tropical mangrove plants and snails (Can Gio, Vietnam)
Thanh-Nho, Nguyen | Marchand, Cyril | Strady, Emilie | Huu-Phat, Nguyen | Nhu-Trang, Tran-Thi
Mangrove sediments can store high amount of pollutants that can be more or less bioavailable depending on environmental conditions. When in available forms, these elements can be subject to an uptake by mangrove biota, and can thus become a problem for human health. The main objective of this study was to assess the distribution of some trace elements (Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Cr, As, and Cu) in tissues of different plants and snails in a tropical mangrove (Can Gio mangrove Biosphere Reserve) developing downstream a megacity (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam). In addition, we were interested in the relationships between mangrove habitats, sediment quality and bioaccumulation in the different tissues studied. Roots and leaves of main mangrove trees (Avicennia alba and Rhizophora apiculata) were collected, as well as different snail species: Chicoreus capucinus, Littoraria melanostoma, Cerithidea obtusa, Nerita articulata. Trace elements concentrations in the different tissues were determined by ICP-MS after digestion with concentrated HNO₃ and H₂O₂. Concentrations differed between stands and tissues, showing the influence of sediment geochemistry, species specific requirements, and eventually adaptation abilities. Regarding plants tissues, the formation of iron plaque on roots may play a key role in preventing Fe and As translocation to the aerial parts of the mangrove trees. Mn presented higher concentrations in the leaves than in the roots, possibly because of physiological requirements. Non-essential elements (Ni, Cr and Co) showed low bioconcentration factors (BCF) in both roots and leaves, probably resulting from their low bioavailability in sediments. Regarding snails, essential elements (Fe, Mn, and Cu) were the dominant ones in their tissues. Most of snails were “macroconcentrators” for Cu, with BCF values reaching up to 42.8 for Cerithidea obtusa. We suggest that high quantity of As in all snails may result from its high bioavailability and from their ability to metabolize As.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Fate and effects of anthropogenic chemicals in mangrove ecosystems: A review
Lewis, Michael | Pryor, Rachel | Wilking, Lynn
The scientific literature for fate and effects of non-nutrient contaminant concentrations is skewed for reports describing sediment contamination and bioaccumulation for trace metals. Concentrations for at least 22 trace metals have been reported in mangrove sediments. Some concentrations exceed sediment quality guidelines suggesting adverse effects. Bioaccumulation results are available for at least 11 trace metals, 12 mangrove tissues, 33 mangrove species and 53 species of mangrove-habitat biota. Results are specific to species, tissues, life stage, and season and accumulated concentrations and bioconcentration factors are usually low. Toxicity tests have been conducted with 12 mangrove species and 8 species of mangrove-related fauna. As many as 39 effect parameters, most sublethal, have been monitored during the usual 3 to 6 month test durations. Generalizations and extrapolations for toxicity between species and chemicals are restricted by data scarcity and lack of experimental consistency. This hinders chemical risk assessments and validation of effects-based criteria.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Photosynthetic performance of restored and natural mangroves under different environmental constraints
Rovai, André Scarlate | Barufi, José Bonomi | Pagliosa, Paulo Roberto | Scherner, Fernando | Torres, Moacir Aluísio | Horta, Paulo Antunes | Simonassi, José Carlos | Quadros, Daiane Paula Cunha | Borges, Daniel Lázaro Gallindo | Soriano-Sierra, Eduardo
We hypothesized that the photosynthetic performance of mangrove stands restored by the single planting of mangroves species would be lowered due to residual stressors. The photosynthetic parameters of the vegetation of three planted mangrove stands, each with a different disturbance history, were compared to reference sites and correlated with edaphic environmental variables. A permutational analysis of variance showed significant interaction when the factors were compared, indicating that the photosynthetic parameters of the restoration areas differed from the reference sites. A univariate analysis of variance showed that all the photosynthetic parameters differed between sites and treatments, except for photosynthetic efficiency (αETR). The combination of environmental variables that best explained the variations observed in the photosynthetic performance indicators were Cu, Pb and elevation disruptions. Fluorescence techniques proved efficient in revealing important physiological differences, representing a powerful tool for rapid analysis of the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at restoring coastal environments.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Short-term cadmium exposure induces gas exchanges, morphological and ultrastructural disturbances in mangrove Avicennia schaueriana young plants
Garcia, Janaina S. | Dalmolin, Ândrea C. | Cortez, Priscila A. | Barbeira, Paulo S. | Mangabeira, Pedro A.O. | França, Marcel G.C.
