[ 发表于: Pollution ]

结果 1-10 的 84

Critical loads and exceedances for eutrophication and acidification in Flanders


Neirynck, J. | Langouche, D. | Ridder, K. de | Wiedman, T. | Roskams, P. (Institute for Forestry and Game Management, Geraardsbergen, (Belgium))

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

1H-NMR metabolomics profiling of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha): A field-scale monitoring tool in ecotoxicological studies


Hani, Younes Mohamed Ismail | Prud’Homme, Sophie Martine | Nuzillard, Jean-Marc | Bonnard, Isabelle | Robert, Christelle | Nott, Katherine | Ronkart, Sébastien | Dedourge-Geffard, Odile | Geffard, Alain

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Metals in the Scheldt estuary: From environmental concentrations to bioaccumulation


Van Ael, Evy | Blust, Ronny | Bervoets, Lieven

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Environmental controls on ozone fluxes in a poplar plantation in Western Europe


Zona, D. | Gioli, B. | Fares, S. | De Groote, T. | Pilegaard, K. | Ibrom, A. | Ceulemans, R.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Nitrogen concentrations in mosses indicate the spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe


Harmens, H. | Norris, D.A. | Cooper, D.M. | Mills, G. | Steinnes, E. | Kubin, E. | Thöni, L. | Aboal, J.R. | Alber R., | Carballeira, A. | Coşkun, M. | De Temmerman, L. | Frolova, M. | González-Miqueo, L. | Jeran, Z. | Leblond, S. | Liiv, S. | Maňkovská, B. | Pesch, R. | Poikolainen, J. | Rühling, Å | Santamaria, J.M. | Simonèiè, P. | Schröder, W. | Suchara, I. | Yurukova, L. | Zechmeister, H.G.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Arsenic transfer and impacts on snails exposed to stabilized and untreated As-contaminated soils


Coeurdassier, M. | Scheifler, R. | Mench, M. | Crini, N. | Vangronsveld, J. | Vaufleury, A de

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Mobility of radium and trace metals in sediments of the Winterbeek: Application of sequential extraction and DGT techniques


Gao, Y. | Baeyens, W. | Galan, S De | Poffijn, A. | Leermakers, M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Experimental exposure to cadmium affects metallothionein-like protein levels but not survival and growth in wolf spiders from polluted and reference populations


Eraly, Debbie | Hendrickx, Frederik | Bervoets, Lieven | Lens, Luc

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Comparison of concentrations of mercury in ambient air to its accumulation by leafy vegetables: An important step in terrestrial food chain analysis


Temmerman, Ludwig de | Waegeneers, Nadia | Claeys, Natacha | Roekens, Edward

National Agricultural Library - United States of America