结果 1-10 的 18
La normalisation en qualite de l' air: la situation en France.
Mienville P.
Caracterisation de l' environnement atmospherique en zone forestiere. Station laboratoire du Donon.
Biren J.M. | Elichegaray C. | Vidal J.P.
La surveillance de la qualite de l' air en Republique Federale d' Allemagne.
Lahmann E.
[Characterization of the atmospheric environment in a forestry area. Donon laboratory station]
Biren, J.M. (Agence pour la Qualite de l'Air, Paris (France)) | Elichegaray, C. | Vidal, J.P.
1992 air quality in French urban, industrial and rural areas
Stroebel, R. (Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie, Paris (France))
[Air quality standards: the case of France]
Mienville, P. (Association Francaise de Normalisation, Paris (France))
[Air quality survey in the Federal Republic of Germany]
Lahmann, E. (Bundesgesundheitsamt, Berlin (Germany, F.R.). Institut fuer Wasser Boden und Lufthygiene)
Air quality and its possible impacts on the terrestrial ecosystems of the North American Great Plains: an overview
Krupa, S.V. | Legge, A.H. (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St Paul, Minnesota 55108 (USA))
The effect of simulated acid rain and ozone on the yield and quality of glasshouse-grown alfalfa
Rebbeck, J. | Brennan, E. (Dep. Pl. Path., Cook Coll., New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (USA))
Optimizing air quality management in Europe and North America: justification for integrated management of both oxidized and reduced forms of nitrogen
Cowling, E.B. | Erisman, J.W. | Smeulders, S.M. | Holman, S.C. | Nicholson, B.M. (College of Forest Resources, North Carolina State University, Box 8002, Raleigh, NC 27695 (USA))