Mangroves have been subject to more metal contamination, including cadmium (Cd). This study evaluated if a relatively short Cd exposure may induce metabolic, morphological and ultrastructural cell disturbance in Avicennia schaueriana. Cd induced evident constraints to seedlings since there was reduction in leaf gas exchanges and the plants did not survive for more than 10 days at a higher Cd exposure in controlled conditions. The highest Cd accumulation was observed in roots and gradually less in stem and leaves. Cadmium induced lignin deposition was observed in xylem cells of all vegetative organs. Intense sclerification in xylem cells, endoderm and change in the hypoderm organization were also detected. Cadmium clearly induced chloroplast deformities with ruptures of its membranes, thylakoids and core and provoked cytoplasm disorganization. These metal constraints under natural conditions for long term can lead to the accumulation of cellular and metabolic damages and jeopardize seedlings establishment and local biodiversity.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effect of high sedimentation rates on surface sediment dynamics and mangrove growth in the Porong River, Indonesia
Sidik, Frida | Neil, David H. | Lovelock, Catherine E.
Large quantities of mud from the LUSI (Lumpur Sidoarjo) volcano in northeastern Java have been channeled to the sea causing high rates of sediment delivery to the mouth of the Porong River, which has a cover of natural and planted mangroves. This study investigated how the high rates of sediment delivery affected vertical accretion, surface elevation change and the growth of Avicennia sp., the dominant mangrove species in the region. During our observations in 2010–2011 (4–5years after the initial volcanic eruption), very high rates of sedimentation in the forests at the mouth of the river gave rise to high vertical accretion of over 10cmy−1. The high sedimentation rates not only resulted in reduced growth of Avicennia sp. mangrove trees at the two study sites at the Porong River mouth, but also gave rise to high soil surface elevation gains.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Phytoremediation in mangrove sediments impacted by persistent total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH’s) using Avicennia schaueriana
Moreira, Icaro T.A. | Oliveira, Olivia M.C. | Triguis, Jorge A. | Queiroz, Antonio F.S. | Ferreira, Sergio L.C. | Martins, Cintia M.S. | Silva, Ana C.M. | Falcão, Brunno A.
This study evaluated the efficiency of Avicennia schaueriana in the implementation of phytoremediation compared with intrinsic bioremediation in mangrove sediments contaminated by total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs). The experiment was conducted for 3months at a pilot scale under conditions similar to a mangrove: the dynamics of the tides were simulated, and physical, chemical, microbiological and biogeochemical parameters were monitored. After the 90days, it was found that the phytoremediation was more efficient in the degradation of the TPHs compared to bioremediation, reducing the initial concentration of 32.2–4.2mg/g. A. schaueriana was also more efficient in mediating the degradation of different fractions of hydrocarbons, achieving a removal efficiency of 87%. The microbiological results consisted of a higher growth in the model with the plants, demonstrating the phytostimulation ability of the plants. Finally, the experiment showed that phytoremediation is a promising alternative in mangrove impacted by oil.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Well-intentioned, but poorly implemented: Debris from coastal bamboo fences triggered mangrove decline in Thailand
Pranchai, Aor | Jenke, Michael | Berger, Uta
Along the Upper Gulf of Thailand, coastal fences and breakwaters have been constructed using bamboo since 2005. Despite their potential benefits, bamboo structures disintegrate within seven years releasing floating debris which severely damages mangrove tree stems. The aim of the study was to investigate whether such stem damage resulted in the decline of Avicennia spp. stands along the Upper Gulf of Thailand. Tree health assessments were conducted to assess the probability of crown dieback in damaged and undamaged trees. Satellite-derived time-series of vegetation indices were used to detect long-term forest decline. In contrast to the unaffected landward mangroves, seaward mangroves were unable to recover from insect-induced defoliation events after the collapse of a nearby fence. Furthermore, there was a significantly higher probability that damaged trees showed signs of moderate-to-severe crown dieback. It is recommended that bamboo fences be secured by replacing individual stems before they become detached.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The distribution of sediment bacterial community in mangroves across China was governed by geographic location and eutrophication
Tong, Tianli | Li, Ruili | Wu, Sijie | Xie, Shuguang
Bacterial community is an important component of mangrove ecosystem and can participate in the cycling of elements and promote plant growth. However, the biogeographic distribution pattern of mangrove bacterial community and the associated factors remain poorly known. The present study explored the biogeographic distribution of sediment bacterial community in six mangroves across China. At each mangrove, sediments were collected from both Avicennia marina-planted zones and intertidal mudflats. The community abundance, richness, diversity and structure of sediment bacteria differed greatly among mangrove wetlands. Plantation showed a positive influence on sediment bacterial abundance, richness and diversity. Proteobacteria was the largest bacterial phylum in sediments. The biogeographic distribution of bacterial community in mangroves across China was driven by the variables associated with the wetland trophic status as well as other physicochemical factors (e.g., salinity).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of different humic substances concentrations on root anatomy and Cd accumulation in seedlings of Avicennia germinans (black mangrove)
Pittarello, Marco | Busato, Jader Galba | Carletti, Paolo | Zanetti, Leonardo Valandro | da Silva, Juscimar | Dobbss, Leonardo Barros
Mangrove areas are among most threatened tropical ecosystems worldwide. Among polluting agents Cadmium is often found in high concentrations in mangrove sediments. Humic substances, complex biomolecules formed in soil and sediments during animal and plant residuals decomposition, have a known biostimulant activity and can be adopted to counteract various plant stresses. This study explores, in controlled conditions, the effect of humic substances on Avicennia germinans seedlings, with or without cadmium contamination. Humic compounds significantly changed plant root architecture, and, when coupled with cadmium, root anatomy and Cortex to Vascular Cylinder diameter ratio. These modifications led to lower Cd uptake by humic substances-treated plants. Humic substances amendment could be effective, depending on their concentrations, on improving plant health in mangrove areas, for forest recuperation and/or dredged sediments phytoremediation purposes.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]High fragility of the soil organic C pools in mangrove forests
Otero, X.L. | Méndez, A. | Nóbrega, G.N. | Ferreira, T.O. | Santiso-Taboada, M.J. | Meléndez, W. | Macías, F.
Mangrove forests play an important role in biogeochemical cycle of C, storing large amounts of organic carbon. However, these functions can be controlled by the high spatial heterogeneity of these intertidal environments. In this study were performed an intensive sampling characterizing mangrove soils under different type of vegetation (Rhizophora/Avicennia/dead mangrove) in the Venezuelan coast. The soils were anoxic, with a pH~7; however other soil parameters varied widely (e.g., clay, organic carbon). Dead mangrove area showed a significant lower amounts of total organic carbon (TOC) (6.8±2.2%), in comparison to the well-preserved mangrove of Avicennia or Rhizophora (TOC=17–20%). Our results indicate that 56% of the TOC was lost within a period of 10years and we estimate that 11,219kgm−2 of CO2 was emitted as a result of the mangrove death. These results represent an average emission rate of 11.2±19.17tCO2ha−1y−1.
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